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Old 03-19-2020, 08:21 AM
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Default Coping with Covid 19 - No Charts, Graphs, Links or Doom talk allowed!!!


Hey guys. The TV and social media have enough info regarding the spread of this thing. None of us need AO for medical instructions and predictions of casualties. This thread is where you can talk about your personal experiences and how things are going for you.

NO CHARTS, GRAPHS or LINKS relating to this disease. They will be met with an immediate suspension. We all know the feces has hit the fan.

No doomsday talk. That last thread was not mentally healthy for many people.

Just AO guys having a place to connect and talk about their lives, how you are being affected, and more importantly, how you are getting by with your sanity intact.

Last edited by sns2; 03-19-2020 at 09:33 AM.
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:24 AM
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When This Is Over
"When this is over,
may we never again
take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbours
A crowded theatre
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine checkup
The school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring
Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.

When this ends,
may we find
that we have become
more like the people
we wanted to be
we were called to be
we hoped to be
and may we stay
that way -- better
for each other
because of the worst."

- Laura Kelly Fanucci
You're only as good as your last haircut
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:29 AM
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Walmart and Superstore are waiving the fee for online shopping, you need to book a time slot 1 or days ahead better than stepping into a petri dish for groceries.
Just a heads up check off the "no substitution" box or you could get something you don't want.
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:30 AM
reddeerguy2015 reddeerguy2015 is offline
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Probably the longest thread in AO history just thrown to the wind. Would have been nice to have gone back when it's all settled and have been able to sift through and see how close and accurate things were to the "doomsday" thread.

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Old 03-19-2020, 08:36 AM
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I like that we can call it carona instead of some 20 letter word.
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:43 AM
realist realist is offline
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Default Quiet out there

Here in Calgary, went out to get a few groceries. Drove past Market Mall, parking lot at noon was virtually empty, maybe 10-15% of normal. Safeway side was busier. Canadian Tire at Dalhousie very quiet. Went up to WalMart and found it quite busy. Lots of staff restocking shelves. No one really social distancing, no masks. Best part of the day was filling up for gas at the Centex station for 70.9 cents per litre.
Stay safe out there.
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:47 AM
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Default sns2's experience with lockdown...

I might as well start the ball rolling. We are on day 5 of lockdown in our house. Wife was on a girls getaway with her bestie in Phoenix helping her through a divorce.

11 days after returning, she mentions a sore throat before going to bed. Wakes up in morning with a dry cough, tightness in her chest, headache, fatigue, and shortness of breath when going up and down stairs.

sns2, being the germophobe that I am, tells dear wife to call 811 as those are the symptoms.

She listens, and surprisingly gets through quickly. They are not too too concerned until they ask if she has been out of the country recently.

Paradigm shift occurs. All sns2's family on lockdown effective immediately. They tell her they will be in touch in 2 or 3 days to arrange for testing, but add the caveat that if she doesn't hear from them in that time frame, she should call back.

Son with asthma moves to basement.

I am in spare room.

Wife is cordoned off in master bedroom, as it has shower, tub, bathroom, tv, and easy chair. She is forbidden by germophobe husband to leave except to go for a walk with the little dog, as that is okay so we were told.

For good measure, me puts a box of nitrile gloves on her nightstand. Just to make it kinda macabre.

No panic in our house. sns2 has a freezer full of meat. sns2 hunts with capable people. Our party got 3 bull elk and a bull moose so I'm good in that regard. Empty meat shelves in grocery store be damned.

Further, I stocked up a few days prior on all essentials including TP, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, dish soap, and bleach. At least I can do a daily cleaning, and we can wipe our arses with confidence. Wife is grateful sns2 is prepared. Did I say I am a germophobe???

3 days pass with no call.

Wife tries getting through the past couple days and line just goes dead. Oh my. Not good.

Good news is, she is feeling better, and has not really worsened.

