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Old 01-26-2012, 05:50 AM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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Originally Posted by Shmag View Post
I'm thinking the poor guy you speak of should of saved his gas, license, bait, and lunch money and drive to IGA and buy a fish.
but he loves to catch fish. he releases everything. doesnt like the taste of fish. why would he buy a dead fish at i.g.a?
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Old 01-26-2012, 06:44 AM
Dale S Dale S is offline
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What goes around comes around. I help out as much as I can on this forum.I just got a PM from a member with a great offer. I've shown Wayen Cristie some good sturgeon spots,in return he has shown me where he catches those nice walleyes.Dont think this would happen if I was a ******** or a lurker that doesnt say anything.You people need to get out of the city,its getting to you.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:47 PM
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Snubber been a very bad boy for bringing such a question up . How dare you voice your opinion on this forum , Shame shame .
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:04 PM
snubber snubber is offline
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Ya I didn't think this was gonna pull on so many people's panties.Thanks again BBJ lol
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by snubber View Post
You don't get what Im trying to say at all.I don't mind helping people out especially the people that are taking there kids out,its awsome to teach the next generation,but what Im getting at is the threads like"where to find perch close to edmonton,how do I get there,what depths,what are you using, "I don't want the small ones where do I have to go to find big ones around edmonton etc.We all would love to go out and catch a load of big fish but like I said its called fishing not catching.Just saying do a little leg work I know I did and wow it worked out expecting to have info handed to me on a silver platter.Its funny ever since I started this rant my PM has blown up with alot of people agreeing with me and there saying all those haters are those lazy fishermen I was talking about.Just passing it on.

Ok so a guy asks what lakes are good for a certain fish… but doesn’t ask for spots or depth and drives out to the lake… sees a bunch of guys fishing in a certain area…. So sets up close to them…

THEN guess what…? On Monday have threads on here about “how some jackazz set up right beside me when I was fishing…”

This forum is for helping people out, and learning new things… if you don’t want to help out… then don’t read the posts bud
"If I could not hunt... The only thing left... I guess would be to die." - Phil Robertson -
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by snubber View Post
Ya I didn't think this was gonna pull on so many people's panties.Thanks again BBJ lol
haha ya maybe some people just overreact to things that are pretty insignificant...you think by page 3 of the thread you might have realized you have the same problem.
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:46 PM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN View Post
Snubber been a very bad boy for bringing such a question up . How dare you voice your opinion on this forum , Shame shame .
o.k....... "john doe" has been a very very bad boy for bringing such a question up. How dare you ask questions about lakes on this forum , Shame shame .
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by pickrel pat View Post
o.k....... "john doe" has been a very very bad boy for bringing such a question up. How dare you ask questions about lakes on this forum , Shame shame .
There's a huge difference in asking for general information , and asking for someones hot spot . Like come on . Doesn't take much brains to catch fish hell I can do it anyone can . Yes Im admitting to lack of smarts .
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Old 01-26-2012, 03:36 PM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN View Post
There's a huge difference in asking for general information , and asking for someones hot spot . Like come on . Doesn't take much brains to catch fish hell I can do it anyone can . Yes Im admitting to lack of smarts .
kind of like a young BBJ asking about a certian lake in the smoky lake region and its bass?????? " what are the quantitys being caught?" "are they big?"...... dont recall anybody telling you to "dont be lazy"," do the legwork", and if there was some bass present in the lake, there wouldnt be for very long if someone had answered "theres lots", and " there huge." and yes, everyone would agree that gps cordinates to a honey hole on the internet is a little overboard. but asking how the fishing is at a lake or directions to a lake is taboo? reread the op.........""slowly.""
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by pickrel pat View Post
kind of like a young BBJ asking about a certian lake in the smoky lake region and its bass?????? " what are the quantitys being caught?" "are they big?"...... dont recall anybody telling you to "dont be lazy"," do the legwork", and if there was some bass present in the lake, there wouldnt be for very long if someone had answered "theres lots", and " there huge." and yes, everyone would agree that gps cordinates to a honey hole on the internet is a little overboard. but asking how the fishing is at a lake or directions to a lake is taboo? reread the op.........""slowly.""

Maybe people are just sad they can't catch fish at there "honey hole". So they cry on the forum.
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:20 PM
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:38 PM
anthony5 anthony5 is offline
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Default Rant!!!

