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Old 06-04-2020, 09:20 AM
Rvsask Rvsask is offline
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 519

That said , I do like Joshua Philips of “Crossroads” epoch times. they may be sympathetic towards Trump as you say ,but he presents the uncut videos and whole quotes in his stories and leaves it at that.
Just curious, what is it that makes you think they are a viable source? Left leaning stuff is all bad, what makes their right leaning stuff right? Is it simply because they validate ideas and beliefs?

As for them being sypathetic towards Trump, they are the LARGEST spender on Facebook ads promoting trump outside of his campaign itself. That's more than being sympathetic. Lots of good articles out there about the Epoch Times.

I think it is real clear that the only media worth trusting is the one we choose to trust.
I am not saying I believe nothing they present but this is what they are:
U.S.-based, Chinese-rooted outlet that “usually straddles the line between an ultraconservative news outlet and a conspiracy warehouse” and has been spending some serious money on Facebook ads — but for Donald Trump
It's run by a religious sect that believes judgment day, which sends those they label “communists” to Hell⁠, is 30 years late—and that Trump is making it happen
I personally will not buy most of their stuff, but maybe that is because I have already decided judgement day and hell are laughable myths. That's how preconceived ideas effect our choices.

Last edited by Rvsask; 06-04-2020 at 09:26 AM.
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