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Old 10-23-2014, 12:19 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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Originally Posted by Jadham View Post
So how did they "work" in WW2 and who would you put in it now? Given that the perps this week are Caucasian Canadians, do you mean all Caucasians (you know since the WW2 internment camps were for all the people of one race - the Japanese). Well actually if they passed the written questionnaire they didn't necessarily have to go. So I guess we can make a questionnaire for all born in Canada Caucasians .. Do you follow ISIS on Facebook? Do you have a car or firearm? If you answer yes then off to an internment camp for you! If no then you can stay but we will racially profile you anyways.

So I guess I don't agree with you.
I'm in no way referring to race. I'm talking about internment camps period! I'm a foster father to five metis/ cree children so dont even pull that race card out!! I live in Duffield and would welcome you to come out and meet my family. (One of my foster daughters biological father is iraqi and mother is cree). I love them all!
Im talking about a culture that uses a violent religion! The reason why internment camps were instituted during WW11 should be obvious to you. they were there because the govt at that time had no idea who were spies or not. We have no idea whom are the extremists or not, so separate them to keep, innocent civilians safe. Or would you rather see more die for the sake of political correctness. If we are referring to home grown terrorists, well then jail them and throw away the damn keys.

Last edited by trooper; 10-23-2014 at 12:26 AM.
Old 10-23-2014, 12:29 AM
sikwhiskey sikwhiskey is offline
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Originally Posted by trooper View Post
If we are referring to home grown terrorists, well then jail them and throw away the damn keys.
Rope with a sudden drop and abrupt stop would be better?
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Old 10-23-2014, 12:32 AM
Jadham Jadham is offline
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Originally Posted by trooper View Post
I'm in no way referring to race. I'm talking about internment camps period! I'm a foster father to five metis/ cree children so dont even pull that race card out!! I live in Duffield and would welcome you to come out and meet my family.
Im talking about a culture that uses a violent religion! The reason why internment camps were instituted during WW11 should be obvious to you. they were there because the govt at that time had no idea who were spies or not. We have no idea whom are the extremists or not, so separate them to keep, innocent civilians safe. Or would you rather see more die for the sake of political correctness. If we are referring to home grown terrorists, well then jail them and throw away the damn keys.
You seem to forget the WW2 internment camps you promoted in your post, that "worked" you said, were all about race ... the Japanese, not religion (of which they have several). And the reason they could "round up" people for the internment camps was because of their ethnicity, in fact pamphlets were given to help identify the facial features of Japanese vs. other races (Korean, Chinese). As for whether they "worked" that is debatable as Japan didn't attack Canada in any meaningful way, before or after the internment camps. Certainly it is widely held that the camps were wrong, and the Conservative government under Mulroney formally stated that and apologized, as well as giving financial compensation to them.

So I still don't agree with you, even if somehow you could make this about religion only (this time) and not race (as it was in WW2). This time we do have some idea who the potential suspects might be... according to the media there is 60-90 of them on the RCMP/CSIS list. I wouldn't be surprised if most are disaffected youth of various backgrounds who have recently "converted" to Islam. So why do we need to intern all people of any general race/culture/religion?

But I do understand that everyone is upset today and we want to do something... I am one of those that think the problem is complicated and our response needs to be thought through first.

Last edited by Jadham; 10-23-2014 at 12:41 AM.
Old 10-23-2014, 12:39 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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Originally Posted by Jadham View Post
So how did they "work" in WW2 and who would you put in it now? Given that the perps this week are Caucasian Canadians, do you mean all Caucasians (you know since the WW2 internment camps were for all the people of one race - the Japanese). Well actually if they passed the written questionnaire they didn't necessarily have to go. So I guess we can make a questionnaire for all born in Canada Caucasians .. Do you follow ISIS on Facebook? Do you have a car or firearm? If you answer yes then off to an internment camp for you! If no then you can stay but we will racially profile you anyways.

