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Old 02-23-2012, 10:51 PM
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Default Man shocked by arrest after daughter draws picture of gun at school

KITCHENER — A Kitchener father is upset that police arrested him at his children’s’ school Wednesday, hauled him down to the station and strip-searched him, all because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a gun at school.

“I’m picking up my kids and then, next thing you know, I’m locked up,” Jessie Sansone, 26, said Thursday.

“I was in shock. This is completely insane. My daughter drew a gun on a piece of paper at school.”

The school principal, police and child welfare officials, however, all stand by their actions. They said they had to investigate to determine whether there was a gun in Sansone’s house that children had access to.

“From a public safety point of view, any child drawing a picture of guns and saying there’s guns in a home would warrant some further conversation with the parents and child,” said Alison Scott, executive director of Family and Children’s Services.

Waterloo Regional Police Insp. Kevin Thaler said there was a complaint from Forest Hills public school that “a firearm was in a residence and children had access to it. We had every concern, based on this information, that children were in danger.”

Their concern wasn’t based on the drawing alone, he said.

Neaveh, the child who made the drawing, also made comments about it that raised more flags.

Sansone thinks police overreacted. He didn’t find out until hours after his arrest what had actually sparked the incident.

He said he went to the school Wednesday afternoon to pick up his three children. He was summoned to the principal’s office where three police officers were waiting. They said he was being charged with possession of a firearm.

He was escorted from the school, handcuffed and put in the back of a cruiser.

At the same time, other police officers went to his home, where his wife and 15-month-old child were waiting for his return.

They made his wife come to the police station while the other three children were taken to Family and Children’s Services to be interviewed.

“Nobody was given any explanation,” said his wife, Stephanie Squires., said. “I didn’t know why he was being arrested.

“He had absolutely no idea what this was even about. I just kept telling them. ‘You’re making a mistake.’ ”

At the police station, Sansone talked to a lawyer who said only that he was being charged with possession of a firearm, Sansone said.

He kept asking questions. He was given a blanket and told he would appear before a judge in the morning to post bail.

“I was getting pretty scared at that point,” Sansone said. “It seemed like I was actually being charged at this point.”

He was forced to remove his clothes for a full strip search.

Several hours later, a detective apologized and said he was being released with no charges, Sansone said.

The detective told him that his four-year-old daughter had drawn a picture of a man holding a gun. When a teacher asked her who the man was, the girl replied, “That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters.”

“To be honest with you, I broke down,” Sansone said. “My character got put down so much. I was actually really hurt, like it could happen that easy.

“How do you recognize a criminal from a father?’’

He said he thought he had good relations with the principal who offered him a job last year counselling students at the school.

“We’re educated,’’ he said. “I’m a certified PSW and a life issues counsellor. I go into schools to try to make a difference.’’

After he was released, Sansone was asked to sign a paper authorizing a search of his home. He signed, even though he didn’t have to., he signed.

“I just think they blew it out of proportion,’’ said his wife., Stephanie Squires. “It was for absolutely nothing. They searched our house upside down and found nothing. They had the assumption he owned a firearm.

“The way everything happened was completely unnecessary, especially since we know the school very well. I don’t understand how they came to that conclusion from a four-year-old’s drawing.’’

Scott, of Family and Children’s Services, said the agency was obligated to investigate after getting a report from the school.

“Our community would have an expectation if comments are made about a gun in a house, we’d be obligated to investigate that to ensure everything is safe.”

If there’s a potential crime that’s been committed, the agency must call in police, she said

“In the end, it may not be substantiated. There may be a reasonable explanation for why the child drew that gun. But we have to go on what gets presented to us.

“I’m sure this was a very stressful thing for the family,” she acknowledged.

The school principal, Steve Zack, said a staff member called child welfare officials because the law requires them to report anything involving the safety or neglect of a child.

The agency chose to involve police, he said.

“Police chose to arrest Jessie here. Nobody wants something like this to happen at any time, especially not at school. But that’s out of my hands.”

Sansone says he got into some trouble with the law five years ago, and was convicted of assault and attempted burglary. But he’s put all that behind him. He never had any firearms-related charges.

As for the strip search, Thaler said it was done “for officer safety, because it’s a firearms-related incident.

“At the point in the investigation when it was determined it was not a real firearm, the individual was released unconditionally,” he said.


Un-f'n-believable! Has it really gotten this bad!?! Back in '73 I took a hunter safety course IN SCHOOL and the instructor brought real guns INTO the school and now this! My 10year old daughter is getting her own .22 for her birthday in April....may as well turn myself in now......
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Last edited by Rod1960; 02-23-2012 at 10:57 PM.
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Old 02-23-2012, 10:54 PM
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Old 02-23-2012, 10:56 PM
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This is disgusting, makes me sick
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:00 PM
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probable cause?
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:02 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Anyone else worried about the continued development of a police state in this country?

