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Old 02-12-2008, 11:06 AM
nekred nekred is offline
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Default What would make you want to attend a 3D shoot

Just looking for some feedback an what things would entice you to attend a shoot.

What draws you to attend a shoot?

What turns you off from attending a shoot?

As a president of a club and planning on holding a shoot this year I want to know what we can do to have good attendance for the work we put in.

All feedback is welcome! if you do not feel comfortable posting publicly... by all means PM me. My boxis empty!

Also when you respond let me know if you have attended shoots in the past.
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Old 02-12-2008, 11:40 AM
Jamie Jamie is offline
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Ok, its been a while.
But this is what I would like to see in a shoot.

#1 a ride out to my first post and a ride back from my last.
#2 make it a 2 dayer. I like the camping
#3 games after the shoot.. Ex long shot at the steel target.. I love when people miss and that arrow BLOWS up. (Do carbons do that? When I quit, carbons were just coming in.)
#4 get it catered with a REAL BBQ. I would love to see a pig roast or something. Not just the standard Steak and Potato thing. I know this adds to the cost, but people will pay for a Texas style BBQ or something.
#5 not big on the dance idea.. but a MONSTER fire pit would be great. Lots of seating as well, perhaps a guy on Guitar.
#6 Run it on time, end early on Sunday so a guy can get home.

I miss 3d shoots. A guy need to look at getting back into them.

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Old 02-12-2008, 01:02 PM
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Went to one years and years ago and had a blast - I may have been 14 yrs old. Loved the steel target at the end of the day. All ideas above sound great to me...
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:03 PM
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It's been a while for me as well, but I liked the comradery of being with other archers. It was really good practice working up to hunting season, not only for shooting in general but also for practicing your yardage guessing. Also, challenging yourself and a little bit of compettion is always fun.
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:07 PM
Jamie Jamie is offline
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Also, get a few Kegs of beer with that dinner.
It will add to the taste of the BBQ and add to the comradery.
I am not saying get everyone loaded.. just enough to enjoy a glass or 2.

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Old 02-12-2008, 09:05 PM
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Default 3D Shoot


Do you hold 3D shoots at your club regularly now? Nothing really organized, but just pick a day a week that anyone can come in and shoot at various 3D's set up. The club I am shooting at does this once a week. There is 36 different critters set-up with various trees, fences, etc, etc, to shoot around rather than just setting up a deer or 2 at the end of a lane. Young children to old men, experienced and first timers are all there every week.

This would likely be a great way to get everyone involved that shoots there regularly. It allows the less experienced shooters to have a go first hand at it and when an organized event comes about they would likely feel more confortable in entering it. Also a great way to get people moving around and interacting, alot of good info can be shared in an evening!

Don't know if that really answers your couple of questions directly, but hopefully helps muster up a few for the shoot! Good luck!
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Old 02-13-2008, 08:43 AM
nekred nekred is offline
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All suggestions are helpful.

We have an outdoor range only and we usually set up 2-20 animal loops.

We have hosted shoots for the last few years and we want to increase attendance.

Maybe if people could post some specific reasns why they don't attend shoots so that we can draw them back, and some ideas to attract new people.
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Old 02-13-2008, 09:58 AM
Jamie Jamie is offline
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The big reason I quit going, was becouse I gave up Bow Hunting. (Kids, Wife, Job)
Also at times I felt I was intruding with a established group. But that is no ones fault but my own.

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Old 02-13-2008, 10:39 AM
nekred nekred is offline
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I appreciatte the candid response Jamie,

As i go to 3D shoots there is a core group of people that I see/belong to.

We all know each other and it may seem cliquey. I know it took awhile for people to get used of seeing me there and then people started to talk to me.

feeling like an outsider is never fun and that is some of the things I want to get at to help people feel more welcome!.

I think if you are new it is very important who you are assigned to shoot with because some people can be pretty impatient and *****ly with newbies!...and others are just awesome with newbies!.....

At a lot of shoots we are down to that core group/clique and wondering why!

15 years ago a 3D shoot was a major attraction for archers.... now... not so much!....exploring options here!....
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Old 02-13-2008, 10:49 AM
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One that would welcome and accommodate kids and seniors with arrow shooting equipment they can use effectively. No more discrimination under the guise of insurance restrictions or target abuse.

Give and thou shalt receive.

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Old 02-21-2008, 10:30 PM
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Default Something Different

I attended a shoot a couple years back where they had a deer target rigged into a clothes-line and a counter weight. When the weight was dropped it made the deer run through some trees where there were a a few tight shooting lanes. Lots of carbon hit the trees that day , fun and different thought.

