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Old 06-10-2017, 11:20 AM
wildwoods wildwoods is offline
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Originally Posted by silverdoctor View Post
And this is where people lose me - this is where I don't understand faith.

Do you think the people that wrote the bible thousands of years ago had any understanding of what the world was? When they looked up at the sky, how did they explain the stars? The moon? The sun?

They believed that the earth was the center of the universe - but that's been proven incorrect. Science has always suspected - theoretically and mathematically that every galaxy has a black hole in it's center. That has been proven true, telescopes today can see through all the dust and peer into the center of our own galaxy.

But yet, as science makes major jumps - Christians claim that God must have created that. How did we go from the earth being the center of everything - to God created everything?

How is belief in God and the bible able to evolve with science?
Well I'm not going to change your mind, but give you a perspective. If you follow Biblical beliefs, there was an entire civilization (with the exception of 8 people) who were wiped out due to their unbelief and wicked lifestyles. Again, you may dispute that-I'm not here to convince you. In Genesis-pre flood, some men were instructed to survey the entire earth. They accomplished that using incredible scientific technology. Another prime example of their intelligence was the building of the pyramids in Egypt. The Great Pyramid actually parallels the Bible 100% and is undeniably the work of highly intelligent, inspired men. So yes, I believe that generation was in some ways smarter than us today and had things figured out. This is all from the Bible and I'm sure there are quite a few more examples. The Zodiak also spells out the entire Bible from start to finish. I can't explain everything. If I could, faith would be null and void by very definition. I don't buy in to things easily. God has vindicated Himself to me personally and that is simply something you can write an essay about or explain to a doubting audience. I respect the fact that there are these questions and do not fault people for their choice to disbelieve in God. That's your choice and I in no way will throw around any condemnation. If I felt somehow superior to unbelievers I wouldn't spend time hanging around here. We're all people with different paradigms and those perspectives should all be respected, regardless of belief. Balance.

Heading to my kids ball tourney now. Have a good day