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Old 04-12-2024, 02:16 PM
Bigwoodsman Bigwoodsman is online now
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Default The Canadian Dream is Dead.

A great read, written by Gen Rick Hillier. We are truly in a sad state affairs. Can this ever be turned around? Can we ever have the greatness back?


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Old 04-12-2024, 02:47 PM
traderal traderal is offline
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Socks has made sure that we will never recover by giving away a trillion in printed money, and he hasn't finished yet. The US and other counties are in in a similar position with similar agendas. Expect tremendous unrest in the years to come. The elite are building bunkers for themselves with the money they "acquired" from our treasuries. They know very well what is coming. Someday the useful idiots that voted them in will wake up but too late.
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Old 04-12-2024, 02:56 PM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
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Yes, the Canadian Dream is dead, as is the US Dream.

Funny thing is that the European Dream is alive and well. It is based on so called "Social Democracy" where you never own a house, never really work, and you do as little as you can because the Government just takes what you make anyway, while pointing out that you are not any of the "Special Letters" so favoured by their Society (LGBTTTQQIAA) and re enforced by their Government.

The missing part is that Nightmares are a type of Dream. With that realization, the Canadian and American Nightmare, is doing just fine!!!

John D. Rockafeller Jr, had a creed that nowadays will get you called a Racist, a Colonist, and any other smear label that the Socialists can dream up. At risk of being burned as a heretic in our ever correct Country, here it goes:

I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.

I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law; that government is the servant of the people and not their master.

I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.

I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business or personal affairs.

I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order.

I believe in the sacredness of a promise, that a man’s word should be as good as his bond; that character—not wealth or power or position—is of supreme worth.

I believe that the rendering of useful service is the common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness consumed and the greatness of the human soul set free.

I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by whatever name, and that the individual’s highest fulfillment, greatest happiness, and widest usefulness are to be found in living in harmony with His will.

I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might.

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Old 04-12-2024, 02:57 PM
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I think if PP can get a solid majority so he can do what's needed to turn the ship around(most likely need 2 terms), he will also re instill some Canadian pride along the way. My worry is because he has to be the bad guy and make cuts, the woke lefties will never allow him 2 terms.

Historians will look back on El Turdo's rein as one of the worst Pm's ever. What a pivotal upcoming election we will have.
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Old 04-12-2024, 03:37 PM
Irina Irina is offline
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Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I think if PP can get a solid majority so he can do what's needed to turn the ship around(most likely need 2 terms), he will also re instill some Canadian pride along the way. My worry is because he has to be the bad guy and make cuts, the woke lefties will never allow him 2 terms.

Historians will look back on El Turdo's rein as one of the worst Pm's ever. What a pivotal upcoming election we will have.
Did everyone in government take the April 1st raise or just the liberals?
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Old 04-12-2024, 03:50 PM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is online now
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Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I think if PP can get a solid majority so he can do what's needed to turn the ship around(most likely need 2 terms), he will also re instill some Canadian pride along the way. My worry is because he has to be the bad guy and make cuts, the woke lefties will never allow him 2 terms.

Historians will look back on El Turdo's rein as one of the worst Pm's ever. What a pivotal upcoming election we will have.
It’s going to be a tough road for more than two terms and we still need to see what PP actually does once in the driver seat. Right now he has a lot of ideas that sound good but execution is everything

Really what we need is major changes in Canadian politics that add some accountability. The way things are presently it’s way too easy to abuse political power and no consequences when caught
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Old 04-12-2024, 03:55 PM
Pathfinder76 Pathfinder76 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I think if PP can get a solid majority so he can do what's needed to turn the ship around(most likely need 2 terms), he will also re instill some Canadian pride along the way. My worry is because he has to be the bad guy and make cuts, the woke lefties will never allow him 2 terms.

Historians will look back on El Turdo's rein as one of the worst Pm's ever. What a pivotal upcoming election we will have.
Dream on
“I love it when clients bring Berger bullets. It means I get to kill the bear.”

-Billy Molls
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Old 04-12-2024, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I think if PP can get a solid majority so he can do what's needed to turn the ship around(most likely need 2 terms), he will also re instill some Canadian pride along the way. My worry is because he has to be the bad guy and make cuts, the woke lefties will never allow him 2 terms.

