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Old 05-18-2011, 12:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Tackle Guy View Post
Never mind. I know you.
How is the tackle box coming along?
Don't be a Skippy!

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Old 05-18-2011, 01:17 AM
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Wow this thread is still going.... all 6 pages of it. Note to self dont vent on the internet.......

Oh my gosh i just read all the posts since my last one... chub i need some donnie and marie............. please..... did i spell that right?

Last edited by alodar; 05-18-2011 at 01:42 AM.
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:55 AM
The Great White Hype The Great White Hype is offline
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Originally Posted by Tackle Guy View Post
I work in a fishing department, it doesn't matter which one. I've worked there for years. I've only just caught up to this thread and I have the following points to make:

1) Everyone who works in BPS, WSS, FH, CT and Uncle Buck's Gun N' Run by the border is a member (with at least one profile) of this Forum and reads every word you post - and is watching eagerly for a mention of them in their workplace.

2) Everyone who works in these places deals almost every day with someone who falls into each one of the following categories: true sportsman / polite shopper; someone I tried really hard to help; *****hole with a wallet.

3) Everyone who works in one of these places has a genuine and all-abiding love of some small aspect - not every aspect and certainly not the expensive aspects, because in spite of employee discounts we are not well paid - of the outdoors and is hoping to somehow make a living by sharing that love with y'all.

4) When you say "lousy customer service" we hear "here's my side of the story." Lotsa folks get to take safe lob shots at the retail guys who can't answer back for fear of missing out on a chance of the next $0.50 per hour raise. Buddy who didn't bend the barbs: ya took one for the team. I want to buy you a beer.

5) Henry Waschuk, Lefty Kreh and Bob Izumi don't work for $13.00 per hour. Modify your expectations.

6) If anyone ever starts a thread on this or any other forum with the subject line "Jerks I had to serve at work today" well stand back and watch the sparks fly, because me and my colleagues, we've all got stories we'd love to tell but can't.
Well put sir.
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Old 05-18-2011, 05:55 AM
GaryF GaryF is offline
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Originally Posted by Tackle Guy View Post
I work in a fishing department, it doesn't matter which one. I've worked there for years. I've only just caught up to this thread and I have the following points to make:

1) Everyone who works in BPS, WSS, FH, CT and Uncle Buck's Gun N' Run by the border is a member (with at least one profile) of this Forum and reads every word you post - and is watching eagerly for a mention of them in their workplace.

2) Everyone who works in these places deals almost every day with someone who falls into each one of the following categories: true sportsman / polite shopper; someone I tried really hard to help; *****hole with a wallet.

3) Everyone who works in one of these places has a genuine and all-abiding love of some small aspect - not every aspect and certainly not the expensive aspects, because in spite of employee discounts we are not well paid - of the outdoors and is hoping to somehow make a living by sharing that love with y'all.

4) When you say "lousy customer service" we hear "here's my side of the story." Lotsa folks get to take safe lob shots at the retail guys who can't answer back for fear of missing out on a chance of the next $0.50 per hour raise. Buddy who didn't bend the barbs: ya took one for the team. I want to buy you a beer.

5) Henry Waschuk, Lefty Kreh and Bob Izumi don't work for $13.00 per hour. Modify your expectations.

6) If anyone ever starts a thread on this or any other forum with the subject line "Jerks I had to serve at work today" well stand back and watch the sparks fly, because me and my colleagues, we've all got stories we'd love to tell but can't.

Excellent post. Just look at all of you jumping on the sales guy for telling his side of the story. Did he go over board, ya maybe, but the frustration of what he deals with shows. I've never had the customer service experience at any of these stores that other ppl have had, not once. But then again I never go off on any of the employees and am always polite, and recognize that most of the ppl working in the stores are not proffesional guides with years and years of experience. How they keep going back to work every day amazes me. If someone talked to me the way some of these ppl do to sales staff, you'd more than likely get punched. For those of us that appreciate what you guys go through in sales/retail, thanks!!

