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Old 10-10-2013, 06:29 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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Default Scary Stuff, no more sea food for this guy..

3 Disturbing Fukushima Facts The Government Is Covering Up

TEPCO says Fukushima is nothing to worry about

Anthony Gucciardi
October 10, 2013

The mega Fukushima meltdown continues to assault the planet on a daily basis with barrages of radioactive fallout that have infiltrated everything from our international food supply to the Pacific Ocean. But instead of alerting us to this reality and helping us to be prepared for what’s coming, both the United States and Japanese governments have chosen to ignore and downplay the devastating affects of Fukushima in order to pretend that nothing is wrong.

NRC Officials visit Fukushima Dai-ichi Complex
And in return, of course, the result is the continued and unchecked nuclear contamination of the planet — and it’s getting worse. Let’s examine a number of deeply disturbing facts regarding Fukushima’s increasing emission of radiation, the advancing stages of meltdown, the downright insane management of the disaster, and of course how it is affecting us on a daily basis.

1. Fukushima Radiation Readings Continue to Hit New High

One of the most absurd lies put forth by TEPCO (Fukushima plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.) and backed by the government is the notion that Fukushima is really nothing to worry about. In fact, the incident was classified as a ‘Level 1 anomaly’ before it was revealed that radiation levels were skyrocketing to new highs as recently as September 4th of 2013. And it was this same revelation last September that forced the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) to acknowledge this reality and change the classification of the Fukushima disaster to a Level 3 ‘Serious Incident’.

The radiation levels were high enough to kill an unprotected human within hours.

2. Plant Operators Caught Faking Radiation Readings

The very core of the Fukushima disaster timeline that has been regurgitated by the mainstream media and government agencies alike was almost exclusively based on information provided by plant operator TEPCO — a company that is now on record as having lied to the population of the world in a major way. And there were no signs they would ever tell the truth unless forced to. It wasn’t until an independent investigation revealed the actual levels of radiation released from the plant (around 2 1/2 times more than TEPCO would even admit) that TEPCO was forced to go on record and state that the radiation levels they released were indeed much lower than reality.

We can only imagine what else they are lying about.

3. Radioactive Caesium-137 Was Mostly Drained Into Pacific Ocean

The independent investigation into Fukushima radiation levels not only exposed the lies by TEPCO regarding the radiation explosion at the plant, but that around 78% of the caesium-137 released by the plant was funneling into the Pacific Ocean. The plant now states that the three reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant released about 900,000 terabecquerels of radioactive substances. About 20% fell on Japanese land, 2% somewhere on land outside the country, and a whopping 78% remainder is believed to have entered the Pacific Ocean.

Meanwhile, fisheries continue to operate and governments continue to pretend nothing has gone wrong. And at the same time, the mainstream media (the dying media that continues to lose trust ratings according to major Gallup polls) pushes the propaganda that Fukushima is nothing at all to worry about — just keep eating seafood from Japan and don’t mind the fact that radiation levels are still spiking. And definitely don’t mind the EPA raising ‘acceptable limits’ of radiation in your food supply.

The answer is clear: exposing this information and inciting a reality check throughout the planet is essential to actually forcing the establishment to respond to Fukushima. Unfortunately, it once again appears that we are required to fend for ourselves on a survival level until we can reach the point where the public has truly had enough.

Personally, after speaking with top doctors and creating what is now a top natural health website worldwide, I teamed up with the internationally recognized expert Dr. Edward Group to create what is now the only form of nascent iodine I use — the Infowars Life Survival Shield nascent iodine product. A form of iodine that doctors have been utilizing for years since we have seen the incremental and intentional removal of iodine from the food supply at large.

It is essential to spread the word on the devastating depth of Fukushima before we see even higher levels of radiation enter the biosphere through the mismanagement and downright blackout surrounding the entire event on behalf of the government.

I think its time to hold some of these idots accountable for there actions
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Old 10-10-2013, 06:33 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Hey man, they're doing us a favor by supporting the global economy from crashing.

Japan has the worst debt:GDP.

Doing **** all is about all they can handle.

It would be nice however to know the truth.
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Old 10-10-2013, 06:52 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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The truth shall set you free!! I would like the truth as well. F
But for some strange reason, I dont think the goberments will tell us sheeple the truth. its above are pay grade
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Old 10-10-2013, 07:00 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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The truth shall set you free!! I would like the truth as well. F
But for some strange reason, I dont think the goberments will tell us sheeple the truth. its above are pay grade
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Old 10-10-2013, 07:04 PM
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Reminds me of the oil spill in the gulf, nothing but pure bs from everyone involved including the government. Why is green peace and the rest of the tree huggers not over there?
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Old 10-10-2013, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by wally338 View Post

. . . Why is green peace and the rest of the tree huggers not over there?
Cuz they're busy doing 'The Jailhouse Rock' in Russia right now ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj0Rz-uP4Mk

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Old 10-10-2013, 07:23 PM
4thredneck 4thredneck is offline
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"The truth? You can't handle the truth!"
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Old 10-10-2013, 07:26 PM
greylynx greylynx is offline
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Originally Posted by MacLeod View Post
Cuz they're busy doing 'The Jailhouse Rock' in Russia right now ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj0Rz-uP4Mk

I don't think so .

