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Old 04-11-2010, 10:27 AM
Stinky Coyote Stinky Coyote is offline
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pete, not sure where to start, its as if your running into the crossbow conversations here for the first time...poachers are poachers and almost the comments made by those people your talking about are hilarious...they want the crossbow because they think it will do all that they say yet they don't have a clue....this is the exact crowd who will be flipping them a year later when the find out its still bowhunting....unless that is they fall in love with bowhunting like many of us do/have....any rate there were the comments or questions from the uninformed and then the same from those who want to poach....you still have to deal with a downed moose which i would think would be much harder and larger worry than actually shooting it with a gun or any kind of bow...gun shots are dismissed pretty easy...i hunted 338/339 during archery seasons and heard average 3 shots a night when i camped there looking for a moose with bow...tell me thats not discouraging....anyhow...this takes the discussion way off topic, poaching will be done by anyone who doesn't want to follow the rules and they'll use whatever tool they want....the crossbow is available to buy at any shop right now for anyone who wants to go do a little poaching

rest of your post is like i said....you need to read the main crossbow post in the hunting section....its a sticky near the top, then you'll be up to speed and maybe do all hunters in alberta a big ole favor and educate some of those not so informed people you run into the reality of the crossbow as the world needs a lot less ignorance
Old 04-11-2010, 06:26 PM
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Seems to me if we keep arguing about whether or not a xbow is a bow or not we're likley to lose out on seasons for both.
Old 04-11-2010, 06:37 PM
Doodle30 Doodle30 is offline
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Default I like to hear answer as well.

Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
potty....you are right. sound effects would be awesome to have on this forum. right now i would be pushing the button to hear crickets. go back if you missed it. i asked all of you how you would feel if vertical bowhunters doubled overnight and all your doom and gloom scenarios worked out. still waiting on a reply..........
To me this is always about the fact that guys are going to lose hunting opportunities and less about the crossbow for many. Some out there have a true dislike of the crossbow as a weapon which is fine. I disagree with your position but I can respect you have a different position position. Those that say they don't want crossbow because it means they will lose there general tag are just selfish.

I'd like the selfish compound guys lose a portion of their season to traditional hunters. A compund is so tecnologically advanced from the traditional bow they are hardly the same weapon. Many of the complaints used against the crossbow can be used to discredit the compoundbow when compared a traditonal bow. IE Letoff allows guys to hold a 70 pound bow for minutes at a time and still make an ethical shot. The introduction of cams and paralell compound limbs allow the bow to shoot 2-3X faster with hardly any increase in sound. Include peeps sights, 5-6 aiming sights and release aids and you have drastically improved the rate of success from that of the traditonal bow. Sure, you compound guys say you fought for the right to be included in archery season but based on the technology improvements I wonder how you see that to be deserved.Is it because you draw the bow with your own power. To me that's a weak argument.

Listen I understand why guys are passonate about hunting and enjoy the hunting opportunites we get here in Alberta but it is absolutely selfish to not want guys to hunt because it means you lose an opportunity.

If you where at the park, what do you tell your kid that doesn't want to let another kid in a sand box becuase they were there first. You tell your kid to suck it up and place nice. It many ways we have to many of these spoiled kids as hunters.

I'm new to hunting in Alberta in the last 3 years and I bow hunt. Thats means that I have also stolen one of you beloved tags. I also approach land owners for access to land and have been turned down. Maybe I was the last guy before he put up that 4X8 sheet of plywood. I don't hunt with a crossbow but what do you guys think of me?

This thread is like a car crash. I really want to look away but I keep getting drawn back into it.

Love the passion even if I don't agree with many.

Now to lazy to check grammer and spelling so be easy on any mistakes that made it through.