Historians will look back on El Turdo's rein as one of the worst Pm's ever. What a pivotal upcoming election we will have.
Might get turned around in 2 terms but it will be a long way to go to get that ship where it needs to be.
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Old 04-12-2024, 04:56 PM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
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[QUOTE=Smoky buck;4716078]I

"Right now he has a lot of ideas that sound good but execution is everything"

Actually, to end the Canadian Nightmare, execution after election is nothing.

The "a lot of ideas that sound good' are ELECTION PROMISES.

PP can say whatever he wants, and make promises up that will never follow through. This failure to Campaign like a Liberal is what keeps knocking the Conservatives down over and over.

Creepy Cretien promised to eliminate the GST for two election campaigns, AND IT WORKED. On the third time, he was flabbergasted that the Voters suddenly did not believe him???

If the Conservatives cannot understand that the only goal is to get a majority, and then implement the necessary changes after the fact, then history will repeat itself yet again.

Harper's biggest mistake was to get on the stage ALONE, WITH NO CUTE KIDS when Trudeau was standing there with his good looking wife and model children. The optics for the average voter are everything as they really only understand a paycheck every second Friday and a Hockey Game on winter weekends.

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Old 04-12-2024, 05:08 PM
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With any luck, Trudeau will get back in, and keep doing what he’s been doing!

Then, Alberta will have no choice but to separate, and then we’re free to make our own destiny!
The world is changed by your action, not by your opinion.
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Old 04-12-2024, 05:48 PM
Grizzly Adams1 Grizzly Adams1 is offline
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Canadian weak productivity is an economic emergency according to the Bank of Canada.
Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there is no place, that they be alone in the midst of the Earth.

Isaiah 5:8
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Old 04-12-2024, 06:04 PM
HVA7mm HVA7mm is offline
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After spending a month in Panama earlier this year, I'm seriously considering applying for a Pensionado Visa when I turn 55 next year. We met a lot of like minded ex-pats that have and are planning to move there. Most of the people had enough of Canadian, American and European policies that continue to erode their quality of life. Almost everyone that we spoke to told us that they felt sorry for us due the corrupt and inept government that we have and can't believe that Canada has voted in so many idiots.

A warm climate, affordable living, great private healthcare, safe and easy to get around, what's not to like. Aside from Costa Rica, it's likely the safest place in Latin America. No coddling and enabling of junkies/homelessness, no waiting to die in a broken healthcare system, very few examples of or focus on "woke" policies, encouragement of foreign investment and a very attractive tax structure as well. Yes there is corruption like everywhere else in Latin America, but North American and Western European nations are really no different now. If anything, history is proving that North America and Western Europe are more corrupt with less accountability.

They certainly treat their retirees a lot better than Canada does. There was a real focus on the importance of the family unit there and overt respect for seniors, it was refreshing to see. If you are 55 or older and have a guaranteed income of $1000/mo. US plus $250 for each dependent, Canadians can apply for the program. As long as you don't leave Panama for any more than 24 months at a time, the Visa doesn't expire either.

They don't try to starve out their seniors like they do here, there are nice perks once you are 55 or older.

• Import tax exemption for household goods.
• Import Tax exemption to import a new car every two years (please not that you will need to pay other taxes when importing your car. You will be exempt from the import tax only)
• 25% discounts on utility bills.
• 25% discount on airline tickets and 30% on other transportation.
• 15% discount on loans made in your name.
• 1% reduction on home mortgages for homes used for personal residence.
• 20% discount on doctor's bills 15% on hospital services if no insurance applies.
• 15% off dental and eye exams.
• 10% discount on medicines.
• 20% discount on bills for professional and technical services.
• 50% discount on entrance to movie theaters, cultural and sporting events.
• 50% discount at hotels during Monday to Thursday, 30% on weekends.

Don't get me wrong, I love Canada and everything that it has to offer but at what cost? It's getting prohibitively expensive to live here and there is no change in sight.
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Old 04-12-2024, 10:18 PM
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Next Remembrance Day, just stay home and play with your Chinese made garbage. Dont even bother wearing a poppy because those who the poppy represents think you're a puss....and they're right.

