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Old 03-15-2018, 01:26 PM
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Default Strange happenings in the woods.

Was reading the UFO thread and one guy was hinting about what he had experienced while up in the mountains on a sheep hunt. Reminded me of a old thread of spooky experiences guys have had while in the outdoors. Was such a fun creepy read, it's time to resurrect it.
Lets go guys and gals, what have you experienced??

Bad decisions make good stories.

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Old 03-15-2018, 01:34 PM
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Great idea, the old thread was awesome.

Always seemed to read a bunch of it before solo camping/hunting trips though...
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Old 03-15-2018, 02:00 PM
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Old 03-15-2018, 02:03 PM
kidd kidd is offline
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Default Creepy

I had a buddy years ago that would sleep in his truck alone overnight in the woods while hunting. He said he would take scary books to read to pass the time after sunset. That's creepy.
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Old 03-15-2018, 02:34 PM
Imagehunter Imagehunter is offline
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Happened when I still lived in Europe, nearly 30 years ago, went out night fishing with a friend and suddenly we heard some weird noises in the bush behind us. First we didn't think much of it and just thought it was an animal, checked with a flashlight, nothing.
A little later we suddenly hear huffing and puffing and some sort of moaning. Again checked with the light and nothing, sounds stopped.
Some minutes later it happened again and we went closer to the bush without the light until we got really close, the moaning got louder and louder and on goes the light, only to see nothing again.
Just when we thought there might be a pervert ghost we noticed some rustling on the ground, moved a few dead leaves and found two hedgehogs mating.
Turns out that despite being small as a coconut they can make plenty of noise like humans when banging it out
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Old 03-15-2018, 03:20 PM
2 Tollers 2 Tollers is offline
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Grizzly in the caribou camp electric fence at 0 dark 3:30 — wakes you up for the rest of the night.
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Old 03-15-2018, 04:10 PM
Kanonfodder Kanonfodder is offline
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Originally Posted by BloodHound70 View Post
Was reading the UFO thread and one guy was hinting about what he had experienced while up in the mountains on a sheep hunt. Reminded me of a old thread of spooky experiences guys have had while in the outdoors. Was such a fun creepy read, it's time to resurrect it.
Lets go guys and gals, what have you experienced??

Tell the Ouija board story!!
Don't blame me, I'm just a volunteer
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Old 03-15-2018, 04:53 PM
New Hunter Okotoks New Hunter Okotoks is offline
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Years ago, a hunting buddy and I were drinking a few wobblies in the basement suite that I was renting in the Lower Mainland and he decided to impress me with how much he had perfected his: "Lonely Cow Moose" call. Anyways, two days later the Lady who was living above me catches me as I'm getting home from work and she asked me if I had been hearing any strange noises at night. (She swore that the house was haunted anyways) When she described what they sounded like and that it was two nights earlier, I knew what was up!

I was generally a very courteous neighbor but she didn't care too much about wearing heals on the wooden floors, having drunken hen parties on weeknights, etc. Well, I decided to work on my own moose call every now and then at sporadic times throughout the night. Sometimes two nights in a row, sometimes weeks in between. I never did tell her it was me. She's probably on some forum right now talking about the "eerie, haunting sounds" she would hear at odd hours of the night coming from within the walls of the old haunted house she rented in New Westminster in the 90's!!! Ha ha!!!
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Old 03-15-2018, 07:16 PM
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An odd thing that happened to me one time...

I was fishing a remote part of the Red Deer river and was walking back to my vehicle.. about 3 miles to the road. I was pondering being single and quietly said to myself, " Well God, will I ever meet a good woman? Just give me a sign."
I look up from the ground and lo and behold there is a woman running towards me. I thought "Wow, now that's a sure sign."

Turns out the woman was out running her dog. We both had a chuckle when I told her of my godly question. Unfortunately she was married. Darn! I was so sure.
This country was started by voyagers whose young lives were swept away by the currents of the rivers for ten cents a day... just for the vanity of the European's beaver hats. ~ Red Bullets
It is when you walk alone in nature that you discover your strengths and weaknesses. ~ Red Bullets
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Old 03-15-2018, 07:59 PM
Oldan Grumpi Oldan Grumpi is offline
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Default Alright, I'll bite..

