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Old 03-23-2024, 03:25 AM
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BuckCuller BuckCuller is offline
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Default I’ll clarify a little.

Originally Posted by Strait Shooter View Post
Under your plan, which population do you propose to eliminate first? Is it not a fair marker to consider those who pollute or emit the most per capita to be eliminated first? Be careful what you wish for, many nations already survive on a standard of less than 1/4 of what we as a society consume. My guess is they will not be the first to go, unless of course the system is jerry-rigged to protect the greatest offenders, which of course is likely your objective choice.
LOL I am not saying that’s what I want nor do I believe that carbon emissions are even detrimental to the destruction of the planet. I am simply saying for those that think a tax is going to save the planet, well they are nuts.
If it were true that carbon dioxide was harmful to the planet it is a fact that the only way to reduce production of carbon would be to reduce the world’s population significantly.
It’s not my plan, it’s just plain fact.
I am saying that this tax is not at all about the environment rather it is about Liberal irresponsibly over spending and how the carbon tax is just a money grab.
As long as there is lead in the air there is always hope.
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