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Old 07-04-2011, 05:48 PM
IR_mike IR_mike is offline
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
You're correct, I just thought how much times have changed. In Bodo, 11.4 million is still fair money for the circle I move in.
I am almost at that level of social status.
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Old 07-04-2011, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
Or let people who want to F themselves up do that. Right RF? Like I always tell me sons... "more jobs for you". I'm being serious. If a percentage of the population want to qualify themselves for minimum wage, if that...
If you are suggesting...let's decriminalize drugs and let druggies kill themselves ignoring that we may be encouraging others to start...then you must accept a higher probability of that guy coming towards you on the highway is stoned on something. Is that a risk that you (regardless of what the rest of society wants) are happily willing to make for you and your family?
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Old 07-04-2011, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
Hate to say it, but the flame suit is still in spec, so here goes

If I had the power, every single person doing, selling, making, transporting, illegal drugs would get a 1 way ticket to the bottom of the ocean.

Imagine all the scourge wiped off the earth. Heavenly.
But only after a good sound beating, or two, or three or until I'm too tired to beat them anymore. And that will take awhile. And then I get to tie the anchor their necks.

Bobby B.
Logic never lies.

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Old 07-04-2011, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Shadow99 View Post
So lets step back a generation or so...1930's. And lets replace your phrase "illegal drugs" with "illegal alcohol"...would your stance be the same? Would sending bootlegers, and users to life in prison or death (as per your solution) cure the ills of alcohol? And what if 10/20 years from now, marijuana was made legal....? (I won't lump MJ in with narcotics...different ballpark). Again, would your solution work?

There are thousands upon thousands of people who use marijuana in a safe, respectable manor, just like there are thousands upon thousands who do the same with alcohol. Yet we still see crime, murders, spousal beatings, vehicle deaths, illegal appropriation, downfall of youth, etc, etc, attributed strictly to booze. So why should "pot" have such harsh penalties, when alcohol is perfectly "acceptable"?

Replace current day socials ills attributed to pot with the prohibition era and booze and you have the exact same dilemma.
Alcohol currently has rules and regulations and laws. Should alcohol be sold to minors. Should drunks be allowed to fight in bars. Should drunk driving be legal...so long as you are lucky and no one dies?

A poster complained you can't link pot to meth. Given smoking pot can lead to meth...there is a link. Alcohol is a contributor to social ills if not in moderation.

You make a successful law that makes sure everyone can do drugs only in moderation and not impact the rest of society through crime, health, family violence, addiction... then you are a wiser person that all the rest of the World.
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Old 07-04-2011, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Shadow99 View Post
That is the same question that was raised before prohibition. Did making booze illegal decrease crime? Have a read:


And there was this little group of criminals that got their start with booze...what was their name now...oh yeah, the MAFIA. I'd say that, proportionately in line with the population, the devastation they wreaked on society was hardly "miniscule".

But to answer your question, no, I wouldn't say make ALL drugs legal. But decriminalize pot.

Again, I'm differentiating marijuana from Coke, Meth, H, etc. There are many benefits from marijuana, and it can be used responsibly. As for the other drugs...well the money saved from decriminalizing marijuana could go towards more resources to fight those drugs.
Could not open the article. The point I wanted to see was how the study was conducted. Often in these sorts of things you go from lax enforcement on say drunk driving to making a point to enforce harder. Rather than an increase in statistical events...you just see a statistical increase percentage of enforcement (more man hours) therefore higher numbers. You have to see the comparative statistics.

I bet you a Timmies that prior to prohibition the police cared less about Lester driving into a ditch. They probably dusted him off...towed his car out of the ditch and told him to take it slower on the way home. After prohibition started...I suspect he was tagged and towed and sat in a drunk tank. That way the system looked functional. Lester drunk before and after prohibition but he was probably a drunk. The middle class average family probably had little to no alcohol.

But them tommy guns back then were sure cool. And the cars also.
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Old 07-04-2011, 06:36 PM
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Well I have seen it all smoking, drugs and alcohol make a mess of members in my family. Thats why I have made the choice to not smoke or do drugs and IF I drink I might have one or two only.....sad that the Government sells all of us "legal" drugs....they make ALL the money off of it, and then they develop social programs to help people out (never understood this)....take away the smokes and the drugs and the booze....take away the problem? Hardly! then it all goes underground.....there truly really is no answer to the problems. Keep the discussion and the hypothesis going.... we all die someday....some at our own hands (whether we like it or not) and some at the hands of others....