Old 04-11-2010, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
im ok with making a few more zones archery only. there are so many acreages in the calgary to edmonton corridor it could open some things up where landowners now say no to guns.
as for people not mistaking their buddy for a moose....well he was not a buddy, but my hunting partner was shrieking for his life a few years back. full camo head to toe stalking a mule buck he came through a patch of trees to see some fool at full draw pointing a broadhead at him. the screams of "holy f--k dont shoot me you idiot" are clear as heck to me still. i was on the other end of that chunk of bush on the escape route. you hear that kind of terror in a friends voice and itll get your anxiety up quick. there are idiots everywhere potty.....bowhunters too.
Obviously someone was there that shouldn't have been. At least with a bow you have a chance to scream , usually with a gun you don't hear the bullet that kills you.

Originally Posted by russ View Post
I've been bowhunting for 30 years, and only ONCE have I ever had the chance to take a 2nd shot. ONCE in 30 YEARS. ONCE.
Once for me as well, I guess we get all the smart deer Russ!!

Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
it wasnt me, but i have a friend on video missing a mule buck 4 times. the thing just stood there looking at us. the only reason he didnt miss more is thats all he had in his quiver. at the range he outshoots me hands down, but buck fever got him good. its been 10 years since i tookk that video, but still feel a need to watch it whenever he's over. oh yeah....25 yards by the way...a shot he hits the 10 ring 95 times out of a hundred.

Well I guess some deer are like some people I know!

Originally Posted by MountainTi View Post
Funny, I don't feel safe in the countryside when the city boys invade it either
Yup I agree, If it wasn't for bowhunting I wouldn't hunt.........Except maybe sheep, cause most of those guys that freak me out, never come up top where the view is.
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Old 04-11-2010, 08:01 PM
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Doodle30. If youve never shot a bow, just come out and say so. You wont look so silly while trying to look experienced. You say, (Quote) "let offs allow archers to hold a 70 lb bow for minutes at a time while still allowing for an ethical shot". Ive got to say, if you are talking from experience, you would be the killingest som beitch ive ever heard of in my life,,, assuming you knew what to do with your Super-Powers.
You mention a sand box and fairness. This isnt a sand box, and some of the things discussed here have ramifications, and can go so far as to have major social implications. You may as well have just said, (Imaginary quote here),,," You guys who think the netting, over harvest, poaching and insufficient regulation on fisheries is wrong just simply need to learn how to share. You are acting like a bunch of spoiled children". "oh, and Im new to Alberta 3 years ago and I dont have a sniff". (End of imaginary quote)?? That make any sence Doodle? I enjoy perspectives, but facts are important too.

It's just Alberta boys... Take what you can while you can,, if ya cant beat em join em.

Keep a strain on er

Last edited by packhuntr; 04-11-2010 at 08:10 PM.
Old 04-11-2010, 11:48 PM
RobinHood RobinHood is offline
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Default Observations

I have tried to avoid posting in this thread for apperant reasons, But I feel I have to make a quick couple of observations, for my own good.

Doodle, you are not the first to have rebutled with a compound vs traditional comparision. Unfortunatley, making the assumption that those are two entirely diffrent groups and having them attempt to turn on each other is a waste of time. Traditional and compound archers are almost unanimous united in there distaste for the crossbow for numerous reasons as already stated. It shouldn't even be an arguement pro crossbows.

Pro crossbowers, your stance on crossbows, although you use compound bows ,is rare in your community. I find it admirable that you would be willing to sacrafice a truely unique Alberta privilage, to try to increase intrest in the outdoors and to increase the oppoturnity for people to actively hunt. Those chances were also given to everyone when the archery season was developed with the approved weapons for those seasons. Bow draw weights start at 5 pounds for children and can almost accomindate most people who want to hunt during the archery season.

Fence sitters, discrimination towards certain weapons, and equal oppoturnity for traditional/primitive weapons, and attempting to satisfy everyone, has but one logical answer. A traditional/primitive weapons season where potentially a week was taken from bowhunters and a week from rifle hunters to create a new season. The bowzones would remain a bow only zone. While a potential for creating traditional/primitive weapons only zone in the future if popularity grew.Perhaps an extension in our season into december, like our American cousins would also be a win win situation for everyone.