We used to have shoots for our members where we would play archery golf. Basically we would set op some targets at 100 - 500 yards. You would then shoot an arrow up in the air attempting to get it as close as possible to the target (this was your tee shot). Everyone would then retrieve their arrow and take their next shot from where their firs one landed, if you were close enough to the target you would then shoot at it or try getting closer by firing the arrow in the air once again. You needed to hit an 8 or better to sink your putt. The fewer shots required the better, just like golf. There were penalty strokes for lost arrows etc. We used recurve bows for this to keep the arrows in sight. We would also watch the shooter closely to make sure he / she wasn't shooting straight up. Just like lawn darts this can be alot of fun and if some common sense is used it is safe.

As mentioned by some others camping and a bon fire is a must at these events. Gives us all a chance to share stories from the days events and meet new people. If you are thinking of putting on a shoot let us all know when and where, I haven't made it out to one for a year or two and would like to get back into it.
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Old 02-21-2008, 11:04 PM
Hoochie Papa
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All I need is more notice, and better info on the shoots. Only the big shoots seem to be advertised. How about the smaller club shoots. I work in the patch like so many of you, and I need a little notice if I want to get to a shoot. Add some particulars about it. Indoor or out? How much for fees? Location ( and not just the town the club is in).

The ones I do hear about it's too late to even try to get to them.
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Old 03-01-2008, 08:22 PM
BUD BUD is offline
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Old 03-02-2008, 08:37 AM
gube gube is offline
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Used to do a lot of 3-D years ago. Things just got busier over the years with three kids, family life and work (I work shift work so end up working half of the weekends in a year.) I still try to make it out for a couple of them a year.
My favorite one so far has been the shoot at Camp He Ho Ha. I have tried to attend some of the indoor shoots, but I always seem to be working during those scheduled weekends. The indoor shoot at Red deer this weekend was one I would have really liked to have attended, but alas, I'm stuck at work.
It would be nice to see a "sticky" posted up here for up-coming shoots for both indoor and out.

Aim Small Miss Small
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Old 03-03-2008, 01:10 PM
Rusty P. Bucket Rusty P. Bucket is offline
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Where is your club Nekred, and when are your shoots?

Years ago I was a certafiable 3-D weiner. I remember shoots that attracted a couple hundred people and I was treated like a king by the experts and newbies alike. I seem to recall the best shoots going on in Dreadful Valley. Some of the shots were designed by sadists but I soon started making them as my skills improved. Damn, those were good days.

My problem was that the better I got, the more competitive I became and the harder I worked to perfect my skills. One day at one of the sanctioned shoots some fellas in another group started cheating and it just fried my cookies. I suppose I should have complained but what would that do? Cheaters always cheat, everyone would just feel bad and nothing would happen...so I hung up my bow and just started shooting for meat and for fun. My attendance at the shoots fell off too and I started spending more time with the rifles and pistols. My bow rests on its rack exactly where I left it over half a decade ago.

Today I am a knock-kneed turkey shooter, Nekred. If you designed a shoot for me personally, I would like it to be over two days with overnight camping. The pig roasts were always fun afterward. I love crazy shots too - ones that you would probably pass up if you were shooting at real animals. The event would be attended by good story tellers and BSers as well as the experts.

I am thinking of picking up the bow again but more as a social thing than a competitive thing.

Please keep us posted on the progress of your shoot Nekred. I might be able to furnish an extra set of hands for setting up if you put something together.
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Old 03-03-2008, 02:35 PM
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Default The drawbacks

1) Not knowing what a "3D" shoot IS.....
2) Not wanting to embarass myself in front of much better and more experienced shooters.... if you had a "I'm a crappy shot" division, then maybe....
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Old 03-03-2008, 02:49 PM
nekred nekred is offline
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Thanks for the responses.

Club is Parkland Bowbenders out of Spruce Grove.

We are planning a 2 day hoot and our Tourney Director has a few things up his sleeve i am sure. It is too bad about the cheaters but they do get weeded out of our sport.
Okotokian a 3D shoot is where we have a course and you walk around and shoot at foam targets that are life size replicas of animals.

The divisions are based on equipment and the goal is fun. It is a great way to learn proper archery skills.

When i set up a shoot I try to cater to the new archers more than the ones that want a challenge. broken Arrows are not fun, but a level challenge is also needed. My motto is easy to take a five, hard to get a 10.

I appreciatte the offer of help...