So I guess I don't agree with you.
Youre so ready to critique my answer to this thread, so whats your answer
I await your reply....
Old 10-23-2014, 12:41 AM
purgatory.sv purgatory.sv is offline
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What and tolerance .

That is just a start.

No I do not have an answer.

But if expressing your view on this thread will help you contribute to a meaningful solution have at her.

Condolences to all.
Old 10-23-2014, 12:44 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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Originally Posted by Jadham View Post
You seem to forget the WW2 internment camps you promoted in your post, that "worked" you said, were all about race ... the Japanese, not religion (of which they have several). And the reason they could "round up" people for the internment camps was because of their ethnicity, in fact pamphlets were given to help identify the facial features of Japanese vs. other races (Korean, Chinese). As for whether they "worked" that is debatable as Japan didn't attack Canada in any meaningful way, before or after the internment camps. Certainly it is widely held that the camps were wrong, and the Conservative government under Mulroney formally stated that and apologized, as well as giving financial compensation to them.

So I still don't agree with you, even if somehow you could make this about religion only (this time) and not race (as it was in WW2). This time we do have some idea who the potential suspects might be... according to the media there is 60-90 of them on the RCMP/CSIS list. I wouldn't be surprised if most are disaffected youth of various backgrounds who have recently "converted" to Islam. So why do we need to intern all people of any general race/culture/religion?

But I do understand that everyone is upset today and we want to do something... I am one of those that think the problem is complicated and our response needs to be thought through first.
I`m in no way prepared to accept one more innocent death to placate the politically correct ideal. If that victim happens to be a brother son daughter mother or father, try to get your reasoning accepted by the relatives of that victim.... Good luck with that. And no I didnt forget why they were instituted. I`m saying that they are the method used at that time to minimize the threat from the japanese, real or not. Are you prepared to see other people die rather than see possible jihadists interned
Yes, they did attack Canada, as Canada was a part of the British commonwealth.. We had many soldiers in Hong Kong and the Japanese were the enemy at that time.

Last edited by trooper; 10-23-2014 at 12:53 AM.
Old 10-23-2014, 12:52 AM
Jadham Jadham is offline
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Originally Posted by trooper View Post
I`m in no way prepared to accept one more innocent death to placate the politically correct ideal. If that victim happens to be a brother son daughter mother or father, try to get your reasoning accepted by the relatives of that victim.... Good luck with that.
That's a tangential answer. You haven't stated how an internment camp would work, what "group" you would put in it, and how you would identify that "group". Nor have you answered how the WW2 camps were not about race or how they "worked".

That's okay, you don't need to answer, as the answer could put you in danger of racist/religious comments that might cross board rules. It's getting late and the day was upsetting enough.
Old 10-23-2014, 01:21 AM
bigjohncdn bigjohncdn is offline
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Terrible it had to come to this. 2 attacks in 48 hrs., each resulting in a soldiers death on our soil.

So much for all the comments that it would never happen here.

Hope people have finally opened their eyes, given heads a shake and realized the threat is real.

This is not about race, religion, etc. It IS about terrorism and the terrorists declaration of war on our country.
Golden years my a**, more like rusty years
Old 10-23-2014, 01:22 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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TORONTO - Cowards. Bloody cowards.

They behead innocents on YouTube, they kidnap, they rape, they torture, they recruit children, they bomb crowded markets. They "fight" like rabid animals, not men.

They mow down soldiers in parking lots, then speed off.

Now, they gun down a soldier who carried an empty rifle and wore white gloves and guarded a memorial to fallen Canadian heroes?

They attack the heart of our democracy?

So have no illusions about what we're up against.

It is not yet certain that radical Islam inspired what happened in Ottawa on Wednesday. But it came scant days after an ISIS convert's cowardly and deadly hit-and-run in Quebec. And early reports named the dead shooter as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a young convert to Islam.

This attack is not our 9/11. There can be only one of those. But it is an aftershock of 9/11, with the same whiff of cowardice and inhumanity.