Winter of 1965, northern Alberta, clearing an airstrip and some access road with a D8 working doubles and a D6 working days. Small crew of about 6 or 7 (including labourers), just a kitchen and a sleeper on wheels.

After supper, (D8 already out on night shift about a mile away), we came out of the kitchen to see a considerable fire down a cutline - about 90 degrees off from where the D8 was working. We were the only guys out there, not another soul for many miles except maybe a trapper.

I and a labourer jumped on the D6 and set off to investigate. After snowplowing and bucking willows and windfalls for a mile or so, we got into a bunch of old detours in a creek bottom. Suddenly the headlights began to flicker, sort of waver like a candle in the wind, and then they went out. We dug out a flashlight, and couldn't find anything wrong - but after a few minutes, they began to flicker again and came back on as per normal.

Once we got out of the creek bottom, the fire was nowhere to be seen. We plowed another half mile or so, but it was getting pretty late so finally gave up and went back to camp.

I the morning the D8 night shift guy came in and said we'd better check out the lights - he'd stopped to pour himself a coffee, and his lights did exactly what ours had done, and as near as we could figure, at the same time.

We then drove to nearby forestry tower (closed for the winter), climbed up to the cupola for a look around, and could see no smoke or evidence of a fire. Called the nearest airport to see if any aircraft were missing, but none were reported. Checked the nearest trappers cabin a few miles away (a guy we all knew) but it was fine, and snowed in.

During our snowplowing we did appear to be getting gradually closer, but the fire was still 'not close'. We were not chasing Venus; the fire rose and fell, and was obviously flames - the red/orange colour of a normal wood or fuel fire. It was right down the cutline, and never shifted left or right.

We all, except the D8 operator, saw the fire. After we left with the D6 the others went back inside (it was damn cold) and didn't see the fire 'disappear'. We never did figure out what it was.
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Old 03-15-2018, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Oldan Grumpi View Post
Winter of 1965, northern Alberta, clearing an airstrip and some access road with a D8 working doubles and a D6 working days. Small crew of about 6 or 7 (including labourers), just a kitchen and a sleeper on wheels.

After supper, (D8 already out on night shift about a mile away), we came out of the kitchen to see a considerable fire down a cutline - about 90 degrees off from where the D8 was working. We were the only guys out there, not another soul for many miles except maybe a trapper.

I and a labourer jumped on the D6 and set off to investigate. After snowplowing and bucking willows and windfalls for a mile or so, we got into a bunch of old detours in a creek bottom. Suddenly the headlights began to flicker, sort of waver like a candle in the wind, and then they went out. We dug out a flashlight, and couldn't find anything wrong - but after a few minutes, they began to flicker again and came back on as per normal.

Once we got out of the creek bottom, the fire was nowhere to be seen. We plowed another half mile or so, but it was getting pretty late so finally gave up and went back to camp.

I the morning the D8 night shift guy came in and said we'd better check out the lights - he'd stopped to pour himself a coffee, and his lights did exactly what ours had done, and as near as we could figure, at the same time.

We then drove to nearby forestry tower (closed for the winter), climbed up to the cupola for a look around, and could see no smoke or evidence of a fire. Called the nearest airport to see if any aircraft were missing, but none were reported. Checked the nearest trappers cabin a few miles away (a guy we all knew) but it was fine, and snowed in.

During our snowplowing we did appear to be getting gradually closer, but the fire was still 'not close'. We were not chasing Venus; the fire rose and fell, and was obviously flames - the red/orange colour of a normal wood or fuel fire. It was right down the cutline, and never shifted left or right.

