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Old 10-31-2017, 07:49 PM
Xbolt7mm Xbolt7mm is offline
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Great thread everyone,,,,,

I have two and have only shared them with my wife and no one else until now, the first was 7 years ago in okotoks, I got up for a drink of water at around 230 in the morning. At the time we lived on Milligan drive in a walkout two story backing onto a walkway so a chain link fence. I was at the fridge pouring water and the hand stood up on the back of my neck. I went to the door that went onto the back upper deck and stepped out. On the other side of the four foot fence was a black cat like animal longer than a cougar slinking along the fence hissing at me, yellow eyes glowing, I watched it go all along our property until it got to dark, it looked at me the whole time, hair stands up even now when I right this.
Second was two yeas ago in Silverado at 3 in the morning. The air conditioning was on the Frits so I had the curtain beside my bed open to let the breeze come through. I got up and got some water and came back and sat down on the bed looking out in the back yard. Standing on the patio table was a boy about maybe 8,9 years old, kinda dirty with a chubby face and red hair, he was looking in the window at me about 10 feet outside my window. He watched me for about 20 seconds, got on his knees onto the chair then onto the ground and walked directly away from me and right through the fence. My wife then touched my arm and asked me what I was doing, I told her and she said she could see clearly into the yard at the same time and saw nothing. Both times I was wide awake for several minutes before each thing happened. The animal thing one still makes my hair on the neck stand up just thinking about it,, the boy one was not as disturbing, just weird.
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Old 10-31-2017, 10:00 PM
pikeman06 pikeman06 is offline
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Wow, just spent a couple hours watching the ball game and reading some really incredible stories. Thanks for posting y'all. I thought I was the only one that had strange things happen. Never seen the u.f.o's but alot of the stuff I can certainly relate too. Really cool thread.
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Old 10-31-2017, 10:12 PM
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Had to put our dog down this year.
Put him in the back of the truck, and drove to the back 40.
Afterwards, come home to a very tame kitten on our deck. Never saw him before, but he sure acted like he belonged.
"I like to quote my own quotes" ~ Dewey Cox
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Old 11-01-2017, 09:26 AM
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Default Experienced things I could not explain?

Yes, usually on this forum.
Originally Posted by DevilsAdvocate View Post
In this case Oki has cut to to the exact heart of the matter!
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Old 11-01-2017, 09:58 AM
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Haven't shared this one with many people:

Years ago, in the mid-late 2000's I had something in my eye that was bothering me all day (which ended up being a sliver of metal from work) so finally at around 11:30pm, I decided to drive myself to Peter Lougheed hospital to get it checked out. I was driving south on Deerfoot Trail and right around the area of where today Airport Trail is, I saw a woman in a white dress with long dark hair and a large purse over her shoulder. She was standing on the shoulder of the road and in a darker area. Didn't see much more details and she was not hitchhiking and there were no other cars near her or on the road with me for a while, so it's not like she would have been walking to get help because of a broken down vehicle or anything like that.
I thought it was pretty weird and didn't think much of it until my way back from the hospital, when I was driving north and was around the same area where I saw her before. It then clicked that it was the same exact spot where about 2 or 3 years ago, a woman driving north on Deerfoot, drove across the median and hit a south bound car head on (This was before the steel wire dividers were installed on Deerfoot), her and the young male driver of the other car were both killed. Only reason I remembered it was because I just missed that whole accident as it happened right after I got home after work while driving on Deerfoot nothbound as well. From what I recall it was a medical or mental issue with the woman that crossed the median and killed the other driver but interestingly not much was released about the accident after. I am speculating but I think it may have been suicide.
Anyways, I can't explain who that woman was but it's definitely the one and only weird unexplained event I have experienced.
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Old 11-01-2017, 11:08 AM
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My wife is German Canadian. She often has same dream where she is pulled out from behind a door in a home, in Germany. She is pulled buy a black, red clothed guy into the street and is shot, and executed.
I inquired into this, SS nazi often searched through Jewish German homes. Executed family members. Both her grandparents went through WW1 & ww2. Her fathers side was the Nazi side. Her mothers side, far more interesting. Her Grandpa, had his first wife and child executed by the Gestapo. He never talked about his first family. Then he married again in Canada to another German immigrant.
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Old 11-09-2018, 09:36 AM
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Dam! Was gonna bump this for Halloween. Oh well. Deserves a once a year bump anyway and better late than never.
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Old 11-09-2018, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
Dam! Was gonna bump this for Halloween. Oh well. Deserves a once a year bump anyway and better late than never.
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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Old 11-09-2018, 11:05 AM
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I've heard some strange stories from friends and family, but haven't experienced too many strange things myself.

