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Old 04-08-2013, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by chriscosta View Post
dude thats wierd . me n my gf lived in redwater for awhile. one day we came across a rickedy bridge that crossed the redwater river on a dirt road. i went down to see if it looked like maybe a fish or two would be there and under the bridge was a very old wooden box . inside was a wierd cross and some burnt ashes. i kept the cross (cause i posted on fb about it and some friends encouraged me to) anyway i hung the cross in my closet and went on to have the worst luck for the next year. when finaly my landlord decided if we stayed living there wed have to trade our dog for a smaller one or a cat so we packed up and moved to andrew. the very last thing i saw in that house was that cross hanging it gave me the creeps i left it behind and have had better luck since...

Sounds to me like you disturbed an improvised gravesite where the box was probably the cremated remains of somebody and you took the cross; not a particularly bright thing to do.... Frankly I don't know if you're pulling our leg on this one or didn't do the math on what such a box would be. Also, how do you identify ashes that have been in the water; they'd look like mud, no? Something seems off with this.....
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me

Last edited by CaberTosser; 04-08-2013 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 04-08-2013, 03:54 PM
Kawibunga Kawibunga is offline
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OK some of these gave me the heebeejeebee! Particularly the one from Tree and the tracks......

I don't really have one of my own but I do have this. I've always believed there were things one can not explain through traditional science but have not experienced anything like it though besides dejavu and the hair on your neck rising while in certain areas out in the bush. (I think dejavu is some sort of quantum physics effect )

Anyways we're on vacation in PEI doing a drive along the coast. The wife and I stop to check out an old grave yard for kicks. Nothing really to note, old graves from the 1800s, probably as many kids as adults. Tough times them days....

Back in the car on the road we start talking about it and the topic of ghosts come up. My 8 year old pipe up that he's seen a ghost. I asked how did he know it was a ghost. He says that he could see through them. I say them? where? He says school trip to Heritage Park, he saw a mother changing a baby. Now my oldest boy, unlike his younger brother, can not tell a lie, but I still think ya, that's nice but don't give it much thought.

Fast forward to Halloween this year, I'm reading the Calgary Sun at work and come across an article about hauntings in town. I peruse through it until the end, where it mentions the one particlar building in Heritage Park (can't remember which one now) where people have reported seeing a lady and a baby..... I just about fell off my chair.

I tore the article out and took it home and gave it to my wife saying " here read this, kind of neat" ......... she thinks nothing is up until there end where she has to sit down.

I'm no longer much of a skeptic
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Old 04-08-2013, 04:03 PM
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Anyone ever play with a Ouiji board, and have an experience??
Death can have me..... when it earns it..
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Old 04-08-2013, 04:10 PM
keep6matt keep6matt is offline
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Originally Posted by hayseed View Post
Anyone ever play with a Ouiji board, and have an experience??
Yes back in high school, there is quite an age gap between me and my older brothers and sister. My mother has one since she was a young lady (she is now 80 yrs young) and I will never ever touch that darn thing again. That thing creeped me and a high school friend out when we played with it and started asking questions of its origin and the pointer basically flew right off the board, never touched it since. I guess my sister played with it alot when she was young and used to get it working by herself rather than having two people play it (you are supposed to touch knees and complete the circuit when both players fingers on on pointer) Nonetheless I will never play one again.
90% of the fish are in 10% of the water
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Old 04-08-2013, 04:52 PM
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Last spring I got very sick and wound up in the hospital. My organs started to shut down and breathing became increasingly difficult. I was getting worse and worse and finally after struggling to breath, and fighting to live, for what seemed like forever; with what I thought were my last breaths, I told my wife that I loved her, and my kids, and that I was ready to go.
Everything went black and I had a floating sensation. Not necessarily floating up, but a feeling that I was floating somewhere. I came to a door that was partially open and I looked in. It was bright and warm and full of people, I couldn't really make out any faces except for one in the middle of the crowd. It was my younger cousin, he was smiling and laughing and was the center of attention. I watched for what seemed like a few minutes and then the door closed. I don't have any recollection after that.
I survived the night and when I finally regained consciousness, my mom was in the room. I asked her if my cousin was OK and she said that he was fine. He had just returned home to Calgary, from a trip with my uncle to the base camp at Mt. Everest.
I told her what I had seen and she reassured me that he was fine. Five days later he died from pulmonary edema.
I've never been a religious person, but I am convinced that I saw my cousin in what many would call heaven. Maybe that's what it was or maybe it was just a dream, I guess I'll find out eventually!
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Old 04-08-2013, 05:03 PM
zero_eight zero_eight is offline
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I have had a few strange experiences, this is one of them.