STAY TUNED... more info coming soon!
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Old 03-03-2008, 03:27 PM
raggmann raggmann is offline
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I'd be into one if there was a "beginer" class.
I've been shooting for 3years now.I've not shot any critters (except for 1 grouse),only old windshield washer fluid jugs.
I was to a shoot in Red Deer as a spectator and never have felt soo out of place.
It would be good to be with like minded people and have a camp out as Jamie said.
Keep us posted.

flyin' high on caffine and Copenhagen.......
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Old 03-03-2008, 03:28 PM
curt7mm curt7mm is offline
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My two daughters and myself would love to try your 3D course in the spring or summer. We have been shooting for a year now, off and on and I must say, my girls are preety good shooters...sorry, had to brag. I have heard from several people that your 3d club is alot of fun. Are there a bunch fees associated with shooting at this club or is it one fee per visit kind of deal?
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Old 03-03-2008, 03:43 PM
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Nice natural location good course lots of targets and people who laugh with me not at me
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:05 PM
nekred nekred is offline
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there is no real beginner class however the HUN (Hunter Class) is a basic setuo with hunting arrows (4 inch fletch, screw in inserts)
Bow can only have one stabiliser extending a max of 12" from the bow.

Anyways one is always welcome to come out and give her a go...

Regular membership can come out at any time and give her a go...

membership fee is $100 per year for family plus volunteer fee of $40 (returnable when one helps out with club work) and then the mandatory ABA membership for insurance.

Overall it is fun!....
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:08 PM
nekred nekred is offline
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Oh and with new people I never laugh at them... but with them and will help out as I can.

Archery is a personal thing and if a person feels that they will be embarassed and don't want to participate.... I hope I do not contribute to that but help out as i can.

Also Hunter class has a max yards of 40. to help out so i guess it is a beginner class if you choose to call it that!....
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:11 PM
nekred nekred is offline
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Nobody with a bow in their hand should feel out of place at a shoot.

I know that I can shoot well but I also shoot over 300 arrows a week.

I would hope that someone who is new would not feel intimidated, embarassed , or otherwise fell out of place. 16 years ago I got my first bow! and was there too!.
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Old 03-03-2008, 08:05 PM
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Went to my first shoot this past weekend. Had blast on Friday night at the warm up round with some other not so competitive people (hunter and his girl friend who was learning to shoot). Next day though, my buddy and I were paired with a couple 'experts'. They did not want to have anything to do with us, not even share advice or stories. They were in a different class then us as well. Kinda put a damper on the entire experience.

Personally I think mixing hunters with the competitive 3-D archers was a bad idea in my case, but suppose it could of just been their personalities. Not like I was slowing them down or anything and I shot 170, but they sure did not make me feel welcome.

Also, I found it hard to find out what the heck the rules and guideline were for first timers. I had to practically beat it out of the volunteers and the people we were shooting with offered no advice whatever. My friend shot the alphabet target instead of the numeric target the first time and these guys did not say boo.

I was a lot of fun, but I guess I'm suggesting:

Put hunters with hunters, competitors with competitors.
Have a orientation handout or 30 minute intro for stuff.
Fun shoots are great! Even more fun than the official score type shooting.
Mystery prize shoot - All target in range, but an unknown one gets the prize. Totally luck but you still have to make the shot!

Let me know when your shoots are.

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Old 03-03-2008, 11:57 PM
Trav Trav is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRackLover View Post
Went to my first shoot this past weekend. Had blast on Friday night at the warm up round with some other not so competitive people (hunter and his girl friend who was learning to shoot). Next day though, my buddy and I were paired with a couple 'experts'. They did not want to have anything to do with us, not even share advice or stories. They were in a different class then us as well. Kinda put a damper on the entire experience.

Personally I think mixing hunters with the competitive 3-D archers was a bad idea in my case, but suppose it could of just been their personalities. Not like I was slowing them down or anything and I shot 170, but they sure did not make me feel welcome.

Also, I found it hard to find out what the heck the rules and guideline were for first timers. I had to practically beat it out of the volunteers and the people we were shooting with offered no advice whatever. My friend shot the alphabet target instead of the numeric target the first time and these guys did not say boo.

I was a lot of fun, but I guess I'm suggesting:

Put hunters with hunters, competitors with competitors.
Have a orientation handout or 30 minute intro for stuff.
Fun shoots are great! Even more fun than the official score type shooting.
Mystery prize shoot - All target in range, but an unknown one gets the prize. Totally luck but you still have to make the shot!

Let me know when your shoots are.


That is to bad that you got paired with someone who will not be willing to help anyone out. that is not the case of the matter with most people. Nekred is right when he says that most people will help you out and are willing to talk to everyone. Being a sponsored shooter my scores are high but that is not the only reason people are sponsored. We get sponsored because people can come and approach us and talk to us and we are willing to talk to you about any questions you have.

Nekred puts on an awesome shoot cannot wait until he puts this years on again. I will appoligize for the archery community for the way you were treated. most of us are there to have fun no matter what equipment you have and will not laugh at you. we are there to help if needed, remember we were in your place at one time also and we know how it feels to walk into a shoot with so many people there that are trying to win money.

