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Old 09-28-2017, 08:44 PM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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Default All Weather Stint

Spent the last few weeks along the Eastern Slopes of Alberta. Got lucky with Old Timer's Bull Elk, but the next one will need a different approach.

Old Timer and I had the right all weather gear since we seen +27c down to -14c at night,,, then the snow storm blew in for 4 days of tuff going.
Lucky we had all the warm Gear to support our needs, but it's game changing time as I spend countless hours sitting and moving along very very slow.

This next outing is full on under the stars with what I'm wearing for 4 day stints, river bath tub time and a roll tarp.

There are a few of us that do the clothing layer thing as we change things up threw out the day,,, that way it allows us to regulate body temps.
Get rid of body heat when hot, and adding layers before we feel the chill.

My standard all weather package comes in at 35 ish lbs,,, the "test" suit for this outting comes in at 15 ish lbs,,, a 20 lb drop in weigth yet it offers 2X the thermo heat units.
This is all done with todays new moisture wick free materials that all of us can take advantage of,,, part of the trick is to never over heat in it, and allow it to air out when needed. Yes there are lots and lots of layers, but at least it allows for a longer stint out, freedom of movement, light weight, and mobility of distance beyond.

Yes my canon is heavy, but I use the old school Australia sling that makes it easy to pack and is the fastest draw set up going. Those of us that have them know there worth.

My food pack for the 4 days is a 7 day supply at 4 lbs, my filter and dye is ready to rock along with the cook pot and body water blatter,,, lots of water even though one is not thirsty.

This is year 36 of trekking as I cover a 5 to 7 mile zone """with in""" since the pod of Elk we're onto is pretty much held up here.

Road Harvesters to the south, Wolves in the East. Lots of Bears looking West and a deal braker to the North. """Kind of that is""". LOL.

Elk are like D-4 push cats,,, they can slug over top of stuff us humans don't like,,, if they have to bail that is.

My zone could change, so going after them in part 2 is where I've had my best success, the all weather suits have been part of my plan.

Some times it works, many times it does not,,, being in reach of these ghosts is tricky I find,,, not moving in and out of the area where they are """some times""" allows them to relax more.

If they feel comfortable of my presents, then they don't fear me.
I know they are there as much as they know my presents, it is up to them to slip up as I hope I don't drop the ball.

My good friend just did this on a 6x6 at 40 yards last week, this heightened my awareness 10 fold as I'm in the game after the last 2 weeks.

If I don't log in after 4 days, either a Cow Moose has taken me out, or the aliens have come to take me away. LOL.

I'll deffinatly report back on how the all weather space suit works with all the flaws and disadvantages,,, and improvements as fall becomes winter.

Alway pal Don as I try to find quality where there is none

Last edited by Don_Parsons; 09-28-2017 at 08:50 PM.
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Old 09-29-2017, 07:06 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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The shelter pods with in !!!

Old Timer and I left 4 shelters on the fringes of the block, that way we have some where to end up if it works out.

Yes that we have 2 hard shell camps and support units with in reach,,, but they are there if things turn real nasty.

The best thing going for these pods is air tight wood burning heater / stoves,,, these are the best tools going.

Instant heat to warm-up, a source of security and freedom,,, the best part is the capability to dry stuff.
Again, they are there if needed.

If we move zone, we can move 1 of the 2 units easy, kinda like the front line foot ball shuffle as the line moves.
Hopefully this Elk pod stays put, or doesn't swing to wide out side the zone. LOL. Purhaps the All Weather Suit will allow for this game changer.

I never forget the old trip from 4@!!,,, it was 8 days of a 10 day-er with weather that hammered us hard.

Wet gear, ice crystals hanging off of us, and frozen boots turned up like clown shoes.
We failed to plan and our plan failed... Nothing like not planning. Ha.

We let our selves down big time on that outting, that was the year the all weather idea come up. Trekking the mountains made it hard since the snow was deep that year and packing to much gear slowed us down to a crawl.