War is never pretty and, after the Second World War, rarely righteous. But radical Islam has taken it to astonishing depths.

Until this week, though, the Islamic State -- ISIS, ISIL, IS, pick an acronym of infamy -- waged its special brand of war mostly in places named Deir-al Zor and Fallujah, not Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and, it appears, Ottawa.

Now, Canada is a front in that war. Peaceful, placid, polite Canada. The October Crisis was our last brush with this brutality, but that was 44 years ago and then the enemy was known and more predictable than the current cowards in our midst.

"Radicalized" wasn't in our dictionary then. "Lone wolf" meant a hermit in the woods.

The scariest thing about the "radicalized lone wolf" is he might look like us. According to Facebook, hit-and-run terrorist Martin "Ahmad" Couture-Rouleau, enjoyed a beer and a cigarette with his shirt off.

But he swallowed the poison penned by online Islunatics like Abu Khalid Al-Kanadi and obeyed their orders to kill Canadians.

Soon we will know for certain if the Ottawa shooter(s) answered the same sadistic siren call. Either way, brace yourselves for more.

As a libertarian, I believe Canada should jump into foreign fights only for reasons of self-defence or, like the Second World War, to help rub true evil from the world.

If ISIS is not pure evil, I don't know what is. So our fighter jets have joined the coalition. That carries unusual risks, given the shape-shifting nature of the foe.

In the wake of Wednesday's shocker in Ottawa, Tory cabinet minister Jason Kenney tweeted, "Canada will not be terrorized or intimidated."

Of course we won't.

When trauma is fresh, when the scent of gunpower lingers, it is human nature to cry "end of innocence" and other dramatics. Well, we've survived two world wars, the October Crisis, 9/11 and a massacre or two, with much of our national innocence intact.

Good for Kenney and for Premier Kathleen Wynne who, with opposition leaders, decided not to shut Queen's Park, saying: "Our belief is that people who are using violence to undermine democracy want us to be silenced and we refuse to be silenced."

But let's not be stupid. However the Ottawa shootings shake down, we are a different country today than we were Tuesday, or 40 years ago when I delivered newspapers on Parliament Hill.

I could waltz alone through the halls of power, say "Hi" to prime minister Pierre Trudeau, toss an Ottawa Journal into MPs' doors, have a smoke or two and kibitz with the commissionaires on the way out.

That was the old Canada. It is gone, like bellbottoms and my hair. Kiss that Canada goodbye.

But even recently, post 9/11, we Canadians have had free rein on the grounds of Parliament Hill, and many Hill guards are unarmed. Lucky for us sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers had a gun.

I bet every last one of them packs heat by week's end.
This guy has a way with the pen that I do not.
Old 10-23-2014, 01:32 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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Originally Posted by Jadham View Post
That's a tangential answer. You haven't stated how an internment camp would work, what "group" you would put in it, and how you would identify that "group". Nor have you answered how the WW2 camps were not about race or how they "worked".

That's okay, you don't need to answer, as the answer could put you in danger of racist/religious comments that might cross board rules. It's getting late and the day was upsetting enough.
Look Jadham, you seem to be asking me for all the answers to which obviously I do not have. All I can do is voice my opinion to what I see. I'm not a politician nor am I a diplomat. What I am not, is a racist! I have views that I feel that I have a right to voice just as you do. If you read way back, you'll see that I echoed a post from another member who said that the doors should have been closed. Why not ask him why he said that and get the hell off my back!!
Old 10-23-2014, 01:35 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Justine wouldn't support sending F18's going over to Iraq to help fight ISIS because he didn't think that Harper made a case of going to war. Are these attacks enough of a case you BOZO?

I watched his speech on Global. He took the opportunity to pander for the Islamic vote. It was pathetic.

Angry Tom had a lovefest with the camera, saying something along the lines of, "Canadians are blessed with love, diversity and peace." I had a bit of a kumbaya moment.