The scum from elsewhere are here. No one stopped them. They took Canada without firing a round.

And they voted the Liberals in and will continue to do so. And you will lose, and your kids will lose and your grandkids will be slaves.

Have a nice day😘
When you are born, you get a ticket to the Freak Show.
If you are born in Canada, you get a front row seat.
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Old 04-12-2024, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by huntinstuff View Post
Next Remembrance Day, just stay home and play with your Chinese made garbage. Dont even bother wearing a poppy because those who the poppy represents think you're a puss....and they're right.

The scum from elsewhere are here. No one stopped them. They took Canada without firing a round.

And they voted the Liberals in and will continue to do so. And you will lose, and your kids will lose and your grandkids will be slaves.

Have a nice day😘
Your one of the coolest and smartest guys I've had the pleasure of hanging out with from AO. And to hear this from you scares me. But I fear your absolutely right.
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Old 04-13-2024, 05:59 AM
W921 W921 is offline
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Originally Posted by HVA7mm View Post
After spending a month in Panama earlier this year, I'm seriously considering applying for a Pensionado Visa when I turn 55 next year. We met a lot of like minded ex-pats that have and are planning to move there. Most of the people had enough of Canadian, American and European policies that continue to erode their quality of life. Almost everyone that we spoke to told us that they felt sorry for us due the corrupt and inept government that we have and can't believe that Canada has voted in so many idiots.

A warm climate, affordable living, great private healthcare, safe and easy to get around, what's not to like. Aside from Costa Rica, it's likely the safest place in Latin America. No coddling and enabling of junkies/homelessness, no waiting to die in a broken healthcare system, very few examples of or focus on "woke" policies, encouragement of foreign investment and a very attractive tax structure as well. Yes there is corruption like everywhere else in Latin America, but North American and Western European nations are really no different now. If anything, history is proving that North America and Western Europe are more corrupt with less accountability.

They certainly treat their retirees a lot better than Canada does. There was a real focus on the importance of the family unit there and overt respect for seniors, it was refreshing to see. If you are 55 or older and have a guaranteed income of $1000/mo. US plus $250 for each dependent, Canadians can apply for the program. As long as you don't leave Panama for any more than 24 months at a time, the Visa doesn't expire either.

They don't try to starve out their seniors like they do here, there are nice perks once you are 55 or older.

• Import tax exemption for household goods.
• Import Tax exemption to import a new car every two years (please not that you will need to pay other taxes when importing your car. You will be exempt from the import tax only)
• 25% discounts on utility bills.
• 25% discount on airline tickets and 30% on other transportation.
• 15% discount on loans made in your name.
• 1% reduction on home mortgages for homes used for personal residence.
• 20% discount on doctor's bills 15% on hospital services if no insurance applies.
• 15% off dental and eye exams.
• 10% discount on medicines.
• 20% discount on bills for professional and technical services.
• 50% discount on entrance to movie theaters, cultural and sporting events.
• 50% discount at hotels during Monday to Thursday, 30% on weekends.

Don't get me wrong, I love Canada and everything that it has to offer but at what cost? It's getting prohibitively expensive to live here and there is no change in sight.
Mexico is apparently building a new Panama canal across Mexico. Probably not good for future of Panama. I think Panama canal is having water problems
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Old 04-13-2024, 06:31 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by huntinstuff View Post
Next Remembrance Day, just stay home and play with your Chinese made garbage. Dont even bother wearing a poppy because those who the poppy represents think you're a puss....and they're right.

The scum from elsewhere are here. No one stopped them. They took Canada without firing a round.

And they voted the Liberals in and will continue to do so.
And you will lose, and your kids will lose and your
grandkids will be slaves.
Have a nice day😘
The problem started before they let the scum of the world into Canada to vote liberal, it started when the idiots right here voted for the scum that is running our country.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 04-13-2024, 06:58 AM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is online now
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[QUOTE=Drewski Canuck;4716090]
Originally Posted by Smoky buck View Post

"Right now he has a lot of ideas that sound good but execution is everything"

Actually, to end the Canadian Nightmare, execution after election is nothing.

The "a lot of ideas that sound good' are ELECTION PROMISES.