The conditions were so bad that the thoughts of harvesting a critter was a long distance after thought.
We laugh about this today, but it remains fresh in our minds how mother nature has the final say of who is the boss.

So we plan wizer, shrunk the zones, plotted the ever changing plan, and most of all,,, slow down and relax.

This year I kinda have to force my self to get at it,,, must be due to the age thing, but when I get my boots on the ground and I visit to shelter pods... I know we did it right,,, no Hilton Hotels,,, but not the hole in the wall like them old days.

Reporting truck cab hard knocks as I depart into the bliss of darkness.

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Old 10-02-2017, 08:48 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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Well the All Weather Suit did ok since its about 2/3 the weight,,, mother nature put it and me to the challange out West.

Second day forced me to 1 of the 4 shelter pods back there.
High winds, dark black clouds of frozen rains followed by sticky snow.

My rifle became a walking stick. Ha. One good thing about what we have going this year is the smaller zone, and the shelters.

Water proof Eskin is the way to go. Light weight, flexible, and dry. Im on the search for more of this stuff.

The suit I have is 3X so it fits over top of clothing, or can be folded up to fit under. Being thin makes it easy to fold up and pack.

A Eskin suit weigths about 3/4 to 1 pound, very stretchy, that way it stands less chances of puncturing or tearing.

I'll be making my own suits this winter so I can add features as needed.
Venting is 1 of the ideas.

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Old 10-02-2017, 02:41 PM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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So what is water proof, at least in my way of thinking.

I didn't know much about this till my older brother took on the Nahanni River runs with Neil Harding from White Horse.

Water resistant is just that,,, it resist water as long as it can, but sooner or later its going to come to the point that moisture will pass threw.

Water proof means water proof.

We know it works after we put it threw the tests,,, water proof gear gets the garden hose test.
That's right,,, a garden hose with town or city water pressure.

We stuff the hose into the rain pants & coat,,, turn the water full pressure as we allow the material to forum a balloon like shape as we grasp the material tight around the hose. Once we get both hands around the material with hose in the center the material balloon remains intact.

We know we got it right when we block the full pressure of the hose, rain gear tight so its not leaking any water.
Now we have 40 to 60++ water psi.

We hold it for 2 to 3 minutes making sure that the out side rain gear material is still 100% dry,,, "if" it passes we do a few seams to test them.

So Our/my water proof test is simple,,, not really as its time to dawn on the gear and put it to work.
A few days in the oil patch, on the farm and other out door activities. Back to the garden hose test.

If the rain suit passes, then we approve it as 100% water proof for our tasks at hand,,, Eskin or HH gear fits our needs.

This is where the venting comes in, at least for me that is since my body temps are like a roller coaster,,, I'm guessing that I'm not the only person that see this.

When we were Harvesting sheep back in the day we had crap for gear, then we got wize after that.

If we want to be statues, then we buckle up tight to block in the air and body temps, only to allow the smallest portions to escape,,, kinda like a house or shop dehumidifier.

Then we would open it up and idle along.
Dry is dry from the outside in, but the inside out means the same thing.

Rain gear, clothing, gloves, boots all have to work hand in hand if one wishes to sleep under the stars at night.
Our Northern Americas are not like the lower States or the East Cost where moisture is there all the time.
We are lucky since we have the dry cold...

This is not saying that there are other options out there, but when "I" push my limits,,, its sure nice being comfortable as it can possibly be during the whole stint.

Mind set is part of this, knowing that our human structure is taken care of allows us to focus on other things that need doing.

All Weather Stint is just that... Taking what Mother Nature throws at us as we "try to challange" it head on.

Reporting from to comforts of home as I regroup for many challanges ahead. Mother Nature hammered me hard on this outting.

Don at wizer next time as the comforts of life are all ways the top of my game plan

Last edited by Don_Parsons; 10-02-2017 at 02:47 PM.
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Old 10-02-2017, 04:08 PM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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We just found some new rain gear called "Pioneer" at a very frugal price,,, 100% water proof and tested out of Vancouver British Columbia.