Against group, I fully understand your passion for attempting to refuse the crossbow. Unfortunatley your up against Goverment and money, a strong opposition will only create more hatered and dissapointment in the end. Perhaps attempting to slow down the crossbow, by having it put on a trial basis in a couple of zones for a 3 year research program. Having those seasons recorded with actual Alberta numbers, may help put a stop to the crossbow. The time the study would create may help new evidence and information come to fruition and have the goverment or biologists realize the travisty the are making. Three years would also allow for more of the bowhunters to gather for a better fight (court??) and public out cry may help prevent the crossbow.Hard real numbers would be irrafutable for any group and a study would show that.

I for one hope cooler heads prevail, and the Alberta goverment doesn't try to fix something that isn't broken, including our draws.


Last edited by RobinHood; 04-12-2010 at 12:05 AM.
Old 04-12-2010, 12:06 AM
ishootbambi ishootbambi is offline
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you would think that hard irrefutable numbers would prevail....but they dont. based on 30 years of numbers where they are allowed, hunters success is nearly identical. the resistance has been clearly identified. bowhunters are afraid they will lose opportunity if their numbers double. it doesnt matter if it is with a crossbow or vertical bow, the result would be the same. thats the real issue, not the weapon itself.
Old 04-12-2010, 12:25 AM
RobinHood RobinHood is offline
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Unfortunatley, I am unaware of any concrete numbers coming out of Alberta. If you could provide me with a link about crossbows in Alberta I would gladly educate myself.

Attempting to compare American states that allow crossbows and the their effect in Alberta is not a fair comparison. Population, density, game availability ( species), game density, area, seasons, crossbow numbers, bow numbers and etc. are no where alike. Participation numbers of both weapons before and after would help, along with the hunting seasons before and after, etc.

Vertical bowhunter numbers have had a slow climb yearly, and the " what if " senerio doesn't apply, when in the same arguement I have read from you attempting to use Ohio's ? actual numbers. '' what if " could be used in a million ways to help anyones point.......What if I was Prime minister!!

A pilot program of 3- 5 years would give us enough oppoturnity to study the trends and reprocations of the crossbow in a controlled small enviroment, before unleashing it province wide.
Old 04-12-2010, 07:57 AM
Doodle30 Doodle30 is offline
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Originally Posted by packhuntr View Post
Doodle30. If youve never shot a bow, just come out and say so. You wont look so silly while trying to look experienced. You say, (Quote) "let offs allow archers to hold a 70 lb bow for minutes at a time while still allowing for an ethical shot". Ive got to say, if you are talking from experience, you would be the killingest som beitch ive ever heard of in my life,,, assuming you knew what to do with your Super-Powers.
You mention a sand box and fairness. This isnt a sand box, and some of the things discussed here have ramifications, and can go so far as to have major social implications. You may as well have just said, (Imaginary quote here),,," You guys who think the netting, over harvest, poaching and insufficient regulation on fisheries is wrong just simply need to learn how to share. You are acting like a bunch of spoiled children". "oh, and Im new to Alberta 3 years ago and I dont have a sniff". (End of imaginary quote)?? That make any sence Doodle? I enjoy perspectives, but facts are important too.
I do have a bow and it is set at 70 pounds. I also do practice drawing and holding my bow before I shoot. Not 15 minutes but 2-3 minutes. I understand that every shot is not going to occur exactly how I hope, thus from time to time I may have to hold before an ethical shot is available. In the field, if I can't hold out I try to let down without getting caught.

Where is your critic of the other things I said. Answer me this. Does Let off on your compound allow you to hold much longer at 70 lbs pounds than you could a tradtional bow? Does the addition of limbs, cams, peeps and multi-pin sights drastically increase your success in the field? If you answer those questions honestly we will have the same answer to those questions. My point is be careful on the argument on the fact that brossbows are just to effective of a hunting tool compared to a bow. My bet is with respect to success rates the difference between crossbow and a compound is much less than the difference between compounds and traditional bows.