I didn't realize that testimony from a 4 year old carried such weight.

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Old 02-23-2012, 11:15 PM
TapRoot TapRoot is offline
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I cant wait to have kids and teach them gun safety at the earliest possible age. That way when some ignorant teachers irrational fear of dangerous things gets in the way of practical fire arms education or discussion my young child would be able to school them on the topic.
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Old 02-24-2012, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
Anyone else worried about the continued development of a police state in this country?

I didn't realize that testimony from a 4 year old carried such weight.

How this was handled is very surprising. I can't comment on Ontario's protocol, as I know nothing about it.

The "bad guys and monsters" comment is no doubt what freaked them out.

Here, I suspect such a comment would have resulted in a child protection worker being called to the school. The worker would interview the child, and try to determine if there was any cause for concern. Children so young can have a very hard time distinguishing fantasy from reality, and the workers are pretty good at sifting through things to uncover the truth.

Once the worker had a good idea what was going on, the parents would then be either a) interviewed by the worker (firearms storage and access would be the crux), or b) collected by the police.

I've personally gone through such an interview twice. Whether the worker feels there is an issue or not, the interview has to happen to close out the case. I only had a bow at the time, and I was raked over the coals over for that one! The fact that my son told a teacher, "You can't tell my mom! She'll beat me!" didn't worry the worker (he was able to determine during the interview that my son had no fear of me), but that I had a compound bow locked in a case which was locked in my storage room was a huge bone of contention.

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Old 02-24-2012, 09:18 PM
collinp collinp is offline
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
Anyone else worried about the continued development of a police state in this country?

I didn't realize that testimony from a 4 year old carried such weight.

It's not a police state you have to worry about. It's all the G. Dam self-righteous do-gooder types that have zero for common sense. The social engineering/political correctness is driving the "silent majority" bonkers.
I keep wondering when the silent majority will grow a set of balls and say enough is enough.
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
probable cause?
Because the antis and politicians have their kindred spirit whipped into such a frenzy with their fear mongering and lies that even a drawing by a 4 year old gets a man arrested.
In my world stock options and group therapy means something completely different!

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Old 02-23-2012, 11:11 PM
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It's like living in a Dictatorship
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:16 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Wow....that is some very very scary stuff.

This should be front page news across Canada. I can't believe they asked him to sign, giving them permission to search his house, and then he actually signed it. Just goes to show how much stress the police can put on an innocent person. No criminal in his right mind would ever grant police permission to search their house.

The police powers have gone way tooooo far. Police have too much power, that they don't need. It's not the catching of criminals that is hard in Canada, it's keeping them in jail.

Sorry, but there should be heads rolling in this case. Right from the school to the police. Totally unacceptable in a so called "free" country.
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:11 PM
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In 2009 I was going through a bilaterall custody assesment. (Seperation).
My son 5.5 at the time had been given a few firearms by my uncle, my sons 2nd uncle.
It's been a tradition with all of his neices and nephews-one of the by-products of pioneering stock I guess.
Anyway, my sone was aware that he had a 22 and a shotgun given to him, so like all 7 yr olds he talked about it to friends at school.
I had to tell him that there were some things that shouldn't be talked about at school as others may not understand the use of a firearm and what they mean to alot of ppl.
So, off he goes to tell his mom what I told him. She seized this opportunity to tell the psychologist that I am teaching him to keep secrets and compartamentalize(did I spell that right?).
When the wretched shrink confronted me about this I told her that I was not teaching him to keep secrets but rather to choose who he talks to about these things, afterall I don't want to deal with a potential breakin or whatever else.

It didn't matter to her. She chose to put the part about me "teaching" my son to keep secrets but did not elaborate what the subject matter was. I no like her! It was used against me.
She was also adamant that no 7 yr old should be going hunting. She insisted that she had talked to several males in her field of work and they all insisted they would never take a young child hunting.

No, if the law met me at a school and asked me to consent to searching my house I suspect there would be verbal diatrabe unleashed on said person.
So many times evidence is gained through illegal search warrants. case is dropped but by then its too late. Media gets ahold of it and they never follow up on the outcome of the story. Just sensationalize the story. BAD Gunman.
WTH is a gunman?
I get pizzed when I here this type of shat.
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Old 02-24-2012, 01:32 AM
OverTheHill OverTheHill is offline
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Originally Posted by Dacotensis View Post
In 2009 I was going through a bilaterall custody assesment. (Seperation).
My son 5.5 at the time had been given a few firearms by my uncle, my sons 2nd uncle.
It's been a tradition with all of his neices and nephews-one of the by-products of pioneering stock I guess.
Anyway, my sone was aware that he had a 22 and a shotgun given to him, so like all 7 yr olds he talked about it to friends at school.
I had to tell him that there were some things that shouldn't be talked about at school as others may not understand the use of a firearm and what they mean to alot of ppl.
So, off he goes to tell his mom what I told him. She seized this opportunity to tell the psychologist that I am teaching him to keep secrets and compartamentalize(did I spell that right?).
When the wretched shrink confronted me about this I told her that I was not teaching him to keep secrets but rather to choose who he talks to about these things, afterall I don't want to deal with a potential breakin or whatever else.

