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Old 04-27-2009, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by hunterzach View Post
i talked to my mother (shes a nurse) and she said it should be like SARS and only be able to kill the old and sick and newborns
it's not like SARS, that's what makes it odd. Not killing just the weak. I think it will probably not turn into a big deal, but our company just decided to stop "discretionary" travel to Mexico.
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Old 04-27-2009, 05:16 PM
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Take CNN off the air for 2 weeks...and guess what????...it's flu season in Mexico....1600 have the flu?????.....sheesh!!!! that many in Sask. in January have the flu!!!...very FEW "proven" deaths as a result of this.....get out of your bunkers....if u go to Mexico you'll likely die in a gun battle with the drug crap long before the flu kills you

Last edited by lilsundance; 04-28-2009 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 04-27-2009, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by hal53 View Post
it's flu season in Mexico....1600 have the flu?????.....sheesh!!!! that many in Sask. in January have the flu!!!f
More than 854 cases of pneumonia – related to the Swine Influenza - have been diagnosed so far in the Federal District of Mexico, where Mexico City is located. Of those 854 individuals, 59 have died.

It's a bit more serious than your average flu bug in Sask. It's not the same bug. That said, I wouldn't cancel my vacation. But I WOULD watch what and where I eat, and wash my hands alot.
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Old 04-27-2009, 06:20 PM
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So has anyone else heard the rumour that were all supposed to die in december 12th 2012.. Well apparently the computers are going to crash and Hailee's comet is supposed to crash into Earth that day and kill us all. Now the point of this post is does anyone else find it kind of suspicious how our economy is going down and how this disease is now coming out. I think it is a little to weird for me.
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Old 04-27-2009, 06:23 PM
hunterzach hunterzach is offline
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supposedly its not 2012 its 2036 or something like that
With a youth of the outdoors........... to a present of outdoors.........to a future surounding the outdoors
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Old 04-27-2009, 06:24 PM
RandyBoBandy RandyBoBandy is offline
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Well I know one thing for sure!..I'm not eating anymore pork chops until this thing is under control!!
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Old 04-27-2009, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by lucky_magic_stick View Post
So has anyone else heard the rumour that were all supposed to die in december 12th 2012.. Well apparently the computers are going to crash and Hailee's comet is supposed to crash into Earth that day and kill us all. Now the point of this post is does anyone else find it kind of suspicious how our economy is going down and how this disease is now coming out. I think it is a little to weird for me.
hmmmmmmm...banks starting to post profits in the U.S.....markets on a 7 week upswing....love to be in CNN's editing room at 0500 Hrs...."how in the f**** can we fill the next 24 hrs. with good news....THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING HORRIBLE GOING ON!!!....wait a minute!!!!!....didn't that useless Juan send in that somebody in Mexico died from the flu?????.....BINGO!!!!!
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Old 04-27-2009, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by lucky_magic_stick View Post
So has anyone else heard the rumour that were all supposed to die in december 12th 2012.. Well apparently the computers are going to crash and Hailee's comet is supposed to crash into Earth that day and kill us all. Now the point of this post is does anyone else find it kind of suspicious how our economy is going down and how this disease is now coming out. I think it is a little to weird for me.
Not picking on you lucky_magic_stick. But for those who have any faith in 2012 actually coming to fruition, read this:


There have been lots of doomsday predictions, NONE OF THEM have ever happened. Keep things in perspective.

As for this swine flu, within a few months it will all be forgotten by most people. If not, I will personally apologize.

Cheers and Oink!
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Old 04-27-2009, 09:56 PM
MrDave MrDave is offline
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Default Swine flu

My family spent the better part of three months last year in the Children's hospital in Calgary, after that I became really aware of how few people wash there hands properly. I, for one, think maybe some real caution is in order.
But on the upside, there are lots of really stupid people out there that i won't miss if they die.
My neighbors are due back from Mexico next week. They could easily bring it into my area in days. Paranoid? Not really but not stupid either.
You can laugh at the people panicking, But if the WHO is mobilizing then SOME panic might be reasonable.
Newest update http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_04_27/en/index.html

Last edited by MrDave; 04-27-2009 at 10:33 PM.
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Old 04-28-2009, 07:36 AM
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Now the world health org is getting involved. Create a panic, then step in and say were getting involved then when 'pandemic' dries up they can claim their heroic action saved the planet and the stupid piblic will believe it, nobodys the wiser. If we were having a real pandemic there would be hundreds of thousands dead by now. this is obviously just another flue virus like all the others that take out a few people.