Wow, after all that I need to go fishing!

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Old 07-04-2011, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
....sad that the Government sells all of us "legal" drugs....they make ALL the money off of it, and then they develop social programs to help people out (never understood this)....take away the smokes and the drugs and the booze....take away the problem?
Unfortunately the Government does not take all the money. They do tax the crap out of the profits but the economics of it is the money goes towards the health problems and addiction centers and anti addiction messages. And still there is more cost to society than that.

So now make smokes ultra cheap...you figure your point is that fewer will smoke cause they are easy to find?
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Old 07-04-2011, 07:32 PM
tonka tonka is offline
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Folks here have some major misconceptions.
#1 the most common drug is prescription medication abuse.

#2 every street drug is sold in pharmacies across the country (different name same drug) only difference is a pharmaceutic comp makes money.

#3 Pot has more health benefits than harms associated with it ( for the record youth, as a result of vastly changing hormone and brain development can be negatively effected)

#4 Gate way drugs ect. No single drug is a gateway drug, drugs are used to cope with preexisting conditions and problems. Maybee if there was reasonable mental health care for people drugs would be less relied upon.

for the record I have smoked pot before, and drank a beer. I still manage to hold full time employment, pay my mortgage,all bills, have gone to university and pay for it without loans ( once again on deans list, and its cellular molecular biology with a minor in pharmaceutical development). So if my smoking of pot once a month makes me a horrible person so be it. My neighbors may all disagree though, as would the boys and girls club, snow angles, meals on wheels, and the other charities I work with. Sorry but adults have the right to self determination, those that cant handle that right are not adults and should be treated like children.
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Old 07-04-2011, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Unfortunately the Government does not take all the money. They do tax the crap out of the profits but the economics of it is the money goes towards the health problems and addiction centers and anti addiction messages. And still there is more cost to society than that.

So now make smokes ultra cheap...you figure your point is that fewer will smoke cause they are easy to find?
No my point is no matter what anyone does people will smoke what ever they can to get a fix from it...

My other point is the amount that smoking and alcohol and drug abuse costs our health system is crazy. I just find it ironic the government creates a social issue....then they develop programs to fix it (seems a bit smoke and mirrors to me)

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Old 07-04-2011, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by tonka View Post

for the record I have smoked pot before. So if my smoking of pot once a month makes me a horrible person so be it. .
Ok, you are fine openly admitting to possession and use of illegal narcotics, but what about how you got them? Were they smuggled in from a 3rd world country, from BC, or grown domestic? do you have your own hydroponics in the basement, or hidden outside in the dandelions? If you could look beyond your own nose, you would see what ignorance and utter chit you are Publicly contributing to.

Just how many laws are you ok breaking?

I bet your parents/grand parents, whoever dos not share the same ideals you have, are so proud.

Edit - on the law breaking part. As far as I am sure you think it is manly or whatever to admit this, it defines your character. What does that mean to me? Absolutely nothing at all. How does it define you? As an admitted criminal.

We all choose our path, sure there are influences, but we have the ability to do what we want, what is right, or wrong, and who we do it with.

I hope you choose to break the habit and stick to it.
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....

Last edited by Ken07AOVette; 07-04-2011 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 07-04-2011, 07:59 PM
AxiALe AxiALe is offline
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i think all users that are caught should get the book thrown at them,but with the canadian joke of a court system it will never happen,it amazes me how people in a town etc know where the drugs are being handed out but the cops just cant seem to figure anything out-i'm pretty much at a lose for words on this!!!!!!!i think it doesnt really matter what any of us think because nothing will be done anyways
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
That is absolutely disgusting, I truly feel for you. If I EVER saw garbage Like that there would be people in jail and the hospital. I am sure I would be in 1 or the other for inflicting, but I guarantee I would not be the only one.

I hope you raise(d) your children smarter than you were raised. If it was not your parents that did this to you, or allowed it to happen to you, where were they when this was happening?

Sick. Disturbing.

I still say take ALL the users, sellers, producers, and send them to the next dimension. DRUGS ARE A PLAGUE ON CIVILIZATION AND MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS.

