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Old 12-27-2011, 05:55 PM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Deadmonton
Posts: 6,368

I think that for us all to be able to stick together on issues that affect us and some more than others we need to be willing to give up some beliefs.

To get acceptance of handgun hunting will be a big hurdle. There are too many people against guns yet alone pistols and then the right to hunt with one.

I am not stupid nor do i like regulations or the nanny state. However I am a realist and i do not see the government giving in to let is do something that we have not been permitted to do in most likely my life time if not longer. So if we expect to be granted some extra privaliges then we need to be willing to give in to some restrictions. We license drivers only after testing. We license trades after testing. We license profeesionals after testing, but we then let them police.themselves.

So why dont we give the government a solution. Make it easy for them. Show that we are willing to undertake testing and licensing for this new privelage. Let us police the licensing so it does not cost the government money. Set up specialized testers at the various ranges to test new hunters. Seems simple enough to me, and it should give enough of an argument to stop those oposed to guns.
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