Sooner or later we will eventually have a pandemic of some sort of communicable fatal disease that will wipe out a large portion of the population of the planet and we will know it as we will see people dying everywhere around us not just on the news. It's only a matter of time and wearing a dust mask won't help.
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Old 04-28-2009, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Now the world health org is getting involved. Create a panic, then step in and say were getting involved then when 'pandemic' dries up they can claim their heroic action saved the planet and the stupid piblic will believe it, nobodys the wiser. If we were having a real pandemic there would be hundreds of thousands dead by now. .
I agree totally. Health officials should make no comment and take no action until "hundreds of thousands" die. Then we will know it's a pandemic and authorities can start taking action.

Doesn't EVERY pandemic start with a small number of dead? Didn't the black death kill 50 before it killed millions? If it is an illness that has a high likelihood of causing death, is at least moderately communicable, and we don't know much about how to treat it successfully and quickly, then I would expect authorities to be working on it.
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Old 04-28-2009, 11:31 AM
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Default Take precautions.

OK, there are a lot of cynics and disbelievers, but my wife has health issues. If she gets this flu, it could kill her. Also my daughter-in-law is pregnant.
So should we ignore it? When it is this close to home, you tend to take it seriously.
Just wondering, how many of you are washing your hands more often this week.
I know I am stocking up on the alcohol based sanitizers (no - not the kind you drink).
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Walleye Willy View Post
OK, there are a lot of cynics and disbelievers, but my wife has health issues. If she gets this flu, it could kill her. Also my daughter-in-law is pregnant.
So should we ignore it? When it is this close to home, you tend to take it seriously.
Just wondering, how many of you are washing your hands more often this week.
I know I am stocking up on the alcohol based sanitizers (no - not the kind you drink).
i am in this same boat...my wife....after cancer...if she gets the flu it is bad news..and i mean actually gets influenza..not "flu like sympotms"..2 very different stories....most people that have "the flu" actually do not....real influenza is a nasty beast and it still kills thousands of people each year. that is what makes this new strain even more dangerous is that we have no records of it, no trials, no vaccinations. we have no idea how it can and will mutate, how quickly it does so and what it's progression looks like. i am not buying into the hype..i am sure it will fizzle like the rest of them...however i do not ever discount the power of a new flu strain. the flu is one bad mutha....and if you have ever had true influenza you know it. many people confuse flu like symptoms for having the flu believe me they are miles apart.
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
I agree totally. Health officials should make no comment and take no action until "hundreds of thousands" die. Then we will know it's a pandemic and authorities can start taking action.

Doesn't EVERY pandemic start with a small number of dead? Didn't the black death kill 50 before it killed millions? If it is an illness that has a high likelihood of causing death, is at least moderately communicable, and we don't know much about how to treat it successfully and quickly, then I would expect authorities to be working on it.
They start with a small number of dead one day, the next day it is thousands then hundreds of thousands then millions. this been going on a week and only 150 dead, does not constitute a pandemic. They know it isn't a pandemic but they are playing it out as one, then will take credit for saving millions of lives, and that justifies gettin another few billion in grants so they can keep flying around the world and holding exorbidently expensive conferences and doing basically nothing meanwhile hundreds of areas on this planet have epidemic numbers of aids and many other diseases that they ignore because those countries are poor and don't contribute to the W.H.O. 'cause'.
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Old 04-28-2009, 01:03 PM
WalleyeDeitz WalleyeDeitz is offline
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Default Just back form Mexico

I work with a guy who just landed back from Mexico last night. He was scheduled to come back to work today and I left him a phone message saying before he shows up at work, to call me to see what information he was provided about the swine flu. Turns out he hadn’t heard a thing about it until my phone message. The airline did not even mention it to them when they were getting off the plane, nor did customs....I found this a bit odd. Not sure but the media may be just having a hay day with this one. Anyways, he is back at work today so this will probably be my last post, because I am apparently going to die.