Anyone disagreeing with that either sells or uses it.
My biological father had problems,and for whatever reason thought it would be ok.My mother was horrified.
My parents separated just before I turned five,My stepdad(dad) watched a friend OD and die in the hall of his university while my dad held him.
Drugs were an absolute NO while I was living at home.So I hid it out of the house and did it on the way to school,and while at school.
side note, my dealer was the same age as me.(paid for it through my paper route)
My willingness to disobey my parents landed me out of the house quite young(to my dads dismay).So I worked,lots of manual labor. Got married at 19,got my class 1 license(read drug test) stayed clean for about a year.
My children all came in fairly quick succession and were never privy to the goings on of their mom and my "nightlife".
fast forward through our separation and I remain clean, My children know a bit of my past life, in so much as they understand that I have done drugs and they KNOW I don't anymore, nor do I approve of their use.
My children can be seen accompanying me to the range almost every weekend,or taking walks through one of Lethbridges many parks.They are well adjusted,And innocent.
I hope this eases your mind a little

remember,remember, the fifth of November.
The gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason, the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the king and parliament
All up alive!
Eat, Drink, and be merry for tomorrow we shall surely die
Certified tinfoil hat wearing redneck.
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:08 PM
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Sorry you had a rough go Cliff. I hope your children do not follow suit, for their sake.
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:08 PM
tonka tonka is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
Ok, you are fine openly admitting to possession and use of illegal narcotics, but what about how you got them? Were they smuggled in from a 3rd world country, from BC, or grown domestic? do you have your own hydroponics in the basement, or hidden outside in the dandelions? If you could look beyond your own nose, you would see what ignorance and utter chit you are Publicly contributing to.

Just how many laws are you ok breaking?

I bet your parents/grand parents, whoever dos not share the same ideals you have, are so proud.
Well I know exactly where they come from, seeing how people can now legally poses and use pot there is no laws being broken. As for me I have paper work that tells me I can legally do so ( health Canada currently has a six month back log) and the law is clear that paper work once filled out and signed by my two doctors ( my family doctor and the specialist) im legal. There has been too much research lately that points to the benefits of pot, real research, not the stuff used in the 80-90's.

For the record my mother and family all know, and have no issues with it. I do more for society than 90% of people. For the record I have chosen to give up all medication for the next year or so I can work fighting fires with forestry. The pain sucks but it something I want to do. I live my life and feel people should be free to live theirs without my interjection all i ask for is the same.
I have never smoked and driven nor have I drank and driven, never placed my self or others in harms way. What is wrong with that? Should I conform to a Mormon lifestyle and give up caffeine ( well i don't like it anyway), and all other intoxicants. Everyone seems to bitch about the government interfering in their lives when it suits them, but turn the table and their view point is the only right one, and the gov't should force their will upon others.

Ken I respect you but I disagree with your position. .
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by tonka View Post
Folks here have some major misconceptions.
#1 the most common drug is prescription medication abuse.

#2 every street drug is sold in pharmacies across the country (different name same drug) only difference is a pharmaceutic comp makes money.

#3 Pot has more health benefits than harms associated with it ( for the record youth, as a result of vastly changing hormone and brain development can be negatively effected)

#4 Gate way drugs ect. No single drug is a gateway drug, drugs are used to cope with preexisting conditions and problems. Maybee if there was reasonable mental health care for people drugs would be less relied upon.

for the record I have smoked pot before, and drank a beer. I still manage to hold full time employment, pay my mortgage,all bills, have gone to university and pay for it without loans ( once again on deans list, and its cellular molecular biology with a minor in pharmaceutical development). So if my smoking of pot once a month makes me a horrible person so be it. My neighbors may all disagree though, as would the boys and girls club, snow angles, meals on wheels, and the other charities I work with. Sorry but adults have the right to self determination, those that cant handle that right are not adults and should be treated like children.
Wow...the text book case of peer pressure. It worked for me so why don't you try it. Nice one...but to try and profess your love of illegal drugs and to say there are more health benefits than negative for pot...you are clearly not ready the research while having a dubbie.

Smoking pot does make you a bad person. It is because of guys like you smoking pot, buying illegal drugs and keeping the general drug loser society running is the same reason some kids will try crystal meth (not sold in a pharmacy and definitely not to children by the way (or hash or esxtasy or crack).

You really should be ashamed of yourself for promoting drug use and falling into that pot head mentality. Have fun next time you take the kids for a buy. Introduce your daughter to the drug dealer. Who knows...he may swing by her school and say hi to her and her classmates. You know little girl...daddy does drugs...and he says it is A O K. Here...try these free stickers. Lick em and pass the others around. Come back to me for more or just send dear old dad. If you are angry at that comment...then you have a shred of decency insofar as you should be scared and embarrassed IMHO.