Alodar, simple question for you, did you ask and say please or tell the guy to pinch your barbs? And if you fish without a pair of pliers, how are you getting really deep set hooks out of fish?
Enjoying the peace and serenity of this wonderful sport!!
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Old 05-18-2011, 06:21 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Originally Posted by WayneChristie View Post
After that post I am 100% sure theres no way you work for ass-pro, they wouldnt have someone as ignorant as yourself dealing with the public. or would they?
I was going to stop in there this weekend, you just changed my mind. I will send your manager an email and explain why.

Calling someone ignorant, not cool!

Emailing manager over this even less cool!

Get a grip!
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Old 05-18-2011, 06:26 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
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Originally Posted by Tackle Guy View Post
I work in a fishing department, it doesn't matter which one. I've worked there for years. I've only just caught up to this thread and I have the following points to make:

1) Everyone who works in BPS, WSS, FH, CT and Uncle Buck's Gun N' Run by the border is a member (with at least one profile) of this Forum and reads every word you post - and is watching eagerly for a mention of them in their workplace.

2) Everyone who works in these places deals almost every day with someone who falls into each one of the following categories: true sportsman / polite shopper; someone I tried really hard to help; *****hole with a wallet.

3) Everyone who works in one of these places has a genuine and all-abiding love of some small aspect - not every aspect and certainly not the expensive aspects, because in spite of employee discounts we are not well paid - of the outdoors and is hoping to somehow make a living by sharing that love with y'all.

4) When you say "lousy customer service" we hear "here's my side of the story." Lotsa folks get to take safe lob shots at the retail guys who can't answer back for fear of missing out on a chance of the next $0.50 per hour raise. Buddy who didn't bend the barbs: ya took one for the team. I want to buy you a beer.

5) Henry Waschuk, Lefty Kreh and Bob Izumi don't work for $13.00 per hour. Modify your expectations.

6) If anyone ever starts a thread on this or any other forum with the subject line "Jerks I had to serve at work today" well stand back and watch the sparks fly, because me and my colleagues, we've all got stories we'd love to tell but can't.
Good post.
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Old 05-18-2011, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by GaryF View Post
Excellent post. Just look at all of you jumping on the sales guy for telling his side of the story. Did he go over board, ya maybe, but the frustration of what he deals with shows. I've never had the customer service experience at any of these stores that other ppl have had, not once. But then again I never go off on any of the employees and am always polite, and recognize that most of the ppl working in the stores are not proffesional guides with years and years of experience. How they keep going back to work every day amazes me. If someone talked to me the way some of these ppl do to sales staff, you'd more than likely get punched. For those of us that appreciate what you guys go through in sales/retail, thanks!!

Alodar, simple question for you, did you ask and say please or tell the guy to pinch your barbs? And if you fish without a pair of pliers, how are you getting really deep set hooks out of fish?
Yeah i asked this is what i said " hey i forgot my pliars at home im from edmonton can u pinch these barbs for me" then he was rude to me a simple i cant do it would uave been fine but no the rudeness of that clayotn fellow not only to me but the other customer who actually was spending some big money prompted me to go seek a manager and i did not infact tell him to go f him self i simply walked away he asked me if i wanted my recipt in a smug tone after that as i was walking away as if he was happy with him self and in my search for a manager i approached a one armed associate who assured me ue would direct my complaint to the manager and he also said that fellow has had this complaint before and is hard to handle. I did not say please but tue simple basis of being a dick to me for not saying please is a pretty poor excuse considering the guys reaction to a simple request. Had he not spoke to me in the way he did i would uave left it at a damn looks like im fileing with a rock again. I forgot my pliars 3.5 hours north of where i was staying moved stuff in my car to pack my clothes etc in tue trunk which included the tackle box and spinning rod. The box had my forceps, my long handled forceps and my jaw spreaders in em. Also my multi tool which i dont usually leave home wothout. Have you ever forgoten anything in your life? Im betting tue answer is yes at least once, everyone does
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Tackle Guy View Post
I work in a fishing department, it doesn't matter which one. I've worked there for years. I've only just caught up to this thread and I have the following points to make:

1) Everyone who works in BPS, WSS, FH, CT and Uncle Buck's Gun N' Run by the border is a member (with at least one profile) of this Forum and reads every word you post - and is watching eagerly for a mention of them in their workplace.

