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Old 04-24-2020, 08:28 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Couple of stories relating to current affairs.
TO police ran a program this last year that is now tapped out for funds. How many of the 247 charged with firearms offences were out on bail the same week?


And an article that spells out the gov'ts progress on C71 so far, or, lack thereof;

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Old 04-29-2020, 08:04 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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Laws are useless, if the legal system doesn't enforce them. How do you justify allowing a person to remain free with 19 outstanding firearms charges?

Only accurate guns are interesting.
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Old 04-30-2020, 09:24 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Wait and see what tomorrow or Monday brings I guess, nothing published yet, keep an eye on the Gazette to see what gets posted. Talk so far says all AR variants, probably AR10 variants, maybe Ruger Mini14.

This is Irunguns post on how to handle it, tie them up in the courts for one, plus, it will take a long time to process the revocation notices which have to be sent, and they don't have the manpower to do it;

OICs significance

It is not the Liberals who give 30 days notice. The Canadian Firearms Program revokes your registration certificate and it is the CFP that gives 30 days to comply. And they have ALWAYS given 30 days regardless of what government was in power.

30 days is not an arbitrary amount of time. The firearms act gives you 30 days to appeal a revocation, and the 30 day compliance window is to allow you to file an appeal. Once you file the appeal the revocation is stayed until the judge settles it.

No one is interested in getting an injunction to an OIC because in order for it to work you need to know the wording of the regulation before its published which is almost impossible. Its also unnecessary.

Familiarize yourself with the details of the administration of law and you will realize that a ban by OIC is nothing to fear, and if you want Trudeau to lose the next election it is actually something to hope for, as long as you possess the stones to fight it.

Walk with me. (Metaphorically)
Government bans (hypothetically) handguns by OIC on June 1st. Regulations typically require 30 days before coming into force, in order to allow the affected government department time to respond, but let's assume Justin goes full retard and it comes into force immediately. The CFP gets notified, reviews the law and realizes approximately 900,000 restricted firearms and 100,000 prohibited firearms, all handguns, are registered and those registrations must be revoked.
By law, revocations need to be sent registered mail. That's almost 1 million pieces of correspondence that need to generated, reviewed, stuffed in an envelop and posted. Thats one green sheet of paper for the address, one for the revocation notice, and possibly one for a new registration certificate if grandfathered status permits ownership as a prohib. Go to your local office supply store and look at how many boxes three million pieces of paper is. Imagine 1 million envelopes. Ask your mail man how many letters he can deliver in a day. The roll out of this will be anything but quick.

The CFP is already allegedly having trouble with their printers keeping up with the routine issuance of 400,000 licenses annually. You think that the CFP is just going to up and deliver 1 million pieces of registered mail at the drop of a hat?

It will take months and it will be a gong show. Summer vacation is coming and the CFP has been chronically undermanned already. The malingerers will all take stress leave and the union will be stepping in to signal crushing workloads and lobbying for more staff. There will be an epic number of complains when other routine work goes undone, and their performance standards will drop below the acceptable service standards to such an extent that managers performance bonuses will be affected; The first time a manager throws a hissy fit there will be accusations of toxic work place, investigations etc.

The CFP simply does not have the manpower tools or funding to roll out mass revocation of registration certificates. To contract that would take months and probably involve privacy violations. Either way the costs will be significant and immediate.

Slowly, eventually, the revocation notices will start to show up. They will allow 30 days for compliance. By now we are well in July, with the seizure notice effective in August. Just in time to ruin everyone's summer vacation and when the media will be hunting for some salacious political happenings in the middle of the summer doldrums. Gun owners everyone vowing non compliance. Others claiming its impossible to comply due to a lack of responsiveness from the CFP. Local forces will claim way too cash strapped chasing actual criminals to follow up. Municipal forces still haven't followed up with the half a million prohibited handguns that went dark after the last round of bans 20 years ago. This will make news, and in a bad way for government, right in time to kick off the election.

Every revocation notice is supposed to include instructions for filing a S74 judicial review. Every single person subject to revocation is entitled to review by a provincial judge. Now we are certain to lose that appeal, but that's not the point. First, filing the appeal buys you time, as I mentioned, the revocation noticed is on hold until the judge settles it. Second, if even 20% of affected owners filed appeals, we would be talking 50k to 100k court cases that must be handled by an already overloaded legal system where legit murderers are being acquitted due to excessive delays in court times. With 100k judicial reviews on the books crown prosecutors will be first in line begging the government to rescind the revocations, otherwise more murderers will walk free. Organized criminals will take note. The provinces would need to create whole new courts just to handle the backlog and demand the federal government to cover the costs while the media will be there asking at what cost and at what benefit. While the gun orgs may not have the resources to fight to the fight directly, they will be advocating everyone file their judicial review application. And not only is this a perfectly legitimate exercise of our legal rights, its also an excellent PR stunt and act of civil disobedience that will force the government's hand.