I have two personal friends who are doctors and so I can bounce questions off them. Either she has a mild case and is recovering on her own or she has a bad cold. That is still a thing. No one ever found a cure for that yet either.

I hang out on main floor and clean up most of the day.

I enjoy listening to my son who is a workout fanatic. He is either taking slapshots against the wall, pumping iron, or talking with his buddies while they are gaming. The best was they were all singing karaoke the other night. Who knows how they do this stuff online, but it made this dad's heart real glad.

Thankfully, I can work from home preparing online lessons for my special needs students to do after Spring Break. That is what teachers are doing across the province this week.

Hoping the Mrs gets through to 811 today and she gets tested or told she can move on. My doctor friend told me last night that if none of us have developed similar symptoms, then my wife likely just has a cold.

Who knows how long this will last, and what the new normal will be like going forward, but I am thankful for faith, family and friends in that exact order.

Have a great day folks, there is still a heckuva pile of good in this world if you look for it.
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:49 AM
fishtank fishtank is offline
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Wear gloves when filling up gas and pushing the shopping cart ...probably lots of hands touching those
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by reddeerguy2015 View Post
Probably the longest thread in AO history just thrown to the wind. Would have been nice to have gone back when it's all settled and have been able to sift through and see how close and accurate things were to the "doomsday" thread.

No reason we can't restore it when this has all passed.

The option was to just close the discussion period.

At this point it has become toxic and was only contributing to anxiety.
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:52 AM
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Picked up some coolant at Walmart today. Shelves looked fairly well stocked, people milling about, didn't see any mask, anything out of the ordinary really other than the cashiers wearing gloves (which I've seen some do anyway though). She said traffic was fairly normal for a weekday morning. Other than not being about to use my refillable cup at 7-11, I've really experienced very little change in my day to day life.
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:52 AM
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Hoping all works out for the best sns2!
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:53 AM
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I'm shut down for 14 as well.... workin from home (and I'm wearing pants too )

I've been fighting a sinus infection since my car accident. Doc thinks I might have crushed sumpin or altered my sinus cavity with the moose headbutt thing..... and we're not going near hospitals for a year if I can help it)
Anti biotics are cleaning it up nicely though so thats great!

Anyways!....... LETS START AND AO PANDEMIC PLAYLIST ... mebe keep it positive

1. MC Hammer "Can't Touch this"

2. Kenny Loggins "Im Alright"

"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”
"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends on the character of the user." T. Roosevelt
"I don't always troll, only on days that end in Y."
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Old 03-19-2020, 08:56 AM
Deezel Deezel is offline
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3. April Wine - The Whole Worlds Going Crazy
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:03 AM
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Good idea. We all know where each other stands on if we think this is serious or not.

I asked on the last thread what people have done to help limit their exposure and help each other out.

A few things I had listed were-

Keep latex gloves in truck for fueling up, those keypads are gross.

I am planning to upgrade the gloves and cpr barriers in our first aid kits. The gloves I have in there are cheap and the barriers are too, I’d hate to have to give someone CPR or first aid and not know if they have the virus or not.

I have four neighbors within 3 miles of my house. One of them messaged the other day and said he was going to be making a trip to town if we needed anything. We decided we will reciprocate that and ask the other neighbors before we make a trip to town.

Might do a bigger garden this year. Something to pass the time if I end up being home more. Also help with the grocery bill a bit.

On my last day off the whole family went for a hike looking for sheds. I’m a big believer in the immune system being linked to your mind. Fresh air and exercise do more good for you than most people know.

We have decided for part of the “home schooling” for the kids we will be getting them to join in on more of the things we do. Cooking, building, maintenance and repairs. Me and my daughter made 24 lbs of moose summer sausage the other day.

I’m trying to make a habit of having a shower as soon as I get home from work instead of eating supper or playing with the kids and dog first.

What are you guys doing?

Caber, I noticed you had replied with what you were doing on the last thread but I didn’t have time to read it all. Could you repost?