It is puncture resistance and alot lighter than the HH suits we have, jacket and Bib pants will compress into a soft ball size and weigh in at just over 1 lb.

We picked up a few pairs to try out for 30 days as the test fields will prove their worth.
All in 3X-L Pants and 5XL jackets.

That way there is some breathing room and we can have our back packs on underneath to keep dry,,, or fold up the edges to pull Camo clothing over top.

Air wick material off the body, slip over breathable over that,,, then rain gear as outer shell in most cases.

At least it's light and flexible for hiking, warm when buckle up tight.
And takes up nill for room in the week long or day pack.

This week we are fine tuning our 4 bush pods since we need hold up's back there. The critters are starting to feel comfortable with us since we pose no threat to them,,,LOL.

Lots of bear tracks in and out of the block were in as I've had another encounter with 1 at distance this time.
I know my game plan as I'm all PRS ready to charge head on if need be.

Just hopping they keep their distance from what Old Timer says... He might be slow at day to day tasks,,, but one would be suprized how fast he can get at it with in his safety zone.

On going Western Canada All Weather Stint as we hope that these critters slip up.

Winntummer is now in our favour so long as we can keep up the pace.

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Old 10-17-2017, 05:43 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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So the smaller version air-tight heater stoves are ready to go.

Very similar to the original units,,, but about a 1/3 of the size. The fire wood needs to be cut into 12" lengths.

We made 10 of them for our over night bush camp pods, they were frugal and simple to build, and will remain in the forests as back up's when we need them with in the 2 Harvesting blocks we are traveling.

Old timer is pretty thrilled with this idea since it now gives him a reason to go to these spots.

Like he said,,, "Sure is nice to walk from A to B knowing there is a warm up and drying shelter back there.
A place to hang up the gear to dry and have a coffee.

The lawn chair and the pod becomes a view all ground blind,,, or a place to have an afternoon lunch and sleep. LOL.

The distance between them is just right as we can move from pod to pod with little effort, and camp out at them if the weather turns nasty or if we want to be onto the critter tracks the next morning.

We have our main camp which is fine, but these little bush camp pods offer just as much comforts as the main.

Warm and cozy, comfortable, and all of them are in good viewing locations that offer varieties that are each uneak to them selves.

The cold weather is onto us, so now we have a wizer game plan,,, plus it allows us to use the area all season long and scout out the other ideas of full time winter activities,,, sledding, hiking and exploring the stuff we don't see in the summer and fall."

Old Timer couldn't of said it better. So relaxing, and it gives both of us something to do each time we head out,,, we can remain in full harvest mode, our just say to heck with it and prep the pod for the next visit.

Lots of fire wood at all of them, a place to get water or snow for making coffee, and a few little trinkets in the tickel truck to improve the quality of the whole thing.

PS: The all weather suits is coming along nice.
I've add blue foam insulation to sections for more comfort.

Mostly along the back areas where I sit and lean against trees,,, the lower leg areas to insulate from snow and branches, knees & hip section, elbows as well.

The water proof shell is now fitted with a breathable inner liner that is light weigth and fast drying, and the cammo hunting gear pulls over top.

A new light weight pack frame is soon to be.
The constant change in weather has me adding and removing gear as needed, plus I've add a few more things to these outings.

The tin-foil, coffee cup and cooking candles came in handy on the last trip.
I find 3 small rocks and place the little cooking candle in the middle, cup of water on too and wrap the tin-foil around it to keep it hot.
Coffee or dry soup mix,,, another quick hot lunch is those packages of mixed rice in different flavours.
We can add what ever canned sea food to it if we like.

I'm adding a light weigth thin water proof throw in the mix to, about 10' square so I can wrap up in it when it's raining or snowing,,, and the extra trapped in heat will actually keep the boots warm.

The game plan is still the same,,, keep it light and flexible, change it up when it needs doing, and be ready to drop it in a moments notice when or if things come up.