PP can say whatever he wants, and make promises up that will never follow through. This failure to Campaign like a Liberal is what keeps knocking the Conservatives down over and over.

Creepy Cretien promised to eliminate the GST for two election campaigns, AND IT WORKED. On the third time, he was flabbergasted that the Voters suddenly did not believe him???

If the Conservatives cannot understand that the only goal is to get a majority, and then implement the necessary changes after the fact, then history will repeat itself yet again.

Harper's biggest mistake was to get on the stage ALONE, WITH NO CUTE KIDS when Trudeau was standing there with his good looking wife and model children. The optics for the average voter are everything as they really only understand a paycheck every second Friday and a Hockey Game on winter weekends.

You are focusing too much on red or blue which have very little to do with my post. The point of my post is that with our present system there is a lack of accountability for when any political party abuses their power. All parties make false promises to get elected and make little attempt to follow through

Because of this as good as PP talks a good game we don’t know if he is actually go to do as he says. This goes for all politicians not just PP

Canadas political system needs an overhaul to remove the corruption and this is not a party related statement.
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Old 04-13-2024, 09:44 AM
Big Grey Wolf Big Grey Wolf is offline
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Drewski for Alberta Premier!
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Old 04-13-2024, 10:19 AM
traderal traderal is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf View Post
Drewski for Alberta Premier!
Enough good people on here to make a real change and any shortfalls we have in infrastructure would take care of itself as certain segments of population would be high tailing out of province. Just think how short cabinet meetings would be, just long enough for the steaks to barbeque.
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Old 04-13-2024, 10:24 AM
Sundog57 Sundog57 is offline
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Default Ayn Rand

I read this the other day and thought it was a propos for this thread
Ayn Rand was not correct on everything that she wrote but:

When you notice that to produce you need to get permission from those who do not produce anything; when you check that money flows to those who do not deal with goods but with favors; when you realize that many become rich by the bribery and for influence more than by your work and that the laws do not protect you against them, but on the contrary, they are the ones who are protected against you; when you discover that corruption is rewarded and honesty becomes a self-sacrifice, then you can assert, without fear of being wrong, that your society is doomed

Seems like this is a perfect description of Trudeau's Canada
Why hunt when I could buy meat?
Why have sex when I could opt for artificial insemination?
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Old 04-13-2024, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by huntinstuff View Post
Next Remembrance Day, just stay home and play with your Chinese made garbage. Dont even bother wearing a poppy because those who the poppy represents think you're a puss....and they're right.

The scum from elsewhere are here. No one stopped them. They took Canada without firing a round.

And they voted the Liberals in and will continue to do so. And you will lose, and your kids will lose and your grandkids will be slaves.

Have a nice day😘
Post of the year. Thanks
If people concentrated on the really important things in life,there would be a shortage of fishing poles.Doug larson. Theres a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. Steven Wright.
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Old 04-13-2024, 10:58 AM
densa44 densa44 is offline
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Default I don't think that it is dead

If we could live through being attcked by the USA, suffer at the hands of the British army at Passendael and I don't know how many incompetent governments to be one of the best countries in the world, I think the future is what we make it.

Are you helping or complaining?
"The well meaning have done more damage than all the criminals in the world" Great grand father "Never impute planning where incompetence will predict the phenomenon equally well" Father
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Old 04-13-2024, 11:04 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Originally Posted by densa44 View Post
If we could live through being attcked by the USA, suffer at the hands of the British army at Passendael and I don't know how many incompetent governments to be one of the best countries in the world, I think the future is what we make it.

Are you helping or complaining?
Amazing that we could live over 100 years through what we considered corrupt/incompetent governments, and in only 8 years, the most corrupt/incompetent government in Canadian history could do so much damage. No matter what we do, it will take decades to get out of the mess that we are in, and then only if there are no more woke/left wing governments.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 04-13-2024, 11:09 AM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
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Originally Posted by densa44 View Post
If we could live through being attcked by the USA, suffer at the hands of the British army at Passendael and I don't know how many incompetent governments to be one of the best countries in the world, I think the future is what we make it.

