Thread: Bear warnings!
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Old 07-24-2011, 08:18 AM
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Default Bear warnings!

Well i cant say that i didnt know i was in bear country, and i also cant say that i didnt hear the warnings on the news.
Anyway i was in the kananaskis fishing a secluded little spot i've been going to for years. All of my concentration was directed toward the water and more so the fish silloettes at the bottom. When im fishing my dog likes to stand directly under my feet. I usually end up tripping on him during the day.
Im standing at the edge of the creek and behind me is about 10 feet of open grassy area and beyond that is thick forest.
All of the sudden i hear something rustling in the bushes. I turn around, Hueston runs over, and a black bear calmly walks out of the woods. Not a big one, but twice the size of my sheltie. They end up face to face. I grab my bear spray and call HB2 back to me. The bear makes a quick dash back into the woods. I wasnt really scared of the small black bear, but i was concerned that mom wasnt too far away.

All this happened in about a 10 second span. No time for a picture.

Carry your spray if you are going out in the woods!

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