It didn't matter to her. She chose to put the part about me "teaching" my son to keep secrets but did not elaborate what the subject matter was. I no like her! It was used against me.
She was also adamant that no 7 yr old should be going hunting. She insisted that she had talked to several males in her field of work and they all insisted they would never take a young child hunting.

No, if the law met me at a school and asked me to consent to searching my house I suspect there would be verbal diatrabe unleashed on said person.
So many times evidence is gained through illegal search warrants. case is dropped but by then its too late. Media gets ahold of it and they never follow up on the outcome of the story. Just sensationalize the story. BAD Gunman.
WTH is a gunman?
I get pizzed when I here this type of shat.

Sorry man I just read this and I am so disappointed what the law resorts to as advice.. Reality is out and **** is acceptable...

I am just sick of the "fragile" world of words we live in....
**** ALL OF YOU.... O wait... that might mean i want intercourse with you right????????????????? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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Old 02-23-2012, 11:00 PM
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What a pile of...er...um...poop. The guy should be able to take legal action, but I'd wonder if he could be successful? Since when is possession of a firearm a crime? Maybe if it was possession without a permit, but that isn't stated...and this could happen to any guy on here, who has young kids...which is absolutely ridiculous, since most are very careful to store their firearms in a safe (and legal) location.

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Old 02-23-2012, 11:04 PM
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Those school and child welfare administrative whack jobs need a serious education. If they had their way every rural father would literally be in leg-irons!

Even if the child hadn't completely made it up, it could have been a plastic gun for shooting the TV in video games, a fly swatter launcher or a plastic martial arts training dummy gun. My son's just about 4 and he'll tell me it's hot outside when it's -20 outside he doesn't want to put a coat on. These social services people need serious retraining, if not outright replaced with someone whose IQ exceeds that of an amoeba.
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:11 PM
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Default ?

Sansone says he got into some trouble with the law five years ago, and was convicted of assault and attempted burglary. But he’s put all that behind him. He never had any firearms-related charges.

Could the above have had some influence on the action taken?
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Kevwood View Post
Sansone says he got into some trouble with the law five years ago, and was convicted of assault and attempted burglary. But he’s put all that behind him. He never had any firearms-related charges.

Could the above have had some influence on the action taken?
Probably ... and with that ^, the authorites would have just cause.

Give yer heads a shake folks ... nuff said.

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Old 02-23-2012, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post
Probably ... and with that ^, the authorites would have just cause.

Give yer heads a shake folks ... nuff said.

Can anyone with some legal knowledge confirm that a prior is just cause in this case?

I can't believe it is.

Too bad he consented to a search.
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
Can anyone with some legal knowledge confirm that a prior is just cause in this case? . . .
I can't believe you asked that ^ question ... the guy openly admitted that he is a convicted criminal of a violent crime.

Me thinks you have been eating too much honey lately.

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Old 02-24-2012, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
Too bad he consented to a search.

Yeah, really too bad.
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post
Probably ... and with that ^, the authorites would have just cause.

Give yer heads a shake folks ... nuff said.

I don't agree with you on that one. He may have had trouble, but a 4 yr old drawing a picture of a gun isn't just cause for arrest, strip search, and full house search....if it was justified, they could have gotten a warrant from a judge, instead of getting him to sign off on it. Obviously a judge wouldn't sign off on it. If the Children services people were really worried, and the police, they could have had him in to the principle's office for a one on one chat, not got all heavy handed on him. The man was innocent, the search turned up nothing, but his privacy and freedoms were totally violated because of some stupid gun phobia. I call BS on trying to legitamize it with a prior conviction.

Edit: OMG BeeGuy, are we agreeing on something here?!
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:41 PM
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If I was a lawyer, I think I would be volunteering to file the lawsuit against this unbelievable behavior!

Even if they had a belief that he might have a gun, there was no need to arrest him. He could have been taken aside and spoken to. He could have allowed them to search his house and it would have been all over. If he didn't allow the search, a warrant could have been obtained.

Talk about overkill!