Years ago in the early 1980s my father and I were driving on our way to a Boy Scout meeting, and on the car's AM radio there was a breaking news report about an oil platform disaster in the North Sea. The report included details such as the # of known deaths. It was a pretty big deal. No one at the meeting had heard about it and the next day Dad said no one at work heard about it yet either. Well that's because it hadn't happened yet. When the 'real' news broke the next day, it was just like we heard on the radio a couple days before, except the # of casualties was different, off by a handful. Very strange and unexplained.

Here's a link to the event.
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Old 04-08-2013, 06:42 PM
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A few years ago when I still lived in Edmonton I was at a gas station up at the till paying for my gas and buying a pack of smokes. The day before I had fallen off the wagon with quitting smoking and this was the second pack of smokes I had purchased.
When I asked the clerk for the smokes the guy next in line, who was a freaky dread locked dude wearing dark sunglasses says to me "I thought you quit smoking".
I had never met or seen this guy in my life, he was the kind of person you would have remembered.
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Old 04-08-2013, 06:42 PM
ckrcbr ckrcbr is offline
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Kinda funny this thread came up. I had an odd experience Saturday night. I wasn't eager to share but others have confirmed what I saw. I was driving eastbound just south of Leduc a few kms. It was 10:15 at night, nice and dark out in the country. Something caught my eye out my drivers window. A bright blue/white light. I just caught the last flicker of it as it disappeared. It was coming from the Leduc/International airport area. It definatley originated from the ground. It completely lit up the sky like it was daytime. Just not a orange or red light. Bright blue/white. As I was now continually staring out my window it happened once more. A quick flash bright white lasting less than a second, I didn't know what to think. My first thought was a rotating light coming from a plane or control tower. But after isaw the entire second flash it was way more intense than any manmade light ive ever seen. I told my bro about it sunday and he said he read some facebook posts that confirmed the same thing. A guy from work saw his backyard in Leduc light up like I described as well. Anyone else around the area notice this?
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Old 04-08-2013, 07:30 PM
Mb-MBR Mb-MBR is offline
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Oh boy here we go..................this happened to me and a buddy of mine about 30 ears ago. We left about 2 in the morning to get out to an area we were planning on hunting knowing full well 2 o'clock was way to early but we figured we would be the first ones there and we could catch a few winks in the truck. We were both startled awake by a very large hum. So loud you'd swear you were inside a tunnel. We both got out of the truck and the sound was coming from everywhere, you couldn't pinpoint a direction so you could shine a flashlight.

We both jumped in the truck and drove like madmen out of the wooods onto some forestry road. Thought we were done, we stopped the soiund was still there but not as lound but it came back again and it was just as loud!!!! We repeated this scenario a few times thinking we could outrun the sound. Never could.

We booked it for home and met numerous vehicles heading out for the morning hunt. I've only ever told one other person this story and now spilling my guts of AOF.

I've never been back to this area.
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Old 04-08-2013, 07:35 PM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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Originally Posted by zero_eight View Post
I have had a few strange experiences, this is one of them.

Years ago in the early 1980s my father and I were driving on our way to a Boy Scout meeting, and on the car's AM radio there was a breaking news report about an oil platform disaster in the North Sea. The report included details such as the # of known deaths. It was a pretty big deal. No one at the meeting had heard about it and the next day Dad said no one at work heard about it yet either. Well that's because it hadn't happened yet. When the 'real' news broke the next day, it was just like we heard on the radio a couple days before, except the # of casualties was different, off by a handful. Very strange and unexplained.

Here's a link to the event.
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Old 04-08-2013, 08:16 PM
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As per PM request, another cool interaction.

Hey. Here's one. Feel free to post from "a member".

More things happened in that house that almost made me cry from fear. I was a grown up twelve year old then and wasn't afraid of much. So I had always chalked it up as my imagination playing tricks. Just so I could sleep.

Here my story as I would post it if I had balls...

