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Old 06-25-2013, 07:58 PM
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U.S. military deaths in WW1 were closer to 115 000, they didn't enter the war until 1917 and did not do a major battle right away, about 10% of the Lusitania passengers were American.
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:13 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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The sinking caused an international outcry, especially in Britain and across the British Empire, as well as in America, where 128 of 139 US citizens aboard the ship lost their lives. [52]

On 8 May Dr Bernhard Dernburg, a German spokesman and a former German Colonial Secretary, published a statement in which he said that because Lusitania "carried contraband of war" and also because she "was classed as an auxiliary cruiser" Germany had had a right to destroy her regardless of any passengers aboard. Dernburg further said that the warnings given by the German Embassy before her sailing plus the 18 February note declaring the existence of "war zones" relieved Germany of any responsibility for the deaths of the American citizens aboard. He referred to the ammunition and military goods declared on Lusitania's manifest and said that "vessels of that kind" could be seized and destroyed under the Hague rules. [53][54] Luisitania was indeed officially listed as an auxiliary war ship, [32] and her cargo had included an estimated 4,200,000 rounds of rifle cartridges, 1,250 empty shell cases, and 18 cases of non-explosive fuses, which was openly listed as such in her cargo manifest. [55][56] The day after the sinking, the New York Times published full details of the ship's military cargo. [57] Assistant Manager of the Cunard Line, Herman Winter, denied the charge that she carried munitions, but admitted that she was carrying small-arms ammunition, and that she had been carrying such ammunition for years. [58] The fact that Lusitania had been carrying shells and cartridges was not made known to the British public at the time. [59]

The British felt that the Americans had to declare war on Germany. However, US President Woodrow Wilson refused to overreact. [52] During the weeks after the sinking, the issue was hotly debated within the US government, and correspondence was exchanged between the US and German governments. German Foreign Minister Von Jagow continued to argue that the Lusitania was a legitimate military target, because she was listed as an armed merchant cruiser, she was using neutral flags and she had been ordered to ram submarines – in blatant contravention of the Cruiser Rules. [60][61][62] He further argued that Lusitania had on previous voyages carried munitions and Allied troops. [61] Wilson continued to insist that the German government must apologise for the sinking, compensate US victims, and promise to avoid any similar occurrence in the future. [63] The British were upset at Wilson's actions – not realizing that it reflected general US opinion at the time. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan advised President Wilson that “ships carrying contraband should be prohibited from carrying passengers … [I]t would be like putting women and children in front of an army.” [64] Bryan later resigned because he felt the Wilson administration was being biased in ignoring British contraventions of international law, and that Wilson was leading the USA into the war. [65]

A German decision on 9 September 1915 stated that attacks were only allowed on ships that were definitely British, while neutral ships were to be treated under the Prize Law rules, and no attacks on passenger liners were to be permitted at all.

It was in the interests of the British to keep US passions inflamed, and a fabricated story was circulated that in some regions of Germany, schoolchildren were given a holiday to celebrate the sinking of the Lusitania. This story was so effective that James W. Gerard, the US ambassador to Germany, recounted it in his memoir of his time in Germany, Face to Face with Kaiserism (1918), though without substantiating its validity. [67]

Almost two years later, in January 1917 the German Government announced it would again conduct full unrestricted submarine warfare. This together with the Zimmermann Telegram pushed US public opinion over the tipping point, and on 6 April 1917 the United States Congress followed President Wilson's request to declare war on Germany.
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:18 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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Copy paste is an amazing tool. As for the sept 11 attacks I'm still not convinced.
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:48 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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Originally Posted by huntingd View Post
Copy paste is an amazing tool. As for the sept 11 attacks I'm still not convinced.

I was a member of the RAA ( recreational aviation association) . A bunch of guys who build their own airplanes or refurbish old ones.

One other member I knew well had built a Lancair, a very fancy turbo prop airplane with retracting gear, glass cockpit, auto pilot and pressurized cabin.

So he took off from Buttonville airport in Toronto and heads over to B.C.
Mid-way there he gets an electrical failure which cause his radio and transponder to shut down along with his fancy glass cockpit.

25 minutes later, two F-18's show up at his flanks and escort him to the nearest airport.

This is what NORAD does. Every time an aircraft appears in distress or highjacked, or crashed, they scramble fighters to see wtf is going on.