2) Everyone who works in these places deals almost every day with someone who falls into each one of the following categories: true sportsman / polite shopper; someone I tried really hard to help; *****hole with a wallet.

3) Everyone who works in one of these places has a genuine and all-abiding love of some small aspect - not every aspect and certainly not the expensive aspects, because in spite of employee discounts we are not well paid - of the outdoors and is hoping to somehow make a living by sharing that love with y'all.

4) When you say "lousy customer service" we hear "here's my side of the story." Lotsa folks get to take safe lob shots at the retail guys who can't answer back for fear of missing out on a chance of the next $0.50 per hour raise. Buddy who didn't bend the barbs: ya took one for the team. I want to buy you a beer.

5) Henry Waschuk, Lefty Kreh and Bob Izumi don't work for $13.00 per hour. Modify your expectations.

6) If anyone ever starts a thread on this or any other forum with the subject line "Jerks I had to serve at work today" well stand back and watch the sparks fly, because me and my colleagues, we've all got stories we'd love to tell but can't.
I highly doubt everyone is as you describe. Are there guys who are poor customers sure are there guys who are poor customer service associates sure. Am i allowed to share my experience? I definately am. Did i walk away abruptly? sure i did why should i have to deal with that smug punk i ? I dont and leaving him in silence is totaly within my right and way better than causing a scene in a store. My only issue was purely his attitude like cuz i was only spending a couple bucks there that day i wasnt good enough to serve. What he didnt know is the day before i bought flies and was simply replacing the 2 i lost.
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post
Calling someone ignorant, not cool!

Emailing manager over this even less cool!

Get a grip!
my opinion, if you dont like it go find one of your own. and you really believe this jerk is who he says? good for you

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Old 05-18-2011, 08:49 AM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by claytonass View Post
one question do you carry pliers when you go fishing???
shocking sometime I forget mine. it happens
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Old 05-18-2011, 09:04 AM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by claytonass View Post
Hey im done with this forum i cant post my opinion, whatever come on in this weekend dont care anymore , go for it

ha looks like you retracted a bunch of your posts. lol. ps. just because I dont have pliers doesnt mean i am mishandling fish. I fish barbless, as per law, there for 90% of my hooks come out of the mouth without the use of pliers. but make sure you let me know what your local CO has to say to you in response........lol

Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
just curious.....under the new purposed law.....does anyone get beat up and get their tackle chucked in the water?
hahaha. post of the year

Originally Posted by New Hunter Okotoks View Post
Yes. It will be classified as providing a safe and pristine environment for all.(Except the humans that use it.)

If you do not have pliers with you while fishing(which must be visible at all times) you be beaten with an 18" pair of channel locks and thrown into the water. This action will prove the dedication and qualification of the F&W officer. This action will ensure that people get the message about the safe handling practices of fishing. Without their great work we would have nothing......Well,except bruises and broken bones.
HAHAHAHA. sorry chubbs. THIS is the post of the year. courtesy of our soon to be "the Best CO Shawn"

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Old 05-18-2011, 09:33 AM
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when it's all said and done, I think we can conclude we have one bass pro employee who was having a bad day, and one whiney b*&%@ who was so heartbroken he didn't get his barbs pinched by someone else he had to cry about it on the internet...

I say to the employee - maybe it is time for a new job, and I don't recommend running for minister of environment if thats what your thinking. (Mandatory pliers wow haha)

...and I say to the whiney b*&%@ - next time just ask to borrow the pliers and pinch them yourselves or suck it up and buy yourself a pair of 4 dollar pliers and stop acting so entitled - you sound like your are from California, damn.
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Old 05-18-2011, 09:48 AM
freeones freeones is offline
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Originally Posted by tyreeum View Post
when it's all said and done, i think we can conclude we have one bass pro employee who was having a bad day, and one whiney b*&%@ who was so heartbroken he didn't get his barbs pinched by someone else he had to cry about it on the internet...

