Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-11-2012, 10:02 AM
Mistagin Mistagin is offline
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So much misinformation in this I don't know where to start !

I'll keep it very, very s-i-m-p-l-e:

Originally Posted by eastcoast View Post
oh the old argument that something can't come from nothing, sure il bite and counter that question with another question, if everything comes from something where does god come from?
Who says God has to come from anywhere? O-kay, you do. I'll spell it out for you from a Christian perspective - God pre-existed, that means He existed before anything else. He has always existed. Always!

there are very few biologists that believe anything, most biologists are athiests, im sure if you look hard enough you can find a few that believe.
You know "most biologists" do you? Granted a lot of them are not Christian but many are. I'm fairly sure there are Muslim biologists, Hindu biologists, etc. And I personally know several Christian biologists - some of them even work in research in labs in Christian universities and medical centers and other places biologists work in!! I know, I know, it's really hard to believe that there could actually be Christians, people with a Biblical worldview, working in scientific endeavors - but there are! Amazing, eh

is there meaning of life for snails or dogs or cows or amebas? humans are vain arrogant creatures that believe the world revolves around them.
I honestly don't know if critters have any sort of "meaning of life" I don't think they go around wondering about it, nor debating / discussing it.
I agree many humans are rather vain and arrogant. None of them on here of course ! In the Biblical Christian understanding of things, God created all the non-human critters and, very pleased with it all, said, "look at that! It's good!" Then to top it all off He created people - our first parents - and He gave them a lofty mandate, namely to partner with him, which they could do because He created them with an intelligence and abilities no other critter has, and in that partnering activity they would enjoy living in relationship with him, and they would work and play and procreate and all kinds of cool stuff - enjoying it all with God. That gives humans meaning and purpose critters don't have. And, oh yeah, let's not forget that God said this would be forever - unless humans exercised their free will and chose to rebel and - that would really mess things up. One reason humans got 'vain and arrogant' is because our first parents took that path and well, here we are today.

morals weren't around beforew jesus christ exhisted? even if you believe the world is 6000 years old then 4000 of those years were before christ, are you telling me that love/hate/murder/rape etc wasn't there before jesus exhisted and humans walked around in circles wondering what to think?
Oh boy! Jesus IS God! Therefore He preexisted and was involved in creation. He became a human being so that sinful 'man' could be 'saved' and restored into relationship with God as in the beginning. For the Christian perspective on this read John 1:1-18 in the Bible.
Oh I know, from the atheist perspective the Bible can't be trusted, it's not a reliable source, it's just a fanciful 'fairy tale" and all that, but for Christians it is considered to be God's Word, presenting His truth, revealing God as He is to be known in the language(s) of 'men', so if you even want to try and understand where we're coming from you are going to have to read it!
Of course, Jesus - IN HIS HUMANITY - only 'existed' as a human being from about 2000 years ago, that does not negate His Divine nature, His 'God-ness' from eternity to eternity! Jesus was 'Christ' even before He was born in to humanity.
This is very basic Christian knowledge my misinformed friend.
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