We all, except the D8 operator, saw the fire. After we left with the D6 the others went back inside (it was damn cold) and didn't see the fire 'disappear'. We never did figure out what it was.
Moses and the burning bush???
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Old 03-15-2018, 04:36 PM
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Dropped a buddy off on a quad way in the back bush so he could hike a ways into a spot he’d been scouting. Agreed to meet back there after last light to give him a lift back to camp.

I arrived back just after sundown, sitting and waiting. Got dark damn quick. Every so often I’d put the quad lights on for a minute or two then off so I wouldn’t kill the battery and was getting low on fuel.
A few times I heard some cracking in the woods, I’d give his name a shout.

Just as the first worried thought popped in my head I turned the lights on and there the jerk was not 10 feet in front of me, rifle cradled. Near soiled myself. Asked why he didn’t yell to me or anything, he shrugged said didn’t think I was this far up the trail yet. Forgot his flashlight lol. He didn’t see me either, he probably would have rammed his knee on the winch.

The pitch dark woods can play with your head when sitting alone lol

Not really a ghost story, but that was about as spooky as it got, sitting out there that night. Then without a sound boom a guy right there close enough to light my cigarette lol

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Old 03-17-2018, 09:24 AM
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Sitting in a tree stand, October, leaves on the ground, slight breeze, bow in hand...all went dead quite, no wind, no birds, chill ran up my spine....sat still...then heard running through the leaves from 30 yards out, right past my stand and away....breeze picked up, birds started chirping...I saw nothing run by.
Walk out that night after sunset was a long tense walk....told my son the story many ears later if this happens when your on stand...just sit still.

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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Old 03-17-2018, 11:40 AM
Muller Muller is offline
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Originally Posted by 58thecat View Post
Sitting in a tree stand, October, leaves on the ground, slight breeze, bow in hand...all went dead quite, no wind, no birds, chill ran up my spine....sat still...then heard running through the leaves from 30 yards out, right past my stand and away....breeze picked up, birds started chirping...I saw nothing run by.
Walk out that night after sunset was a long tense walk....told my son the story many ears later if this happens when your on stand...just sit still.
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Old 03-19-2018, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Muller View Post

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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Old 03-17-2018, 11:42 AM
Taco Taco is offline
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Thought I saw a restless sasquatch trying to sun himself in the middle of a mountain clearing once but when I got closer I realized it was a couple in a brown sleeping bag doing the beast with two backs.
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Old 03-19-2018, 06:07 AM
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I was Elk hunting with a buddy and his 2 kids a few years back NW of Spirit River. We were staked out at some land that we had permission on which was at the end of a dead end road and I was 2 sections back from the road tucked up behind a nice round bail with great sight lines to where all the traffic seemed to be (nothing beyond this chunk of field for miles but bush). My buddy and his son were in a different spot than I was, but watching the same general area. About 5 minutes left of legal light a older guy walks out of the corner of the bush as if he's out for a Sunday stroll, not carrying a gun or anything. He walks within about 30yrds from me, looks right at me and says "ELk are going to see ya", and keeps walking without breaking stride. My buddy saw him as well, and took after him to find out who he was as we were the only guys who had permission on that property. My buddy was yelling at him to stop, but the old guy never broke stride, hopped a fence as if it wasn't even there, and walked right back into the bush and was gone. We described the guy to the landowner (older gent maybe late 60's early 70's, tall, slim, wearing a very distinct hat, glasses, and a dark lumberjack type jacket with a vest over top) and he had no idea who it could have been and we never found any vehicle or anything around the area. It was pitch black within 10 minutes after this all happened and this guy would have been miles from any other clearing. It was all very creepy.

Fast forward a few months after when I was talking to a friend of mine about what happened. He just stared at me kind of shocked. He said he had never told me about what had happened to him about 10 years prior. He was up in the Yukon sheep hunting with another guy and were a very long ways into the mountain range checking out some sheep. He said that the sheep had moved around where they couldn't see them anymore, so they decided to move. As they got up to move there was this old guy walking along the side of the mountain maybe 40-50yrds away not carrying a gun or anything as if out for a walk. The old guy stopped for a second and said "Sheep Hunting hey!" turned and continued walking disappearing out of sight. I asked what he looked like, as I hadn't told him a description when I told my story, and he described the same guy to a T right down to the glasses. We were both freaked right out. Guess it took the old guy 10 years to walk from the Yukon to Spirit River....................

