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Old 04-20-2007, 01:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default tuc

"I've heard many comments made by Metis and Native people about AFGA, including one from M's Callahasen. I'm sorry you feel that way! "

Tuc, you have also heard many of the same comments from non-native people. The AFGA has not pleased everyone in the past.

As for the AFGA being present at negotiations, I disagree. If you let them in then you must let pheasants forever, ducks unlimited, etc into these doors. There would not be a large enough room.
This is the reason why we elect our mla's. to represent us. AFGA and everyone else has already had their input through their suggestions and letter writing. I will guarantee everyone will not be happy with the outcome of these negotiations. But that's why you negotiate, a little give and take from BOTH sides.
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Old 04-20-2007, 01:27 PM
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Default Re: letters

Here is the link you mention.

When you click on the Ministers mandate, click on the contact info at the top of the page.
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Old 04-20-2007, 01:27 PM
missing the point
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Default missing the point

I disagree mackay. I've never heard AFGA say they want to be at the negotiating table, they just want input and as the "ONLY" organization in Alberta that represents the province's hunters and anglers, they should have input. Of course they won't sit at the negotiating table but they deserve their say on behalf of Alberta anglers and hunters. Some of the other conservation groups you mentioned likely do too.
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Old 04-20-2007, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: missing the point

I just sent another letter to the Premier and my MLA. Make democracy work for you. Whatever your opinion you're free to contact your MLA. As long as a sustainable agreement can be reached i will be content. I have friends on all sides of this issue and most agree changes are needed for our wildlife resources sake in the future.

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Old 04-20-2007, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: missing the point

So the Metis are a Nation, answer me this. Which passports do they carry if the travel abroad? Canadian Passports I'll guess.
Kinda makes your claim to nation hood pretty meek.
The issue is'nt what the Metis deserve, that's quite clear as layed out by the Supreme Court of Canada.
The issue is with the future of resources which are accessed, used and yes even abused by all concerned. Why are'nt all concerned at the table?
If the Metis people of Alberta want to look legitamite and seriously concerned about this matter, why are they not asking for every single interested group to have a seat around the table, good faith goes a long way in my books.
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Old 04-20-2007, 06:00 PM
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Default neg


Tuc was the one saying they should be present.
Hunter's and anglers and other groups have had their say. Now they are being represented by the people we have elected. I am sure the MNA representatives didn't go into these negotiations without suggestions from members of the metis nation. The same as the gov listening to suggestions from John Q. public. Negotiations are not done in a public forum, they are done between 2 groups chosen by each side to represent each other. I'm not the one making the rules, it's just the way it is. Remember this next election
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Old 04-20-2007, 06:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: wtf

"So the Metis are a Nation, answer me this. Which passports do they carry if the travel abroad? Canadian Passports I'll guess.
Kinda makes your claim to nation hood pretty meek."

Dick, whats this all about. Now we aren't supposed to have Canadian passports?
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Old 04-20-2007, 06:32 PM
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Default Re: wtf

If the Metis are a nation where are their own passports?
That's all.
Seems mighty convenient that when you feel oppressed by the very Governmentt you run to for support, but also claim you are your own nation.
which one is it?
If the Metis are their own nation why do they demand so much from a Government who's top court has given them more than a lot of people.
Reminds me of a lot of the folks who suddenly claimed Canadian citizenship when the crap hit the fan in Lebanon.

The term Nation is over used and often abused.
A term of convienience, I'm suggesting.
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Old 04-20-2007, 07:46 PM
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Default Re: wtf

Geez Dick, you done figured us out. Today we are Nation, tomorrow we conquer the world.............JK............. I'm not willing to start an arguement that no one wins..................you have a good weekend!
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Old 04-20-2007, 08:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Default wtf

I find great humor and irony in the flag of the "Metis Nation" - the Lazy 8 brand if you are a cattleman!!!!
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Old 04-21-2007, 12:46 AM
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Default newsflash

wheres the humor and irony wiperplug? please explain. here's the newsflash, the lazy 8 symbol is really the infinity symbol. that's what it stands for on the mna flag and the msgc flag. it's pretty big in the culture. kind of stands as a symbol of our desire to exist for "infinity". not much to do with branding. but hey if you are a cattleman i'll come help you out before you put your cows in the pasture, i'll even bring my irons.
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Old 04-22-2007, 04:31 PM
Posts: n/a

I have been looking around this site for a bit, and I just have one thing I dont realy understand - why do they get special rights anyhow. aren't metis half french half native, and aren't natives aloud to hunt anyway? i don't know where the line gets drawn, some people are only half native and they can hunt, aren't they metis? my dad got me to buy a conservative membership (I can't vote in a real election yet, but I could in for this one) so i could help vote for ted morton - my dad said he would fight for our rights, isn't he supposed to be doing that now?
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Old 04-22-2007, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: newsflash

Hello gentlemen, it has been a while since I posted here. Glad to see and read from alot of old faces. I see the debate over the IMHA continues and I would really prefer not to wade in to deep! At this time the previous agreement is still in place and was upheld by the courts upholding it in the Kelly case. It is also true that new negotiations with the province are underway to put into place a longterm agreement.The july 1 deadline to kill the aggreement is NOT TRUE this is just the timeline given to both the MNA and the province of Alberta at the end of that period the goverment or the MNA can ask for an extension or the goverment can give notice that it wishes to no longer honour the agreement at which point another deadline would be given. We should all look at this opportunity as positive for all persons involved as now concerns from all affected people can be addressed!again Due to limited access to the internet I am in the middle of moving (very hectic) nice to hear from all of you again!Good luck to all in the Spring bear season and the upcoming fishing season!
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Old 04-24-2007, 01:43 AM
Posts: n/a

I am a proud "Second Nations" Canadian-Ukrainian-Irish,

Metis are "Third Nations" should have zero rights and
Aboriginals are "First Nations" should have zero rights.

We are all-Canadians and should have equal rights.

WTF is wrong with our society.
Hope the snow didn't kill to many critters up North.
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Old 04-24-2007, 07:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default society

"WTF is wrong with our society." It's people like you :rolleyes
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