The only guy that looked and spoke like a Prime Minister of Canada was Harper.........."WE will NEVER be intimidated and it only serves to strengthen our resolve......WE will re-double our efforts to find and fight you.....There will be NO safe haven for you."

THAT'S what I wanted to hear from my Prime Minister!
Old 10-23-2014, 01:41 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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[QUOTE=HunterDave;2588906]Justine wouldn't support sending F18's going over to Iraq to help fight ISIS because he didn't think that Harper made a case of going to war. Are these attacks enough of a case you BOZO?

I watched his speech on Global. He took the opportunity to pander for the Islamic vote. It was pathetic.

Angry Tom had a lovefest with the camera, saying something along the lines of, "Canadians are blessed with love, diversity and peace." I had a bit of a kumbaya moment.

The only guy that looked and spoke like a Prime Minister of Canada was Harper.........."WE will NEVER be intimidated and it only serves to strengthen our resolve......WE will re-double our efforts to find and fight you.....There will be NO safe haven for you."ok

THAT'S what I wanted to hear from my Prime Minister![/
Old 10-23-2014, 01:42 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Jadham, I read your posts on this issue before. Why are you showing more concern over whatever your petty argument is about with that other fella and not with the two attacks on our Troops?
Old 10-23-2014, 01:44 AM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by trooper View Post
Whom are you calling a bozo? I never said that there wasnt a case.
I was calling Justine a BOZO.
Old 10-23-2014, 01:45 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
I was calling Justine a BOZO.
no argument there lol Things were getting pretty hot here for a while and I could feel my blood starting to boil.
Old 10-23-2014, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Justine wouldn't support sending F18's going over to Iraq to help fight ISIS because he didn't think that Harper made a case of going to war. Are these attacks enough of a case you BOZO?

I watched his speech on Global. He took the opportunity to pander for the Islamic vote. It was pathetic.

Angry Tom had a lovefest with the camera, saying something along the lines of, "Canadians are blessed with love, diversity and peace." I had a bit of a kumbaya moment.

The only guy that looked and spoke like a Prime Minister of Canada was Harper.........."WE will NEVER be intimidated and it only serves to strengthen our resolve......WE will re-double our efforts to find and fight you.....There will be NO safe haven for you."

THAT'S what I wanted to hear from my Prime Minister!
Yup. Talking moose has a new respect for Harper.
Old 10-23-2014, 02:50 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
Yup. Talking moose has a new respect for Harper.
Same here, I may not agree with everything harpers doing, but I know of two things he positively got right. 1. Scrapping the Long Gun Registry and 2. Standing up to terrorism!
Old 10-23-2014, 02:53 AM
trooper trooper is offline
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Makes me really wonder if that idiot Trudeau knows that his crack at the prime minister s chair is doomed to failure.
Old 10-23-2014, 03:01 AM
Wild&Free Wild&Free is offline
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Originally Posted by trooper View Post
Makes me really wonder if that idiot Trudeau knows that his crack at the prime minister s chair is doomed to failure.
He's a member of the opposition, it's his duty and mulclairs to take a stand that is different then the majority. it's how our system works. Harper did similar things when we was in the opposition.
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Old 10-23-2014, 04:06 AM
averagejoe averagejoe is offline
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Here is some updated info on the situation.

Old 10-23-2014, 06:03 AM
fretman57 fretman57 is offline
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Default Ceremonial Firearms Useless Without Ammunition

These soldiers that guard the war memorial get hung out to dry with firearms proudly displayed and no ammunition to protect themselves or others. Prayers go out to Mr Carillo and his family. Kudo's to Sargent In Arms Mr Vickers for his quick action to save others, thankfully he had ammunition for his sidearm.

