Thread: Joke Thread
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Old 11-26-2012, 02:21 PM
Dr. Phil A Dr. Phil A is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 1,006

A young monk has been assigned to a monastery where they copy manuscripts. He happily takes his place with the other monks copying day in and day out. A constant thought keeps crossing his mind and he decides to confide in the head monk.

He says “ We are copying from copies of copies on these manuscripts. Are we 100% sure that we have it right? There could be some mistakes and we could be making the same mistakes.”

The head monk says “You have a point so I will go to the archives and check.” The head monk is gone for 1 hour, two hours, three hours and after 4 hours the young monk heads down to the archives.
There he finds the senior monk banging his head against the wall muttering ”It says celebrate. Celebrate.”
The problem with following the masses is that the M is silent...

In order to be a smart azz, you have to be smart otherwise you are just an azz.

You're offended.... I think it is funny and that is why I am happier than you.
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