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Old 06-27-2018, 09:19 PM
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WesternAlien WesternAlien is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 16

Laser Ammo is a great thing - very versatile, can be used inside the real gun (as a cartridge) or in a separately sold "spider" mount that attaches to any standard bottom rail of any real gun, or pellet/bb replica or even airsoft replica (as long as its "shot") shakes the gun sufficiently for the internal mike to register the acoustic event. Very easy to move from one "vessel" to another as well.

Looks like some logic is embedded in the electronics, as the first few shots after mounting leave the laser in "on state", but just repeating the shots two-three times properly sets the sensitivity, and it is all yours after that.

Needless to say, with spider mount you can fire real ammo (airsoft or pellet, never tried live firearm ammo, so don't know if it withstands 9mm recoil shock).

Fully compatible with the free Shootoff software for PC (that needs webcam to register shots and can use an optional wall projector to show you interactive targets. Lots of fun with virtual "duelling trees" and other metal targets in realistic settings with realistic sounds!

Battery life is great, if you pull it out between the training sessions (or every few days, if your sessions are too frequent for that). And batteries are cheap! All available on amazon (or was available a couple of years ago).
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