They are sitting with Bubba or Babba. Choose who want to be.
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Old 10-10-2013, 07:35 PM
connexion123 connexion123 is offline
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Anthony is spot on in much of his reporting. Good show.

Our shores are being affected hugely. Fuk is a big disaster that everyone is avoiding.
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Old 10-10-2013, 07:43 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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Originally Posted by 4thredneck View Post
"The truth? You can't handle the truth!"
lol, we pay taxes to the goberments to keep secrets that affects all of us? For real, we all need to wake the hell up.. Goberments dont work for the people anymore. We work for them, they steal are money by taxing on tax which by the way is illegal and consantly lie about everything..Honestly I hope the American revolution of 2013/2014 floods north or some big event hits the reset button. I sit back and wander what my grandkids future will be like if we keep on the same path we are on!!
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Old 10-10-2013, 08:07 PM
JimPS JimPS is offline
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Originally Posted by 4thredneck View Post
"The truth? You can't handle the truth!"
The situation is so unprecedented that there is no solution.
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Old 10-10-2013, 08:51 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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Originally Posted by JimPS View Post
The situation is so unprecedented that there is no solution.
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Old 10-10-2013, 09:10 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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Originally Posted by JimPS View Post
The situation is so unprecedented that there is no solution.
I would like to add this post I found on another forum, time to connect the dots people!!!!!!

Quote taken from Cory CentralW:

There is no such thing as coincidence.

9/11 as a distraction to hide the fact that 10's of trillions of dollars disappeared from the Federal Reserve. Where did all that money go?
Governments building D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases), underground bunkers/cities/tunnel systems, the seed vault, etc.

The printing of the U.S. dollar/the Petro Dollar into *oblivion*. The Federal Reserve (private bank) illogically trying to "fix" our economy by counterfeiting more money and the U.S. government trying to "fix" our debt by going into even more debt.

Nobody giving a s*** about the fact that Fukushima is 30x worse than Chernobyl, spilling 400 tons of radioactive wastewater into the Pacific ocean every day, killing massive amounts of ocean life, and making all of our Pacific sea food (such as tuna) radioactive. Prime Minister Abe of japan is now asking for international help with Fukushima, and the world is IGNORING him.

The U.S. government playing games with this government shutdown, Obamacare, and the imaginary "debt ceiling".

If we don't have money to run the government, then how the **** did we fund a raid in Libya and bombing of Somalia last week? How is it that we have money to spend on CLOSING parks and war memorials and highways in D.C. for 10/11/13 (when the truckers show up) but don't have money to pay off our "debt"?

And what about the Syria war drums that were beating so hard for weeks and then stopped suddenly? What happened to World War III being imminent?

What about NASA conveniently not showing us any pictures of ISON from the Mars Rover, Hubble, or anything since 10/01/13's shutdown?

What about this huge increase in meteors/fireballs (I've seen four green ones, one of which lit my entire driveway up in Wisconsin, myself in the last year) in the last few years? Where are they all coming from?

NONE OF THIS IS A COINCIDENCE OR AN ACCIDENT. The "Powers that Be" know exactly what they are doing. They are keeping everyone distracted so that we do not look UP and see what is coming.

There IS an incoming celestial body coming, in the form of our binary star (a red dwarf) and its own solar system/planets, and ISON is its precursor. Both ISON and this incoming binary star/solar system are dragging trillions of space rocks/asteroids/meteors and other junk with them, and these things are GOING to hit us. They are already hitting us. WAKE UP. It is obvious. Trust your intuition. People all around the world are sensing that 'something big is coming', and the governments of the world know exactly what that 'something big' is, and they are prepared and still preparing. What about you?

I sincerely hope that you all have several months of food, fresh water, medical supplies, and some weapons/ammo stocked up, because when the s*** hits the fan in the next months, you are on your own. You may get 1-2 weeks notice of the incoming celestial objects IF you're lucky. By that time, the "Powers that Be" will be 'safe' in their bunkers, having left us to 'fend for ourselves'.

Believe what I am telling you or don't. My intuition tells me that everybody who is sensing this catastrophe coming, everybody who has had dreams about it (as I have), and who can see the writing on the walls is SPOT ON. This incoming solar system is getting exponentially closer every day, as is Ison (which will be at our doorstep shortly), and you can either be prepared or not. TIME HAS ESSENTIALLY RUN OUT ALREADY.

The timing of the government shutdown (and by the way, that is PERMANENT) and the debt ceiling being hit, and all the rumors of FEMA Region III prep and FEMA going nuts in Puerto Rico are NOT a coincidence. GET READY.
It's Never Too Late to Be Who You Could've Been - George Bernard Shaw

Cory from Central Wisconsin
End Quote

These are unprecedented times based on facts and a little common sense..
CNN and all the CORP MEDIA are NOT good choice to learn the facts

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Old 10-10-2013, 09:13 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Are you sayin I got a freezer full of radioactive salmon and hilibut that I caught this summer? I just ate a feed of halibut tonight! I'm heading to the basement with the lights out to see if I glow!!!

