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Old 09-22-2020, 08:18 PM
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Grizzly Adams Grizzly Adams is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Central Alberta
Posts: 21,399

I took an accounting course in high school, but it was a different world in those days. The only debts you expected to have were, a mortgage, vehicle payments and some educational costs to repay. My dad had to cosign for our mortgage on a 20,000. house, because I was just out of university and didn't have an employment record. Then credit cards and easy credit came along people got sucked in and the games began. My dad, the Nazi , had a word for it, which translated to interest slavery, no need for the whip, you have to keep working to pay your creditors.

"Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal."
John E. Pfeiffer The Emergence of Man
written in 1969