HOLY SMOKES, sure hope some fellas don't need a little help with directions in the near future
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Old 01-26-2012, 06:21 PM
fish gunner fish gunner is offline
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Originally Posted by anthony5 View Post
HOLY SMOKES, sure hope some fellas don't need a little help with directions in the near future
lol,no doubt,I have been searching for a specific lake in cent AB for for some time ,I travel trochu - sundre & crossfield -innisvale most weeks.iam fairly personable with lots of the farmers in this area.I have maps and every hard resource i can find. but still cant locate the lake I seek. yes i can just go google it. to me that's not the point .no one in my local area has ever heard of this lake,that wont stop me. I fished a boat pond in the uk in winter, weeks of skunks &sticklebacks,folks walking by lookn at me funny,one day 10lb carp 2lb perch for my troubles ,effort =reward.yet I have no problem helping a honest guy out, what is a guide,taking people with no clue and giving all the knowledge,experience,he can to put them on fish.yet still skunks occur to the best.mellow,remember we are a brotherhood of anglers,not fishcatchers

Last edited by fish gunner; 01-26-2012 at 06:42 PM.
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Old 01-26-2012, 06:30 PM
anthony5 anthony5 is offline
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fishgunner, WHEN you find this place DO NOT tell anyone and keep it all for yourself cause you did all the work, and just post pic's of lake X
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Old 01-26-2012, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by fish gunner View Post
lol,no doubt,I have been searching for a specific lake in cent AB for for some time ,I travel trochu - sundre & crossfield -innisvale most weeks.iam fairly personable with lots of the farmers in this area.I have maps and every hard resource,I can find but still cant locate the lake I seek. yes i can just go google it. to me that's not the point .no one in my local area has ever heard of this lake,that wont stop me. I fished a boat pond in the uk in winter, weeks of skunks &sticklebacks,folks walking by lookn at me funny,one day 10lb carp 2lb perch for my troubles ,effort =reward.yet I have no problem helping a honest guy out, what is a guide,taking people with no clue and giving all the knowledge,experience,he can to put them on fish.yet still skunks occur to the best.mellow,remember we are a brotherhood of anglers,not fishcatchers
I had a lake like that, knew of a guy who fished it regularly, I searched for it for years, no one had ever heard of it, mostly because I had the frikkin name wrong! I was close but no cigar. found out last year its still there, but they flooded it to make Crawling valley reservoir I dont mind helping people out, I have gotten lots of help myself, especially being new to this area. But when I post pics of some nice fish, and get tons of PMs asking for the exact location, because they really really want to go catch those fish too, not gonna happen. I can tell you the lake, but a little common sense and a whole lot of luck is how I find most of my spots, try the same thing and maybe you will get lucky too. Lots of resources out there, barry Mitchell, SRD maps, anglers atlas maps, and my favourite, Google earth is awesome for locating good fish holding areas. Ive met some awesome fisher people through this forum, and swapped locations with many of them, because I know the spots we would like to keep to ourselves dont go any further than those people and myself. When I get PMs from people, and I have had quite a few, with ZERO posts, I have no inclination to help them out for the most part. You give a little, you get a little.

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Old 01-26-2012, 06:42 PM
anthony5 anthony5 is offline
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Wayne, nothing like giving a little info and getting a little info, kinda makes you feel good at the end of the day, even if no fish were caught
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Old 01-26-2012, 07:38 PM
carterM carterM is offline
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I think the thing that alot of people are forgetting is that alot of people aren't asking for information about lakes or rivers close to them. I know this doesn't apply to the "Can I get directions to a 20 inch rainbow within half an hour of my house" type of posts. But if somebody is looking to go drive half way across the province to try and fish a river or lake, they're going to want to get some information first. If you're planning on driving 3 or 4 hours to get to an area to fish, it sucks to be walking in blind. As has been said, if you can only make a trip like that a couple times of year, you want to make the most of it. And as much as some of us like to pretend otherwise, catching fish is always going to make a day more enjoyable. Granted, it's alot more rewarding if you had to work for that fish.