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Old 04-28-2009, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
They start with a small number of dead one day, the next day it is thousands then hundreds of thousands then millions. this been going on a week and only 150 dead, does not constitute a pandemic. They know it isn't a pandemic but they are playing it out as one, then will take credit for saving millions of lives, and that justifies gettin another few billion in grants so they can keep flying around the world and holding exorbidently expensive conferences and doing basically nothing meanwhile hundreds of areas on this planet have epidemic numbers of aids and many other diseases that they ignore because those countries are poor and don't contribute to the W.H.O. 'cause'.
Bush, you really need to do just a BIT of research. The WHO are not calling this a pandemic. Here is their latest advice on the outbreak:

"WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities.

There is also no risk of infection from this virus from consumption of well-cooked pork and pork products. Individuals are advised to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis and should seek medical attention if they develop any symptoms of influenza-like illness."

This advice hardly seems like panic-mongering to me. Basically common sense. You seem very upset that they would even monitor the issue or issue anything. I'm not sure why that would be. You lost me on the rant about them flying around the world. Do you have a lot of experience with the WHO?
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:18 PM
MrDave MrDave is offline
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Default Stupidity

So all the Medical Doctors own shares in CNN or something???? Are they getting some kick back from CNN for saying be careful because this is spreading. Media hype??? WOW.... Who is gonna benefit from claiming pandemic?? This flu has been active in Mexico for two weeks now and their government hasn't even told the medical staff what precautions to take. Mexico is so far behind in medical technology that the testing for flu has not even caught up to the first weeks cases. If you think that there aren't enough dead yet to worry about that's your right. If you think that it isn't spreading fast enough, quit watching so many movies, pandemics don't spread like they do on the movies. Great story lines on movies but they are not realistic. And do you think the Mexican government is telling the whole story? The resorts aren't even telling the customers staying there about the outbreak.
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Old 04-28-2009, 05:57 PM
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I must have heard the words world wide Swine flue pandemic on the news everyday for the last 4 days. I take exception to the media fearmongering. The last real pandemic was the 1918 spanish flue influenza pandemic killed between 20 and 40 million people in a year, more than 4 times as many as the 4 year black plague of the 1300's. This swine flue has been around for 2 weeks and you guys are right the WHO has not called it a pandemic yet the media goes on like we're on the verge of disaster. The use of the words 'pandemic' and 'World Health Org' in the same news clip, often the same sentence leads folks to believe they had declared such. ........anyway my rant still stands that the WHO while it's a necessary organization has too many generals and not enough soldiers, too much high living at the top while the WHO doctor in the camp somewhere with all the starving and sick has no medicine. Rant over.
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Old 04-28-2009, 07:13 PM
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Swine flu hits Calgary - Canadian cases increase
Laura Knop and Lisa Grant 2009-04-28 16:15

The deadly swine flu is now in Alberta.

The province's Chief Medical Health Officer has confirmed one case in Calgary and the other in northern Alberta. Dr. Andre Corriveau said both are men who had traveled to Mexico. He added both cases are mild and neither of the men has had to be hospitalized.

The number of cases in Canada has now more than doubled. There are 13 confirmed cases of swine flu in this country, most involving people who traveled to Mexico.

B.C. is reporting a third case of swine flu while Ontario is confirming four. So far, it appears all of the cases are mild. Four cases in Nova Scotia were also confirmed earlier.

There are now 64 confirmed cases in the United States across five states, with 45 in New York, one in Ohio, two in Kansas, six in Texas and 10 in California.

New York City's health commissioner said ``many hundreds'' of schoolchildren are sick with suspected swine flu. A U.S. health official said at least five people are hospitalized with flu in the United States and deaths are likely.

U.S. President Barack Obama is urging Congress to approve $1.5 billion in funding to combat the swine flu outbreak.
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Old 04-28-2009, 07:14 PM
Mantracker Mantracker is offline
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Default Take precautions on this one

This could show up being real bad Mexico is not reporting the full details on there death toll ,give it a few days and we will be seeing more infected people showing up at hospitols all over

I would,nt be going down to Mexico anytime soon you could be having a real long extended vacation .you could find yourself hoofing it with all the illegal imagrates trying to get across the boarder to get back to Canada if total lock down kicks in

What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico I thought thats the way the song was written
When your out Hunting or Fishing and ya need a bite to eat Try a Peice of Mantrackers Jerky !!It,s a Real Treat!!!!
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Old 04-28-2009, 07:19 PM
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Default Precaution,s

