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Old 08-10-2022, 11:07 AM
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Default Let's See Your Favorite Coffee Cups!

The thread I started on memes that make you laugh has turned out pretty dang good.

Making a coffee just now, I had to ponder what cup I'd use. I'm strange that way; depending on mood, I can end up using specific cups.

I thought it would be neat to see you guys' fav mugs. Let's limit it to three per person. Give a sentence or two description of why it holds value, even if you use it only cuz it makes you laugh. Laughter may be the most important medicine in the cabinet these days.

I'll start.

The first one I've had since my kids were little. I reflect, give thanks, and pray most often in the morning before kids are up. This is my Scripture verse for my family. Even carved it into our driveway when it was being poured.

Second is one my daughter brought me back from a service trip that took her all over Southeast Asia. Real proud of that girl.

The last one is self explanatory. Dogs are better than people, especially Labs

Thanks for participating if you so choose. Have a great day.

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