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Old 06-01-2011, 05:07 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by bessiedog View Post
sorry.. just a quick 2 cents w/out doing all the other 10 pages of readings...

Braun, you last 'first gets best' argument is correct, but thats not really why they have the rights thatthey have.

Treaty means contract, and they have signed a contract, and we put no deadline on the contract, and no one wants to rip up contracts b/c its an imporant ruleof law thing for all of us to respect and maintain.

There's lots of unfair contracts that everyone knows about:

-i hate my rogers cell phone contract
- All of Edmonton hated the contract Pocklington signed w/Gretzky back in the day
- 58% of people really regret the marriage contract theysigned when she was slim, beautiful, and agreeable.

The Go'vt of Canada signed several contracts for huge chunks of land (google the treaty 7 territory)... and put in an expiry date of 'so long as the sun shines and the rivers flow (or some such silliness).

No govt in their right mind will break that contract. Nor re-negotiate.

the way i see it is they get the odd free fish and critter binge, ...
we get alberta.

good trade if you ask me.
I understand that. and I understand how the treaty works. However, times change and as such, society must change with it. If not, I would still have my own negro boy doing my yard work....... I also understand that no government will ever tear up that treaty. thats why I said give and take and common ground. But I know it will never happen.

BTW thank you for your post. I appreciate and understand your standpoint.
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Old 06-01-2011, 05:20 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
That makes a lot of sense. Times and circumstances do change and call for different solutions. But consider it as a native might. Here's an example that has some of the elements they would consider important. You make a deal to sell your call to someone. You accept payment over a long period of time. At some point the buyer comes to you and says "Look, times have changed. This isn't working for me. I'm gonna keep the car, but I'm only going to pay you half of what I said I would." I don't think any of us would say "yeah, OK".

Maybe things do need to change, but this is where the give and take, some negotiation, comes in. It can't be just "You give up your position, we will take". Note I'm only talking about treaty rights, basically the "signed deal". You live up to your commitments, or you negotiate new ones. That's how the world works. I'm much less sympathetic to other assumed or claimed rights where there was never any clear deal (ie. Metis hunting rights as the MNA would interprete them)..

Anyway, interesting that a thread that started out a little rightous and bombastic has survived so long and, on this page at least, seems both humourous and thoughtful. I'm actually scared to wade into some of the previous pages to see wht went on before I got here! LOL
Exactly my Point.

And I understand what your saying in that first paragraph. However it is hard to compare your example to a contract like native rights, but I understand the point you are trying to make. I am having trouble wording things in response to this. the dynamics are just different.
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Old 06-01-2011, 05:51 PM
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5 guys burgers for supper
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Old 06-01-2011, 05:53 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
5 guys burgers for supper
That's not very polite of you. Eating 5 guys' burgers. What are they supposed to eat. And I thought you were a generous guy.......
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Old 06-01-2011, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
That's not very polite of you. Eating 5 guys' burgers. What are they supposed to eat. And I thought you were a generous guy.......
let them poach their own supper..lol

on to the continuing saga of the Big neighbour and the little neighbour.....cops were here and wanted me to tell what i saw....lol...gettng funnier
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:03 PM
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Horse she wants her sweat pants back
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:05 PM
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minimum wage is going up again
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:06 PM
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and now the sports

Hockey starts tonight...i think
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:08 PM
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in the arts and entertainment

i hate the new captain of the corniella marie....im glad he is gone ..i hope a walrus eats him out a new poop chute
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:08 PM
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:12 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Now I know how you got so many posts so quickly since you joined.....
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
Now I know how you got so many posts so quickly since you joined.....

hahahhahahaha....you must be a pleasure to spend the day fishing with......think happy thoughts

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Old 06-01-2011, 06:24 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Got a package today was reel from Chubb from the auction was a very nice surprise with the reel an extra package of suffix 832. The guy is great he just keeps giving thanks chubb............ just one question..... where did the sweat pants come from
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:27 PM
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heres one with a pig riding a bike...cat driving a car...if that dont make you happy...your horizontal
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
Got a package today was reel from Chubb from the auction was a very nice surprise with the reel an extra package of suffix 832. The guy is great he just keeps giving thanks chubb............ just one question..... where did the sweat pants come from
your welcome BRO

dont ask...dont sniff...dont lick....
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:32 PM
GaryF GaryF is offline
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Bravo Braun for throwing this out there. I agree with you 100%. I have worked on projects for natives, and what I have seen is horrible. These treaty's are not doing them any good, but in fact is keeping them in their current state. There are those natives that have taken the opportunity and done something with themselves, but there are way more that have become chemically dependent and show absolutely zero motivation.