I agree that over hunting, poaching etc will have an effect on numbers but that is a different debate and one I bet we agree on. That is something that SRD has to regulate it does not have anything to do with crossbows. The arguement that many are making here is that there is a loss of opportunity. More hunters means that game animals need to go on draw. My sand box anology has to do with the fact that many are trying to prevent the opportunity of others that have the exact right to the land as they do. Call it imaginary but I think it is effective. You disagree with my stance so unwilling to make the connection.

Why don't you guys just admit that you don't want any more competition in the field. That what most of you are truly fighting. When you do admit that then we can debate the true reason you are upset at this. It's been stated on here a number of times that this doesn't effect the number of tags issued or animals taken it effects the number of hunters in the woods during archery season.

And no the last part of your response does not make sense to me.

Old 04-12-2010, 08:16 AM
Doodle30 Doodle30 is offline
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Originally Posted by RobinHood View Post
I have tried to avoid posting in this thread for apperant reasons, But I feel I have to make a quick couple of observations, for my own good.

Doodle, you are not the first to have rebutled with a compound vs traditional comparision. Unfortunatley, making the assumption that those are two entirely diffrent groups and having them attempt to turn on each other is a waste of time. Traditional and compound archers are almost unanimous united in there distaste for the crossbow for numerous reasons as already stated. It shouldn't even be an arguement pro crossbows.

Pro crossbowers, your stance on crossbows, although you use compound bows ,is rare in your community. I find it admirable that you would be willing to sacrafice a truely unique Alberta privilage, to try to increase intrest in the outdoors and to increase the oppoturnity for people to actively hunt. Those chances were also given to everyone when the archery season was developed with the approved weapons for those seasons. Bow draw weights start at 5 pounds for children and can almost accomindate most people who want to hunt during the archery season.

Fence sitters, discrimination towards certain weapons, and equal oppoturnity for traditional/primitive weapons, and attempting to satisfy everyone, has but one logical answer. A traditional/primitive weapons season where potentially a week was taken from bowhunters and a week from rifle hunters to create a new season. The bowzones would remain a bow only zone. While a potential for creating traditional/primitive weapons only zone in the future if popularity grew.Perhaps an extension in our season into december, like our American cousins would also be a win win situation for everyone.

Against group, I fully understand your passion for attempting to refuse the crossbow. Unfortunatley your up against Goverment and money, a strong opposition will only create more hatered and dissapointment in the end. Perhaps attempting to slow down the crossbow, by having it put on a trial basis in a couple of zones for a 3 year research program. Having those seasons recorded with actual Alberta numbers, may help put a stop to the crossbow. The time the study would create may help new evidence and information come to fruition and have the goverment or biologists realize the travisty the are making. Three years would also allow for more of the bowhunters to gather for a better fight (court??) and public out cry may help prevent the crossbow.Hard real numbers would be irrafutable for any group and a study would show that.

I for one hope cooler heads prevail, and the Alberta goverment doesn't try to fix something that isn't broken, including our draws.


I agree it does seem that both groups are united against crossbow but they are doing so because there is strenght in numbers. Not really a strong argument when you see political parties work together if they feel it they can really to stick it to another party. That doesn't make them a closenit family. If the true reason that both are against crossbow is the fundamental dislike of the tool than I can respect that and in some ways agree with you. I am not saying they are the same weapon I am saying they are similar. But if I recall correctly Pottymounth has said himself that Compound hunters had to fight hard to get recognized by the traditional archers. Considering the difference in the two weapons I can also understand that.

My dislike of the debate here is that to many guys could care less about the crossbow other than the fact that it means lost exclusive opportunity for bowhunters. If you make the argument that you don't want crossbows used during the entire archery season fine, but lets face it, crossbows require you to be close, so they deserve a season before the rush of rifles hunters come into the woods and animals become more aware that the hunt is on.

I hate that I even got uinvolved in this as it's to time consuming to keep up and I see no resolution, at least on this site.

Again I will state that I am a Compound hunter and a member of the ABA and will not be buying a crossbow. I just think that restricting opportunities for others is not right.