Payne Stewart, famous golfer takes off from Florida and when the airplane depressurizes, everyone on board died. The plane keeps going on auto-pilot but nobody is answering the radio ....all being dead and all.

20 minutrs later a military plane is scrambled, sees that the windows are fogged over and realized they all suffocated. The intercept follow the doomed plane until it runs out of gas and crashes.

25 minutes to intercept a small private airplane over Manitoba.
20 minutes to intercept a small private airplane over florida.

Yet, on 9/11, not one, but 4 full size airliners are highjacked. The authorities are aware of it for two hours. Those planes are not flying over Manitoba, but over the White House, New York, and the Pentagon. All over the most controlled airspace in.the world (the north eastern seabord). Two hours between they are aware of the first highjack to the moment the last airplane crashes. And not a single fighter jet lifts a wing until it's too late.

NORAD was on coffee break I guess. If you beleive this crap, I have a bridge to sell, a bargain really.
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:01 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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It's called 'hegelian dianetics'
They cause a problem, offer the solution, and the solution is what they wanted to do all along.

They knew the people would not support attacking Afghanistan to build a pipeline and attack Iraq to stop them from pumping oil.

So they caused the problem (9/11 attack)
They offer the solution ( attack the mean Muslim terrorists who did this)
And the solution is what they wanted to.do all along.

Simple really.

“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

― Albert Einstein
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:03 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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Its simple for sure.
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
I was a member of the RAA ( recreational aviation association) . A bunch of guys who build their own airplanes or refurbish old ones.

One other member I knew well had built a Lancair, a very fancy turbo prop airplane with retracting gear, glass cockpit, auto pilot and pressurized cabin.

So he took off from Buttonville airport in Toronto and heads over to B.C.
Mid-way there he gets an electrical failure which cause his radio and transponder to shut down along with his fancy glass cockpit.

25 minutes later, two F-18's show up at his flanks and escort him to the nearest airport.

This is what NORAD does. Every time an aircraft appears in distress or highjacked, or crashed, they scramble fighters to see wtf is going on.

Payne Stewart, famous golfer takes off from Florida and when the airplane depressurizes, everyone on board died. The plane keeps going on auto-pilot but nobody is answering the radio ....all being dead and all.

20 minutrs later a military plane is scrambled, sees that the windows are fogged over and realized they all suffocated. The intercept follow the doomed plane until it runs out of gas and crashes.

25 minutes to intercept a small private airplane over Manitoba.
20 minutes to intercept a small private airplane over florida.

Yet, on 9/11, not one, but 4 full size airliners are highjacked. The authorities are aware of it for two hours. Those planes are not flying over Manitoba, but over the White House, New York, and the Pentagon. All over the most controlled airspace in.the world (the north eastern seabord). Two hours between they are aware of the first highjack to the moment the last airplane crashes. And not a single fighter jet lifts a wing until it's too late.

NORAD was on coffee break I guess. If you beleive this crap, I have a bridge to sell, a bargain really.
You sure like to rant and a little off topic to boot this is guns and ammo discussion not Pepe conspiracy theory maybe take all your wonderfull knowledge over to general discussion and start a new thread!
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:13 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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Originally Posted by dogslayer403 View Post
You sure like to rant and a little off topic to boot this is guns and ammo discussion not Pepe conspiracy theory maybe take all your wonderfull knowledge over to general discussion and start a new thread!

This thread is about terrorist bullets and I am talking about terrorism. Not too far off subject I would think.

If the thread is not interesting to you, why do you keep reading and posting?

There are a multitudes of threads which don't interest me ....guess what? .....I don't read or post here
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Old 06-25-2013, 10:00 PM
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Just thought maybe all your grand knowledge might be better appreciated somewhere else, I read and post because it started out interesting now it is just you writing pages of info on government conspiracy on terrorism so yes you are starting to go off topic the racism aspect was valid to the thread thats about it but either way my interest in this thread is done carry on Im done.
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Old 06-26-2013, 08:50 AM
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well im getting a good laugh from this thread now ...

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 06-26-2013, 09:56 AM
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I thought this tread would get back on topic but it just got stupid.

Pepe: some findings on a quick google search for you on infidel stuff. Fill your boots




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Old 06-26-2013, 02:17 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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Originally Posted by ZeeFishing View Post
I thought this tread would get back on topic but it just got stupid.