I think a lawsuit is advisable, and unless Ontario is worse than Nazi Germany, Sansone will be getting money from the government.
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Old 02-23-2012, 11:47 PM
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Sansone does not appear to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

I can not believe that a warrant would have been obtained.

I'd love to see charges filed against the individuals/institutions involved, however I doubt it will happen.

Sansone is already taking this much heat due to his prior.

They would really teach him a lesson if he challenged them in court.
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Old 02-24-2012, 12:08 AM
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It's a good thing the kid didn't draw a picture of an endangered animal;like a Grizzly Bear. LOL!!

This is just absolutely incredible. It really is hard to believe that not one person involved showed any common sense while this was going on. Not the Teacher,the Principal,nobody at Social Services and not one Police Officer said: "For Christ's Sake, a FOUR year old drew a picture of a gun, are we not over reacting here?!!!"
Her Dad uses them to kill "Monsters" should have been a tip-off. I guess maybe they didn't have their Top Detective around to figure that one out. Maybe the Cops were searching the house for dead Monsters just to make certain the Dad didn't hide any Monster Bodies.

No wonder some guys are paranoid when carrying their guns out to their trucks to go out hunting or to the range. Some over zealous neighbour might call social services because it's their "opinion" that Children should not be raised in a home containing firearms. Some parents could be in a very bad situation if a Social Worker had the same "opinion."
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Old 02-24-2012, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by TriggerFinger View Post
Probably ... and with that ^, the authorites would have just cause.

Give yer heads a shake folks ... nuff said.


Unbelievable, you surely are no mountain man. Maybe your picture should have a skateboarder in it. What part of "convicted" dont you understand? So the guy had a charge for something at some time,,, he paid his debt to society and left with a clean slate. This guy is a victim of the times, just like every one else that see's the terrible direction society is headed.

It's just Alberta boys... Take what you can while you can,, if ya cant beat em join em.

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Old 02-23-2012, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by CaberTosser View Post
Those school and child welfare administrative whack jobs need a serious education. If they had their way every rural father would literally be in leg-irons!
I will only say that my only experience dealing with child and family services, here in Alberta, completely destroyed my faith in the system. Aside from saying that the incident itself did not involve me, personally, I cannot (and will not) go into further detail.

"This Brittany is my most cherished possession — the darndest bird-finder I have ever seen, a tough and wiry little dog with a choke-bored nose and the ability to read birds’ minds." -Jack O'Connor
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Old 02-24-2012, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by alacringa View Post
I will only say that my only experience dealing with child and family services, here in Alberta, completely destroyed my faith in the system. Aside from saying that the incident itself did not involve me, personally, I cannot (and will not) go into further detail.
I have dealt with social services in our recent adoption of our son. My wife was concerned about my gun ownership. But the came saw how I stored them and how we stored our cleaning products and said no problem. Never heard anything more about it. Now we have our son and everything is great. I have nothing but good things to say about our social services people!
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Old 02-24-2012, 07:37 AM
rhuntley12 rhuntley12 is offline
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Couldn't the police have just checked the gun registry and found out he doesn't own any guns and left it at that?

Nice that now days anything is just call the police and the police don't even ask questions they go straight to screwing someone over.
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Old 02-24-2012, 07:43 AM
laut laut is offline
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Well, We will see more of these bull **** happening in this country with this government. I can't believe people would vote for a nut case with a stupid idiology in his head in Ottawa to run this country.
i hope this father didn't get put in jail for mandatory 3 years jail time.
I better be careful of what I am saying in the post, they may be watching me or listening my phone calls.
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Old 02-24-2012, 08:01 AM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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I have a meeting on Monday with my son's principal and teacher. The Principal called to inform me that my son is in trouble for making a gun like action on the school bus, and that since he was already reprimanded for bringing bullets to school. (actually was only the .22 lead from the target, and he forgot it in his pocket. He wanted to take it to school for show and tell when I told him he needed to get permission from his teacher to take his target and spent casings to school, which prompted him to empty his pockets into the coin pocket in the car except for this one, and when he was at school he found it in his pocket under his mitten. He showed his friend, who told the teacher he had a bullet, and then got called to the office and was told he could be suspended for it because it was dangerous.)

Anyways I spoke with my son, and it sounds like the kids where playing on the bus to school, but he was the one to get into trouble. He is also in trouble because he took his BB playbook to school and took a video of a couple friends. The principal has informed me that this is also a very bad issue as he did not have permission from all the kids parents to take a video.

Bottom line, schools these days are out of control with control. Kids are punished for the stupidest little issue, yet are not taught proper rules and behavior, yet alone reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The principal specifically wants to talk to me about guns and gun safety on Monday. She told me that she knows I own weapons, and wants to ensure that I am careful with them around my children. I think that will be a very interesting conversation.
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