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Old 08-28-2009, 08:27 PM
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Default Travers Sunday Aug 30th

We'll be going down to Travers on Sunday, last weekend of summer and last time for me to fish in Alberta probably until for a month or more. Heading back to Sask to help with Harvest.

I know the bite has been slow, so has anyone had any luck anywhere? What depth have you guys been fishing? We'll probably try out a couple of the usual spots first but then I'm guessing a guy will have to look a little harder. Any tips would be appreciated.

Old 08-28-2009, 09:07 PM
bowfin bowfin is offline
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will you be fishing from shore or do you have a boat
Old 08-29-2009, 09:21 AM
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Definitely on boat.
Old 08-29-2009, 10:10 AM
bowfin bowfin is offline
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head to the east end of lake launch at the camp ground head across the lake bottom bounce with a 2 oz weight use hammered silver blades size #4 Colorado use the biggest minnows you can get the candle lake shiners will do but if they have them really big ones at the fishin hole use them make sure you use a trailer hook for short bites troll real slow just fast enough that the blade spins fish from the corner of the dam up to the first big cliff make a wide turn in the bay and head back to dam fish from 23-60 ft fallow the structure and keep your bait on bottom try to stay on the ledges you should be able to bring home some supper. IMO the best bite is early morning before all the boats get going good luck let us know how you did going to spray tomorrow but will be at Travers next weekend hopefully you don't catch them all lol
Old 08-29-2009, 03:09 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Not a good thing to be fishin in 30+ feet of water. Very very hard for fish to recover.
Old 08-29-2009, 04:24 PM
bowfin bowfin is offline
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never had any problems releasing fish from 30 fow if you bring them up slow and make sure you see the air bubbles if you haul them up fast i agree they will get the benz
Old 08-29-2009, 05:38 PM
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I fish in 30+ FOW for walleye all summer, you just need to know what your doing when you pull them up.

Thanks for the tips, I don't have the best slow trolling boat. But we'll make a shot at it. There's a couple of good spot near the dam we usually jig at and can find fish, whether or not they bite is a different story lol.
Old 08-29-2009, 06:43 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Highly unlikely you are bringing them up slow enough. Doesnt matter if you know what you are doing or not.

They are not like lakers that will burp and release air!
Old 08-29-2009, 06:55 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Just in case anyone missed it or is curious there are some tips on releasing fish on pg 19 of the Alberta Guide to Sportfishing Regulations.

While there are no laws that state you cant or shouldnt fish in deep water for walleye and perch or pike. There are plenty of good reasons not to!
Old 08-29-2009, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post
Highly unlikely you are bringing them up slow enough. Doesnt matter if you know what you are doing or not.

They are not like lakers that will burp and release air!
Yes they do?

If you take your time with them and let them recover boat side they will be fine.
Old 08-29-2009, 07:27 PM
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had good luck today fishing the surface close to the edge of weedbeds with red devils. 11 pike cant be wrong. in 2 hours. not at Travers, but not too far from it.

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Old 08-29-2009, 07:39 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Hi jesse!

No they dont.

And Jesse why do you think the SAWT doesnt recommend fishing in water over 30'? There was a specific reason for that.

The time that would likely be required for the walleyes bladder to compensate would be quite drawn out, longer than most would be willing to wait, and also put the fish at risk from a prolonged fight.
Old 08-29-2009, 09:15 PM
bowfin bowfin is offline
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hey hunts
your trying to tell us the guys that do the walleye tourneys don't fish in 30 ft of water your full of s@#$ when i was at Travers in June when the tourney was on there were lots of guys i seen fishing in 30 fow and deeper and they probably fizz the fish when they put them in the live well guys do alot of strange things when cash is on the line and wallys do burp i have seen this lots
Old 08-30-2009, 09:19 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Please reread my post!
"why do you think the SAWT doesnt recommend fishing in water over 30'"
Some people there dont listen very well either(Travers tournament). Most respect it some dont!
Fizzing is against the rules-you get caught and you get booted from the tournament!
"wallys do burp i have seen this lots" now whos full

Why doesnt the regs recommend it either?

