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Old 08-17-2018, 09:36 PM
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normanrd normanrd is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: whitecourt
Posts: 1,293

My advise would be to go to a pro shop and get it looked over by a good bow technician. That person could decide if the bow is safe to shoot if it was safe to shoot I would practice with it as it is, and with that set up if you are disciplined you will be able to take game with it. If you decide that bow hunting is for you after that, then I would look at upgrading over the winter.

This allows you to evaluate whether or not you really want to do it, and also gives you time to decide the level of commitment you want as far as how much you want to spend upgrading.. buying a used bow as an upgrade that is already a number of years old and may not have some of the technology that you want may leave you trying to flog it in favor of a newer higher end bow in just a few months time.

Seen it before, lots.

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