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Old 08-19-2015, 10:03 AM
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I honestly don't even believe in ghosts or the afterlife really, but regardless it was a weird experience.

Not everyone I run into is welcoming to this. And I respect that 100%.

The afterlife doesn't necessarily have to pertain to ghosts and ghouls. It's more so about energies being bound together. Some people are more in 'tune' with it than others. Meaning their frequencies make them stick out like a roman candle in the dark for the energies to get their messages through.

If you can learn to slow down the energies frequency and speed up yours; then some pretty wicked ****e happens.
My mom says I'm a keeper.
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Old 10-17-2015, 07:48 AM
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I read 30 pages of this thread before bed last night. I had a pretty rough sleep to say the least. Awesome stuff, thanks to everyone who shared. I will drum up the courage to put a few stories up. I have quite a few.
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. ><///(0
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Old 10-17-2015, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by tbosch View Post
I read 30 pages of this thread before bed last night. I had a pretty rough sleep to say the least. Awesome stuff, thanks to everyone who shared. I will drum up the courage to put a few stories up. I have quite a few.
Can't wait.... Great thread.
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Old 10-17-2015, 09:10 AM
outdoors forever outdoors forever is offline
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This thread has been brought back to life a few times and its always an interesting and sometimes creepy read!

I'm not gonna go through all the pages to check, but a few years ago someone added a link in a thread like this one ( or maybe it is this one ) to a thread from the US Pacific NW ( Oregon and Washington areas ) forum, and it had similar stories and accounts.
THAT thread was messed up!

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Old 12-08-2015, 10:43 AM
mjamieson mjamieson is offline
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Default Thanks for sharing

I love this thread and I am very grateful for all that has been shared, I'm on here quite a bit yet very seldom post.
If I die please dont let my woman sell my guns for what I told her that I paid for them
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Old 12-08-2015, 11:54 AM
stuckincity stuckincity is offline
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CRA deposited $123 into my account last week!
I wonder when they'll want it back.....

I'm a little east of the flight path, and one night I saw a huge yellow ball, bigger than Venus, flying towards the airport on the usual path. It was going a little faster than ordinary airliners.
A little west of it, and pacing it, was obviously an aircraft with red and green strobes in a cross-pattern but no landing lights.
The weird thing is I didn't hear any engines.

I never did figure out what that glob was, but it had no landing lights or red and green marker lights.
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Old 12-14-2015, 09:43 AM
TheBrit TheBrit is offline
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A number of years ago my children and I sat in the living room watching a movie on our computer when I happened to look up into the northern sky and saw a bright orange light just hanging there. The sky was still lit as it was about 8:30 on a very clear August evening. I turned to my daughter and said look at that! Just as she turned the orange light streaked away and disappeared into thin air- so to speak. Both of us saw it.
The story goes on though. A few days later I mentioned, jokingly about seeing a "UFO" to a friend at Lordco. Her response was not expected. She told me that her friends had been seeing bright orange lights appearing and disappearing in the sky above Hope a few weeks earlier. That's still not the oddest part though.
Fast forward several years and my kids and I are driving back to Hope from Chilliwack one evening, it's dark, and I jokingly say look there's a UFO flying over the highway, it was a car driving over an unlit overpass. lol I like to joke around. My daughter's friend pipes up from the back seat and says, "what's a UFO?" So my kids go on to explain to her what it is. Well my daughter's friend responds, "My Dad and I saw a UFO a few years ago." Right away I knew she'd seen the same light we had. She went onto explain that it was a couple of years before, in the summer, orange light that kept appearing and disappearing.
Fast forward a few more years and my friend at work tells me about this. http://www.military.com/video/aircra.../2860314511001

It makes sense because where I live is only about 45 miles from the US border with Washington and there's an airforce base not too far from there.
Fast forward a few years again and a friend from the Canadian forces told me that the US fighter pilots love to fly up to Canada to goof around with the Canadian fighter pilots. lol
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Old 12-14-2015, 09:47 AM
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Default Work, friends, etc..

