Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-19-2013, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Red Bullets View Post
People taking notice.

Kurt, The treaty processes that you might think Canadian Government decides is much bigger than that. Canada is part of the United Nations.

below are excerpts from article,...

"In 2007 there was a Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples created. This declaration encompasses indigenous peoples from around the world.

Only 4 countries, including Canada, would not sign this declaration. All four of those countries have reversed their positions and have since signed this declaration.
(if Canada had not signed, I believe there may have been implications with the UN and global community.)

Today, Canadian courts and courts around the world are beginning to use the Declaration to interpret national laws. And human rights bodies from provincial commissions to the expert bodies of the United Nations are using the Declaration to interpret state obligations. Key provisions of the Declaration -- such as the right of Indigenous peoples to say no to unwanted development on their lands -- . "

The international "global" community comes into play and Canada's gov't is under the microscope.

I wouldn't be to proud to be a Canadian wanting equality for all. You better have a talk with your Prime Minister about Canada's stance on equality and ending racism/favouritizm amongst Canada's people.

This is where Canada stands regarding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:
Despite finishing a nightshift this morning, I read the entire link posted. Unless I missed something in the document, Canada's position is that the declaration mentioned does not affect our current laws. I will have to remember to send a message to the PM thanking him for not allowing the UN to bypass our own parliament to pass laws in our country. Any other stance would open a truckload of cans of worms for our legal system. We have too many of those already.