Old 04-12-2010, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Doodle30 View Post

I agree it does seem that both groups are united against crossbow but they are doing so because there is strenght in numbers. Not really a strong argument when you see political parties work together if they feel it they can really to stick it to another party. That doesn't make them a closenit family. If the true reason that both are against crossbow is the fundamental dislike of the tool than I can respect that and in some ways agree with you. I am not saying they are the same weapon I am saying they are similar. But if I recall correctly Pottymounth has said himself that Compound hunters had to fight hard to get recognized by the traditional archers. Considering the difference in the two weapons I can also understand that.
My dislike of the debate here is that to many guys could care less about the crossbow other than the fact that it means lost exclusive opportunity for bowhunters. If you make the argument that you don't want crossbows used during the entire archery season fine, but lets face it, crossbows require you to be close, so they deserve a season before the rush of rifles hunters come into the woods and animals become more aware that the hunt is on.

I hate that I even got uinvolved in this as it's to time consuming to keep up and I see no resolution, at least on this site.

Again I will state that I am a Compound hunter and a member of the ABA and will not be buying a crossbow. I just think that restricting opportunities for others is not right.

Read more carefully, I never said that!!!! I said BOWHUNTERS worked hard to have what they now have, with respect to our seasons, bow only zones and increased oppoturnities.

Increased oppoturnities can along with the new archer season way back when. Everyone had a equal chance of taking advantage of it, and still do!!!
If gimmicks are required to increase levels of hunter participation, then the sport is already lost!!!!

Plus does anyone ever read other peoples posts? The chinease had developed a repeating xbow, that shot 10 arrows consecative( 1000 yrs ago).....that will start to turn up and then you'll be fighting that battle soon enough, and then what!!!! or blow darts, or netting.Then you really open the door and debate to give oppoturnity, without predjudice against any one group or weapon....

I hope if this passes the first to feel the negative impacts of the Xbow, are the Bowhunters who ARE fighting for xbows, but '' say '' they wont use them.

Where I come from nobody fights for something, without having a personal benefit attached in there!!!
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Old 04-12-2010, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Read more carefully, I never said that!!!! I said BOWHUNTERS worked hard to have what they now have, with respect to our seasons, bow only zones and increased oppoturnities.

Increased oppoturnities can along with the new archer season way back when. Everyone had a equal chance of taking advantage of it, and still do!!!
If gimmicks are required to increase levels of hunter participation, then the sport is already lost!!!!

Plus does anyone ever read other peoples posts? The chinease had developed a repeating xbow, that shot 10 arrows consecative( 1000 yrs ago).....that will start to turn up and then you'll be fighting that battle soon enough, and then what!!!! or blow darts, or netting.Then you really open the door and debate to give oppoturnity, without predjudice against any one group or weapon....

I hope if this passes the first to feel the negative impacts of the Xbow, are the Bowhunters who ARE fighting for xbows, but '' say '' they wont use them.

Where I come from nobody fights for something, without having a personal benefit attached in there!!!

Well sorry to have mis-quoted you. I will have to go back and check your response.

To be quite honest Potty my disagreement is not really with you, I do think that you have a fundmental disagreement with the crossbow as a weapon. As I have said I can understand and I do respect that. I also stand by the fact, without any proof, that there are traditional archers out there that think compund hunters are lazy because they use a weapon that does not require nearly as much practice. I am a member of a archery range and I tell you that I see the same people there until the season is just about to start and then you see new guys there a couple of times. Now either call these guys out as unethical archers or admitt that by the time you have sighted in your pins you have enough experience with a bow that a couple of sessions a year make you a capable hunter at specific ranges. Again this isn't me. I shoot 2-3 times a week 8 months a year. My point is that you can be a lazy compound hunter just as easy as a lazy crossbow hunter. I agree, for the most part, those guys that put in additional time are going to be much more accomplished shooters, that is why I put in my time.

I also admit that somewhere the line would have to be drawn. We do draw the line. Can't have automatic weapons in the woods etc.

