Thread: WCB sucks
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Old 05-31-2010, 12:02 PM
MrDave MrDave is offline
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Default WCB truths

Here is some interesting facts that they don't want you to know. I only have a moment but i will come back and help you all out with these problems.

WCB employees have their benefits as provided to Aberta cival employees, but are not public employees.

WCB employees recieve a bonus every year they are there based on the income, minus costs of the Board( can't call them profits, because the Board is Non Profit).

Wcb employees are trying to get clients to believe the Board does not pay for pain, but they do if your pain is from a medically diagnosed problem. It needs to be named.

If the Board denies you, you end up be cared for by the Alberta Taxpayer, AISH or Welfare. The injured worker is frequently retrained under the Federal government programs. Instant profit.

Many injured workers end up declaring bankruptcy and give up.

All this adds up to a hefty bonus check for the case manager in the end.

When King Ralph attacked the government services, he rearranged Alberta's finances for years. He did not touch the WCB, as it works at "Arms Length" from the government.
The employees from the Board are recieving the benefits and bonus' base on the red hot Alberta economy of the 70's.

I have essentially been demolished by the actions of the Board and plan to get even.
My medical evidence is all on my side, but have had all the same problems as you all.
I, however, have studied the WCB Act and the WCB website, since I snapped my knee over backwards. What else was there to do when you cannot walk the way you used to.

While my case is being waged, YOU the Alberta taxpayer is supporting ME and MY family. I work when I can, but for the most part YOU pay ME.

But those who are having issues, I will help where I can. Those who don't like it CALL someone who cares. Like your MLA.

You can call us names all you want, we simply got permanently injured at work and ARE NOT being treated as required by LAW!
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