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Old 04-03-2009, 06:13 PM
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rottie rottie is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
Sorry, I have a hard time feeling sorry for these thieves.

What are Mr. Knight's options going to be as far as a jury trial? And what options will be available to a jury? Will the local prosecutor push to move this case to an urban court setting? I know that in a small town area no matter what the "law" is a jury of good ole boys would have no problem in giving the judge the finger and sending Mr. Knight home with a medal pinned on his chest.

I know it sounds like he broke the law, but, dammit, maybe we wouldn't be forced into these acts of frustration IF the courts would lock these losers up in the first place. As far as I'm concerned the people responsible for these punks getting shot (after the punks themselves) are those in the justice system that see to it that these rapscallions are free to terrorize the good citizens of the countryside.

And another thing. I get damned sick and tired of hearing police tell us law abiding citizens that WE need to use a "club" or get extra locks, or hide stuff away etc. THEY (meaning the justice system not necessarily the police) need to start getting these punks off the streets and locked up. Almost every one of these cases involves thugs that were "known to local law enforcement". DUH! One chance for a mistake and then LOCK THEM UP for some serious time. The Alberta Stimulus package could be building prisons.

If I was on the jury for this guy he would be walking. And if I was the judge I would be chastising the local constabulary/prosecutor for bothering him and his family with charges. Time for the "people" to start taking this country back.

good to be back by the way.
sorry guys double posted
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