I believe in none of it to keep what remains of my sanity.

But I once, home alone, in a house we were renting in Wainwright, had an old guy startle me while I was throwing darts at the dartboard down in the basement. It was mid day. Summer. Hot outside. So I was hanging out by myself downstairs in the nice cooler air.

As I was throwing darts I realized someone was standing behind me and to my left side, watching me throw. I could tell the person was an older guy, just slightly shorter than myself in height. I knew he realized that I had realized he was there. By his quiet surprised reaction.

Every hair on my body stood on end at that moment. I didn't even turn around to look. I just bolted for the stairs leading to the backdoor. As I ran up the stairs, I slapped every stair my hand came into contact with on the way up. To make extra noise I guess, in an attempt to scare whoever it was that was down there from chasing me up the stairs.

I made it to the backdoor, opened it up and flew through it. I spun around once I had made it to the grass which was a few feet from the door. I was ready for battle, ready to start feeding shots if I had to. I watched the screen door shut on its own and all went quiet.

I then ran to the nearest basement window to look. Nothing. Looked in every window in the house. Nothing.

I sat outside in the summer heat until my mom and sister made it home. They asked why I was sitting out in the heat. I lied and said I was enjoying summer while it lasted.

I just didn't see the sense in telling them about how my imagination got the best of me. And that I was too afraid to go back inside by myself.

Just like the neighbour didn't see the sense in telling me, until the day we were moving out, about the old guy that had spent his adult life living in that house with his wife until he had tragically died in the driveway from an accident.

Yeah. Probably would've been better if the neighbour hadn't told me at all.
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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Old 04-08-2013, 08:55 PM
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Well I think I've had my fair share of experiences, too many actually
Heres one of my stories
I was living in BC number of years ago, my best friend at the time loved anything to do with adrenalin. I had moved to alberta to start a new career working at a horse ranch. About a year after I moved I got a call that he had been in a terrible street bike accident and he was not looking good in the hospital. I tried my hardest to do whatever I could to get back to BC to see him, well couple hours later he had passed from his injuries. It was only a thought about a month or so after he passed that it would sure be nice to know he's ok now. Well I kid you not the next morning when I woke up there was a red tailed hawk feather sitting on my pillow, which happened to be his favorite bird.
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Old 04-08-2013, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Littlefawn View Post
Well I think I've had my fair share of experiences, too many actually
Heres one of my stories
I was living in BC number of years ago, my best friend at the time loved anything to do with adrenalin. I had moved to alberta to start a new career working at a horse ranch. About a year after I moved I got a call that he had been in a terrible street bike accident and he was not looking good in the hospital. I tried my hardest to do whatever I could to get back to BC to see him, well couple hours later he had passed from his injuries. It was only a thought about a month or so after he passed that it would sure be nice to know he's ok now. Well I kid you not the next morning when I woke up there was a red tailed hawk feather sitting on my pillow, which happened to be his favorite bird.
very very cool.. this is an interesting thread .. thanks all for sharing .. even the nervous nellies that post thru ken .. thanks
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Old 04-08-2013, 09:11 PM
MtnGiant MtnGiant is offline
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Originally Posted by thunderheart View Post
very very cool.. this is an interesting thread .. thanks all for sharing .. even the nervous nellies that post thru ken .. thanks

One the greatest threads...but I may not sleep for some time LOL
Keep this thread troll free and keep these incredible stories coming.

Many thanks to all the posters so far and to the ones coming
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Old 04-08-2013, 09:26 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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I dream things.

My grandfathers death and just about every other bad thing that has ever happened to me.
I also dream about events... things that will happen where making the right decision will matter.... or if I'm about to make a poor decission.

My grandfather is usually in the dreams... or at least his voice is.

Once or twice... when I haven't recognized that what I dreamed about is starting to happen... I've heard him warn me while I'm awake.

He always calls me professor... he always says it so it sounds like perfesser....

The last time was when I had my heart attack...

You got trouble perfesser... best get your feet moving.
Just keep putting one foot in front of the other... don't quit perfessor... not yet.

I heard him several times.
When I got to the hospital I could barely stand let alone walk.
My legs were shaking and my knees were buckling.
I could feel his hand on my back and tugging my arm pushing me towards that door and once I got inside he said bye.

