Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-12-2012, 05:50 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by 30Cal View Post
At what point does life begin? How many fetuses are intentionally aborted for stem cell research? If the fetus was not aborted intentional, I do not see a problem. Nor do I see a problem with using cadavers from which to learn, as long as they treat the dead with respect.

And no I would not regret it if my child or grandchild died from something that could have been cured by stem cell research because I do not think in what ifs. I work with what is. If a time like that ever comes, I will trust in God to lead me in my decision. I don't limit Him in His knowledge or power and ability. And who said I have a priest, although I have a High Priest who is Christ. So many assumptions, and suppositions.

Believe as you will, afterall you have been given free choice, it is a gift...use it wisely.
are you saying fetuses are intentionally aborted for stem cell research?

thinking like yours is what has held us back as a species, religious superstition for not doing things that can help people, pigs were killed for a long time for insulin before scientists invented synthetic insulin, by your logic diabetics shouldn't have taken insulin and therfore died themselves because another form of life had to die for them to get it.same with organ donation should your children not accept a new kidney if they need it because something had to die for you to get it?
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