Bring on the weather as we're pretty much ready less the stuff we forgot. Ha

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Old 11-03-2017, 09:33 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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The All Weather Suit is going into faze 7 this weekend to see how it fairs in the cold climate.

The inner pads temporarily in place until I find the proper placements.

I'm testing the Blue Flex Foam to see flexible it is in cold weather,,, each section is cut into 1" stripes then spaced apart so it flexes easy.
Kinda like small square flat pillows as I place them where I need them.

Elbows & Knees, and areas along the back side.
That way I can sit or neel on frozen ground,,, it prevents heat transfer causing more moisture and then our gear turns wet as we sit for a while.

Once we move to the next spot the wet gear starts to freeze,,, as time passes by our Suit becomes uncomfortable. So going this route slows this process down, and nothing extra to pack since its all built in.

I'm into this Suit at around $100 to $140 Cnd funds.
I'm trying to keep it in the 8 to 11 lb range all in,,, so far so good.
Can't wait to get the rifle into the 9 to 10 lb range this winter.

At least its warm this weekend to run it threw the works.
Warm, Cozy, and Dry is the best.

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Old 11-04-2017, 06:03 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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2 thumbs up all !!!

Just snuck into the top bush pod a few minutes ago to fire up the wood heater to warm it up for the latter part in the day if we need to use it.

A bit brisk getting suited up, but it warmed up right away,,, got a few k down the trail before I opened up a few of the side vents.

This by far is the lightest, most flexible, comfortable, and temperature regulated suit I've ever built.

It's some sweet.
There's a good chunk of snow out here, but still easy to get around,,, the ground skis as back in the truck if I need them.
Need a bit more snow before pulling them out.

Well off to my what ever blind since I'm wearing on this outing.
At one with the forest with endless tracks everywhere.

Good scouting and harvest all as I drop in the draws with eyes along the ridges.

Sure nice having the option at fitting into what ever bush category I need threw out the day.

Reporting from the bliss of darkness long before hiding.

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Old 11-10-2017, 10:14 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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Canadian Wilderness Survival, by Bruce Serwallski.

We don't need to be miserable lost in the bush.

Let's explore our Canada. Just pretend its always cold.

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Old 11-14-2017, 07:57 AM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
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Lots of Camo Flees, Spruce Bowes, and chuck of carpet for next outting.

The all weather suit is working ok less the crunchy sounds when it's frozen,,, the outer material rain gear shell elements a huge portion of these sounds.

Rain gear, flees liner, then camo outer.
The scrap carpet role is a for sure.
Extra insulation from the ground, and the bottom end of it is folded up about 3 1/2 feet making a air trap pocket for my boots to fit into.
1/2 hour of this and the boots are snow and ice free, I'll attach a light thin material camo pull over in the boot pocket section, then a full length pull over that will trap in body heat as well.

The last 3 days was awesome as it blocks the winds.
Everything I'm packing is getting a fluffy flees cover to prevent "ALL" sounds.

Gear is stuffed into a extra large air tight bag with Spruce Bowes to help element human sent.
Things must be working as the coyotes are coming in closer and closer. Bob cat stopped in to check me out.
By the time I got my camera ready it slowly wandered back into the forest.

So sound, moisture, and warm are finaly coming together.
Same principle as tree stand, but more so when Harvesting from the ground.
Full credit to the wild critters as they have a keen sense of detecting us before we spot them.

At least the waiting game is comfortable, that's what really counts.

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Old 11-14-2017, 10:08 AM
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gs100bert gs100bert is offline
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Can you post a pic of one of your pod camps ?
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Old 11-14-2017, 11:34 AM
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A great read Don....thanks
Common sense is so rare these days, that it should be considered a super power.
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Old 11-14-2017, 07:06 PM
calgarychef calgarychef is offline
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Don, I've made a cold weather suit too. It works well, has some drawbacks and some things that I'll change (someday). It's nice to be able to go int a hunting spot wearing light clothing then crawl into the suit and be comfortable waiting.
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