Work place: Watched a dark figure walk across the back area of my workplace. Thought it was a patrol but the patrol was on the other side of the reserve. Another friend saw the figure in the courtyard that week at about 2am. Another friend saw the figure as he started his hourly security rounds and went running out......

Woke up one night and my curtains were pulled wide open and balanced on top of lamps on either side of the window. freaky.
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Old 12-14-2015, 01:23 PM
RolHammer RolHammer is offline
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The day we received possession of our house, I dropped off the first load of boxes that night after work. Standing in the kitchen, I had that hair-standing-on-end sensation someone was standing directly behind me. Nobody was there, of course & I just shrugged and carried on.

Over the next 3-4 months stuff like that would happen from time to time. Always early evening. My wife mentioned one time she was having 'odd stuff' go on. Compared notes & we each described the same kind of experience.

The final time it happened I'd just bathed the twins for bed, they were toddlers at the time. I was dressing my son and my daughter suddenly looks up from where she was sitting next to her brother. She looks past me out the open bathroom door, down the hallway behind me. After gazing steadily for a moment, she says "Summin comin'. Hide." and climbs into the bottom of open bathroom closet next to her. We were hope alone at the time. Again that distinct sensation someone was standing directly behind me, stronger then than before. Got very angry right then and without bothering to turn around said "OK,*that* right there is the line. Go - now. Don't return."

None of us ever had another situation like that again. Dunno WTH that was.
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Old 12-14-2015, 08:32 PM
Z7Extreme Z7Extreme is offline
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I wasabout 20 yrs old. My gf at the time and her family got a new dog. Me being the dog person that I am had an instant connection with it. The dog was a mixed breed kinda looked like a husky or small wolf. Anyways the dog was verry hyper and they couldnt ever get it to calm down. But for some reason the dog listened to me. After a few months I think it bit her sister and they had the dog put down. It was only a couple days after I spent the night. When I woke up in the middle of the night to take a leak I opened the bedroom door and the dog was sitting there snarling at me and wouldnt let me by. I closed the door and went back to bed. To this day I dont know if I was dreaming or if it was real but everything about that experience felt way more real than any dream I have ever had.
I hunt because I am hungry...
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Old 12-14-2015, 10:30 PM
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I was sitting downstairs at the Chateau Louis having some drinks and playing VLT's on a business trip in 2007.
A native guy sitting at the bar keeps staring at me and finally comes over and says" I have to speak with you"
So I wander back to the bar and he starts rambling on about the love of his life and how he will never forget his sweet "Bonnie Calla***"

I almost fell out of my chair.
I recognized the last name immediately as last I knew her was as the wife of a good buddy of mine and stood up for us at our wedding in 87.

He goes on to tell me that he met her when she was working in the bar in Red Earth Creek in the early 90's.

I keep quiet as he goes on and on telling me every detail of her life and deep love for one another and finally how she died in his arms after he fell asleep at the wheel down near Cardston and crossed the center line in a head-on collision.

This was a complete shock as I had never heard about her time in Red Earth or her death.
I finally had goose bumps spoke up and said" I knew Bonnie Calla***" She was at my wedding.

He just slowly looked up from his beer and with a sad smile looked me in the eyes and said" She wanted you to know"
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Old 12-15-2015, 08:20 AM
6.5x47 6.5x47 is offline
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Saw the same thing, same day, same area, different worksite location.....broad daylight. The military was snooping around the next day. Doubt it's E.T, likely human based technology........****ing thing took off so fast it literally disappeared. There had to be close to 100 people that saw this thing that day throughout multiple locations. Landed and hovered in front of a CO driving in that area and took off in a flash as well. People are unusually reluctant to discuss it and the mainstream media ignores it, well ****....just read the story in the link.
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Old 12-15-2015, 10:18 AM
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I washed the dishes once. The wife almost had a heart attack.

