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Old 04-20-2007, 09:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Marie Lake Update

Well, I didn't think I would be posting anything so soon.

Thank you to Furious Albertan for the idea and contact information to write to the premier, MLAs and others.

On the 18th I received an email back from Denis Ducharme. I find it very encouraging to see some action and that our words have started to make a difference. It is a great feeling! Sure makes it worth the time and effort.

Thank you for your email regarding proposed seismic operations at Marie Lake. As the MLA for Bonnyville – Cold Lake I would like to provide the following information to you as a response to your concerns regarding this issue.

As MLA for Bonnyville – Cold Lake I have been working diligently to stop the proposal for drilling at Marie Lake, put forth by OSUM Corp. Thus far, I attended two of the three public information meetings hosted by OSUM Corp. I found the meetings held at Riverhurst hall as well as the Edmonton meeting on April 3, 2007 were well attended by Albertans seeking answers to their concerns about possible damages caused by 3-D seismic testing. Following these meetings I shared the comments and concerns with the Premier, the Honorable Ed Stelmach, the Minister of Energy, Honorable Mel Knight, the Minister of Environment, Honorable Rob Renner, the Minister of Sustainable Resource Development, Honorable Ted Morton and all members of the government caucus.

At the Riverhurst meeting I indicated to all present that I do not support this project. As MLA for Bonnyville – Cold Lake, I also indicated I will do all I can to prevent the approval of this seismic project. Albertans have drawn a line in the sand and have made it clear that oil & gas development of our pristine recreational areas will no longer be tolerated and that government policy should be changed to reflect this fact.

The reply received from the Premier to my question in the Legislature was encouraging and I will keep him accountable to those remarks (I am attaching a copy of the Hansard containing the Premier’s response). Your questions and concerns have been forwarded to the Ministers involved and due diligence is to be expected from them before a decision is made.

Once again thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns. Our jewel in northeastern Alberta, Marie Lake must be protected.

Denis Ducharme, MLA
Bonnyville – Cold Lake

I then received the following attachment as transcriptions from the legislature:

Resource Development in Marie Lake Area

Mr. Ducharme: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Many Albertans are very concerned about the proposed seismic testing in oil sands development at Marie Lake, one of Alberta’s few remaining pristine lakes. OSUM corporation has acquired the mineral rights beneath the surface of Marie Lake. Government rules require seismic testing before a development application can be filed. At a public meeting last night OSUM stated that they have evidence that oil sands exist beneath Marie Lake and that seismic is not necessary. To the Minister of Energy. Albertans are fearful of possible environmental damage and aquatic life loss due to seismic. Will you waive the seismic testing requirement and allow OSUM to provide their evidence, therefore not putting Marie Lake at risk?

The Speaker: The hon. minister.

Mr. Knight: Well, thank you, Mr. Speaker. First of all, I must say that under this government and under the leadership of our current Premier, we have a plan to build a stronger Alberta. Let me make it very clear that absolutely no – no – resource development takes place in the province of Alberta without a very comprehensive approval process. With respect to seismic, it’s critical that adequate resource information is available in order for the proponents and the government regulators to come to the proper conclusion with respect to a permit. It’s necessary, Mr. Speaker, to pinpoint the location of the resource. We cannot eliminate this important tool . . .

The Speaker: The hon. member.

Mr. Ducharme: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. To the same minister:
land sales for the right to explore our natural resources occur every two weeks and are conducted under the supervision of the Department of Energy. Mr. Minister, does present government policy allow all lands, with the exception of parks and protected areas, to be sold to the highest bidder without any consideration to quality of life and environmental sensitivities?

The Speaker: The hon. minister.

Mr. Knight: Well, thank you. Mr. Speaker, again, this government has a plan to improve Albertans’ quality of life, and we continue with that plan. Quality of life and environmental sensitivity are top priorities when any development is considered, regardless of whether it’s energy, infrastructure, forestry, the fibre business, agriculture, or manufacturing. The sale of mineral rights is only part of this process, and a number of very stringent checks and balances are in place to ensure that any development that occurs is done in a responsible manner.

Mr. Ducharme: Our new Premier has included improving quality
of life for all Albertans as one of the main pillars under his leadership. Quality of life for Albertans is more than financial wealth. It includes amongst other things quality education, safe communities, good recreational opportunities, and a clean environment. By allowing seismic and industrial oil and gas operations on pristine lakes such as Marie Lake, this government allows our quality of life to erode. To the Premier: will you instruct your cabinet to stop industrial development surrounding Marie Lake until the impacts on recreational properties have been addressed to the satisfaction of the
residents, who will live with the consequence of this seismic

Mr. Stelmach: Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Member for
Bonnyville-Cold Lake for the work that he’s doing with this file. He has attended all of the public meetings and has been keeping me up to date on how this matter proceeds. I want to tell everyone that prior to any development it is very
critical that we must maintain not only the quality of life for the residents in that area but also absolutely protect our environment. I’m going to make sure that everyone is satisfied that there is scientific evidence and a process that is followed that does satisfy the protection of the environment and the people living around that lake. I’ll work with the Minister of Sustainable Resource Development to ensure that this happens.

Great to see politics in action!!!
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Old 04-21-2007, 09:17 AM
Marie Lake
Posts: n/a
Default Marie Lake

Thanks very much for your support on this issues so far. Its great news but we are not out of the woods yet.

It appears as long as the engineers can still prove that the Seismic testing does not harm aquatic life the testing wil be approved and may still go ahead. Continuing the pressure is the only way to stop this outright. Anyone who disagrees of what is planned to happening on Marie Lake please continue to write your letters and send your e-mails. It does make a differnce. And pass the information on to your buddies. If you need more information just let me know. I can e-mail info to you.

P.S. I'm sending my next batch of concerns to the fed's this week.
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Old 04-21-2007, 05:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Agreed

Agreed. No where even close to out of the woods. It is nice to see ....something. Could you forward any Fed contacts you have? I would be happy to send concerns as well.

Thank you for taking the initiative to get this started!!
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Old 04-21-2007, 08:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default agree

Ive forwarded it to some other websites...
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Old 04-22-2007, 10:26 AM
Marie Lake
Posts: n/a
Default Marie Lake


That's really great. These are the links and contacts I have so far on the matter. If you wish you could pass this info along as well.


Ed Stelmach, Premier - Premier@gov.ab.ca or fortsaskatchewan.vegreville@assembly.ab.ca Fax: 780-427-1349
Rob Renner, Minister of Environment - robrenner@assembly.ab.ca or medicine.hat@assembly.ab.ca Fax: 780-422-6259
Peter Watson, Deputy Minister Environment - peter.watson@gov.ab.ca Fax: 780-427-0923
Dennis Ducharme, MLA - bonnyville.coldlake@assembly.ab.ca Fax: 780-826-2165
Neil McCrank, Alberta EUB Chair - neil.mccrank@eub.ca Fax: 403-297-8326
Dave Scott, Alberta SRD - dave.scott@gov.ab.ca Fax: 780-826-6068
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister - harper.s@parl.gc.ca Fax: 613-947-0310
John Baird, Federal Minister of Environment - Baird.J@parl.gc.ca Fax: 819-953-3457/613-996-9880
Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries & Oceans - Min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca or example1@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Fax: 613-990-7292
Mel Knight, Minister of Oil & Gas - grandeprairie.smoky@assembly.ab.ca Fax: 780-422-0195; 513-1247
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