I know that I will be pulling the brim of my hat down and lifting my scarf up to just below my eyes before I go riding into town
When your out Hunting or Fishing and ya need a bite to eat Try a Peice of Mantrackers Jerky !!It,s a Real Treat!!!!
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Old 04-28-2009, 07:27 PM
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Well, I have spent the last 7 hours fighting with insurance agents. The Airlines are shutting down our flights and we got cancelled this morning. My sister is very upset as her dream wedding she has been planning for over a year just got crushed. I purchased trip interuption insurance and now they claim I am not covered because we haven't left yet. Funny thing is that right under the list for coverage with the trip interuption is a cancellation due to a government issued travel advisory which is what happened. But, the insurance company says that we needed interuption and cancellation insurance if the interuption happens before we go. Friggen brutal excuse. None of that was explained when I bought it and I feel I was sold the policy believing this would be covered. In the insurance handbook they never directly say that interuption does not cover prior to departure It is Brutally worded and makes no sense. The battle will continue tomorrow.
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Old 04-28-2009, 07:45 PM
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Default Unreal Muley

What a bunch of hog wash they wont refund your money,get after them tommorrow and let them have a good peice of mind ,under the fine print ya right.

Hey it is best that you dont go down there but to have no refund even makes me made as well.

Have a good ole country wedding in some hall some where
When your out Hunting or Fishing and ya need a bite to eat Try a Peice of Mantrackers Jerky !!It,s a Real Treat!!!!
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Old 04-28-2009, 10:30 PM
skunkedagain skunkedagain is offline
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Default what else can we run from

Swine flu My daughter is not allowed to go to school if she has a sniffle, cough, feeling achy, headache, or nausea.... run for the hills can anyone say over exagerated paranoia?? Thanks CNN AKA media, Pretty soon we will have spouse flu.. then we are all doomed..
Just waiting for the right time.
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Old 04-28-2009, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by skunkedagain View Post
Pretty soon we will have spouse flu.. then we are all doomed..
We already have that...it's called Mad Cow Disease...
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Old 04-28-2009, 10:38 PM
BUD BUD is offline
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DID YOU KNOW that local big Farmers and Ranchers in Alberta have been bringing up Mexican migrant workers on a reg basis every year at different times of the year , why you ask? for cheap slave labour at slave wages , been going on for a few years now , numbers are around 20,000 per year , work for awhile as needed , then sent back , all travel expenses paid for them, and all done with Stelmachs endorsment

Also , when you get a overpopulated bunch of rats in a slough hole , what happens ? they fight and get diseased ,much like to many Humans in the world.
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Old 04-28-2009, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by BUD View Post

Also , when you get a overpopulated bunch of rats in a slough hole , what happens ? they fight and get diseased ,much like to many Humans in the world.
So what are you saying?

What is your answer to the problem?
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Old 04-29-2009, 12:06 AM
BUD BUD is offline
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Originally Posted by Jester View Post
So what are you saying?

What is your answer to the problem?
Never said l have an answer , just stating a couple of facts that contribute to the problem.
The creator will solve the problem l,m sure.
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Old 04-29-2009, 12:28 AM
grandslamer grandslamer is offline
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Originally Posted by BUD View Post
DID YOU KNOW that local big Farmers and Ranchers in Alberta have been bringing up Mexican migrant workers on a reg basis every year at different times of the year , why you ask? for cheap slave labour at slave wages , been going on for a few years now , numbers are around 20,000 per year , work for awhile as needed , then sent back , all travel expenses paid for them, and all done with Stelmachs endorsment

Also , when you get a overpopulated bunch of rats in a slough hole , what happens ? they fight and get diseased ,much like to many Humans in the world.
bud u realldy dont have a clue...
my family has a beekeeping operation and we use mexican labour every year(reason we cant fid anyone local that will work with bees) and they get paid far from slave wages,they get min 16 an hour or more depending on their experance,and we also pay the air ticket here and back ,plus they only get half the deductions a resident gets and the mexican goverment gets 500 per worker ..
we also hire fron austrailia when we can
so nothing cheap about it
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Old 04-29-2009, 12:30 AM
Jester Jester is offline
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Originally Posted by BUD View Post
Never said l have an answer , just stating a couple of facts that contribute to the problem.
The creator will solve the problem l,m sure.
Bud...your not into that
Scientology stuff are you?
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