Also...this is nothing new. One of the best sources for information always has been and always will be the locals. The only difference is now you can contact the locals before you leave your house.
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Old 01-27-2012, 07:32 AM
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Default Relax dude

Sharing information and stories is what a forum is all about. No point in getting upset over people asking, and there is no such thing as a dumb question. However, if you are going to ask questions here, you just have to keep in mind the source of the information. Every one here is a fisherman for #$%& sake!!!! I am sure even the apostles in the New Testament sat around and BS'd each other about their favorite spots.
One thin sauger rides away.
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Old 01-28-2012, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by snubber View Post
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting rather tired of all the LAZY fishermen on this site(where to go perch fishing around edmonton? how do I get to ______? where's the best perch lake? etc.). Seriously guys, how hard is it to go scout out the lakes that are in your own area? Whatever happened to looking at a map and simply going to check out the lake and see what the fishing is like all on your own.

In the last couple years, there's more and more people going to the same fishing holes, and soon, very soon, there is going to be less and less fish. I'm tired of every lazy tom dick and harry on here looking for the easy answers. Get off your *****es and figure this stuff out for yourself!

So you're lucky enough to be told where a great lake is.... don't post a thread on here asking for the directions to it, when you simply need to go onto google maps and type it in. Guess what happens when you do that? A nifty little map shows up showing you exactly how to get there!! Fancy that!

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with helping a fellow out now and then, or taking them out to where I fish... but enough is enough, go out and do some leg work. I know that I myself have gone to lakes and checked them out....found out there's not much there, but at least I can say I've done the leg work needed! I've also had the times where I've gone out and found a lake that's a hunny hole.... and guess what!! There's NOBODY else out there, hardly ever!! So for that lake my leg work paied off ten-fold....

Please people, PLEASE do some work yourselves... that's what this sport is about(it's called fishing not catching for a reason), it's not just the amount of fish you catch, but it's finding that spot that works best for you, that nobody else really knows about... and how are you going to find that spot?? You guessed it!! DO THE LEG WORK.

So before you post any new threads on here, maybe you should think to yourself... am I just being a lazy fisherman? And is that how everyone on here will see me?

there is alot off past threads posted that will answer alot off questions,,,,,,,type in the search bar and you will be surprised what pops up
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Old 01-28-2012, 06:26 AM
jack88 jack88 is offline
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Snubber is right on the money with this whole thread.
Enough said.
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Old 01-28-2012, 06:52 AM
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Isn't the information you don't want to give voluntary? Maybe you fellas can just read the question(or not) and move on. So I guess the solution might be, If a person asks a question, Don't answer it. Maybe the next member might fiind the question valid and they'll answer it for you. This is the kind of B.S. that started the slow and agonizing death of the other forum.Another possible solution is to start a "serious" fishing forum where no tips or info is given just pics of lake X's and the trophy fish they hold. Just my 2 cents.Well I gotta go. Looks like it's time to get to Gull-Brownlows Landing -West of the access road --Red Dodge truck--fishing for the almighty Jack
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Old 01-28-2012, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by LACOMBE JACKSON View Post
Isn't the information you don't want to give voluntary? Maybe you fellas can just read the question(or not) and move on. So I guess the solution might be, If a person asks a question, Don't answer it. Maybe the next member might fiind the question valid and they'll answer it for you. This is the kind of B.S. that started the slow and agonizing death of the other forum.Another possible solution is to start a "serious" fishing forum where no tips or info is given just pics of lake X's and the trophy fish they hold. Just my 2 cents.Well I gotta go. Looks like it's time to get to Gull-Brownlows Landing -West of the access road --Red Dodge truck--fishing for the almighty Jack
save me one, I will be at that same spot next Saturday

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The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
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Old 01-28-2012, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by pecker View Post
where can i find a good musky lake within 2000km of Calgary.
EAST is that close enough
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Old 01-28-2012, 01:43 PM
some guy some guy is offline
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I'd consider myself a lazy fisherman. When i go fishing I want to make the most of my time and I wanna do it the easiest, cheapest, most efficient and effortless way I can. So I end up buying fishing magazines that contain tips and techniques and maybe even the name of a local hotspot. Sometimes I may use some common sense. Eg: I don't drive my truck to the lake and then push it around on the ice. Sometimes I might even post a question on internet forums.

I'm also lazy on this forum. I could have made the above paragraph longer by adding more examples but I'm already losing my motivation to continue this ramble BUT I must tell you about my built in ignore function! I din't even have to buy it, it got stuck into my brain before I was born! It's always on and allows me to skip over the posts that don't interest me. It's kinda cool and it savse me enough energy to switch TV channels.