Not exactly something the liberals will enjoy campaigning on and even the NDP would campaign on putting an end to it, especially with thousands of gun owners in every single riding begging any party that will listen to put an end to it.

Under normal circumstances it takes months, 6 or more, for the court to get around to handling revocation reviews. With that many all at once it will take years, which is plenty of time for the next government to reverse.

Now, remember that per section 12.8 of the firearms, all guns prohibited by OIC are entitled to grandfathering. Banning by oic can't change that. Only legislation can. So the government goes through the ass pain of the ban and doesn't actually get to remove any guns from circulation.

Further, 12.6.1 handguns are already banned and grandfathered. Even if they were banned again by OIC, only legislation can repeal the original grandfathering because it is baked into the firearms act. So even if a new handgun ban by OIC was successful the ban would ironically let the allegedly more dangerous handguns stay in circulation while trying to seize the longer barreled sport pistols. A curious irony that no Liberal will be able to convincingly explain.

If anyone in the Liberal party had two brain cells to rub together (remains to be seen) there is no way they would ban anything by OIC this close to an election. And as we already know, there isn't any time for legislation. While the Liberals may be stupid enough or desperate enough to try, if you familiarize yourself with the logistics you quickly realize it is nothing to be afraid of.

The only thing to fear is a future government that has a four year majority and the determination to stay the course. Then there will be some tough choices ahead.

Between now and October the only thing guns owners need to do is take a deep breath, shoot all summer and help an unlicensed friend get their license, help a licensed friend buy their first restricted, and be vigilant. If a revocation notice comes file your application for judicial review get your court date and vote accordingly
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Old 04-30-2020, 11:19 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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So, this list has been published, the Firearms center in Miramichi was shut down for commercial sales and transfers by the RCMP. And there are now a lot of variants including the AR10 and the Ruger mini14. There is now a 10,000joule (7375.9 ft/lbs) muzzle energy restriction, which outlaws some guns chambered in 585HE, which are singleshot shotguns, 600NE in singleshots and double rifles, 460Wby with a 500gr pill in a bolt action, and likely some wildcats in that area.
Also looks like the buyback may not happen, just forfeit these weapons;

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Old 05-01-2020, 09:38 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Filed this AM in the Canada Gazette, orders in council;

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Old 05-02-2020, 01:16 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Notice to businesses from the RCMP sent out today;

Email to all business licence holders:

Announcement of Firearms Prohibition

As you may know, on May 1, 2020, the Government of Canada amended the Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and Other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited or Restricted (commonly referred to as the Classification Regulations). These amendments have the effect of reclassifying the following as prohibited firearms and devices:

· nine (9) types of firearms, by make and model, and their variants;

o M16, AR-10, AR-15 rifles and M4 carbine;

o Ruger Mini-14 rifle;

o M14 rifle;

o Vz58 rifle;

o Robinson Armament XCR rifle;

o CZ Scorpion EVO 3 carbine and pistol;

o Beretta CX4 Storm carbine;

o SIG Sauer SIG MCX and SIG Sauer SIG MPX carbine and pistol; and,

o Swiss Arms Classic Green and Four Seasons series (as specified in former Bill C-71: An Act to amend certain Acts and Regulations in relation to firearms).

· firearms with a bore of 20 mm or greater and those firearms capable of discharging a projectile with a muzzle energy greater than 10,000 Joules; and

· the upper receivers of M16, AR-10, AR-15 and M4 pattern firearms.

An Amnesty Order, expiring April 30, 2022, has also been issued by the Government of Canada. This Order protects business owners from criminal liability for unlawful possession of a newly prohibited firearm if those business owners were previously in lawful possession of one or more of the newly prohibited firearms or prohibited devices on the day the amendments to the Classification Regulations came into force. This will allow business owners the time to come into compliance with the law.

This announcement may impact your business as you may have these newly prohibited firearms/devices in your inventory. While awaiting further details on the buy-back program, every effort should be made to return the inventory back to the manufacturer. Please note:

· They may no longer be sold to individuals.

· They can be transferred to another business with the appropriate licence privileges.

· If firearms are taken on consignment, they must be returned to the owner.

· If the appropriate activity and conditions are attached to the business licence for prohibited firearms, the business can act as an agent for export or deactivation for an individual or other business.

Businesses that are licensed to possess prohibited firearms will maintain this privilege but should familiarize themselves with the list of newly prohibited firearms and devices found at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/...f/g2-154x3.pdf.