Pepe: some findings on a quick google search for you on infidel stuff. Fill your boots




You are kidding me right?
This stuff with 'infidel' on it is for North Americans who want to proclaim their hatred for the Muslims, or terrorists, or what not.

But to be honest with you, all this infidel stuff is just propaganda pure and simple. Americans and Canadians are lead to beleive that for a Muslim an infidel is a Christian. That's not at all what an infidel means. It means a Muslim who betrays his religion and Allah.

But leading the Americans to think the Muslim world call them infidels goes to show how badly they want to promote hatred to keep the war going.

And btw, I am not for a minute trying to defend Muslims. In fact, I am an atheist and as such I find all religious beliefs retarded and delusional.

And finally, don't you know that "support our troops"sticker on your gas guzling truck while our troops are dying for big oil makes you look like a giant a-hole?

The suppirt our troops sticker is just a lame way to say support the war of aggression. I support our troops by demanding they be brought back home to safety.
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Old 06-26-2013, 02:51 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered user View Post
Silly argument, some priests rape kids not because of a christian faith but because of their vow of "celibacy". Some muslim leaders call for jihads and deaths of people, think khomeini vs Salman Rushdie, or the current iranian whack-job calling for the total anhiilation of Israel. How about murdering a cartoonist? Holy men of most faiths can be a problem which is just one reason I am atheist, it's just a whole lot more peaceful. Buddhists aren't so bad at least they mind their own business.

I agree not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
I disagree on a number of points.
Priests don't rape kids because of the celebacy thing.
Lots of peole are celebrate and get along just fine.

Some priests rape kids because some priests are either repressed homosexuals or plain jane pedophiles..... period.

Also the last biggoted generalization... all terrorists being Muslim.

What tripe.

Shall I list them all or is it enough to inform you that the first school bus blown up in what was once called Palestine... was by Zionists?
Thats right... the PLO learned their stock and trade which was later passed on... from displaced European Jews.
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
You are kidding me right?
This stuff with 'infidel' on it is for North Americans who want to proclaim their hatred for the Muslims, or terrorists, or what not.

But to be honest with you, all this infidel stuff is just propaganda pure and simple. Americans and Canadians are lead to beleive that for a Muslim an infidel is a Christian. That's not at all what an infidel means. It means a Muslim who betrays his religion and Allah.

But leading the Americans to think the Muslim world call them infidels goes to show how badly they want to promote hatred to keep the war going.

And btw, I am not for a minute trying to defend Muslims. In fact, I am an atheist and as such I find all religious beliefs retarded and delusional.

And finally, don't you know that "support our troops"sticker on your gas guzling truck while our troops are dying for big oil makes you look like a giant a-hole?

The suppirt our troops sticker is just a lame way to say support the war of aggression. I support our troops by demanding they be brought back home to safety.
youre a retard. you keep making assumptions. you clearly do not know anything and you have proven that with your posts hear and you have also proven that youre too stupid to comprehend anything.

Please continue with your posts so we can continue laughing at how retarded you are
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:10 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
You are kidding me right?
This stuff with 'infidel' on it is for North Americans who want to proclaim their hatred for the Muslims, or terrorists, or what not.

But to be honest with you, all this infidel stuff is just propaganda pure and simple. Americans and Canadians are lead to beleive that for a Muslim an infidel is a Christian. That's not at all what an infidel means. It means a Muslim who betrays his religion and Allah.

But leading the Americans to think the Muslim world call them infidels goes to show how badly they want to promote hatred to keep the war going.

And btw, I am not for a minute trying to defend Muslims. In fact, I am an atheist and as such I find all religious beliefs retarded and delusional.

And finally, don't you know that "support our troops"sticker on your gas guzling truck while our troops are dying for big oil makes you look like a giant a-hole?

The suppirt our troops sticker is just a lame way to say support the war of aggression. I support our troops by demanding they be brought back home to safety.
I like this. The united states government killed thousands of its own civilians to start a war. I firmly believe this. But. And its a goody. Wait for it. BUT religion is retarded. did nobody hug you as a child?
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered user View Post
I agree not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:23 PM
Mistagin Mistagin is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
And finally, don't you know that "support our troops"sticker on your gas guzling truck while our troops are dying for big oil makes you look like a giant a-hole?