In all seriousness tho, does anyone know how fast, far, and how potent the reaches of this will go? Will this ultimately turn the waters to blood so to speak?
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Old 10-10-2013, 09:16 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Are you sayin I got a freezer full of radioactive salmon and hilibut that I caught this summer? I just ate a feed of halibut tonight! I'm heading to the basement with the lights out to see if I glow!!!

In all seriousness tho, does anyone know how fast, far, and how potent the reaches of this will go? Will this ultimately turn the waters to blood so to speak?
YouTube can be your friend.
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Old 10-10-2013, 09:25 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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Originally Posted by Browning Sharpsh00ter View Post
YouTube can be your friend.
Google translate = worldwide news
Google search: GLP = Great forum for worldwide events and ongoings
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Old 10-10-2013, 09:35 PM
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Wow, where did I leave my tinfoil hat? Ah there it is, beside the .50, whew thought for a minute I lost that sucker for good.

Originally Posted by Browning Sharpsh00ter View Post
I would like to add this post I found on another forum, time to connect the dots people!!!!!!

Quote taken from Cory CentralW:

There is no such thing as coincidence.

9/11 as a distraction to hide the fact that 10's of trillions of dollars disappeared from the Federal Reserve. Where did all that money go?
Governments building D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases), underground bunkers/cities/tunnel systems, the seed vault, etc.

The printing of the U.S. dollar/the Petro Dollar into *oblivion*. The Federal Reserve (private bank) illogically trying to "fix" our economy by counterfeiting more money and the U.S. government trying to "fix" our debt by going into even more debt.

Nobody giving a s*** about the fact that Fukushima is 30x worse than Chernobyl, spilling 400 tons of radioactive wastewater into the Pacific ocean every day, killing massive amounts of ocean life, and making all of our Pacific sea food (such as tuna) radioactive. Prime Minister Abe of japan is now asking for international help with Fukushima, and the world is IGNORING him.

The U.S. government playing games with this government shutdown, Obamacare, and the imaginary "debt ceiling".

If we don't have money to run the government, then how the **** did we fund a raid in Libya and bombing of Somalia last week? How is it that we have money to spend on CLOSING parks and war memorials and highways in D.C. for 10/11/13 (when the truckers show up) but don't have money to pay off our "debt"?

And what about the Syria war drums that were beating so hard for weeks and then stopped suddenly? What happened to World War III being imminent?

What about NASA conveniently not showing us any pictures of ISON from the Mars Rover, Hubble, or anything since 10/01/13's shutdown?

What about this huge increase in meteors/fireballs (I've seen four green ones, one of which lit my entire driveway up in Wisconsin, myself in the last year) in the last few years? Where are they all coming from?

NONE OF THIS IS A COINCIDENCE OR AN ACCIDENT. The "Powers that Be" know exactly what they are doing. They are keeping everyone distracted so that we do not look UP and see what is coming.

There IS an incoming celestial body coming, in the form of our binary star (a red dwarf) and its own solar system/planets, and ISON is its precursor. Both ISON and this incoming binary star/solar system are dragging trillions of space rocks/asteroids/meteors and other junk with them, and these things are GOING to hit us. They are already hitting us. WAKE UP. It is obvious. Trust your intuition. People all around the world are sensing that 'something big is coming', and the governments of the world know exactly what that 'something big' is, and they are prepared and still preparing. What about you?

I sincerely hope that you all have several months of food, fresh water, medical supplies, and some weapons/ammo stocked up, because when the s*** hits the fan in the next months, you are on your own. You may get 1-2 weeks notice of the incoming celestial objects IF you're lucky. By that time, the "Powers that Be" will be 'safe' in their bunkers, having left us to 'fend for ourselves'.

Believe what I am telling you or don't. My intuition tells me that everybody who is sensing this catastrophe coming, everybody who has had dreams about it (as I have), and who can see the writing on the walls is SPOT ON. This incoming solar system is getting exponentially closer every day, as is Ison (which will be at our doorstep shortly), and you can either be prepared or not. TIME HAS ESSENTIALLY RUN OUT ALREADY.

The timing of the government shutdown (and by the way, that is PERMANENT) and the debt ceiling being hit, and all the rumors of FEMA Region III prep and FEMA going nuts in Puerto Rico are NOT a coincidence. GET READY.
It's Never Too Late to Be Who You Could've Been - George Bernard Shaw

Cory from Central Wisconsin
End Quote

These are unprecedented times based on facts and a little common sense..
CNN and all the CORP MEDIA are NOT good choice to learn the facts

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Old 10-10-2013, 09:42 PM
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The end is at hand folks Iam retreating to my under ground bunker with hitler, the reverend Jones and Obama.
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Old 10-10-2013, 11:18 PM
Browning Sharpsh00ter Browning Sharpsh00ter is offline
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Old 10-10-2013, 11:23 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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I didnt look at the vids, but you are right, it is a horrifying situation that we are all ignoring.

It cant be overstated.
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