I recall helping my sister look for her wallet in her room in the basement of my parents' house. We had been searching for about ten minutes, and had both looked behind her dresser multiple times. After hearing some scratching, as if someone was scratching the wall behind the dresser with their fingernails, I decided to check behind the dresser once more. There was the wallet, plain as day.

My sister's childhood friend had passed away about 8 or 9 years earlier, and my parents' house was owned previously by her grandparents. When they were friends, she had always mentioned that she couldn't wait to see our basement finished, as she had spent a lot of time at the house when it was owned by her grandparents, and it had been unfinished at the time. She passed away before the basement was finished.

A few years back, my mom and dad were spending some time in the hot tub. From the hot tub, you can see through a window that on the inside of the house, is located where the stairs to the basement go. At the very moment that my dad was thinking of my sister's deceased friend, he saw a flash in the window. This was exceedingly strange, as my dad hadn't thought of her in at least a decade, if not more.

Just a few months back, my dad received a knife and sharpener from my aunt (who recently passed). It had been owned by my grandpa, who was a head chef. It's a beautiful bone-handled knife made in Sheffield, England. My dad had the knife sharpened, and gave it to me. I was alone in my house using the knife for the first time slicing some beef. After the first cut, I said aloud "great knife, grandpa. Very sharp!" During, and immediately after saying speaking, I had an intense feeling come over me. I felt very cold, yet comforted. I never met my grandpa, but I feel as though we had a quick, but deep connection in that moment.

On the topic of sleep paralysis (noticed it being referenced a few pages back), I wouldn't wish that crap on anyone. I've experienced it about five or six times now, and it's always terrifying. From seeing a tall, skinny "alien" in my doorway, to having a presence kneeling on my chest staring at me (decided to not open my eyes that time), it's terrifying. I'm comforted by the fact that there's a scientific explanation!
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Old 11-09-2018, 07:46 PM
^v^Tinda wolf^v^ ^v^Tinda wolf^v^ is offline
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I know a guy with a rice bowl haircut and wears panties if that counts
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Old 11-09-2018, 07:55 PM
RandyBoBandy RandyBoBandy is offline
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Originally Posted by ^v^Tinda wolf^v^ View Post
I know a guy with a rice bowl haircut and wears panties if that counts
I thought you promised to keep a secret
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Old 11-09-2018, 09:24 PM
JD848 JD848 is online now
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In 1874 the Kimberly diamond mine was discovered in South Africa and the owners later sold out to De Beers or some group of brothers and a very wealthy family moved to Canada on Lake of the woods.They had slaves and 7 people burnt one night in a cabin and I could go all night about this place.

Every one was dead and gone by the mid 1970's and the owner just got this place in his will who owned the company I logged for and I was only 15.

He asked if would go out to the lodge and stay during ice break up in the spring cause the place had tons of valuable things in side it and guard the place.So I got a ride by an old commercial fisherman on a wind jammer out to this place with no road access and he dropped me off and split.i didn't have clue where I was,all knew was the way I came and being out on lake of the woods.

The first few nights I thought I was hearing things ,but just fell back asleep.

On the fifth night all kinda noises started bangen on the walls,foot steps so I thought some one broke in,had my single 20 gauge in hand and went upstairs to look around and nothing what so ever,i was stunned then thinking it came from outside so I walked around and nothing at all.
This went on for 3 more nights with some real weird crap going on and I split across the ice to a small cabin a few hundred feet away with mold all over inside it,but no way was I going back there,only to grab a bit of food and i was gone in a heart beat.

I finally got home in 3 weeks and told some friends this story and they just laughed at me,then I turn 18 and the commercial fishermens son who's name was Jerry and I were having a beer and I told him the story about that place and he started laughing like crazy.