I say to the employee - maybe it is time for a new job, and i don't recommend running for minister of environment if thats what your thinking. (mandatory pliers wow haha)

...and i say to the whiney b*&%@ - next time just ask to borrow the pliers and pinch them yourselves or suck it up and buy yourself a pair of 4 dollar pliers and stop acting so entitled - you sound like your are from california, damn.
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Old 05-18-2011, 03:15 PM
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Everyone who complains about a customer service experience at a large chain box store. BPS, Canadian Tire , Home depot etc......Ask yourself this question. How hard would you be willing to work for $11 an hour?????

Don't blame the kid working behind the counter, Blame the VP of operations who only lets the store manager hire half the people needed to run a store, leaving no time for training and only allows 1/2 the wage required to get any production out of people. Crappy benefits+crappy wage+crappy hours = bad customer service.

we won't get started on Kids today having no motivation whatshowever to actually work, but underpaying them and not training them properly doesnt help.
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Old 05-18-2011, 03:29 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by pophouseman View Post
Everyone who complains about a customer service experience at a large chain box store. BPS, Canadian Tire , Home depot etc......Ask yourself this question. How hard would you be willing to work for $11 an hour?????

Don't blame the kid working behind the counter, Blame the VP of operations who only lets the store manager hire half the people needed to run a store, leaving no time for training and only allows 1/2 the wage required to get any production out of people. Crappy benefits+crappy wage+crappy hours = bad customer service.

we won't get started on Kids today having no motivation whatshowever to actually work, but underpaying them and not training them properly doesnt help.
I believe we should have the right to complain about customer service if one so feels that it is warranted. common courtesy and politeness towards individuals should not be something that requires training nor should one have to be paid for it. I once worked at a golf store. I golfed but I was by no means a pro. however, I made up for my lack of skill in golf with product knowledge not because i felt that I should but because it should be a requirement to be a sales person. it should be up to the employee to learn that product knowledge. And if I was every helping a customer and they asked a question that I couldnt answer truthfully. I would excuse myself and ask another employee. then relay that to the customer or the other employee would come talk to them and I would stand by and listen. Thats how you come to learn the knowledge.

It is called CUSTOMER SERVICE for a reason. If you do not feel that you cannot display the proper attitude that goes along with SERVING CUSTOMERS then I am sure there is an individual out there looking for a job that is more than willing to put forth an effort to learn product or at bare minimum display an attitude that should be standard for every human being(polite, courteous, non-douchebag) and therefore you should be replaced


stupid forum didnt post half my message with the good points in it. oh well. I dont feel like typing it out again, nor do I remember exactly what I said...... screw it.

Last edited by Braun; 05-18-2011 at 03:38 PM.
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:00 PM
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
when it's all said and done, I think we can conclude we have one bass pro employee who was having a bad day, and one whiney b*&%@ who was so heartbroken he didn't get his barbs pinched by someone else he had to cry about it on the internet...

I say to the employee - maybe it is time for a new job, and I don't recommend running for minister of environment if thats what your thinking. (Mandatory pliers wow haha)

...and I say to the whiney b*&%@ - next time just ask to borrow the pliers and pinch them yourselves or suck it up and buy yourself a pair of 4 dollar pliers and stop acting so entitled - you sound like your are from California, damn.