I shot with a little 8 eight year old this year at an outdoor shoot. one of the guys in our group was getting discouraged about his score, he was trying to keep up with me in score. The little guy looked at him and said dont worry just shoot and have fun. the little kid made the most sense out of anyone in the group after that the guy had fun and his scores were good.
Most people need to not worry about competeing against the other but to compete against oneself and most of all Have Fun.
Go to nekreds shoot and I guarantee you will have fun and meet alot of people who are there to help and have fun with you
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Old 03-04-2008, 12:39 AM
Albertabowhunter Albertabowhunter is offline
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Originally Posted by nekred View Post
Thanks for the responses.

Club is Parkland Bowbenders out of Spruce Grove.

We are planning a 2 day hoot and our Tourney Director has a few things up his sleeve i am sure. It is too bad about the cheaters but they do get weeded out of our sport.
Okotokian a 3D shoot is where we have a course and you walk around and shoot at foam targets that are life size replicas of animals.

The divisions are based on equipment and the goal is fun. It is a great way to learn proper archery skills.

When i set up a shoot I try to cater to the new archers more than the ones that want a challenge. broken Arrows are not fun, but a level challenge is also needed. My motto is easy to take a five, hard to get a 10.

I appreciatte the offer of help...

STAY TUNED... more info coming soon!

I was at a Parkland shoot about 10 years ago. I had a great time. I thought it was one of the better shoots. I really enjoyed the cash shoot out of the canoe. . . If you guys have a shoot this summer Chances are I will be there....
Gone Hunting
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Old 03-04-2008, 12:43 AM
Albertabowhunter Albertabowhunter is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRackLover View Post
Went to my first shoot this past weekend. Had blast on Friday night at the warm up round with some other not so competitive people (hunter and his girl friend who was learning to shoot). Next day though, my buddy and I were paired with a couple 'experts'. They did not want to have anything to do with us, not even share advice or stories. They were in a different class then us as well. Kinda put a damper on the entire experience.

Personally I think mixing hunters with the competitive 3-D archers was a bad idea in my case, but suppose it could of just been their personalities. Not like I was slowing them down or anything and I shot 170, but they sure did not make me feel welcome.

Also, I found it hard to find out what the heck the rules and guideline were for first timers. I had to practically beat it out of the volunteers and the people we were shooting with offered no advice whatever. My friend shot the alphabet target instead of the numeric target the first time and these guys did not say boo.

I was a lot of fun, but I guess I'm suggesting:

Put hunters with hunters, competitors with competitors.
Have a orientation handout or 30 minute intro for stuff.
Fun shoots are great! Even more fun than the official score type shooting.
Mystery prize shoot - All target in range, but an unknown one gets the prize. Totally luck but you still have to make the shot!

Let me know when your shoots are.


Do you remember who you were shooting with on Friday night? Heidi, my girlfriend, at her first 3D, and I were shooting the fun round in Red deer as well, just wondering if you were one of the ones we shot with.
Gone Hunting
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Old 03-04-2008, 01:58 AM
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I just wish we had a bow club that shot up here. Weve got nuthin. I used to drive for hours to go to 3D shoots in nearby towns. I shot for fun with compounds and once took the longbow. I was beaten by a guy who screwed his bow onto his arm as he was missing his hand. Very interesting. We had a blast that tournament.
Everybody is allowed an opinion, even if it's wrong.

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Old 03-04-2008, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Albertabowhunter View Post
Do you remember who you were shooting with on Friday night? Heidi, my girlfriend, at her first 3D, and I were shooting the fun round in Red deer as well, just wondering if you were one of the ones we shot with.
You were the ones we shot with, I'm Gord.
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Old 03-04-2008, 09:41 AM
nekred nekred is offline
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You know the serious score focused archers are missing the best part of the shoot.

I do not know how many new friends I have made at shoots by shooting with new people and how many times i have been invited onto private land to hunt as a result.

As a coach at the Alberta winter games I got some fun going and had the spectators do the wave, chant, etc like a hockey game.

I had a 13 year old come up to me and told me I had to be more serious that this was archery, I looked straight at him and asked if he had ever shot a 300 vegas round. he said yest that morning. I clarified that I meant a 300 out of 300 round. He said no. I returned and said that I had just 2 weeks previuosly. One of the kids I coach turned to him and said that it was true and said that I am serious enough when I need to be!... I was being a bit of a ***** but a lesson needed to be taught.

My motto is: "Archery is a serious sport, I am here to prove that wrong!" At the Games, young archers I barely knew were coming over to rub my belly for luck... and it was working. Every time they rubbed my belly in a shot off they would drive the X!....

I have been known to post the odd good score but to me the only number that really matters is how many people we get and keep in this sport!

Have you ever noticed the super serious people are the first knocked out of a shootoff!.... because they put so much pressure on themselves they crack!.. I love to watch that!...

That is why I asked the question, sometimes when we are buried in the trivialities of organising a shoot we forget the big picture and need some reminding!....
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