I didn't know it until a few years ago but.... my sister gets visits from him as well.

Another thing thats odd... my kids knew exactly who he was as soon as they saw his picture at my parents place.

Thats Grandpa Vic...

He died in 1976 and there is no way that they'd seen his picture before.... it was the first time they'd been in my parents house since they were babies.
They had dreamed him as well.

Its not creepy at all... its very reassuring.
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Old 04-08-2013, 09:34 PM
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I could probably use a couple pages in a thread to even start telling my stories lol. But heres another one....
At the same horse ranch myself and another girl were out riding the horses winding down from a long day of work, the horse I had at the time was named flight and for good reason... He spooked at everything! Well we were going down one of the trails and of course he spooked, he did a full 90 degree turn to the bush with me on his back, crashing and bucking through the bush, last thing I remember we were headed straight for a massive poplar tree, I woke up on the ground gasping for air and my boss running to me. Later that night as I was getting ready for bed there was 2 giant hand marks that were bruised on each thigh that didn't march anyones at the ranch, I still can't explain it to this day but I count my lucky stars everyday knowing I shoulda been severely injured or "not writing this post"
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Old 04-08-2013, 09:37 PM
Outy girl Outy girl is offline
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When I was younger I seemed to be going through a bit of insomnia...late one night I was hysterical, I remember pulling my sheet over my face and I saw three alien like bodies on both sides of my bed (six in total) looking over me like I was on their operating table. I still remember to this day that it was the best sleep of my life.

A family friend told me once: his high school reunion was about a month away, one day while doing some yard work he saw an old buddy of his riding his bike down the street in his army clothes, my friend said he didn't say anything just waved while he rode by.

A month went by and at his reunion he saw a common friend and wondered where this guy was! He had passed away the day he rode down the street
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Old 04-08-2013, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamie View Post
#2 I put out street lights while driving and walking. This happens on at least a monthy basis if not more. Ask your self, how many street lamps have you ever seen burn out at that exact momement? Myself... 100's. I am not the only one that notices it now. My wife and kids laugh like crazy when it happens and I dont even get surprised any more. I wish someone could explain this one.
Yep, same here -- literally hundreds, and several people have commented that they only see them shutting off when they're with me. That being said, I suspect that modern (e.g., sodium vapour) street lamps flicker off and on pretty regularly by themselves, and that some people are just more observant than others. I'd like to believe it's me, but...



(Radio static, too; my radio also fuzzed up when my dog walked/sat in certain spots, so I can't claim uniqueness there either.)
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Old 04-08-2013, 10:09 PM
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I forgot about one from my early twenties. Actually it turned into a double later.
Once I was doing a delivery in north Edm and was the only person on the loading dock. I heard a female voice asking"would you like to go to dinner". I was broke and without turning around said no thank you. The voice repeated the question. I turned around from unloading to tell her I wasn't interested and got lost. I mean completely, totally, unabashedly, uncontrollably lost in a pair of eyes. Prettiest eyes I ever saw. I was about 4' from this person and only saw the Iris/pupils of these eyes. I can describe them over 20 years later in great detail.
I would have done whatever those eyes told me to do. Somehow I knew that. I also couldn't move and didn't want to try so.
The voice asked if I wanted to go to dinner again, but in a slightly different tone. Kinda ticked off like. I was finally able to inquire what she meant. She muttered something about selling dinner tickets and turned and left. Afer about 2-3 solid minutes I kinda shook it off and was able to work again.
Totally freaked. I was putty at a simple stare by those eyes. At the time I used to be able to carry 80kg of sacked sugar up stairs.Regularily. Did 120kg on a dare once. I wasn't a little guy.
Didn't give it much more than a passing thought till a few years later and I was driving a truck with a swamper. We came to an intersection on 97 st and had to turn north. I think there is 5-6 lanes there. Just south of the Yellowhead. Once again I saw those eyes. From accross 6 lanes of traffic facing us. I could see details in them like they were 6 inches from my face. A bus went past and broke eye contact and I snapped to. I thought I was losing it until my swamper Dave exclaimed - "did you see those eyes!!!" . Damn, he saw it too! The car turned and I never saw them again. I still don't know what she looked like. Never saw her face. Couldn't get past her eyes.
Never told anyone about that till now. Still freaked that a glance and all my size was nothing. Nothing. I would have stood there and let it happen. Damn man.
I sincerely and truly hope I never see them again.

