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Old 02-27-2015, 03:19 PM
nube nube is offline
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Default Esrd letter

Sorry but I had to hand type this. Been trying for a couple hrs to figure out how to change the format to put it up but here is the main bit. Please excuse the spelling as I am trying to type this out fast.

Jan 30 2015
ESRD Red Deer - Northern Saskatchewan Region - Trapper update

Over the past couple year there have been changes to the Legislation directly related to registered Fur Management ares (RFMA) Alberta Envirement and Sustainable Resource Developement (ESRD) is currently working on policies to clarify associated trapping uses such as cabins and trap line maintenance.

The admin of a RFMA is issued under the Wildlife Act and Wildlife Regulation and provides the holder of this license authorization to trap and hunt fur bearing animals for that particular area.

An RFMA license does not provide authority for the holder to construct a cabin and remove forest growth along a trapline. Authority to construct or occupie a cabin is granted under the Public Lands Act and Public Lands Administration Regulation (PLAR)

Prior to development of the PLAR (SEpt 2011), authority to construct a cabin was still required although RFMA holders did not require a formal disposition ( miscellaneous Permit-MLP or Miscellaneous Lease-DML ) if:
A) the cabin is located within the RFMA to which the registered fur managment relates
B) the holder occupies the cabin fewer than 180 days a calender year and
C) the holder occupies the cabin only while engaged in hunting pursuant to the registered fur management license

ESRD is in the process of establishing a disturbance for standard cabins under PLAR which may require a Miscellaneous Lease (DML) disposition in the future. In the meantime, officers in the Red Deer- North Saskatchewan Region will issue RFMA holders a Temporary Fiels Authorization (TFA) for the construction of new Cabins, or any changes or upgrades to existing cabins, as follows

A) Structures are to be located at approved locations within the RFMA that minimize the potential for land use conflicts with other users and the potential impacts to sensitive public land and resources. Prior to construction or clearing, trappers must discuss their proposed location with local ESRD staff
B) Trappers are responsible for completing municipal requirements for approvals, permits, development or health requirements, and taxes or fees that may apply to the strutures.

C) a maximum of 3 cabinsare permitted on the RFMA , comprised of one main cabin and 2 line cabins

D) Line cabins must be located more than 16 Kilometrees away from other cabins on the same RFMA, not including those cabins on Adjacent RFMA. This min distance accounts for 1 day of travel between cabins to ensure safety. ESRD will consider variances to the number of cabins permitted in order to enable effective management of the line. Line cabins must still be located greater than 16KM away from other cabins on the same RFMA as per point D
F) Other structures (latrines wood sheds work sheds) are approved subject to a site development plan for each line or main cabin.

G) All structures must be single story, temporary, constructed on non permanent foundations, and of a manner allowing easy movement. The installation of permanent seviceing is not permitted. (EG. permanent Power lines supplied by commercial power operator, natural gas, water wells. etc.)

H) Wildfires may pose risk to trappers structures. Following the guidelines provided in the Firesmart manual may help protect trappers structures from wildfire. Trappers are encouraged to gain more info from ESRD website

I) The timber company , forest Management Agreement (FMA) holder, and in the case of grazing lease, (GRL) holders will need to provide consent for the overlapping of the cabin. The disposition holders will discuss opportunitys to integrate and coordinate use of the land, structures , access, and timing of activities

Cabin sizes Main Cabin 1 per RMFA Max area permitted under MLL is .405 ha or 1 acr size of structure 576 FT

Line cabin 2 per RFMA .2 ha or .5 Acr is the max area under MLL and 256 FT

Work shed or other 144 FT persuant under the development plan
Wood shed or latrine peruant under development plan

Authorization will be provided to the RFMA holder Senior partner along with all other correspondence. Cabins are to be used for trapping purposse only , by the RFMA holder , junior partner and their spouses and dependant children. Unless otherwise authorized by the department, trappers cabins are not to be used for recreational or other purposes. In the event an RFMA is cancelled or re assigned to another client by ESRD, structures and improvements are to be removed or may be with permission transfered to the new RFMA holder.

Other trapline activities that require approval from ESRD officer are not limited to but include
A) installation of watercourse crossings such as culvert bridge etc
B) cutting of forest growth for cabin construction/ maintanence
C) new trail construction or mainanence of existing trails where other cutting of deadfall is required
D) use of motorized vehicle including OHV's and snowmachine designated trails in a public land use zone (PLUZ)
E) Use during area closures

Trappers are to be notified at least ten days prior to the initiation of comercial activities such as forestry and oil gas mining etc. Inn 2013 the alberta Energy Regulator (AER) became a new organization and began taking on regulatory functions related to energy development previously held by ESRD. Although ESRD no longer performs energy approvals we will still act on behalf of the RMFA holder should there be discrepancies relating to notifications. Most forestry companies generally provide notification during development of their annual operating plan well in advance of the min ten day requirement.

As a commercial user RFMA holders may require agreements for the use of roads or other activities under disposition by another user. Please work with these holders to ensure safety concerns and other legal liabilities are addressed.