He said to me that that his father just dropped me off cause he won't step foot on that land cause it's haunted and I wasn't finding this to funny.For years every time we drank together this guy would talk about the stories he heard about this resort and laugh like crazy.They the fishermen's family lived on that lake about 5 miles away from this lodge 12 month's a year for over 70 years.

Two weeks ago my brother is in kenora and meets the widow who had sold the place after her husband passed away years ago and said they stopped going there cause the place was a nightmare from being haunted and he tells her my story and she said to him I wasn't lieing.
She sold it for almost nothing and told my brother that's what you get in life if you earn your money from blood diamonds and was dead serious.I could write book on this place about other stories I heard..I just wonder how many slaves were brought there who suffered probably a very ruff life and the seven who died in that fire were all natives.Someone died there very unhappy ,so if you don't think there's ghost or whatever you want to call it I know something is way out whack out that way so call it what you want.

One night about 15 years ago some pipeliners and Jerry were going out on the lake for the night and he asked if I wanted to go and I declined.That night he drowned off that point and finally after a year his body washed up on that lodges shore,that hit me like brick cause he was my hoe hand on my blasting crew plus a very good friend.There's 13000 island's on that lake,but he died at this place where he said his father wouldn't dare go.
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Old 11-10-2018, 10:20 AM
Scruffee Scruffee is offline
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I have witnessed this very often and to this day, I cannot possibly explain this weird occurrence: Liberalism.
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Old 11-12-2018, 11:03 PM
walker1 walker1 is offline
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I have 2 to share.

I was about 4 years old and grew up in Cape Breton. Always had some difficulty sleeping and scared of the dark. 44 years later still not a sleeper.

Anyhow, another night where I am restless and I climb in between mom and dad as a chance to sleep as I am wide awake after 2 am and only about 4. Covers up to the eyes..... the whole nine yards..... just really scared.

I look to the right where my parents closet is and the doors are partly open and what do I see but one of my moms dresses ( brown stripe white stripe horizontal pattern) swinging out over the bed while still on the hanger and bar in the closet. I am petrified!!! I knew I had seen this and still had the smarts to check the window on the opposite wall as I knew my parents would say this was the cause but it was closed.

Terrible event I share here 44 years later. But not done...
Went to church the following morning and tell my parents first thing early about the events of the previous night. My dad was old fashioned and did not believe in much but we always burned our garbage in a big barrel after sunday mass. He must have believed me on this one cause the dress went in the fire !! They knew I was very rattled.

Turns out my sister had a similar experience years earlier so this had shaken me for a long time.

I attended ST.FX university in NS in 1989 and living in the dorms with the boys where this story relevance takes place. Burke House. There is a famous story of spontaneous fires starting at this old country house in the early 1900's . Some may know this as Mary Ellen Spook story. Well, turns out a bunch of the boys want to go find the house and check things out for themselves. I was not joining in that !!!!

All that remains is some old rock foundations from the house deep in the woods of Antigonish County. Many say that when one visits this place strange things happen. And this night was no different. When they got back a few hours later, 2 of the boys watches stopped at the same time. Two others had instant nose bleeds and I saw all this. Freaky stuff. Read the book last year and think it is Firespook.

Another ****ty sleep for me tonight .....
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Old 11-14-2018, 09:45 AM
AndrewM AndrewM is offline
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Figured I would share one here after enjoying all these stories.
A quite a few years ago a bunch of buddies, around 10 in total were cruising local back gravel roads in a large van. There definitely wasn't a a seat belt on in the entire van. We were driving over the hills causing our stomachs to get the butterfly sensation which meant we were driving much faster than we should have been. Out of nowhere I asked the driver what would happen if a deer was over the next hill. Of course this made the driver slow down and just as we crested the next hill, there was a deer standing in the middle of the road and we easily stopped prior to hitting it. If I didn't say something to the driver we definitely would have hit it and who knows what would have happened. Someone was definitely looking out for us that day.
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Old 11-14-2018, 10:04 AM
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Don't know how I ever missed this thread for five years...!?