Again my disagreement is with those that have expressed their displeasure with any rule change because it means they won't have exclusive rights to an area. I get the impression that you welcome new bowhunters to the sport. To me these other guys are happy never to have another bow hunter in the sport until they have decided not to bow hunt anymore. Of course no-one has come out and said that but that is the impression that I am getting.

OK now I'm really done. Responding anyway. May still read along.

Have fun boys
Old 04-12-2010, 10:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Doodle30 View Post
Well sorry to have mis-quoted you. I will have to go back and check your response.

To be quite honest Potty my disagreement is not really with you, I do think that you have a fundmental disagreement with the crossbow as a weapon. As I have said I can understand and I do respect that. I also stand by the fact, without any proof, that there are traditional archers out there that think compund hunters are lazy because they use a weapon that does not require nearly as much practice. I am a member of a archery range and I tell you that I see the same people there until the season is just about to start and then you see new guys there a couple of times. Now either call these guys out as unethical archers or admitt that by the time you have sighted in your pins you have enough experience with a bow that a couple of sessions a year make you a capable hunter at specific ranges. Again this isn't me. I shoot 2-3 times a week 8 months a year. My point is that you can be a lazy compound hunter just as easy as a lazy crossbow hunter. I agree, for the most part, those guys that put in additional time are going to be much more accomplished shooters, that is why I put in my time.

I also admit that somewhere the line would have to be drawn. We do draw the line. Can't have automatic weapons in the woods etc.

Again my disagreement is with those that have expressed their displeasure with any rule change because it means they won't have exclusive rights to an area. I get the impression that you welcome new bowhunters to the sport. To me these other guys are happy never to have another bow hunter in the sport until they have decided not to bow hunt anymore. Of course no-one has come out and said that but that is the impression that I am getting.

OK now I'm really done. Responding anyway. May still read along.

Have fun boys
Having spent this weekend at the Canadian nationals 3D tourney, I had a chance to speak to alot of traditional hunters. It was intresting to find out alot of them also have a compound bow for hunting and felt no ill treatement.

I'm 100% against xbows as BOW, and having any association with them and allowing them to take part in archery season.

I don't think anyone is upset at new Compound hunters entering the field, there all welcome..........It's the xgun hunters that will disrupt the balance!!!

There good where they are now, used in rifle season, under the sub text that right now they are considered a gun type!!!

If increase oppoturnity means allowing xbows, i'll be selfish, I don't want to see them.

I'm personally not worried about losing my exclusive permissions, 60 % of my land owners have said they will not allow xbows on or around there property, so have fun.

Oh and wierd I might be wrong but right now the only place that allows xbows to practice is a rifle range, I believe neither archery shop in Calgary allows them??? again i might be wrong on that.
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Old 04-12-2010, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamie View Post
And once again we hit the greedy end of the argument..

When will you guys learn??????

The above argument is a embarrassment to our sport.

If you wanted to push for more WMUS strictly limited to Bow Hunting or Muzzle loading.. Go ahead. But in order to make that happen you need more guys in your sport.

I know the starts are around on just how many Bow tags were sold last year in Alberta. Anyone know where I could find them?

At what cost Jamie? As i said, i live in the 212. I'm in the zone everyday. I talk to my friends and neighbors. I hear what they are saying and what new feeling's they have towards hunters. Its not good! These are not just little land owners but the BIG main ones as well. The general consensis is that the numbers of hunters in this zone is getting out of hand. I personally know for a fact that many of the guys we see driving around all day everyday don't have permission anywhere, so what are they doing? Looking for road allowances and crown land?

In general i agree, we need to grow the sport. However, to throw a bunch of GUN toting newbies in the 212 would hurt the overall name of hunters. Honestly, when landowners are hiring people to watch there land for them? Its getting over crowded. Guys in small towns and cities don't see the presure that living 20 mins from 1,000,000 people bring. Its getting to where landowners see a truck parked on a road and they stop to ask what your doing. Double the numbers and see what happens. Lands will be shut down.