Shame on you!

For your information Adults don't have the right to murder, rape, theft, drunk driving either. Self determination as an argument against laws made for the common good of society is a lame duck excuse. One thing the police and anti drug people know...a common theme on Miami Vice for all the pot heads out there...the main reason for drugs in the schools is middle class adults helping to fund the business. A little snort here a few pills there a little drag now and again.

Sigh...what is wrong with society...morals, values, common sense judgment calls.
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:19 PM
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You know I never thought I had it rough?
we are the sum of our experiences, my experiences are uniquely mine and therefore I have some insight that may be of use to someone.
I am not crying on this board hoping for some attention,just giving my story for those that may heed the mistakes of my past, and not copy them

Meth WAS ROUGH,my life was a shambles,and something was wrong with daddy
remember,remember, the fifth of November.
The gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason, the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the king and parliament
All up alive!
Eat, Drink, and be merry for tomorrow we shall surely die
Certified tinfoil hat wearing redneck.

Last edited by So Nova *!%; 07-04-2011 at 08:23 PM. Reason: once was rough
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:25 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Wow...the text book case of peer pressure. It worked for me so why don't you try it. Nice one...but to try and profess your love of illegal drugs and to say there are more health benefits than negative for pot...you are clearly not ready the research while having a dubbie.

Smoking pot does make you a bad person. It is because of guys like you smoking pot, buying illegal drugs and keeping the general drug loser society running is the same reason some kids will try crystal meth (not sold in a pharmacy and definitely not to children by the way (or hash or esxtasy or crack).

You really should be ashamed of yourself for promoting drug use and falling into that pot head mentality. Have fun next time you take the kids for a buy. Introduce your daughter to the drug dealer. Who knows...he may swing by her school and say hi to her and her classmates. You know little girl...daddy does drugs...and he says it is A O K. Here...try these free stickers. Lick em and pass the others around. Come back to me for more or just send dear old dad. If you are angry at that comment...then you have a shred of decency insofar as you should be scared and embarrassed IMHO.

Shame on you!

For your information Adults don't have the right to murder, rape, theft, drunk driving either. Self determination as an argument against laws made for the common good of society is a lame duck excuse. One thing the police and anti drug people know...a common theme on Miami Vice for all the pot heads out there...the main reason for drugs in the schools is middle class adults helping to fund the business. A little snort here a few pills there a little drag now and again.

Sigh...what is wrong with society...morals, values, common sense judgment calls.
maybe you should start taking some drugs and calm down
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
No my point is no matter what anyone does people will smoke what ever they can to get a fix from it...

My other point is the amount that smoking and alcohol and drug abuse costs our health system is crazy. I just find it ironic the government creates a social issue....then they develop programs to fix it (seems a bit smoke and mirrors to me)

I totally agree that anyone that does drugs...and is addicted...will try anything to find more. Cigarettes are super addictive and those people will do anything they can also. Alcoholics will go to the ends of the Earth to get drunk...but they have to have that first access to get started in the process of addiction.

My point...if you remove and/or dramatically make it harder for the average person to find drugs...then there is a lower probability of them trying drugs in the first place and/or continuing to use if not addicted.

Saying it is easy to find drugs...it is not so simple...your average person at an average work place does not know a drug dealer. If you are hanging out with a bad crowd...that does not count. Kids at school do not know the drug dealers unless they are pot heads. Kids convince other kids to do drugs. Stopping the cycle...just as easy as removing all the perch from Lake Sundance. Limiting the damage and mitigating the problem...that is what netting does for perch as laws and policing does for illegal drugs.

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Old 07-04-2011, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by So Nova *!% View Post
You know I never thought I had it rough?
we are the sum of our experiences, my experiences are uniquely mine and therefore I have some insight that may be of use to someone.
I am not crying on this board hoping for some attention,just giving my story for those that may heed the mistakes of my past, and not copy them

Meth WAS ROUGH,my life was a shambles,and something was wrong with daddy
I am sure nobody thinks you are crying. Explaining the damage it has done takes strength. Trying to promote it and make it sound good while doing drugs would be bad. Addiction is a sickness brought on by a combination of circumstance, life choices, genes, bad people selling to you and the others that encouraged it. Deep down...do you feel you have the inner strength to win? Please say yes...I hope.
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:41 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
I totally agree that anyone that does drugs...and is addicted...will try anything to find more. Cigarettes are super addictive and those people will do anything they can also. Alcoholics will go to the ends of the Earth to get drunk...but they have to have that first access to get started in the process of addiction.

