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Old 11-02-2012, 02:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default How to cook.....ugh..... tie crystal meth PART 1

Alright it seems like there's some interest in the Crystal Meth fly pattern.

This is how I tie mine. I was shown how to tie single strand on a straight nymph hook, but I tie this way.

Hook: TMC 2457 size 8-20
Thread: Uni thread Red 6/0 and 8/0 for the smaller 16-20 hooks
Body: Diamond Braid

This is what you need

Next you'll want to cut two lengths of diamond braid roughly 6 inches long.

Singe the ends with a lighter to prevent fraying while tying.

Now place one length next to the other and fold over like so,

Put aside and place hook into vice and tie the thread to just past the bend of the hook and bring back to where the point of the barb was. Like so,

Take the diamond braid and pinch a little loop and tie off where you left the thread.

Lift the diamond braid and bring the thread 5 wraps forward.

Now you'll want to pull the strands forward and stroke them a bit to get proper position for the next loops.

Pinch down and make 3 wraps to tighten down the strands of diamond braid.

End of part 1
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