Bad decisions make good stories.

Last edited by BloodHound70; 03-19-2018 at 06:13 AM.
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Old 03-19-2018, 08:26 AM
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^^^ Creepy story.
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Old 03-19-2018, 08:47 AM
sanjuanworm sanjuanworm is offline
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Originally Posted by Taco View Post
Thought I saw a restless sasquatch trying to sun himself in the middle of a mountain clearing once but when I got closer I realized it was a couple in a brown sleeping bag doing the beast with two backs.
Sorry, that was me and the missus.
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Old 03-19-2018, 09:06 AM
350 mag 350 mag is offline
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Not supernatural...

But while Elk and Moose hunting(sometimes with a bow) I was once surrounded by Wolf Pack all howling....good thing my atv was close by because once I started it they knew I wasn't a Moose. This was on a bow hunt.....just before dark.

Another time I had a line animal coming through the bush after dark as I was walking back to bike. I moose called and it started running toward me. It wasn't a Bear.....I am guessing a Cougar or lone wolf. I ran down to the atv and was lucky I made it there....never did see it.

Another time a I was Elk calling and a Sow with 3 cubs walked right in on me? She immediately wooded and trees the cubs. She was 25 yards away snapping snarling and swatting trees. I had my 7mm pointed at her.... thankfully she let me slowly retreat and never saw her again.
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Old 03-19-2018, 10:32 AM
6.5swedeforelk 6.5swedeforelk is offline
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Originally Posted by 350 mag View Post

... I had a line animal coming through the bush after dark as I was walking back to bike. I moose called and it started running toward me. It wasn't a Bear.....I am guessing a Cougar or lone wolf. I ran down to the atv and was lucky I made it there....never did see it...
Of the many wolves I've had sneak in on me,
I can't recall any noise on their approach.

Why did you not suppose the noise to be a moose,
what with it's response to your call?
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Old 03-19-2018, 11:08 AM
bucksman bucksman is offline
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I grew up with a friend in school who's house was like the house you see on TV where you just walk in the door grab a drink out of the fridge and sit on the couch and watch a movie without anyone even noticing you are there, kind of a giant family. His dad was a religious man, went to church and played guitar on Sunday's. He had crosses on the wall, pictures and statues of Jesus everywhere. Strange stuff used to happen in that house that we used to shrug off. I remember having my buddy tell me he was headed over there and wouldn't be long and a little while after that I heard footsteps upstairs around the time he said he would be there and eventually no one comes downstairs. So I go to see who it was, no one. Whatever, shrug it off someone forgot something and left. The lights used to flicker in this place as well, almost in a pattern, the whole house wouldn't flicker at the same time like a power surge just different areas of the house. Whatever, electrical problems. I was in the kitchen grabbing some food and the Cross in the dining area fell off the wall, I didn't know what the loud bang was so I went to investigate and when I saw the cross laying there the hair on my neck stood up. I tell my buddy how creepy it was and he tells me the same thing happened to him. Whatever, take it down so it cant fall down, his dad didn't like that nor did he like the explanation of why we did it. His cousin lived there and his room was in the basement and we had an air mattress on the floor that we would crash on so one night I wake up to him telling me nicely to quit screwing around and pulling the covers off his bed but I am on the opposite side of the room. This happens a couple more random nights and finally everyone is getting weirded out after adding up all the stories. I wasn't there the day it happened but his dad told us the story. He had a statue of Jesus by the window and the sun was shining in casting a shadow of it on the wall but the shadow was making some sort of devil like creature he said and after listening and experiencing the stuff in that house he had had enough. I believe he had a priest come over and do the holy water thing. In my mind I have an explanation for everything that went on in that house, but whatever was happening in that place fixed itself that day.
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