Last edited by colin455; 04-08-2013 at 10:16 PM.
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Old 04-08-2013, 10:31 PM
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This is awesome stuff you guys. Reading all of the stories and seeing everyone share their experiences so openly has made me want to share my story about my time at the Brazeau Collieries. I will try to get the story posted tomorrow night.
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Old 04-08-2013, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
This is awesome stuff you guys. Reading all of the stories and seeing everyone share their experiences so openly has made me want to share my story about my time at the Brazeau Collieries. I will try to get the story posted tomorrow night.
Can't wait!

The absolute coolest part for me, is hearing the similarities in some of the stories, both to mine and others, and not feeling any doubt at all. I told the truth, I saw what I saw, and I believe all of you too.

If anyone goes stupid and gets this thread shut down I will beat them to a bloody pulp with their own torn off body parts.
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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Old 04-08-2013, 11:41 PM
drhu22 drhu22 is offline
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Originally Posted by keep6matt View Post
Some very amazing posts on this good thread...I had a strange experience many many years ago while hunting alone for grouse on an abandoned farmyard. Make a long story short, I stumbled across a old farmyard that look promising for some ruffies so I pulled in and proceeded to check it out. After looking through the buildings just to see what condition they were in I proceeded to walk around the perimeter of the surrounding bush line for some birds. Strange thing was I never even heard a single stitch of any wildlife, nothing! Not a bird, squirrel, not even a chickadee, thought it was strange so I continue to do the horseshoe around the bush in the farm yard. As I was not seeing or hearing a damn thing, I was walking back towards the buildings, I thought I heard a windchime. So I stopped and listened and heard it again. Now I know for a fact I never seen any windchimes on any of the buildings that were really old plus there was not a single other farmyard within miles of that place. My hair stood up on the back of my neck and decided to jump in my vehicle and leave. As I was walking past the buildings I heard it again (plus it was dead calm, no wind) So I jumped in my car and left...this was by Redwater area. It was creepy and just writing it now gives me goosebumps. I still don't know what to make of that to this day.
Maybe a farmcat playing with something?
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Old 04-08-2013, 11:49 PM
drhu22 drhu22 is offline
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Originally Posted by MiDaLeonardo View Post
Whoa! I have noticed the same thing - I'm not sure what it is, but it seems like I can't be anywhere near an FM antenna without causing interference. It's more frustrating than anything, wanting to listen to the radio but getting constant static. Same sort of thing with the old rabbit ear antennas... I can't adjust them, they get all messed up as soon as I back away. Static charges? I don't know
It happens with me too. My theory is that signals bounce around and your body is blocking or reflecting them depending on where you are.
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Old 04-09-2013, 12:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
Can't wait!

The absolute coolest part for me, is hearing the similarities in some of the stories, both to mine and others, and not feeling any doubt at all. I told the truth, I saw what I saw, and I believe all of you too.

If anyone goes stupid and gets this thread shut down I will beat them to a bloody pulp with their own torn off body parts.
thats what will get the thread shut

i love these stories
Trudeau and Biden sit to pee
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Old 04-09-2013, 06:22 AM
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I have had about a dozen times when heading down the highway at 4 a.m. heading out fishing when the cab of the truck fills up with cigarette smoke. I end up getting a feeling of being at peace.

Both parents are gone and they were smokers. I know it's them.

Went with the wife as she wanted a reading from a spiritual man from Pakistan that was in town for this purpose. So it's her reading and I am sitting back listening to him talk to her about things and kind of semi paying attention. Then the room starts smelling like cigarette smoke. He stops talking to my wife and looks at me and tells me my mom and dad are in the room to say they love me. Then there's a knock on the door as one of his helpers asks threw the door if everything is ok as the smell of cigarette's is making people waiting in the hall uncomfortable. I am not freaked out by this as mentioned earlier it has happened before. The wife understands as it has happened when she has been with me in the truck.

Also lived in a house full of spirits all were good except one. A very "dark" spirit. Lot's of stories just from that house.

Freedom comes with responsibility and integrity. Not stupidity and self entitlement.
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Old 04-09-2013, 07:04 AM
pickrel pat pickrel pat is offline
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Originally Posted by dodger View Post
I have had about a dozen times when heading down the highway at 4 a.m. heading out fishing when the cab of the truck fills up with cigarette smoke. I end up getting a feeling of being at peace.