Gonna get me a 16" perch.
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Old 12-15-2015, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by 6.5x47 View Post

Saw the same thing, same day, same area, different worksite location.....broad daylight. The military was snooping around the next day. Doubt it's E.T, likely human based technology........****ing thing took off so fast it literally disappeared. There had to be close to 100 people that saw this thing that day throughout multiple locations. Landed and hovered in front of a CO driving in that area and took off in a flash as well. People are unusually reluctant to discuss it and the mainstream media ignores it, well ****....just read the story in the link.
The guys last name fits...
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Old 12-15-2015, 01:38 PM
Johnny G1 Johnny G1 is offline
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When I was about 12 yrs old in Ontario in the 50's I would pedal my bike to a country store 3 miles away and was always late coming home at night, going north on this rd I would see a light on the side of the road but took it to be the neighbor porch light but it would disappear when I would come by a certain spot beside the other neighbor driveway into a 50 acre bush, lots of times I would call for my old dog that was part colley and wolf and he would meet me in the same area but he would growl and show his teeth at what ever was there in the dark, forward one night when we were coming home in the dark in the car when we all see the same light up the road about 1/4 mile from where we lived, I said to Dad to go and see what the light was as the power had been out for hour's from a storm, we proceeded up the road and as I said before the light would just disappear, turn's out that back in the late 1800's a man was robbed and killed beside the same driveway in the bush and I guess his spirit is still there to this day,, there had to something to it all of this because of the dog's action's every time we would pass that spot and I would call my dog every time when I was late in coming home in the dark, still think about it every time I go back to Ontario and drive the same rd 60yr's later but it is all built up with house's now. I do believe in all the previous story's as there is an unknown.
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Old 12-15-2015, 08:59 PM
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Default Grandma

This happened last spring.
My grandma's husband past away years ago so she was left alone to live in Manitoba. Years went by and her health slowly got a little worse every year. Since alberta health care for seniors is much better my mother and father asked here if she would like to come to Alberta to live so she could be closer to family too. She accepted and moved. Since then she has lived close but in her own apartment for seniors.
Fast forward a few more years. I've got two kids and a loving loving wife and we visit often. Every morning as I am drinking my coffee waiting to start work I usually read story's/ check the news on my phone. I came across this. https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivate...ut_thats_okay/
Now if you ask my wife I never am interested in this kind of stuff. In fact it usually depresses me and stay away but for some reason it stuck out like a sore thumb. I ended up reading the whole thing and felt pretty good about it. Then started my day. After an hour of work my cellphone rings and it's my dad. He sounds very somber and tells me my grandma passed away late last night. Hit me like a ton of bricks but somehow reading that story made it easier. I don't believe this was a coincidence. No way. Such a strange world we live in sometimes
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Old 12-15-2015, 09:46 PM
purgatory.sv purgatory.sv is offline
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Originally Posted by omega50 View Post
I was sitting downstairs at the Chateau Louis having some drinks and playing VLT's on a business trip in 2007.
A native guy sitting at the bar keeps staring at me and finally comes over and says" I have to speak with you"
So I wander back to the bar and he starts rambling on about the love of his life and how he will never forget his sweet "Bonnie Calla***"

I almost fell out of my chair.
I recognized the last name immediately as last I knew her was as the wife of a good buddy of mine and stood up for us at our wedding in 87.

He goes on to tell me that he met her when she was working in the bar in Red Earth Creek in the early 90's.

I keep quiet as he goes on and on telling me every detail of her life and deep love for one another and finally how she died in his arms after he fell asleep at the wheel down near Cardston and crossed the center line in a head-on collision.

This was a complete shock as I had never heard about her time in Red Earth or her death.
I finally had goose bumps spoke up and said" I knew Bonnie Calla***" She was at my wedding.

He just slowly looked up from his beer and with a sad smile looked me in the eyes and said" She wanted you to know"
Originally Posted by nmaksymyk View Post
This happened last spring.
My grandma's husband past away years ago so she was left alone to live in Manitoba. Years went by and her health slowly got a little worse every year. Since alberta health care for seniors is much better my mother and father asked here if she would like to come to Alberta to live so she could be closer to family too. She accepted and moved. Since then she has lived close but in her own apartment for seniors.
Fast forward a few more years. I've got two kids and a loving loving wife and we visit often. Every morning as I am drinking my coffee waiting to start work I usually read story's/ check the news on my phone. I came across this. https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivate...ut_thats_okay/
Now if you ask my wife I never am interested in this kind of stuff. In fact it usually depresses me and stay away but for some reason it stuck out like a sore thumb. I ended up reading the whole thing and felt pretty good about it. Then started my day. After an hour of work my cellphone rings and it's my dad. He sounds very somber and tells me my grandma passed away late last night. Hit me like a ton of bricks but somehow reading that story made it easier. I don't believe this was a coincidence. No way. Such a strange world we live in sometimes

To keep this thread moving.