Last edited by fretman57; 10-23-2014 at 06:04 AM. Reason: Additional info
Old 10-23-2014, 06:07 AM
fretman57 fretman57 is offline
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Originally Posted by Skytop B View Post
Probably a dumb question but are those soldiers armed with sidearm and rifle?
C7 Rifle with no ammunition.
Old 10-23-2014, 06:40 AM
Jadham Jadham is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Jadham, I read your posts on this issue before. Why are you showing more concern over whatever your petty argument is about with that other fella and not with the two attacks on our Troops?
I wrote enough earlier in the day yesterday.

Sometimes, as part of a thread, two people will go back and forth to discuss an item(s) or clarify issues they raised as part of it. In this case the poster make a fairly controversial statement that Canadian WW2 internment camps "worked" and we should do that now for ?terrorists ?muslims ?scarf wearers (I don't know since he never really clarified it). It will take a some posts back and forth to clarify what posters mean. Yes, I sometimes ask a "tough" question or ask to "explain", as some topics require that, it's hard to shovel through the bs on an internet thread otherwise. Likewise I expect the same of myself and that will sometimes take a few posts.

This is a discussion board, not just a sounding board, hate board, picture board, or whatever. Given the issues in this section (general), it is more likely to involve discussion back and forth, rather than on other sections and topics like "look at this great deer I shot" when a single post of congratulations is usually all that is required.
Old 10-23-2014, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by trooper View Post
Same here, I may not agree with everything harpers doing, but I know of two things he positively got right. 1. Scrapping the Long Gun Registry and 2. Standing up to terrorism!
This will solidify his election.
Old 10-23-2014, 08:08 AM
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A huge standing ovation for Kevin Vickers in the HOC right now.

It must be difficult accepting accolades for killing someone yesterday, no matter how justified he was. We are taught to respect human life above all else, too bad others aren't.
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Old 10-23-2014, 08:14 AM
st99 st99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Wild&Free View Post
He's a member of the opposition, it's his duty and mulclairs to take a stand that is different then the majority. it's how our system works. Harper did similar things when we was in the opposition.
that's exactly where those clowns are wrong, their duty is to seek the best for our country, if the government in power make a great decision, the opposition should approve cause it's the best for the country

just saying no on everything is a childish game that leads no where
Old 10-23-2014, 08:33 AM
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Today i woke up angry and sad
To a soldier and veteran the tomb of the unknow soldiers is hollow ground.
The Parliament bulidings are a show of demcoracy and freedoms.
the attack was an attack on all true Canadians.
We must stand up as individuals and as a nation and fight back .

To nathons son
You have lost your hero your dad . Some day you will understand what went on. That your father died serving his nation with pride.
Your father will not be forgotten

Today Iam wearing my poppy and my dog tags my flag is at half mast .
Iam retired from the military . And I dont give a **** about Politcally correct
Its time time hit them hard . round up all the scumbags that they have under Surveillance and jail them interrogate them.

LIFE IS TOUGH.....TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID.-------------------“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home”
Old 10-23-2014, 08:36 AM
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Default just want to share.

Shove your masks and your vaccines
Non Compliance!!!!!!
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#Trudeau must go

Wheres The Funds

The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Old 10-23-2014, 08:39 AM
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Originally Posted by hillbillyreefer View Post
A huge standing ovation for Kevin Vickers in the HOC right now.

It must be difficult accepting accolades for killing someone yesterday, no matter how justified he was. We are taught to respect human life above all else, too bad others aren't.
Shooter was likely taught that as well. Things changed somewhere along the line.
the days we are at our best we can play with anybody, problem is those days are getting farther and farther apart
Old 10-23-2014, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by hillbillyreefer View Post
A huge standing ovation for Kevin Vickers in the HOC right now.

It must be difficult accepting accolades for killing someone yesterday, no matter how justified he was. We are taught to respect human life above all else, too bad others aren't.
and a personal kudos and TY with handshake from Harper, looked like he was holding back tears as he walked in.
you can be right or you can be married but you cant be both.

guns dont kill people, fathers with attractive daughters kill people.

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