Last edited by huntsfurfish; 08-30-2009 at 09:26 AM.
Old 08-30-2009, 09:49 AM
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The reason why it's not recommended because most people don't know how to fish for fish in those depths properly. There is many topics in books on this subject. If you're pulling in a fish in those depths, you take your time, let them run around, they go over at all depths, then they will release their air and bubbles will come up to the surface. It works and I've never lost a fish doing this.

If you've ever been anywhere near a walleye tournament, people are fishing up to 50 FOW, catching, keeping and releasing if necessary. It's done all the time by people that know what they're doing. And a news flash...fish aren't going to be 25 feet or under this time of year anyway.
Old 08-30-2009, 12:37 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Ive been around plenty of tournaments.

please reread my posts.

"SAWT doesnt recommend fishing in water over 30' "

"Some people there dont listen very well either(Travers tournament). Most respect it some dont! "

I am speaking about SAWT

"It's done all the time by people that know what they're doing. "

If they knew what they were doing they wouldnt be doing it!!

"There is many topics in books on this subject" And if they are suggesting what you are saying they must be in the fiction area of the bookstore.

Fish can be caught shallow alot more often than you think.
Old 08-30-2009, 01:03 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Is it still mentioned at the SAWT pre-tournament rules meeting anymore? If not it should be.
Old 08-30-2009, 01:38 PM
walleyeminded walleyeminded is offline
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to each there own if u dont want to fish that deep then dont but dont start complaining about what others do if its not breaking the rules, if u have such strong beliefs then write a letter to the government complaining cause most of us dont want to hear it thats just my 2 cents
Old 08-30-2009, 01:56 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Typical response and

no respect for the fish, either.

"dont want to hear it thats just my 2 cents " If you dont want to here it ignore it, right? Well you can if you want. Just put me on ignore and keep your head in the sand. Im just trying to help.

Once again, if you are fishing in deep water you are not doing our fisheries any favours(read-any good).

Naturally people dont want to here that though!
Old 08-30-2009, 02:06 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Ya know.

You here fine upstanding fisherman/hunters complaining about all the rules and regulations and how they are unneccessary and so on.

And you have a request by the gov. and other groups to limit fishing in water shallower than 30'. And you have the typical group of people that say "we dont have to because there is no law".

Well folks. There are the reasons why they impose these laws on us!!!!
The evidence suggests that we limit our fishing to somewhat shallower water but we still fail to self regulate!!

Good grief!
Old 08-30-2009, 03:14 PM
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Is this a fail attempt at getting your post count up?

If people are interested in what your saying they should pm you.

don't post it multiple times in a thread and expect open arms

Last edited by jesse34567; 08-30-2009 at 03:20 PM.
Old 08-30-2009, 04:49 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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"Is this a fail attempt at getting your post count up?"

Sorry I mean

What do post counts have to do with anything?

Feel free to answer the questions jesse.

"don't post it multiple times in a thread and expect open arms"

What the? Not trying to be popular! Cant ya tell.

Just trying to point out that fishing deep is not good for the fisheries.
And suggesting people fish in 60 feet of water is not fishing responsibly and neither is 30+. All the data seems to point to that conclusion as well!

And no im not better then you or anybody else on here or anything like that either.
Old 08-30-2009, 08:26 PM
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Wasnt this a post about travers and not a political debate???seriously, grow up and post about the actual subject...
Old 08-30-2009, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post
"Is this a fail attempt at getting your post count up?"

Sorry I mean

What do post counts have to do with anything?

Feel free to answer the questions jesse.

"don't post it multiple times in a thread and expect open arms"

What the? Not trying to be popular! Cant ya tell.

Just trying to point out that fishing deep is not good for the fisheries.
And suggesting people fish in 60 feet of water is not fishing responsibly and neither is 30+. All the data seems to point to that conclusion as well!