I have no evidence but I believe.
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Old 12-16-2015, 06:03 AM
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I was at work when I suddenly had a terrible feeling of sadness and fear. Almost overwhelming. I called my wife as I've had similar experiences before always right before or right after something bad has happened(like how I "knew" my ex wife was cheating, and the time my son was terrified when he was left behind at a camp long story still super p*ssed at that one) she told me my mom had just been diagnosed with colon cancer. Fast forward 5 years mom was in the hospital (after 5 hard years of unsuccessful chem/surgery) may long weekend I suddenly woke from a deep sleep feeling an odd sense of sadness and relief. Seconds later my phone rang my sister calling to say mom had passed. maybe I was picking up her last emotions. Sad to leave relief being past the pain and suffering.
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Old 12-16-2015, 08:20 AM
6.5x47 6.5x47 is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt L. View Post
The guys last name fits...
Not sure what you mean by that? It was a very significant incident, lots of witnesses at different locations and it occurred in broad daylight. This is all the coverage it got, the quality of the article would leave most to dismiss it.
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Old 12-16-2015, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by 6.5x47 View Post
Not sure what you mean by that? It was a very significant incident, lots of witnesses at different locations and it occurred in broad daylight. This is all the coverage it got, the quality of the article would leave most to dismiss it.
I was referring to his rather wild extrapolations and how Moroney suited him. As to he actual event, well, first I've heard of it so can't really comment one way or the other.
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Old 12-16-2015, 01:14 PM
stuckincity stuckincity is offline
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Just re-read all 12 pages this morning.
The stories are fantastic, but now I'm just as creeped out as the times I followed the thread.

I'm real sorry today is one day that I hafta work till way after sundown, but keep 'em coming anyway!
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Old 10-31-2017, 12:45 PM
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Bumped for Halloween.
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Old 10-31-2017, 01:13 PM
The Spank The Spank is offline
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I started driving transport in the late 80’s. Was travelling west between Ottawa and Pembroke one evening just at dusk when I watched what appeared to be a man cross the highway a few hundred yards ahead from the right side shoulder to the left shoulder. There was an uphill embankment leading to the bush about 20 yards wide and wide open, no cover. As I got to where he should be on the shoulder I looked over to see him and he wasn’t there. There was no way he made it to the bush before I got to where he had crossed as our timing was such that he should have been on the shoulder still and he was nowhere to be seen. It still makes me wonder to this day? I saw a guy plain as day yet when I looked out the side window to see him he was not there???
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Old 10-31-2017, 01:54 PM
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When I was a teen ... sleep over in a basement in the city ...woke up and saw blue dots of light moving in the room...no doubt they were real. Finally figured it out 25 years later when I learned about “floaters” in the people’s eyes.
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Old 10-31-2017, 02:49 PM
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This is a story of Lady my Cocker Spaniel. Every day when I got home from work, I would go down to my den, lie down for 1/2hr and have a snooze before supper. Lady had to come with me, wait for me to get comfortable, then jump up on the bed and lie across my legs and snooze with me. When she was very old she had an enlarged heart, and bad cough that went with it, I could not bring myself to get her put down, but one day while I was at work, my wife and son, did get her put down. A few days later, when I went for my snooze, I felt her jump up on the cot as normal, walk across, and the weight of her lay down across my legs. I did not move, I smiled as I did not want to spoil the moment and went to sleep with her. I do believe she came back one last time to say goodbye. I still smile every time I think of it.
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."--- George Orwell
There is no way to make something "Idiot Proof" because Idiots are so resourceful.
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Old 10-31-2017, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Sashi View Post
This is a story of Lady my Cocker Spaniel. Every day when I got home from work, I would go down to my den, lie down for 1/2hr and have a snooze before supper. Lady had to come with me, wait for me to get comfortable, then jump up on the bed and lie across my legs and snooze with me. When she was very old she had an enlarged heart, and bad cough that went with it, I could not bring myself to get her put down, but one day while I was at work, my wife and son, did get her put down. A few days later, when I went for my snooze, I felt her jump up on the cot as normal, walk across, and the weight of her lay down across my legs. I did not move, I smiled as I did not want to spoil the moment and went to sleep with her. I do believe she came back one last time to say goodbye. I still smile every time I think of it.
I believe you.
I had a similar experience, back a few replies.
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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Old 10-31-2017, 03:44 PM
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does my wife count