Edit- I’m a slow Typer and my boss was bothering me. I see part of what I said was already posted above.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:03 AM
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4. Sick as a Dog by Aerosmith
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:04 AM
glen moa glen moa is online now
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Fifth harmony.
Work from home.

I’m online ordering my food. Hope it works out.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:06 AM
Zip Zip is offline
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Eagles... Love will Keep us Alive
"Never be ashamed of scars it just simply means that you were stronger than what tried to hurt you"

"Good judgement comes from experience, and experience...well,That comes from poor Judgement"
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:07 AM
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We are not on lockdown, but since I was laid off and my wife works from home, we are pretty much treating it as such - no reason to be out in the population.

On hold with scotiabank as we are going to need mortgage deferral to safely not run through all our cash in case its a while before I'm back working - we closed for 2 weeks but I don't see how we'll reopen in that time. I expect will be a month or more. I'll see how it goes - dealing with the banks is a headache at best, and they are really pushing the "you MAY qualify" and "IF you qualify" for mortgage deferral.

Otherwise my 5 and 7 year old and our black lab are pretty pumped to have me home everyday. Have a new rifle in the mail and my son wants to do a custom rattle can job to keep us busy + we have gotten in all our brass/projectiles/powder to get rolling on some handloads.

Best advice I can give is keep device usage low (I stopped social media last week), don't watch the news (I never do anyway) - my inlaws are constantly watching and their anxiety is high over this whole thing, but they wont' listen to me and just unplug. My family plans to just make the most of the extra time together, might even get out in woods this weekend for fresh air and no people.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:07 AM
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Originally Posted by omega50 View Post
When This Is Over
"When this is over,
may we never again
take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbours
A crowded theatre
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine checkup
The school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring
Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.

When this ends,
may we find
that we have become
more like the people
we wanted to be
we were called to be
we hoped to be
and may we stay
that way -- better
for each other
because of the worst."

- Laura Kelly Fanucci
This is great. Thank you. I will be sharing this on other platforms.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:09 AM
jrowan jrowan is offline
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Originally Posted by sns2 View Post
I might as well start the ball rolling. We are on day 5 of lockdown in our house. Wife was on a girls getaway with her bestie in Phoenix helping her through a divorce.

11 days after returning, she mentions a sore throat before going to bed. Wakes up in morning with a dry cough, tightness in her chest, headache, fatigue, and shortness of breath when going up and down stairs.

sns2, being the germophobe that I am, tells dear wife to call 811 as those are the symptoms.

She listens, and surprisingly gets through quickly. They are not too too concerned until they ask if she has been out of the country recently.

Paradigm shift occurs. All sns2's family on lockdown effective immediately. They tell her they will be in touch in 2 or 3 days to arrange for testing, but add the caveat that if she doesn't hear from them in that time frame, she should call back.

Son with asthma moves to basement.

I am in spare room.

Wife is cordoned off in master bedroom, as it has shower, tub, bathroom, tv, and easy chair. She is forbidden by germophobe husband to leave except to go for a walk with the little dog, as that is okay so we were told.

For good measure, me puts a box of nitrile gloves on her nightstand. Just to make it kinda macabre.

No panic in our house. sns2 has a freezer full of meat. sns2 hunts with capable people. Our party got 3 bull elk and a bull moose so I'm good in that regard. Empty meat shelves in grocery store be damned.

Further, I stocked up a few days prior on all essentials including TP, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, dish soap, and bleach. At least I can do a daily cleaning, and we can wipe our arses with confidence. Wife is grateful sns2 is prepared. Did I say I am a germophobe???

3 days pass with no call.

Wife tries getting through the past couple days and line just goes dead. Oh my. Not good.

Good news is, she is feeling better, and has not really worsened.

I have two personal friends who are doctors and so I can bounce questions off them. Either she has a mild case and is recovering on her own or she has a bad cold. That is still a thing. No one ever found a cure for that yet either.

I hang out on main floor and clean up most of the day.