Anyway, had a few interesting experiences over the years (and they sort of bug me because I'm all about rational explanations and logic, have no use for 'superstition' and 'supernatural' or hocus pocus in general)...probably the one I remember most clearly is being 14 years old, sitting in a chemistry class at school and all of a sudden, just like that, I sat up and knew for an absolute fact that my grandmother had passed away. Just knew, no question about it, knew. She had been sick for a while, granted, and we were expecting it, but it was an incontrovertible knowledge. And when I got home from school a half hour later, my mom had just gotten off phone and was crying, and I told her what time Oma had passed away (told, didn't ask)...and I was right.

Strange but true.
'Once the monkeys learn they can vote themselves a banana, they'll never climb another tree.'. Robert Heinlein

'You can accomplish a lot more with a kind word and a gun, than with a kind word alone.' Al Capone
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Old 11-14-2018, 11:41 AM
IR_mike IR_mike is offline
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Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck View Post
Don't know how I ever missed this thread for five years...!?

Anyway, had a few interesting experiences over the years (and they sort of bug me because I'm all about rational explanations and logic, have no use for 'superstition' and 'supernatural' or hocus pocus in general)...probably the one I remember most clearly is being 14 years old, sitting in a chemistry class at school and all of a sudden, just like that, I sat up and knew for an absolute fact that my grandmother had passed away. Just knew, no question about it, knew. She had been sick for a while, granted, and we were expecting it, but it was an incontrovertible knowledge. And when I got home from school a half hour later, my mom had just gotten off phone and was crying, and I told her what time Oma had passed away (told, didn't ask)...and I was right.

Strange but true.
Odd....but not so odd to me.

In the fall of 2011 I was staying in a motel in Sundre while working in the area. I am thinking back it would have been around 11:00 pmish or later on a Friday night and I was sitting in front of my laptop in that before bed state when you are half asleep slumped over but have not fallen out of the chair.

I was jolted awake by a loud "Michael".

Everyone calls me "Mike" except for family basically.

I got up and proceeded outside thinking a coworker was outside having a smoke and noticed the light on or heard whatever was playing on the laptop indicating I was awake.

There was no one there.

Sunday afternoon one of my uncles failed to meet up to go goose hunting with another uncle (they both live in the Edmonton area).

Monday morning I get the call that uncle David was found dead sitting on his couch at home.

He had returned home from Ft Mac Friday evening and autopsy placed time of death late Friday/early Saturday.
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Old 11-16-2018, 10:28 PM
El Carnicero El Carnicero is offline
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Originally Posted by driller212 View Post
I had a terrifying sleep paralysis event this year. I had been reading/watching too much alien crap (I am pretty into the paranormal - Shoot me ). I had that feeling when you are half awake like you are sleeping in, and suddenly I realized I couldn't move and felt a malevolent presence in the room, and before I could think I found myself yelling "you aren't taking me this time you bastards!". Simultaneously it felt as if someone was lifting my leg up and dragging me from the bed. I will tell you I have left the alien crap alone for some time now... The fear I felt was deeply primal and disturbing, it makes my eyes water to think about it. I have some weird previous experiences and family experiences to contribute here as well. All in due time.
Check out a Netflix doc called “Nightmare” it’s about sleep paralysis.
I’ve experienced it before myself, though not as you have described. I have had the feeling of trying to wake up, not being able to move and trying without success to open my eyes. Eventually it leaves me and I wake up feeling incredibly tense and tired.
A friend on the other hand has had it before and he has felt the levitating as well as seen figures (described in the Netflix doc as being commonly seen) 3 men, all in dark trench coats and hats, Blacked out shadowed faces and an evil feeling in their presence. Said it was pretty scary.
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Old 01-05-2019, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by wally338 View Post
I was dumb enough to buy into religion for a time, still can't explain why I was that stupid, but it was a great experience.
"Dumb, can't explain it yet a good experience" Can you explain further?
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Old 01-07-2019, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by El Carnicero View Post
Check out a Netflix doc called “Nightmare” it’s about sleep paralysis.

I’ve experienced it before myself, though not as you have described. I have had the feeling of trying to wake up, not being able to move and trying without success to open my eyes. Eventually it leaves me and I wake up feeling incredibly tense and tired.

