Thread: Leeches?
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Old 04-25-2022, 08:25 AM
Bushmaster Bushmaster is online now
Join Date: May 2007
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"Nice haul! Now comes the hard part. Cleaning them and keeping them clean. I store mine in glass jars kept at +1C or +2C. changing the water (non-chlorinated) every day for the first few days then weekly. Personally, and from that camera angle, I'd call that catch 'regulars' and 'smalls' of the sort bait shops sell for $6.00/dozen. Too early to use them (around here) so I suggest returning them and going back for the bigger ones. I've used chicken and ground but I've determined that a strip of beef liver is the best bait. More is not better; they are more attracted to the metal which is a different temperature than the water.

This year I plan to soak traps 24 hr. per day with ritual harvesting at 6 a.m. and 7.p.m. instead of placing traps for only overnight, hoping to double my output."

Interesting and good luck. I released them all as I'm not going fishing till early June. Does depth change things? I will set the trap just the day before we go. And thanks for the info...whats involved in the cleaning process?
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