The one incident that sticks out in my mind the most was when I was on a reserve near calgary(there are 5 btw) and we were wiring a new sattelite school up to the existing one. We were there for 4 weeks and in that time only once was there a chid at it. That particular kid was dropped off at 2pm in the afternoon, and when I asked what they would do with him if the parent didn't come back, I was told that they would make a cot up for the kid and keep him until such time as the parent or family member came to get him. The look on my face must have been something as the "teacher" took a step back. I also asked why there were no kids at school and was told they couldn't force the families to bring them.

This is just one example of things that I saw that was a pure abuse of the treaty rights they have, and why I feel the same way that Braun does. I guarantee that when these treaty's were fist made that they never envisioned what they would do to the native population.
Enjoying the peace and serenity of this wonderful sport!!
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:49 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
your welcome BRO

dont ask...dont sniff...dont lick....
Thought there were new cover for my boat at first
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Old 06-01-2011, 07:00 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
hahahhahahaha....you must be a pleasure to spend the day fishing with......think happy thoughts

I cannot tell if he is being sarcastic.......

If you asked around, you'd probably get mixed reviews.....

Kokanee9 would probably give a thumbs up.
Npauls probably say would say yes
Mustang would say "don't do it"
Wayne christie would say "he's weird" but everyone knows its really wayne thats different (JK)
Daceminnow would probably say something along the lines of sure and something about steers and *****s / cowboy boots / or some sort of country crack

By the way, you finally hit the nail on the head with the song selection for me. This is my type of music. And no I ain't kidding. Old country all the way.
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Old 06-01-2011, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
thought there were new cover for my boat at first
hahahahaha. why would you want a boat cover that says "juicy" across it
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Old 06-01-2011, 07:06 PM
Braun Braun is offline
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Originally Posted by GaryF View Post
Bravo Braun for throwing this out there. I agree with you 100%. I have worked on projects for natives, and what I have seen is horrible. These treaty's are not doing them any good, but in fact is keeping them in their current state. There are those natives that have taken the opportunity and done something with themselves, but there are way more that have become chemically dependent and show absolutely zero motivation.

The one incident that sticks out in my mind the most was when I was on a reserve near calgary(there are 5 btw) and we were wiring a new sattelite school up to the existing one. We were there for 4 weeks and in that time only once was there a chid at it. That particular kid was dropped off at 2pm in the afternoon, and when I asked what they would do with him if the parent didn't come back, I was told that they would make a cot up for the kid and keep him until such time as the parent or family member came to get him. The look on my face must have been something as the "teacher" took a step back. I also asked why there were no kids at school and was told they couldn't force the families to bring them.

This is just one example of things that I saw that was a pure abuse of the treaty rights they have, and why I feel the same way that Braun does. I guarantee that when these treaty's were fist made that they never envisioned what they would do to the native population.
thanks gary. BTW, you bought my camera right? If so I found an attachment for it with my icefishing gear. It clips on the back of the camera so you can loop it through the attachment and point the camera down. I'd mail it to you but theres going to be a postal strike tomorrow so sometime we should meet up
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Old 06-01-2011, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
thanks gary. BTW, you bought my camera right? If so I found an attachment for it with my icefishing gear. It clips on the back of the camera so you can loop it through the attachment and point the camera down. I'd mail it to you but theres going to be a postal strike tomorrow so sometime we should meet up

No please No
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:22 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
hahahahaha. why would you want a boat cover that says "juicy" across it
That's the name of my boat "THE JUICY JEW"
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
That's the name of my boat "THE JUICY JEW"
After ur jap?
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:24 PM
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oh man I just got home from work...whoever is responsible for kicking this thread back into action, well done my friend...
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
oh man I just got home from work...whoever is responsible for kicking this thread back into action, well done my friend...
not me...i just got here
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:27 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by alodar View Post
After ur jap?
You got it....

Nothing but political correctness on this forum
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:53 PM
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
looks like van wins
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by alodar View Post
looks like van wins
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:59 PM
Dust1n Dust1n is offline
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vancover wins
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