Both parents are gone and they were smokers. I know it's them.

Went with the wife as she wanted a reading from a spiritual man from Pakistan that was in town for this purpose. So it's her reading and I am sitting back listening to him talk to her about things and kind of semi paying attention. Then the room starts smelling like cigarette smoke. He stops talking to my wife and looks at me and tells me my mom and dad are in the room to say they love me. Then there's a knock on the door as one of his helpers asks threw the door if everything is ok as the smell of cigarette's is making people waiting in the hall uncomfortable. I am not freaked out by this as mentioned earlier it has happened before. The wife understands as it has happened when she has been with me in the truck.

Also lived in a house full of spirits all were good except one. A very "dark" spirit. Lot's of stories just from that house.

Can we hear some of those storys?.......pleeaaase
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Old 04-09-2013, 08:07 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by jkav View Post
Yep, same here -- literally hundreds, and several people have commented that they only see them shutting off when they're with me. That being said, I suspect that modern (e.g., sodium vapour) street lamps flicker off and on pretty regularly by themselves, and that some people are just more observant than others. I'd like to believe it's me, but...



(Radio static, too; my radio also fuzzed up when my dog walked/sat in certain spots, so I can't claim uniqueness there either.)
My Mom can kill a watch.

She puts one on and it'll stop dead... Ive seen it dozens of times.
If it doesn't stop... it will slow down and noyt keep the time.
Apparently its fairly common... something about her body chemistry and the electrical charge we all produce.
Hers is just a tad stronger than average I guess.

Anyway... she was told by her specialist to avoid microwave ovens and stop wasting her money trying to find a watch that would work for her.

#113 8 Hours Ago
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Originally Posted by MiDaLeonardo
Whoa! I have noticed the same thing - I'm not sure what it is, but it seems like I can't be anywhere near an FM antenna without causing interference. It's more frustrating than anything, wanting to listen to the radio but getting constant static. Same sort of thing with the old rabbit ear antennas... I can't adjust them, they get all messed up as soon as I back away. Static charges? I don't know

It happens with me too. My theory is that signals bounce around and your body is blocking or reflecting them depending on where you are.

Hmmmm.... sounds kind of like Mom.
Do you guys have problems finding a watch that works?
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Old 04-09-2013, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
The absolute coolest part for me, is hearing the similarities in some of the stories, both to mine and others, and not feeling any doubt at all. I told the truth, I saw what I saw, and I believe all of you too.
Yup..my weird encounter was the UFO me and a co-worker seen after work @5:35pm Nov 7/97.Never forget that day, Watched it for 20mins on the cloudless blue sky as it made it's way slowly to the st.paul direction at a height of about 2-5miles up.
BTW, for me Thunderheart's post (#26) gets the gold star in this thread,nice,indepth,good read!
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Old 04-09-2013, 09:41 AM
keep6matt keep6matt is offline
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Originally Posted by jkav View Post
Yep, same here -- literally hundreds, and several people have commented that they only see them shutting off when they're with me. That being said, I suspect that modern (e.g., sodium vapour) street lamps flicker off and on pretty regularly by themselves, and that some people are just more observant than others. I'd like to believe it's me, but...



(Radio static, too; my radio also fuzzed up when my dog walked/sat in certain spots, so I can't claim uniqueness there either.)
I have heard several theories about this and to be honest I had played in a band with a fellow that had this happen to him all the time. The theories I have heard is that ghosts or spirits are following you hence the energy putting the lights out. It was crazy with this fellow cause every single time we went for a walk or a drive lights would constantly and every time go out. He believed in this theory too. As for my belief in this, I really don't know what to think about it but I seen with my own eyes when present with Mike, was kinda creepy.
90% of the fish are in 10% of the water
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Old 04-09-2013, 09:53 AM
stuckincity stuckincity is offline
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Anyone ever watch "Creepy Canada" back when it was on?

I don't really believe in ghosts and never seen any, but those episodes made me stop and think.

I'm a skeptic, but I try to keep an open mind. That "pathological skepticism" that some people are capable of isn't a good thing. A mind that's too rigid could break if it encounters something beyond normal everyday experience.

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