I enjoy listening to my son who is a workout fanatic. He is either taking slapshots against the wall, pumping iron, or talking with his buddies while they are gaming. The best was they were all singing karaoke the other night. Who knows how they do this stuff online, but it made this dad's heart real glad.

Thankfully, I can work from home preparing online lessons for my special needs students to do after Spring Break. That is what teachers are doing across the province this week.

Hoping the Mrs gets through to 811 today and she gets tested or told she can move on. My doctor friend told me last night that if none of us have developed similar symptoms, then my wife likely just has a cold.

Who knows how long this will last, and what the new normal will be like going forward, but I am thankful for faith, family and friends in that exact order.

Have a great day folks, there is still a heckuva pile of good in this world if you look for it.
I hope your wife gets tested and better soon. You guys are definitely doing everything right
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:17 AM
barsik barsik is offline
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dont put too much confidence in gloves and masks, they are only as good as your ability to put them on and off without contaminating yourself. sanitizer is still required for best protection. also, just heard that researchers have found C19 to be biologically capable of surviving up to 3 hours as an aerosolized droplet. best defense is isolation to beat this little gift from nature.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:23 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Biggest change lately is hours of work, shop is only open til 7;00pm now, have to get up at 8;00AM for a while, haven't done that in a good 10 yrs on a regular basis, except to go hunting or fishing. That's due to this Covid situation and the general economy, but, we'll see how long that lasts, I expect perhaps we'll increase hours again in May or June, if construction does anything this year. Traffic is way down around Calgary in general, similar to coming home at midnite, at 10;00AM on Deerfoot. Only been to the grocery store twice in the last 10 days, got what I needed both times, some shelves are thin looking, but, otherwise OK. Lots of precautions at work, piled stuff in front of the counters to distance customers, sanitizing everything as much as we can, visa machine, pens, counters, returned stuff, some people working from home. HR guy is looking haggard with trying to set up everything, people are pretty calm about things, they are what they are, see what happens down the road. Trucks are rolling, deliveries getting made, but, business is down, nobody is spending more than absolutely necessary, truck sales suck, but, that is expected.
You should also be a member;
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by barsik View Post
dont put too much confidence in gloves and masks, they are only as good as your ability to put them on and off without contaminating yourself. sanitizer is still required for best protection. also, just heard that researchers have found C19 to be biologically capable of surviving up to 3 hours as an aerosolized droplet. best defense is isolation to beat this little gift from nature.
Just wondering if anyone knows where to buy those gloves. I couldn’t find any
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.Mark Twain
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:23 AM
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Default covid-19 emails

I have created a folder in my email to store all the covid-19 related emails I get from companies telling me how they are doing business in these "difficult times" or trying to convince me to buy some product or service from them. It is amazing how many banks think they have the answer for investing now.

The current count sits at 47 emails from 32 different companies. Seems Princess Auto is offering free shipping on "most online orders", while another company is threatening something along the lines of "sneeze in our store and you will be asked to leave." Not quite those words, perhaps a better paraphrase would be "keep your stink'n germs at home!"

sns2, how does it work being a germophobe and a teacher? I would have a hard time reconciling those two.

In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher'.

Originally Posted by sjemac View Post
It has been scientifically proven that a 308 round will not leave your property -- they essentially fall dead at the fence line. But a 38 round, when fired from a handgun, will of its own accord leave your property and destroy any small schools nearby.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by sns2 View Post
I might as well start the ball rolling. We are on day 5 of lockdown in our house. Wife was on a girls getaway with her bestie in Phoenix helping her through a divorce.

11 days after returning, she mentions a sore throat before going to bed. Wakes up in morning with a dry cough, tightness in her chest, headache, fatigue, and shortness of breath when going up and down stairs.

sns2, being the germophobe that I am, tells dear wife to call 811 as those are the symptoms.

She listens, and surprisingly gets through quickly. They are not too too concerned until they ask if she has been out of the country recently.