Its not greed, its protecting what we still (barely) have.
Old 04-12-2010, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by BowhuntAB View Post
At what cost Jamie? As i said, i live in the 212. I'm in the zone everyday. I talk to my friends and neighbors. I hear what they are saying and what new feeling's they have towards hunters. Its not good! These are not just little land owners but the BIG main ones as well. The general consensis is that the numbers of hunters in this zone is getting out of hand. I personally know for a fact that many of the guys we see driving around all day everyday don't have permission anywhere, so what are they doing? Looking for road allowances and crown land?

In general i agree, we need to grow the sport. However, to throw a bunch of GUN toting newbies in the 212 would hurt the overall name of hunters. Honestly, when landowners are hiring people to watch there land for them? Its getting over crowded. Guys in small towns and cities don't see the presure that living 20 mins from 1,000,000 people bring. Its getting to where landowners see a truck parked on a road and they stop to ask what your doing. Double the numbers and see what happens. Lands will be shut down.

Its not greed, its protecting what we still (barely) have.

It's getting old having to repeat that to you all.......thx bowhuntab
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Old 04-12-2010, 10:23 AM
BowhuntAB BowhuntAB is offline
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Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
LOLOLOL no you didnt, you just proved that. you just stopped responding to posts that make you look selfish and greedy. we can all see it.
No really i did...
I've read some of the short, non run on bullcrap posts but that's it. I refuse to read a so called "hunters" blabing.

Sorry man. Maybe check out Facebook or something i'm sure you'll fit in nicely.
Old 04-12-2010, 10:45 AM
BowhuntAB BowhuntAB is offline
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Originally Posted by BowhuntAB View Post

That's one of the things that makes them better................. and???????
Obviously, the reason you hunt with one.
Better...? Ummm...i think the hunter can get away with 100% more when armed with a rifle. Just ask BAMBI he gun hunts with street cloths on. Try that with a bow. I'm going to be opening up a giant can of worms with this but i think "Rifle hunting is way easier then bowhunting". Range is a main reason for this but there are others.

I'm not saying there anything wrong with rifle hunting. My dad is a rifle hunter and always does very good. Sheep, huge antelope, elk...all 3 of his boys are die hard bowhunters and we have been trying to get him into it for years! For years he was surpised at the quality and numbers of animals we were taking bowhunting. Dozens of elk, massive bulls, and deer, Huge antelope and Moose. Even sheep. He is always so proud to tell him rifle hunting buddies about our hunts. The way he puts it, "you need a lot of didication and determination to kill the animals you guys kill, i'll stick to long range shooting and walking upright!" Refering to us spending hours trying to get into range on a deer THEN ACTUALLY DRAW WITHOUT GETTING BUSTED when he could just walk up to a fence post and shoot at long range. He has come out with us lots and gets so mad when we spend hours and hours trying to get close only to have the animal bust us when we finally draw back. This is the main reason XBows are not bows. I can't imagine the number of HUGE animals i'd have killed if i didnt have to draw back.

So, what i'm trying to say is bowhunting is a passion. If you love rifle hunting thats great! Just don't bring them into the archery only zones in the form of a xbow. Sorry, if its cocked its not a bow in my eyes.
Old 04-12-2010, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by MathewsArcher View Post
It won't be a year or two - I believe the actual SRD position paper indicates it would be immediate for Mule Deer and Moose. You'll be looking at a few years wait between bow hunts for those two species. I believe moose in the bowzone are also being included not sure on mule deer.
Good! Archery should have always been included in the draw process.
Old 04-12-2010, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by 209x50 View Post
Good! Archery should have always been included in the draw process.
Because the oppoturnities are the same....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight??? or because you say so? the gun section is over a section..Thanks for your imput!
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Old 04-12-2010, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Because the oppoturnities are the same....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight??? or because you say so? the gun section is over a section..Thanks for your imput!
LOL! That is the beauty of a democracy potty my vote on this is worth just as much as yours.
Old 04-12-2010, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by 209x50 View Post
Good! Archery should have always been included in the draw process.
Typical gun hunter mentality...
Funny thing is you propably say this because you know a good bow hunter will actually harvest good animals year in and year out.