My point...if you remove and/or dramatically make it harder for the average person to find drugs...then there is a lower probability of them trying drugs in the first place and/or continuing to use if not addicted.Saying it is easy to find drugs...it is not so simple...your average person at an average work place does not know a drug dealer. If you are hanging out with a bad crowd...that does not count. Kids at school do not know the drug dealers unless they are pot heads. Kids convince other kids to do drugs. Stopping the cycle...just as easy as removing all the perch from Lake Sundance. Limiting the damage and mitigating the problem...that is what netting does for perch as laws and policing does for illegal drugs.

in some states you can get 10 years for simple posession of pot, doesn't seem to work since people are still getting caught which means they are still doing it,proabition does not work never has and never will.
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by So Nova *!% View Post
.They are well adjusted,And innocent.
The scariest thing about kids...as mentioned before is that they are very smart. They also more often then not mimic their parents as they get older. Kids watch and learn what is good and bad from not only what the parents say but what they do. Smoking parents...often have smoking kids and so on.

I really hope they have not gone down the same wrong path. The most important thing we can do as parents is not treat kids like babies but also not act like kids ourselves when we are parents. Leading by example and not just the words.

I hope all stays clean with you and your family. Good on you for stopping.
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:44 PM
tonka tonka is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Wow...the text book case of peer pressure. It worked for me so why don't you try it. Nice one...but to try and profess your love of illegal drugs and to say there are more health benefits than negative for pot...you are clearly not ready the research while having a dubbie.

Smoking pot does make you a bad person. It is because of guys like you smoking pot, buying illegal drugs and keeping the general drug loser society running is the same reason some kids will try crystal meth (not sold in a pharmacy and definitely not to children by the way (or hash or esxtasy or crack).

You really should be ashamed of yourself for promoting drug use and falling into that pot head mentality. Have fun next time you take the kids for a buy. Introduce your daughter to the drug dealer. Who knows...he may swing by her school and say hi to her and her classmates. You know little girl...daddy does drugs...and he says it is A O K. Here...try these free stickers. Lick em and pass the others around. Come back to me for more or just send dear old dad. If you are angry at that comment...then you have a shred of decency insofar as you should be scared and embarrassed IMHO.

Shame on you!

For your information Adults don't have the right to murder, rape, theft, drunk driving either. Self determination as an argument against laws made for the common good of society is a lame duck excuse. One thing the police and anti drug people know...a common theme on Miami Vice for all the pot heads out there...the main reason for drugs in the schools is middle class adults helping to fund the business. A little snort here a few pills there a little drag now and again.

Sigh...what is wrong with society...morals, values, common sense judgment calls.
Levomethamphetamine is the pharmaceutical version of meth. ( found in over the counter decongestants)

MDMA (ecstasy) is currently being used to treat PTSD.

lidocaine, procaine, hexylcaine, bupivacaine, benoxinate, mepivacaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, chloroprocaine, dyclonine, All are Cocaine derivatives and leagally sold and prescribed.

Hash is nothing for than concentrated pot. And the names of legal pot
Sativex, Nabilone, Dronabinol, Marinol.

I am most of the way though mt degree in pharma, the bottom line is place it in a bottle, label it , taxes paid and voloa a legal drug is made. Do you know how Viagra was created? not for boners but hey it makes money.

I don't support illegal use and rights to push the stuff on kids in anyway shape or form. Those willing to sell and deal to kids and a special seat reserved where there going.
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by eastcoast View Post
in some states you can get 10 years for simple posession of pot, doesn't seem to work since people are still getting caught which means they are still doing it,proabition does not work never has and never will.
If the parents were not at home smoking up and pretending it is a good thing...that would change things.

Please provide a link to the statistics your are alluding to. Also how can you be sure that as society evolves and the population grows that without anti drug laws...those statistics would not be 100 times worse? Hmmmm? To take a hypothesis and state that the key variable for abuse of drugs is enforcement is a wild step that the pot heads are trying to make...cause hmmm...they want to get it legally. If it was so easy to get illegal drugs...why are they complaining so much? Maybe they should just shut up and enjoy the system they got now before a Crown corporation and an evil drug company takes over mass producing pot for a profit.

