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Old 04-09-2010, 10:58 AM
JustinC JustinC is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 617

Originally Posted by AbAngler View Post

I have, yes I can, not sure how to answer that..... Have a bow and xbow.

Yes, yes, love to use new tools, no, no.

Now its your turn.

Come up with something meaningful and I'll continue.
I posted this in the other but no real come back so this is for you.

ok so you say the sucsess rates are the same. So lets put some numbers to this. If 1000 people use compound and 1000 use xbow. As for right know srd basis 15% harvest to archery so if we double the people that doubles the harvest. How the hell is that good? Our muledeer and moose numbers are down province wide so let double the sucsess rate which inturn means more dead animals. So what you all think is more opertunity in incorrect as it all goes to draw and is taken away.Time to get a archery tag would double so 410 sheep would be once every 14-18 years, 8-10 for antelope and 2-4years for an archery muledeer.Moose would all go to the draws insted of having the tiny window to harvest one with your sticks so I think we all should look at more than just what we are using but is it worth losing what we know for a hibrid gun to be a part of a archery season.I dont think so.
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