its great how people are posting so serious on here and werent even there......gawd forbid they read those rags at the grocery checkout line.
we need a new section on AO.....Leg Humpers Hotline

p.s. i heard another rumour where all the Asians get frisked leaving the store, cant remember the stores name.....KKK something
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:04 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post

its great how people are posting so serious on here and werent even there......gawd forbid they read those rags at the grocery checkout line.
we need a new section on AO.....Leg Humpers Hotline

p.s. i heard another rumour where all the Asians get frisked leaving the store, cant remember the stores name.....KKK something
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:07 PM
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and for the record......most of my posts are typically are responses to other posts. my actually disposition of what happened in the store is...... I really dont give a fart. customer was probably rude in a way he didnt consider, employee was probably wrong for a share as well. thats typically how all these things go. I just like stirring the pot.
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post

p.s. i heard another rumour where all the Asians get frisked leaving the store, cant remember the stores name.....KKK something
yes, Klu Klux Krankbaits, and to top it all off, it was only south central eastern asians they were frisking...quick someone start a new thread!
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:18 PM
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everyone has a bad day....everyone says things the wrong way sometimes.....i bet a redue of the events would be completely different.

Have the common sense to know whats coming your way

The fishing hole has a small inventory in comparision but a well educated staff with very tight and intimate connections to the tackle industry. They can pick up the phone and call....well important people.

The bigger stores just dont have the man power to wait on you hand and foot but the selection is incredible.....so incredible its entertaining.

Walmart has a no questions asked policy but i wouldnt ask a associate that just came from Ladies toiletries to debarb my hook.

Simple put....pick your battles
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:18 PM
boot boot is offline
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
when it's all said and done, I think we can conclude we have one bass pro employee who was having a bad day, and one whiney b*&%@ who was so heartbroken he didn't get his barbs pinched by someone else he had to cry about it on the internet...

I say to the employee - maybe it is time for a new job, and I don't recommend running for minister of environment if thats what your thinking. (Mandatory pliers wow haha)

...and I say to the whiney b*&%@ - next time just ask to borrow the pliers and pinch them yourselves or suck it up and buy yourself a pair of 4 dollar pliers and stop acting so entitled - you sound like your are from California, damn.
Perfect summary.
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
yes, Klu Klux Krankbaits, and to top it all off, it was only south central eastern asians they were frisking...quick someone start a new thread!
the north off center western asians were beat with a wiener stick and thrown in the parking lot
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:23 PM
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Fish more=beotch less
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:37 PM
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heres a suggestion.....lets use some of this negative energy and make it positive....do what you can for the people of Slave lake.

pliers and bickering mean chit to them right now......Alberta looks after their own
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
when it's all said and done, I think we can conclude we have one bass pro employee who was having a bad day, and one whiney b*&%@ who was so heartbroken he didn't get his barbs pinched by someone else he had to cry about it on the internet...

I say to the employee - maybe it is time for a new job, and I don't recommend running for minister of environment if thats what your thinking. (Mandatory pliers wow haha)

...and I say to the whiney b*&%@ - next time just ask to borrow the pliers and pinch them yourselves or suck it up and buy yourself a pair of 4 dollar pliers and stop acting so entitled - you sound like your are from California, damn.
Asking a question makes me entitled or acting so? I highly doubt that it was a chance i took and had he not acted the way he did i might have spoke to him longer and asked him if he had a pair i ciuld use for a second and if not tuen i would have done as i did seeing if i can find an easy out isnt a sense of entitlement. Why do something the hard way if u can manage an easier one i have no issue with pinching my own. I was in a bind and seeing if i could get some help. Asking for help is more humble than entitlement. Also ive posted in this thread 4 maybe 5 times of the well over 150 posts i didnt intend on it going like this but ive certainly learned my lesson.
The whiny b!7@*
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
heres a suggestion.....lets use some of this negative energy and make it positive....do what you can for the people of Slave lake.

pliers and bickering mean chit to them right now......Alberta looks after their own
Im not sure how this got so out of hand but i agree it means sweet nothing compared to the real troubles of the world lets let this thread die please......
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by alodar View Post
Im not sure how this got so out of hand but i agree it means sweet nothing compared to the real troubles of the world lets let this thread die please......
alodar...im surprized with the generousity of this site....you havent been mailed 500 pairs of pliers...lol

ps because your the op i think you can ask a mod to close it
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Old 05-18-2011, 08:25 PM
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Mods please close thread thanks.

Wow 500 pairs thanks guys ur awesome
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