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Old 09-22-2011, 07:04 PM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by tolkcraft View Post
I suppose that the region might be held responsible for the destruction of the world trade buildings and the deaths of 5000 people, but that is all that they destroyed where as Germany marched into France and Poland and Russia and they attacked the English. There was a lot of destruction. In this recent war, it is the USA that has paid for the damages. I don't know anything about war reparations for the losers.
Germany came out brand spanking new, clean and shiny and pretty much run the EU show and are actually playing back room politics with Russia, it's quite ugly to be truthful.

I think with Iraq, the rebuilding/reinvestment was seen on paper as a possible boon but they forgot to factor the disgruntled insurgents into the equation. There was a U.S Senator who suggested (after hearing of the huge mineral wealth of Afghanistan) that Afghanistan should pay the U.S back in trade for minerals.
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