A friend on the other hand has had it before and he has felt the levitating as well as seen figures (described in the Netflix doc as being commonly seen) 3 men, all in dark trench coats and hats, Blacked out shadowed faces and an evil feeling in their presence. Said it was pretty scary.

I experience this on a regular basis. When I finally get to snap out of it it feels as if I’m having a heart attack I can’t get rid of. I don’t see men in trench coats though, I see a young boy. As I’ve got older he’s stayed the same age.

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Old 01-07-2019, 04:17 PM
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This happened a few years ago in the middle of the night.
I was awakened by our Rottie all of a sudden barking and growling. We live on an acreage so I listened for a few seconds to see if I could hear coyotes howling or anything like that. I couldn't hear anything so I got up and walked around the living room and kitchen looking out all of the windows. The lights were all off in the house and everything appeared to be good outside. The dog calmed down and we went back to the bedroom again. I was still very much awake when I heard a voice from the living room say ''Transforming''. The dog instantly went berserk, I grabbed a knife off the dresser and ran back into the living room, switched on all of the lights but there was nothing there. I looked everywhere in the room, under the furniture for a toy or something electronic that could have said that but there was nothing there. Neither the wife nor the kids heard me, the dog or anything else that night.
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Old 01-08-2019, 07:54 PM
DRE75 DRE75 is offline
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^^^ kids toy. Optimus Prime T-Rex looking thing that has a button on it's chest. Ask me how I know
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Old 01-08-2019, 09:47 PM
Jamie Jamie is offline
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Originally Posted by Jamie View Post
2 Things have happened to me over the years and one is still ongoing.

#1 I saw a little boy in our hallway, we only had a little girl at that point. I saw him, he giggled and then walked into my Bedroom. That was REALLY wierd.

#2 I put out street lights while driving and walking. This happens on at least a monthy basis if not more. Ask your self, how many street lamps have you ever seen burn out at that exact momement? Myself... 100's. I am not the only one that notices it now. My wife and kids laugh like crazy when it happens and I dont even get surprised any more. I wish someone could explain this one.

The little boy is still fresh in my mind...
I blew up a street light walking out of the flames game the other night... Kids call it my super power. LOLOLOLOL
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Old 01-08-2019, 11:14 PM
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Lucic score a goal !
All my hunting videos
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Old 01-08-2019, 11:33 PM
Whipper Billy Whipper Billy is offline
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Originally Posted by Jamie View Post
#2 I put out street lights while driving and walking. This happens on at least a monthy basis if not more.

I blew up a street light walking out of the flames game the other night... Kids call it my super power. LOLOLOLOL
If you moved out of Calgary, would my taxes go down? [lol]
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Old 01-08-2019, 11:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Whipper Billy View Post
If you moved out of Calgary, would my taxes go down? [lol]

Perhaps!!! Those lights are expensive.
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Old 01-09-2019, 12:02 AM
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Street lights going out when people walk or drive by happens a lot.
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Old 01-09-2019, 12:15 AM
Steelhorse Cowboy Steelhorse Cowboy is offline
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Got drunk in Oz...the toilet span to opposite way and gave me vertigo. Passed out because of it.
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Old 01-09-2019, 12:48 AM
fed fed is offline
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I have a sister in-laws who’s grampa had a heart attack in a truck driving around the country down south here. His friends didn’t realize it as he was in the back seat of the truck. They looked back and he was keeled over dead when they cheked his pulse. One the drive home about an hr later he got up from the back seat. Scarred the sh!t out of them. I’ve talked to him about it and heard what he’s said about it. He said said he was just watching the truck drive around from up above. Said dieing isn’t to bad and it’s not painful. He died shoveling snow on the farm at a ripe age of 85. His wife is still alive and I see her every now and then when visiting at the farm. This all happened in the sweetgrass hills.
RIP Lawrence O

Last edited by fed; 01-09-2019 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 01-09-2019, 06:09 AM
drhu22 drhu22 is offline
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One I remember was a couple of years ago, about 2 or 3 am north central Calgary, a jet (727ish size?) flew quite low (maybe 1000ish m) E - W almost overhead with absolutely no lights on... still shake my head over that one.
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