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Old 06-24-2013, 07:06 PM
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DarkAisling DarkAisling is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 4,970

Our lowest month in the last year was around 900kwh. Our highest month was around 1550 kwh.

I have three reptile enclosures, running between 50 and 250 watts of power an hour for twelve hours a day. I have an aquarium that is using as much as 800 watts an hour on and off (the heaters turn on and off as required). My three AeroGardens use a total of 234 watts an hour over the course of (I think) 16 hours a day.

We have three desktop computer systems that run 24/7, in addition to three notebook computers. We have two Wii systems, two PlayStations systems, and an Xbox that are constantly on. We have a huge assortment of other electronic devices (including an arcade machine), and I'm sure there must be a couple dozen chargers plugged into walls. We have a big halogen flood lamp in the back yard that is on almost all night (the motion sensor is very sensitive).

I do at least one load laundry almost every day of the week (I'm on my sixth load so far today), and our laundry equipment is old. Our fridge is old. We leave the stove light on all night.

We are energy pigs.

God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the earth round . . . and laughed.
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