Should you require further information on the announcement, please refer to the Public Safety Canada website at https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/c.../index-en.aspx, or the Canadian Firearms Program website at https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/firear...ms-and-devices.

Canadian Firearms Program

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Tel: 1-800-731-4000 (toll free)

************************************************** *********************************
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Old 05-02-2020, 12:35 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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A response from the CSAAA and some info on the meetings from yesterday, looks like Billy boy may have bungled things big time;


Fildebrandt may just have something here, the legislation may well be discriminatory as well;


From Matt Hipwell at Wolverine;

More information that we are able to share as of today:

Matthew Hipwell wrote:

“I received information today which I was told was from a Liberal technical briefing on the firearm prohibitions announced today. An opposing MP asked if the prohibitions passed today by the Liberal government would have prevented the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. The Liberal representatives shifted the answer towards the shooting in Quebec where a VZ 58 rifle was used. They were asked to answer the question a second time, they refused to answer.” The next questions was, “The firearms were smuggled?” Again, the Liberals refused to answer.

All Canadians need to be asking their MLA’s and MP’s why is the Liberal government not telling everyone the truth?

More information to come as we are able to release.

CCFR and CSSA are working on things, see what they come up with, the pot has been stirred. Whatever happens will have to be done in a courtroom, it is in progress as to how to approach it.
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Last edited by 32-40win; 05-02-2020 at 12:52 PM.
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Old 05-02-2020, 12:58 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Coming in fast an furious today, AB and Sask will now be pursuing appointing their own CFO`s;

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Old 05-02-2020, 01:40 PM
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Doug Ford`s statement on the OIC`s and the LIbs

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Old 05-03-2020, 09:23 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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CCFR has begun an information action group on FB and Twitter which will have post that can be used to repost onto various directed/targeted pages in twitter and FB, or anywhere else you want, such as all Liberal Mp's and to people who are not gun owners, anti gunner posts you see, etc.

Here is one example;

The Liberal government arbitrarily banned guns from legal owners. Tax payers will pay for the confiscation of legal guns instead of investing in law enforcement, our community and strengthening CBSA to stop gun smuggling. https://youtu.be/X53C5BLGFz4

This is the preface to the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2723...63903/?fref=nf


Here is another example; Stop using victims to commit injustice against others
@JustinTrudeau @BillBlair @Polysesouvient @Docs4guncontrol victims deserve better than being used for political leverage: https://youtu.be/nzLzjWmYn-A
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Old 05-03-2020, 10:01 AM
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The gun shops are speaking out;


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Old 05-03-2020, 10:19 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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So, how many people have the wherewithal and the knowledge to do this? This is from the RCMP, and of course the CBC;

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Old 05-03-2020, 10:44 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Some of the CSAAA questions that need answering from the gov't;

Sporting Arms Business Update on OIC gun bans

Please continue to send us your specific questions and we will get confirmed answers from the Government. Here are some we have received responses to:

Question: What if a business fails and can no longer provide secure storage of their inventory, how do they protect themselves from liability under their Business Licence?
Answer: When a business can no longer provide safe storage there are three options: move inventory to another business, export or destroy. I would advise the business to phone the CFO of jurisdiction - Kellie Paquette, R.C.M.P.

Question: Are sales with pending transfers allowed to be completed and can both previously non-restricted and restricted firearms now classified as prohibited be shipped by the retailer?
Answer: Yes, within Canada - Kellie Paquette, R.C.M.P.

Question: Can documents sales made up until 11:59 p.m. on April 30th but not entered into the system (which was down at the time), be completed and what is the process for business owners to register those sales and apply for a transfer?
Answer: I am currently verifying the exact time on the morning of May 1st, but I can confirm that documented sales made up until this time on May 1st can be completed. - Kellie Paquette, R.C.M.P.

Question: Can customers pick up affected guns that are in the store on consignment, for repairs or upgrades?
Answer: not received yet.

CSAAA Recommendations
Please make a record of all of your affected inventory including firearms and accessories and document the value. If possible take pictures of all affected inventory. Keep all records, receipts, etc. This will be needed to fight for compensation for your business losses. CSAAA will be polling business owners in the coming days for the $value of your losses.

Write, call or email your MP and let them know how this has affected your business.

Watch for undercover law enforcement looking to coax a breach of the amnesty. Consider removing all newly prohibited inventory from public view and store securely. Here is the link to the full list of now-prohibited firearms and components: Canada Gazette Part II May 01, 2020

Do not destroy or surrender any inventory. We can take advantage of the amnesty period to fight for compensation, work out export opportunities or for a change in Government. Sit tight until we know what our options are.

