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Old 03-27-2019, 01:42 PM
Wrongside Wrongside is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Originally Posted by MrDave View Post
Strange how many here enjoy the socialist benefits, and should be insisting on paying cash for doctors, never use unemployment insurance, and all them services. Like the milk subsidies for dairy farms, tax cuts for farm fuel?
What do any of these government services have to do with the topic at hand- censorship and freedom from government control of thought and speech? Whether a person supports or rejects any of the above, has no bearing on their individual stance on censorship... Are you rambling, or purposely trying to be divisive?

In spite of people like you trying to make it so, freedom of speech isn't about where a person lands on the political spectrum. Or at least it shouldn't be. It should be about the absolute right to think and speak as you wish. (With the obvious exception of inciting violence or harm.) Yes, that does mean some people's speech will be offensive or down right stupid... Allowing everyone and anyone- including the stupid and offensive amongst us- to speak freely, may have some risks attached. But the danger of not allowing that is far, far greater with the handing over of the power to censor any thought or speech to some faceless bureaucrat or crooked politician.
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