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Old 10-03-2011, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by GustavMahler View Post
So the crazy catch limits threw it out of balance? How long till it self corrects? Can it? Were those shore to shore days of rmw the norm of how it was supposed to be? Did we just assume there were too many rmw's? Do you know anyone who caught stringers of Bull Trout? Serious question.
Gus....i can only tell you what i not a scientist.
I think the bulls killed rmw to set of the natural process of life a salmons rotting body does for its off spring. I never once saw a bully die from what looked like spawning stress. But ive seen many whites die during a rmw spawn for no apparent reason.
My pops was a farmer and repsected living things...if we killed it we ate it.
Have i seen stringers of Bulls.....yes many.
Have i seen Bulls get thrown in the bushes.....yes many
One old way of thinking can even be related to today. You fish a pool that you can see a few rmw , you cast up and hook a small trout...a bulltrout darts out from the deep and grabs your trout. This happens alot. But how many times does it happen if you have a rmw on your line?...never for me in over 40 years. Well way back when... this gave fisherman the impression bulls ate only trout, the trout they wanted to eat. This theory right or wrong ocured way back when also with perch fisherman who hated pike.
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