Paradigm shift occurs. All sns2's family on lockdown effective immediately. They tell her they will be in touch in 2 or 3 days to arrange for testing, but add the caveat that if she doesn't hear from them in that time frame, she should call back.

Son with asthma moves to basement.

I am in spare room.

Wife is cordoned off in master bedroom, as it has shower, tub, bathroom, tv, and easy chair. She is forbidden by germophobe husband to leave except to go for a walk with the little dog, as that is okay so we were told.

For good measure, me puts a box of nitrile gloves on her nightstand. Just to make it kinda macabre.

No panic in our house. sns2 has a freezer full of meat. sns2 hunts with capable people. Our party got 3 bull elk and a bull moose so I'm good in that regard. Empty meat shelves in grocery store be damned.

Further, I stocked up a few days prior on all essentials including TP, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, dish soap, and bleach. At least I can do a daily cleaning, and we can wipe our arses with confidence. Wife is grateful sns2 is prepared. Did I say I am a germophobe???

3 days pass with no call.

Wife tries getting through the past couple days and line just goes dead. Oh my. Not good.

Good news is, she is feeling better, and has not really worsened.

I have two personal friends who are doctors and so I can bounce questions off them. Either she has a mild case and is recovering on her own or she has a bad cold. That is still a thing. No one ever found a cure for that yet either.

I hang out on main floor and clean up most of the day.

I enjoy listening to my son who is a workout fanatic. He is either taking slapshots against the wall, pumping iron, or talking with his buddies while they are gaming. The best was they were all singing karaoke the other night. Who knows how they do this stuff online, but it made this dad's heart real glad.

Thankfully, I can work from home preparing online lessons for my special needs students to do after Spring Break. That is what teachers are doing across the province this week.

Hoping the Mrs gets through to 811 today and she gets tested or told she can move on. My doctor friend told me last night that if none of us have developed similar symptoms, then my wife likely just has a cold.

Who knows how long this will last, and what the new normal will be like going forward, but I am thankful for faith, family and friends in that exact order.

Have a great day folks, there is still a heckuva pile of good in this world if you look for it.
Im sure you know, but when your furnace kicks in, all air in the house gets mixed up for all to breath, unless you have a radiator heat unit for the house.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:27 AM
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Sns2's also a Masochist.....

It works....
"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”
"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends on the character of the user." T. Roosevelt
"I don't always troll, only on days that end in Y."
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:27 AM
Zip Zip is offline
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Dancing with myself... Billy Idol
"Never be ashamed of scars it just simply means that you were stronger than what tried to hurt you"

"Good judgement comes from experience, and experience...well,That comes from poor Judgement"
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by NSDucknut View Post
Best advice I can give is keep device usage low (I stopped social media last week), don't watch the news (I never do anyway) - my inlaws are constantly watching and their anxiety is high over this whole thing, but they wont' listen to me and just unplug. My family plans to just make the most of the extra time together, might even get out in woods this weekend for fresh air and no people.
My wife and I are referring to the 6 o'clock news as the "covid-19 hour". If they don't have a story that isn't covid-19 related in the first 15-20 minutes, we stop watching.

In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher'.

Originally Posted by sjemac View Post
It has been scientifically proven that a 308 round will not leave your property -- they essentially fall dead at the fence line. But a 38 round, when fired from a handgun, will of its own accord leave your property and destroy any small schools nearby.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:29 AM
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The real winner in this whole deal has to be the pets. I back the path in my neighborhood and there is more foot traffic now than there is on a +30 day in the summer. With the students being home and everyone distancing themselves from social events, everyone just needs to get out and do something. I know my retriever is getting a lot more miles per day than he usually does.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:33 AM
elk eater elk eater is offline
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I started prepping the other day. Went and bought a few gallons of paint, brushes, rollers.... If I get locked down at home for 2 weeks I’m gonna be busy and the house will look great. Doing nothing would be worse for my health than the sickness. Stir crazy is real thing !!!!
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