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Old 11-09-2017, 07:51 AM
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brendan's dad brendan's dad is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Edmonton Area
Posts: 4,104


It is a good time to be in the market if you are going for a new bow. Lots of sales for 2017 stock. I assumed from your first post that you had a Tikka T3 and Savage Axis to trade or sell for a bow. If so, I would try to sell both as opposed to a trade. Cash allows you to get a bow that you have tried and fits properly as opposed to someone else's bow that might not fit right.

Lets assume you sell both and have $1000. I know a lot of people will tell you to stay away from package bows, but manufactures have listened to the complaints and have improved the packages significantly. Hoyt's Powermax is a good example as well as Bowtech, PSE and even Bear. I know Accurate Archery carries the Hoyt Powermax and Jimbows also has package bow in Bowtech and PSE. I would give them a call and see what types of deals they have right now.

After the package price you are looking at a release ($50-80), 6 arrows ($80-$100) and a case ($60-$100).

I have been to both WSS in Edmonton and all they have for bows are left handed. Great deals if you are a lefty. Accessories like a case, release and arrows might be worth the drive though.

Good luck with your search.
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