And no im not better then you or anybody else on here or anything like that either.
Isn't responsible? What a Joke.

for the last I don't 40-50 years probably more people have been fishing in depths of more than 30 ft and has it really hurt the fisheries no I don't think so harvesting of fish does more damage then the rubbish you keep babbling about

and for mustang look around points and nice dropoffs thats were you will find most of the eyes

Last edited by jesse34567; 08-30-2009 at 08:35 PM.
Old 08-30-2009, 09:53 PM
trophyboy trophyboy is offline
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Bringing them up slowly is a very misunderstood myth. The absolute best thing to do if you're going to fish deep is to release the fish immediately, as they will go straight back down. All this nonsense about burping the fish is laughable....come on guys let's be reasonable.

To answer the initial question of where to fish. Slowly cruise the shorelines in depths from 20-40 feet when you mark fish throw down your spinner blades with worms or minnows. Worms work best. Walleye are where you find them at this time of year and they will be deep for the most part. If you do not have a sonar unit then troll spinner blades until you find fish, then work the area over and over. Good luck.
Old 08-31-2009, 06:01 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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The absolute best thing to do is avoid 30+ feet of water.

"Wasnt this a post about travers and not a political debate???seriously, grow up and post about the actual subject... "

My posts are related to what was said in the OP. What is with the grow up comment?

"for the last I don't 40-50 years probably more people have been fishing in depths of more than 30 ft and has it really hurt the fisheries no I don't think so harvesting of fish does more damage then the rubbish you keep babbling about"

Get real, past practice doesnt make it right now, does it. And Jesse you still have not answered my question.

And "has it really hurt the fisheries" Yes it has.
Old 08-31-2009, 07:42 AM
walleyeminded walleyeminded is offline
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i understand now this guy must be apart of peta no answer u have will please this guy if u want to change the rules then do something about it become a conservation officer then u can fine ppl for NOT breaking the law lol then we see how long u last lol
Old 08-31-2009, 08:46 AM
floppychicken floppychicken is offline
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Default Heh, heh....

30 FOW 'suggestion' is S.T.U.P.I.D.

Seriously, what did people do previous to depth finders ? Did they mark their lines at 30 Feet so as not to harm the fish ? I think NOT... What about ALL of the Fisherpeople that have NO Depth Finder and have no intention of ever buying and/or using one ? What about people who fish off the Docks and such ? How the Hell would they have ANY clue as to the depth they are fishing at ? Anyone ever fished EAST of Saskatchewan for Walleye ? I've fished in Ontario and Quebec Lakes where we were lucky to FIND 20 FOW less than 4 or 5 yards from shore ! What about fishing the Great Lakes ? How many Walleye photos have we seen with people using Downriggers !! "Dang, those poor fish !"

Although 'I think' the suggestion of fishing under 30 FOW for Walleye is asinine, I'm certainly not going to say that the 'Bladder Phenomenon' does not occur. I have seen and had it happen, but from my 38+ years of fishing, the ones that have issues with depth are normally the little guys under 2 lbs. The bigger fish are far better at 'self-regulation' of their bodily functions in the short term. I've been far more worried about Bigger fighting fish hooked in 5 or 10 FOW than those 'Quick recovering' small guys at 40 FOW. The big fish will completely EXHAUST themselves whereas the little guys tend to have 'plenty of juice' at the surface. Either way, FISH in general are FAR, FAR more versatile than we give them credit. Besides, how many Walleye do WE ACTUALLY see floating around on the tops of Alberta waters ? Almost NIL. The FEW places where you'll find floating Eye's and Burbot are GUARANTEED to be from 'DEEP HOOKS' and/or poor Angling practice (Sylvan Lake Marina anyone ?)

So at what depth do I fish for Walleye ? Here in Alberta, normally at under 12' or 15' of water ! LOL....
I've caught some of my BEST Walleye in under 8 FOW when the water has been 74+ degrees ! I suppose If ALL you want to do is CHASE Walleye around all day, every day (like a SAWT Tourney, etc..) then yeah, you're going to have to find deeper water much of the time

For me, fishing is more about relaxing and 'hanging out'. I'm not interested in making it 'too difficult'

Anyway, JMHO.....


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