The suppirt our troops sticker is just a lame way to say support the war of aggression. I support our troops by demanding they be brought back home to safety.
I was going to stay out of this one, just reading it for the entertainment factor, but Pepe, now you've crossed a line. I have a "support our troops" sticker on my SUV and it's been there for years. And it's not going anywhere. Why do I have it? Because my son is a troop, and my son-in-law is, and my brother is, and my cousin is. And I support them and the work they do.

Your ignorance and bias is telling. What do you call the troops who help out in the recent flood situation? Insulting our troops, and those who support them goes way beyond the line. If I were a mod the ban hammer would be a-fallin hard here .
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by mistagin View Post
i was going to stay out of this one, just reading it for the entertainment factor, but pepe, now you've crossed a line. I have a "support our troops" sticker on my suv and it's been there for years. And it's not going anywhere. Why do i have it? Because my son is a troop, and my son-in-law is, and my brother is, and my cousin is. And i support them and the work they do.

Your ignorance and bias is telling. What do you call the troops who help out in the recent flood situation? Insulting our troops, and those who support them goes way beyond the line. If i were a mod the ban hammer would be a-fallin hard here .
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:45 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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I never said I don't support the troops. Read it again. I said that I support the troops by demanding that they be brought back home and out of harm's way.

Your "support our troops" ribbon is just an hypocrit way of saying support the war or you are not a patriot.

And btw, your son is not the one to blame. He is fighting a war based on a lie. That lie is 9/11 and the idea that if we don't go there and bomb the crap out of them, they will attack up.

Your son thinks he is doing the right thing, your son is a victim, not the one responsible for 9/11.

But go on, keep thinking that 9/11 was done by fanatical Muslims who "hate our freedoms"

And keep paying your taxes, gubermint likes it when you pay your taxes.

Last edited by Pepe; 06-26-2013 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Mistagin View Post
I was going to stay out of this one, just reading it for the entertainment factor, but Pepe, now you've crossed a line. I have a "support our troops" sticker on my SUV and it's been there for years. And it's not going anywhere. Why do I have it? Because my son is a troop, and my son-in-law is, and my brother is, and my cousin is. And I support them and the work they do.

Your ignorance and bias is telling. What do you call the troops who help out in the recent flood situation? Insulting our troops, and those who support them goes way beyond the line. If I were a mod the ban hammer would be a-fallin hard here .
Being ex military, I whole heartedly agree. It would appear that you are trying to find more and more people to **** off. Time to grow up!
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Old 06-26-2013, 03:58 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
I never said I don't support the troops. Read it again. I said that I support the troops by demanding that they be brought back home and out of harm's way.

Your "support our troops" ribbon is just an hypocrit way of saying support the war or you are not a patriot.

And btw, your son is not the one to blame. He is fighting a war based on a lie. That lie is 9/11 and the idea that if we don't go there and bomb the crap out of them, they will attack up.

Your son thinks he is doing the right thing, your son is a victim, not the one responsible for 9/11.

But go on, keep thinking that 9/11 was done by fanatical Muslims who "hate our freedoms"

And keep paying your taxes, gubermint likes it when you pay your taxes.
I'm pretty sure support the troops means exactly that. Key word being troops. It doesn't say support the "gubermint". You don't pay taxes? I'm going to go out on a limb and ask if your a "sandy hook" conspiracy believer as well.
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:01 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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I support our troops 100 percent. Doesn't matter if they are stacking sandbags or in a firefight. They deserve our support. That's what the bumper sticker means.
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:03 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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. Now just think about the official story of 9/11 for one minute.

We are told that a bunch of fanatical Muslims attacked the USA on 9/11 to protest the American military presence in the midle east.

If that were true, that would be the most stoopit thing I ever heard.

Look in history and it is clear that whenever the Americans are attacked, the retaliate ten fold. Look at the Lusitania, or Pearl Arbor for example.
It's obvious if the kick the USA's bees nest, they will INCREASE their military presemce in the mid-east.

In reality, 9/11 was designed to anger the American people into supporting an imperialistic war of profit. And of course, our spinless Canadian politicians followed them into war.

If Bush and Obama and Harper beleive in that war so much, why don't they send their own sons there? Why does it have to be your son and not their sons?
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:05 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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Originally Posted by huntingd View Post
I support our troops 100 percent. Doesn't matter if they are stacking sandbags or in a firefight. They deserve our support. That's what the bumper sticker means.
I support our troops, but I don't suppirt the gubermint that lies to us all and send our sons into a war that does not need to be fought.

