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Old 03-27-2019, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by wildwoods View Post
And who thinks it's a great idea to let government censor what is extreme and what isn't. Sounds like a slippery Nazi slope to me
Seems like there are a lot of very gullible people that believe the most far fetched conspiracy theories. They get these from the reams of fake sites that spread crap to peddle click bait to the masses.

Then there are the troll farms that spread false lies and stories and accusations.

Sadly a significant portion of the population believes what they read without any filter.

Should the CBC censor stories in favor of Jody Wilson Raybould in favor or Trudeau? Absolutely not.

Should media delete references in Alberta to us now being individually over $13,000 in debt due to government spending or over $18,000 Federally? No.

If Facebook or media outlets start reporting on something as true and it is clearly false...totally. If mainstream media just posted contrails are a government conspiracy to cause migraines and benefit big pharmaceutical with no factual foundation...should they?

If media sources can make stuff up they can be a significant influence source to change political mindsets of the masses. Manipulation like that is very bad.

Extremism is rooted in social media. You look at all the data on where extremists got their roots is in in social media trash. YouTube, facebook and the like.

One thing I hate is how the media jumps on anything extremist and blows it up in international headlines. I find it frustrating as it gives unnecessary exposure and power to these groups. If you ignore them their funding dries up from around the world.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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