ESRD appovals Officer (Lands and Forestry Officer) may be contacting trappers and visiting cabin sites as part of their regular inspections within their working area. In addition we will be updating our data base with cabin locations and RMFA contacts to ensure we can plan accordingly in the event of a wildfire or other Emergency

Any concerns call Don livingston 403-845-8236 Or Stephen Shenfield 403-845-8301
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Old 02-27-2015, 03:20 PM
nube nube is offline
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Holly cow that took an hr to type i'm tired now
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Old 02-27-2015, 04:14 PM
northerntrapper northerntrapper is offline
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Default srd letter

Thanks for the effort, nube. Not a 'mystery letter' any more.
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Old 02-27-2015, 04:30 PM
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Thank you Nube!
Legislation can not fix stupidity.
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Old 02-27-2015, 04:38 PM
nube nube is offline
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No prob. I don't think there is anything different than what is already in force. I think it will be the same thing. A lot of things are not enforced by the powers that be and some of them won't because it doesn't make sense to. Not sure there is anything to be overly alarmed about.
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Old 02-27-2015, 04:46 PM
Marten1576 Marten1576 is offline
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what i find strange is i have had more than one discussion with forestry since 2011 (as listed in letter as new police) and they said nothing of this legislation. something is a miss . i talked to a trapper at ata and he said nothing in the law.
i wish someone on forum who is a lawyer could tell us what is the law. I think forestry wants us to believe they can make laws. but really all they are doing is announcing it loudly.

Thanks nube for taking the time.

ps I always ask where i can find and law in the law book and no one at forestry can tell me . Those that recieved the letter should phone and ask where in the alberta lands act can that law be found.

Last edited by Marten1576; 02-27-2015 at 05:12 PM.
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Old 02-27-2015, 07:23 PM
nube nube is offline
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Well I plan on a new cabin this year. At least to get it o.k'ed if anything. I will let you all know how it goes. I am thinking it should just be a smooth process. If it isn't I won't be a happy camper. I can't trap my whole line because I have 7+ townships. I want to be able to rotate areas depending on the year and I will need a new cabin. If they are going to make that tough then they are not making it easy to manage the fur on the line which is the goal isn't it?
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Old 03-01-2015, 09:39 AM
Big Grey Wolf Big Grey Wolf is offline
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Default ESRD Letter

Guys, please do not under estimate this ESRD letter. Public Lands Adminstration Regulation PLAR is new legislation passed in 2011. A DML to build a cabin is same lease required to build a gas plant, requires 2 land surveyors and engineer; plus approval by MD, plus FMA holder etc, etc.
We will need permits for trapping trails, bridges etc. This is trapping in 21st Century and "New world Order" in the Wilderness in Alberta.
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Old 03-01-2015, 02:41 PM
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Here's the letter guys. Just getting back into civilization today.

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Old 03-01-2015, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf View Post
Guys, please do not under estimate this ESRD letter. Public Lands Adminstration Regulation PLAR is new legislation passed in 2011. A DML to build a cabin is same lease required to build a gas plant, requires 2 land surveyors and engineer; plus approval by MD, plus FMA holder etc, etc.
We will need permits for trapping trails, bridges etc. This is trapping in 21st Century and "New world Order" in the Wilderness in Alberta.
When I talked to Public lands a month ago they said I needed nothing as far as any permits. Just pick the spot for the cabin and give them the GPS coordinates. They would notify forestry and F&W for me of the location. I contacted both F&W and forestry after talking to public lands and they confirmed that it was all good with them, just set it up with Public lands.
You may need a permit and surveyors one day but as far as I was told we aren't there yet.
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Old 03-02-2015, 09:05 AM
Big Grey Wolf Big Grey Wolf is offline
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Default trapline

Tork, If some F&W offices are still using the 94 cabin policy then should be okay. Nube I suggest you move quickly before they apply all the new regulations, it will be a nightmare to build a cabin on your line and prepare trails and bridges etc. in the future. The ESRD Registered letter is just the first step to closing the gate for trappers and let the FMA (Forest Massacure Area) guys call the shots.
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Old 03-02-2015, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf View Post
Tork, If some F&W offices are still using the 94 cabin policy then should be okay. Nube I suggest you move quickly before they apply all the new regulations, it will be a nightmare to build a cabin on your line and prepare trails and bridges etc. in the future. The ESRD Registered letter is just the first step to closing the gate for trappers and let the FMA (Forest Massacure Area) guys call the shots.
It wasn't F&W I was dealing with, it was the public lands division of SRD. F&W have nothing to do with our cabins. The guys at Forestry wanted nothing to do with it either.
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Old 03-02-2015, 11:03 AM
Big Grey Wolf Big Grey Wolf is offline
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Tork, I agree with you, I was just using F&W as generic term,should have said ESRD and now all the convoluted changes with F&W in Solicitor General etc they however are still enforcement arm of our trapping.
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Old 03-02-2015, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf View Post
Tork, I agree with you, I was just using F&W as generic term,should have said ESRD and now all the convoluted changes with F&W in Solicitor General etc they however are still enforcement arm of our trapping.
Got ya. Thought I was missing something.
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