That's what I mean.
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:10 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
. Now just think about the official story of 9/11 for one minute.

We are told that a bunch of fanatical Muslims attacked the USA on 9/11 to protest the American military presence in the midle east.

If that were true, that would be the most stoopit thing I ever heard.

Look in history and it is clear that whenever the Americans are attacked, the retaliate ten fold. Look at the Lusitania, or Pearl Arbor for example.
It's obvious if the kick the USA's bees nest, they will INCREASE their military presemce in the mid-east.

In reality, 9/11 was designed to anger the American people into supporting an imperialistic war of profit. And of course, our spinless Canadian politicians followed them into war.

If Bush and Obama and Harper beleive in that war so much, why don't they send their own sons there? Why does it have to be your son and not their sons?
Sorry I don't get my "facts" from micheal moore. Seriously now. Did "they" stage sandy hook?
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:12 PM
huntingd huntingd is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
I support our troops, but I don't suppirt the gubermint that lies to us all and send our sons into a war that does not need to be fought.

That's what I mean.
"Our sons"? Is your son over there? We have had people on this board state they support their relatives. I think I will side with them on this.
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:29 PM
Pepe Pepe is offline
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Originally Posted by huntingd View Post
I'm pretty sure support the troops means exactly that. Key word being troops. It doesn't say support the "gubermint". You don't pay taxes? I'm going to go out on a limb and ask if your a "sandy hook" conspiracy believer as well.
That depends on what you mean. I beleive the guberming used the Sandy Hook events for their political agenda. But I don't beleive it was a black-op created by the gubers.

And I also don't beleive in aliens, I don't wear a tin foil hat, and I don't beleive the moon is made of cheese.

Now my turn to ask you a question:

Do you beleive that JFK was kilked by a single gunman named Oswarld?
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Old 06-26-2013, 05:06 PM
Mistagin Mistagin is offline
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Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
I never said I don't support the troops. Read it again. I said that I support the troops by demanding that they be brought back home and out of harm's way.

So what purpose would troops serve in your fantasy world?

Your "support our troops" ribbon is just an hypocrit way of saying support the war or you are not a patriot.

And btw, your son is not the one to blame. He is fighting a war based on a lie. That lie is 9/11 and the idea that if we don't go there and bomb the crap out of them, they will attack up.
He's a volunteer, and knows exactly what he's doing. He's also not afraid to hide behind a keyboard and spout off gibberish.

Your son thinks he is doing the right thing, your son is a victim, not the one responsible for 9/11.

But go on, keep thinking that 9/11 was done by fanatical Muslims who "hate our freedoms"
[COLOR="red"]That's exactly what I think, sorry to break it to you, but the truth is often a lot simpler than conspiracy theories./COLOR]

And keep paying your taxes, gubermint likes it when you pay your taxes.I do and I will, and I'll bet you're glad people like me pay our taxes - it's our taxes that provides so much for making this a great country worth fighting for - even with it's failures and short-comings. (And no, I'm not always happy with how our taxes are spent!)
I'd really like to see you say what you say face to face with my boy. That'd be something to hear and see! You might just get something of an 'attitude adjustment'. (I'm not saying it would be a violent confrontation - except for maybe a few words.)
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Old 06-26-2013, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by ZeeFishing View Post
I made no mention of race. Weak attempt at name-calling on your part, that card's getting a bit dog eared though.
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Old 06-26-2013, 05:46 PM
Unregistered user Unregistered user is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Daddy Badger View Post
I disagree on a number of points.
Priests don't rape kids because of the celebacy thing.
Lots of peole are celebrate and get along just fine.

Some priests rape kids because some priests are either repressed homosexuals or plain jane pedophiles..... period.

Also the last biggoted generalization... all terrorists being Muslim.

What tripe.

Shall I list them all or is it enough to inform you that the first school bus blown up in what was once called Palestine... was by Zionists?
Thats right... the PLO learned their stock and trade which was later passed on... from displaced European Jews.
No-one ever claimed muslims invented terrorism. the statement I made refers to contemporary times. How about a little modification, one you can not argue with.

"Most muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are muslims". Clear?
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