Are you helping or complaining?
Sounds like you got this; alls well folks! Nothing to see here; its all under control!
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Old 04-13-2024, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
Amazing that we could live over 100 years through what we considered corrupt/incompetent governments, and in only 8 years, the most corrupt/incompetent government in Canadian history could do so much damage. No matter what we do, it will take decades to get out of the mess that we are in, and then only if there are no more woke/left wing governments.
In order for us to recover from this mess, from this ideological mess, we need time, lots of time! This generation is already poisoned by the woke ideology. The generation has to change in order to change the mentality and during this time of the generational change the schools have to be changed as well to teach new generation proper manners and values.
It’s all come back to what Yuri Bezmenov was saying in his famous interview back in the 80s…. We created useful idiots and they are ruling the western world pushing it towards destruction.
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Old 04-13-2024, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by densa44 View Post
If we could live through being attcked by the USA, suffer at the hands of the British army at Passendael and I don't know how many incompetent governments to be one of the best countries in the world, I think the future is what we make it.

Are you helping or complaining?
Is this a good time for the revolution? Should we start with a province or should be go right to the federal level?
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Old 04-13-2024, 01:06 PM
traderal traderal is offline
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Re retirement to Panama.
Some more info: https://www.travelsafe-abroad.com/pr...ing-in-panama/ I visited Panama City back in '99 and seeing armed guards at every business did not think it was quite safe at that time but looks like things have changed. One thing to consider is that if you relocate and are now a resident of another country, is to empty your mind of regional politics if you want to enjoy your days, which can be difficult for some of us.
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Old 04-13-2024, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Smoky buck View Post

You are focusing too much on red or blue which have very little to do with my post. The point of my post is that with our present system there is a lack of accountability for when any political party abuses their power. All parties make false promises to get elected and make little attempt to follow through

Because of this as good as PP talks a good game we don’t know if he is actually go to do as he says. This goes for all politicians not just PP

Canadas political system needs an overhaul to remove the corruption and this is not a party related statement.
This should build confidence in PP's words.

Jagmeet Singh is Canada's most expensive MP, Pierre Poilievre is the cheapest
Alberta Fish and Wildlife Outdoor Recreation Policy -

"to identify very rare, scarce or special forms of fish and wildlife outdoor recreation opportunities and to ensure that access to these opportunities continues to be available to all Albertans."
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Old 04-14-2024, 12:37 AM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
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Wow, from Bill Maher no less.

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Old 04-14-2024, 09:50 AM
HVA7mm HVA7mm is offline
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Originally Posted by traderal View Post
Re retirement to Panama.
Some more info: https://www.travelsafe-abroad.com/pr...ing-in-panama/ I visited Panama City back in '99 and seeing armed guards at every business did not think it was quite safe at that time but looks like things have changed. One thing to consider is that if you relocate and are now a resident of another country, is to empty your mind of regional politics if you want to enjoy your days, which can be difficult for some of us.
No real plans to move to Panama permanently, just maybe spend a few of the cooler months there. I was thinking that the Pensionado program would just help make things even more affordable.

Although I did see security guards around many businesses and hotels, it was mostly posturing to keep undesirables from coming in and stealing. The only places that I saw armed guards were banks and metro stations. So no signs of junkies shooting up in metro stations or passed out/setting up encampments on the sidewalks. Yes there were poor areas in Panama City that were less safe like every other city in the world, but in the rural areas (as in most cases) I found the people were friendly and helpful. As far as safety, other than the Darien Gap and places along the Mosquito Coast which are dangerous due to human traffickers/narcos trying to smuggle their goods into North America, it's pretty safe.

Check out the countries that currently have Canadian travel advisories.


Spain, France, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Denmark all have travel advisories to "Exercise a high degree of caution" due to the threat of terrorism. Maybe they should have thought about their woke open door immigration policies and done a bit more vetting. Unfortunately for the general populace, when it comes to national policies you always reap what you sow. Canada is only a few short years behind, unless we end up with leaders that have the cajones to make the necessary changes regarding immigration and hopefully extradition, but I fear that the seeds have already been planted.

Most of the popular travel destinations for Canadians also have advisories due to violent crime, kidnapping and crime in general. I.E. Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Belize.

Panama is not on that list.
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