Could someone please fix my spelling errors. I'm feeling kinda lazy.
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Old 01-28-2012, 01:52 PM
fishpro fishpro is offline
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Originally Posted by some guy View Post
I'd consider myself a lazy fisherman. When i go fishing I want to make the most of my time and I wanna do it the easiest, cheapest, most efficient and effortless way I can. So I end up buying fishing magazines that contain tips and techniques and maybe even the name of a local hotspot. Sometimes I may use some common sense. Eg: I don't drive my truck to the lake and then push it around on the ice. Sometimes I might even post a question on internet forums.

I'm also lazy on this forum. I could have made the above paragraph longer by adding more examples but I'm already losing my motivation to continue this ramble BUT I must tell you about my built in ignore function! I din't even have to buy it, it got stuck into my brain before I was born! It's always on and allows me to skip over the posts that don't interest me. It's kinda cool and it savse me enough energy to switch TV channels.

Could someone please fix my spelling errors. I'm feeling kinda lazy.
As far as I'm concerned that isn't laziness, you are the type who is putting in the effort to learn techniques and places and figure stuff out. Magazines will give knowledge and info that can lead to figuring out waterbodies for yourself.
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Old 01-28-2012, 01:55 PM
fish gunner fish gunner is offline
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Originally Posted by some guy View Post
I'd consider myself a lazy fisherman. When i go fishing I want to make the most of my time and I wanna do it the easiest, cheapest, most efficient and effortless way I can. So I end up buying fishing magazines that contain tips and techniques and maybe even the name of a local hotspot. Sometimes I may use some common sense. Eg: I don't drive my truck to the lake and then push it around on the ice. Sometimes I might even post a question on internet forums.

I'm also lazy on this forum. I could have made the above paragraph longer by adding more examples but I'm already losing my motivation to continue this ramble BUT I must tell you about my built in ignore function! I din't even have to buy it, it got stuck into my brain before I was born! It's always on and allows me to skip over the posts that don't interest me. It's kinda cool and it savse me enough energy to switch TV channels.

Could someone please fix my spelling errors. I'm feeling kinda lazy.
lmfao, well said. hope reading this is not to taxing.
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Old 01-28-2012, 02:30 PM
Bigdad013 Bigdad013 is offline
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I never knew all you guys owned so many lakes.....I need a new job.
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Old 01-28-2012, 03:52 PM
some guy some guy is offline
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Originally Posted by fishpro View Post
As far as I'm concerned that isn't laziness, you are the type who is putting in the effort to learn techniques and places and figure stuff out. Magazines will give knowledge and info that can lead to figuring out waterbodies for yourself.
I usually read them when I'm sitting on the crapper or when I'm driving my truck. I usually don't want to put in the effort of just reading them. Sometimes I don't even put in the effort of reading them, I just look at the pictures. That's why I keep them with my Playboy collection.

Hey...Does anyone wanna buy a dipnet with a small hole in it? I'm too lazy to fix it so I wanna sell it. It has a pink bamboo handle and it's about 12 inches long. And while I'm at it I have some fishing line for sale too. It's about 6 feet long with a few nicks in it. Make me an offer. (I know there is a buy and sell topic but I'm just too lazy to post it there)
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Old 01-28-2012, 04:08 PM
fish gunner fish gunner is offline
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Originally Posted by some guy View Post

I usually read them when I'm sitting on the crapper or when I'm driving my truck. I usually don't want to put in the effort of just reading them. Sometimes I don't even put in the effort of reading them, I just look at the pictures. That's why I keep them with my Playboy collection.

Hey...Does anyone wanna buy a dipnet with a small hole in it? I'm too lazy to fix it so I wanna sell it. It has a pink bamboo handle and it's about 12 inches long. And while I'm at it I have some fishing line for sale too. It's about 6 feet long with a few nicks in it. Make me an offer. (I know there is a buy and sell topic but I'm just too lazy to post it there)
I mite be interested in the dip net,5$ do u deliver, or is that a bit much effort, I have a rapala with no lip if you are open to trades
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Old 01-28-2012, 04:18 PM
some guy some guy is offline
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Originally Posted by fish gunner View Post
I mite be interested in the dip net,5$ do u deliver, or is that a bit much effort, I have a rapala with no lip if you are open to trades
Sorry, no delivery. If you come and pick it up I will throw in a fishing rod. It's got a small crack in it and no guides but maybe you could use it for roasting marshmallows.

I was just cleaning the garage and found a bunch of hooks laying in the corner. Some are kinda straight and some are a little rusty. Are you interested?
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