Most rifle hunters would do the same if they would just GET OUT OF THE TRUCK AND HUNT!
Old 04-12-2010, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by BowhuntAB View Post
Typical gun hunter mentality...
Funny thing is you propably say this because you know a good bow hunter will actually harvest good animals year in and year out.

Most rifle hunters would do the same if they would just GET OUT OF THE TRUCK AND HUNT!
Can't wait until its on draw! Have felt it always should have been.
Old 04-12-2010, 04:17 PM
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Default Funny you would mention that

Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post

I'm personally not worried about losing my exclusive permissions, 60 % of my land owners have said they will not allow xbows on or around there property, so have fun.
I have asked for permission, from many land owners, and have been asked to shoot every dang coyote I see and to not shoot any bucks, or doe's or partridges .......whatever, but I have not ever been asked what I plan on shooting the game with??? Is this normal where you hunt? I have permission on over 8000 acres, and not one owner has ever said "but you can only hunt with _____"? Whats that all about?
Don't ever utter the words "idiot proof" in regard to anything, as upon your reflection........the world will immediately get going on building a better idiot thereby making your proclamation mute
Old 04-12-2010, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by BowhuntAB View Post

Most rifle hunters would do the same if they would just GET OUT OF THE TRUCK AND HUNT!
Typical bow-hunter mentality....... or do you personally know the hunting methods of most of the gun hunters in this province after actually going out and hunting with them?
Don't ever utter the words "idiot proof" in regard to anything, as upon your reflection........the world will immediately get going on building a better idiot thereby making your proclamation mute
Old 04-12-2010, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Dakota369 View Post
I have asked for permission, from many land owners, and have been asked to shoot every dang coyote I see and to not shoot any bucks, or doe's or partridges .......whatever, but I have not ever been asked what I plan on shooting the game with??? Is this normal where you hunt? I have permission on over 8000 acres, and not one owner has ever said "but you can only hunt with _____"? Whats that all about?
No and neither have I been asked what I was using, but it sure makes for a good story.
Old 04-12-2010, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Dakota369 View Post
I have asked for permission, from many land owners, and have been asked to shoot every dang coyote I see and to not shoot any bucks, or doe's or partridges .......whatever, but I have not ever been asked what I plan on shooting the game with??? Is this normal where you hunt? I have permission on over 8000 acres, and not one owner has ever said "but you can only hunt with _____"? Whats that all about?
What area do you hunt.?

Around where we go, some people prefer some weapons to others and do say Yes, but you can't hunt with ________.

Or even no you can't hunt ,but if you have a kid that wants too hunt, you can accompany them while they hunt, but no weapon in your hand though.
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Last edited by pottymouth; 04-12-2010 at 05:06 PM.
Old 04-12-2010, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by 209x50 View Post
No and neither have I been asked what I was using, but it sure makes for a good story.
When your standing at the door with your smoke pole in hand I think they get the picture. But then again you don't hunt with archery equipement, or in area's strongly influenced by bowhunting so how would you know!!!

Plus riding people coat tails , usually gets you what you want!
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Old 04-12-2010, 05:40 PM
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Lol potty you do like to carry on!
Old 04-12-2010, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by 209x50 View Post
Lol potty you do like to carry on!
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Old 04-12-2010, 06:29 PM
dadof3bartas dadof3bartas is offline
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Default Xbow

Stinky coyote hit the nail on the head. In Ontario the same thing happened. Lots of people the first year than numbers back to almost the same as before. A bow is a bow. Vertical or Horizontal. I move that compounds have to move to gun season because they have let-off. You dont have to hold the whole poundage of the draw weight. (Isn't that the same argument?) I for one love the fact that crossbows are allowed. It allows me to dust off the old girl and maybe get a chance before the fall exercises. I thought i heard a small earthquake the other week but i guess it was the ABHA falling of the HIGH horse.
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