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Old 01-12-2012, 08:56 AM
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Penner Penner is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Edmonton
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SRD needs to decide whether its going to be Recreational Angling or Commercial Fishing. Its clear our very few fish bearing lakes cannot support harvest from both entities. From my perspective Recreational Angling overshadows Commercial Fishing interims of revenue generation and servicing Albertans by 100 fold. Commercial Fishing in Alberta can no longer be considered to be a legitimate means of supplemental employment its recreational these days from what I see. Its an easy choice in my opinion.

I understand and respect that there is a traditional heritage to Commercial Fishing and I can respect that SRD can’t simply discontinue Commercial Fishing cold turkey. I think they are trying to phase it out but it’s a long drawn out process perhaps too long. There is a saying that goes along the lines of “what got us here likely won’t get us where we want to go”. Essentially Change will occur and we need to adapt to anticipate or accommodate that change or eventually Change will overcome you.

From an Anglers perspective, Commercial Fishing should only be allowed to be continued on water bodies that are prone to summer/winterkills, where Recreational Angling is minimal/non-existent, or where over population is occurring that has been proven scientifically not by public opinion/outcry.

That’s my 2 cents.
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