LOL...I can just imagine the hackers breaking into a pot growing companies website for credit card numbers. The pot heads would be broke before they realized they were robbed. LOL Then the anarchists can start protesting the globalization of pot. LOL
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by tonka View Post
Levomethamphetamine is the pharmaceutical version of meth. ( found in over the counter decongestants)

MDMA (ecstasy) is currently being used to treat PTSD.

lidocaine, procaine, hexylcaine, bupivacaine, benoxinate, mepivacaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, chloroprocaine, dyclonine, All are Cocaine derivatives and leagally sold and prescribed.

Hash is nothing for than concentrated pot. And the names of legal pot
Sativex, Nabilone, Dronabinol, Marinol.

I am most of the way though mt degree in pharma, the bottom line is place it in a bottle, label it , taxes paid and voloa a legal drug is made. Do you know how Viagra was created? not for boners but hey it makes money.

I don't support illegal use and rights to push the stuff on kids in anyway shape or form. Those willing to sell and deal to kids and a special seat reserved where there going.
The drugs you are quoting are not the same as street drugs. Decongestants require significant chemical changes to make meth. It is not the same IMHO. Similar yes insofar as the chemistry family...but not the same. Also as you mentioned the proper drugs are for specific purposes. We are talking illegal drugs.

For someone in the profession and helping support the drug dealers...maybe there needs to be an ethics class in your faculty. One of the leading abusers of drugs by profession is the medical profession. Easy access...self diagnosis. Dangerous combination if you are already addicted to a degree to the effects of pot.

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Old 07-04-2011, 08:52 PM
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the desire to get stoned is gone,I have no problem turning it down. Same goes with alcohol,although I do still enjoy a beer now and then a dozen last at least a dozen days, normally much longer.
My children really are innocent my 14 year old is the only one who has even ventured into "dating" and that boy has been given an open invitation to go to the range with me.... LOL( she is more than capable of inflicting serious pain on someone who tries anything stupid with her)And has the morals not to let them try
remember,remember, the fifth of November.
The gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason, the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the king and parliament
All up alive!
Eat, Drink, and be merry for tomorrow we shall surely die
Certified tinfoil hat wearing redneck.
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Old 07-04-2011, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by So Nova *!% View Post
the desire to get stoned is gone,I have no problem turning it down. Same goes with alcohol,although I do still enjoy a beer now and then a dozen last at least a dozen days, normally much longer.
My children really are innocent my 14 year old is the only one who has even ventured into "dating" and that boy has been given an open invitation to go to the range with me.... LOL( she is more than capable of inflicting serious pain on someone who tries anything stupid with her)
Great! Keep em outdoors and a healthy respect for fish and wildlife and the memories with Dad will surely help give them some inner strength.
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Old 07-04-2011, 09:01 PM
bb356 bb356 is offline
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Thanks NOVA for keeping some common sense into this tread !!!
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Old 07-04-2011, 09:01 PM
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At this point, it's seems there might be a reason why the war on drugs is failing. So many here think drugs are OK...or good....or great. Get serious. No one has to get f%&*ed up to deal with life. That excuse is for the weak and shameless. When the going gets tough, the weak get stoned.

Bobby B.
Logic never lies.

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Old 07-04-2011, 09:04 PM
bb356 bb356 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Tell that to all the people who have tried it and are not addicted and don't care to try it again or those who use it once a month or once every few years, yet others 'have' to use it all the time. Meth may have a higher rate of addiction than other drugs depending on how an individuals brain and body react to it but not everyone who tries it is addicted. Many try it and are turned right off of it the first time, others are hooked from the first try.

Addictions are psychological and physiological reactions to a stimulous, you have to have the right genetic makeup to succumb to any number of drugs. No telling the one your brain may react to favourably and become addicted to or not, or the level of addiction. Thats why one person becomes addicted, the next dosen't, others become casual users. Nobody knows till they try them. Some people who become alcoholics are addicted after the first drink, it gives them a reaction they continue to want to return to again and again. For the next person it's meth or heroin or alchol or whatever, some are addicted to every thing they try, others never become addicted to anything.
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Old 07-04-2011, 09:09 PM
bb356 bb356 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bobby B. View Post
At this point, it's seems there might be a reason why the war on drugs is failing. So many here think drugs are OK...or good....or great. Get serious. No one has to get f%&*ed up to deal with life. That excuse is for the weak and shameless. When the going gets tough, the weak get stoned.

Bobby B.
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