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
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Old 10-31-2017, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by recce43 View Post
does my wife count
depends on if she gets to 20 or 23 using fingers and toes

Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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Old 10-31-2017, 05:36 PM
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Default Where do I start.

We had a person living in our farm house that was not part of the family my parents even had a name for him. When we sold out and the day we left the farm my mom told him to get in the truck and he followed us to the acreage.

We had some odd happenings that I will list.

I had an episode when I was small sleeping on the couch I got up went to the tv hestaricly screeming at the tv and trying to pick the people out of the tv. My parents tryed to calm me down but realized I was still asleep.

One day my brother woke to his electric razor turning on by itself on his night stand.
I always had a creepy feeling in the basement stairway pins and needles type feeling.
One time I was talking to my mother on the front step while she was having a cigarette, she had a bucket she always sat on and a but can. She was standing while talking to me and the 5gal bucket flew across the ground sounding like someone kicked it. We looked at each other and mom scolded the ghost in jest.

On another occasion we were sitting around the kitchen table yaking playing cards or something and the patio door blinds swept to the side like some one ran there hand across the whole length and my mother had a ceramic dove wind chime hanging in the corner and it started spinning and chiming. We were pretty creeped out and tryed to debunk that one but never come up with anything.

Yet another occasion it was spring and dad was up through the nights checking cows. He come in to my room and woke me up giving me crap for leaving the tv on which I didn't but he didn't want to hear it. The next time he came in it was on again and he come in to my room giving me crap again. Then the third time same thing but this time while he was giving me the gears the tv turned on and he went silent. Now this tv was the old pull the button style with the turn switch to change channels incased in wood. These tv's don't come on without pulling the button, he didn't say another word just went out turned the tv off, turned the lights on and did a sweep of the living room and went to bed. A little while later my little tv turned on in my room. I got up turned it off in shock and went down stairs to my brothers room to sleep for the night.

There were other small things like mom felt someone lay down in the bed beside her one time.

At the new acreage one day my parents were watching tv and they heard a sound dad turned off the tv. It sounded like someone was running a stick down the siding around the house. They ran around the house in opposite directions and found no one.

Plenty of sleepless nights when I was a kid.
Don't judge me!
As long as there is lead in the air there is always hope.

Last edited by BuckCuller; 10-31-2017 at 05:46 PM.
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Old 10-31-2017, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Sashi View Post
This is a story of Lady my Cocker Spaniel. Every day when I got home from work, I would go down to my den, lie down for 1/2hr and have a snooze before supper. Lady had to come with me, wait for me to get comfortable, then jump up on the bed and lie across my legs and snooze with me. When she was very old she had an enlarged heart, and bad cough that went with it, I could not bring myself to get her put down, but one day while I was at work, my wife and son, did get her put down. A few days later, when I went for my snooze, I felt her jump up on the cot as normal, walk across, and the weight of her lay down across my legs. I did not move, I smiled as I did not want to spoil the moment and went to sleep with her. I do believe she came back one last time to say goodbye. I still smile every time I think of it.
Just had a dream the other day about my last GSP, that dog truly was mine and she has been gone a couple years now. Dreamt she was playing in a yard, seen me and ran over. The dog kisses and nose nudges were just like she always greeted me with, her happy bark and whine too. I felt those nudges. Woke up with a smile. Had the same with a few other dogs we had that passed. Real or not, can't say,it sure felt like it.
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