Advice for your customers
Do not destroy or surrender your firearms. Ensure they are stored in compliance with their original regulation. Again there's a 2 year amnesty in effect until April 30, 2022. Wait to see what will be offered in terms of compensation and/or grandfathering (or again for a change of Government). Many of the consumer groups are also looking at legal action.

Firearms that were previously Restricted, must remain securely stored at the owners place of residence. Firearms that were previously non-restricted may still be transported and used for sustenance hunting or in exercise of s.35 Constitutional rights until a suitable replacement can be obtained according to the amnesty.

Stay tuned for full details. Get in touch if you have questions or need help. Please feel free to share this with other firearms business owners in your network even if they are not CSAAA members.

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Old 05-03-2020, 12:05 PM
SnipeHunter SnipeHunter is offline
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Originally Posted by 32-40win View Post
So, how many people have the wherewithal and the knowledge to do this? This is from the RCMP, and of course the CBC;

Lots of people. But they could also scratch build the same. They typically don't.
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Old 05-03-2020, 01:19 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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CCFR has been on a few newscasts and radio programs yesterday and today, check their You Tube channel for new ones;

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Old 05-03-2020, 06:01 PM
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Apparently Blair won`t let go of the notions on municipal gun control, pretty much guarantee it`ll involve central storage to boot;

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government plans to move ahead with legislation letting municipalities ban handguns within their borders, though he isn’t giving a timeline.

The Trudeau government on Friday outlawed a wide range of assault-style rifles, saying the guns were designed for the battlefield, not hunting or sport shooting.

The move has prompted criticism from both sides, with some like Ontario Premier Doug Ford saying it misses the mark by targeting legal gun owners while others say it doesn’t go far enough.

Trudeau acknowledged during his annual daily COVID-19 news conference in Ottawa Sunday morning that the federal government has more work to do when it comes to guns, which is why it still plans to introduce legislation on handguns.

He also says the government will be looking to tighten up the border against gun smuggling and safe storage.

As for the timing, Trudeau would only say that the federal government would introduce the relevant legislation when Parliament, which is sitting in person only one day a week and holding virtual sessions twice a week because of COVID-19.
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Old 05-03-2020, 06:24 PM
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Tracy Wilson of the CCFR on Colin Noir`s podcast, posted today.

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Old 05-04-2020, 08:40 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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From a Liberal MP back east, along with a bunch of coalition of anti-gun posters on her FB page, CCFR will be on CBC a few times today apparently;

Lenore ZannFollow
13 hrs
TRURO,NS: In response to Friday’s announcement that the Govt of Canada is banning Military-style Assault Weapons designed to kill as many people in as short a time as possible (and the weapons of choice for all six mass-murderers over the past 30 years in Canada including the latest NS tragedy) I’ve received many appreciative messages from constituents - including local hunters. A number of you have said it made the announcement made you “Proud to be CANADIAN”. Thank you. Me too.

And as the PM and Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair both said on Friday, more protections are coming in the form of Red Flag Laws and other measures to prevent the smuggling of weapons.

However at the same time gun-advocates have been posting angry social media posts regurgitating Conservative Party talking points including false claims such as, “This was not done democratically”. Actually YES it WAS.

PM Trudeau and his Team (including me) ran on this issue as part of the Liberal platform in the federal election - just six months ago. This is a fulfillment of that promise to the electorate because 80% OF CANADIANS SUPPORT IT and Public Safety Minister Bill Blair called me personally Friday morning to tell me himself - explaining that it was to be done via Regulation.

it went into effect immediately on Friday and gun owners have a grace period of two years to exchange them for money from Gov’t in return. This is what is called a “Buy Back” program.

Some people seem to be advocating to allow citizens to protect themselves with automatic weapons in order to “fight back” against future shooter incidents. This is a dangerous argument - like the one suggested in the US to "arm the teachers" in order to prevent school shootings. Evidence shows THIS DOESN'T WORK. (And I remember a teacher in the US shooting themselves in the leg in the washroom when their gun went off - thankfully not in the classroom - can you imagine?!)

Arming the public with assault weapons would just turn our small country villages into potential battle grounds. These weapons are designed to kill multiple people - not take down one gunman.

Also - the more weapons people own the more other people will want to own. That’s how the global Nuclear Arms Race came into existence - putting whole countries and in fact our entire planet - at risk of destruction!

And accidents happen, thefts happen, Mental illness happens, alcoholic and drug-induced murders happen, intimidation and domestic violence happen, and femicide (spousal-murder) happens - all in homes where firearms are available. In fact here in Canada one woman is murdered by her husband/partner EVERY SIX DAYS - usually by a gun.

We live in a safe, peaceful rural little corner of the world. We are surrounded by loving, caring, compassionate neighbours and communities. surely the last couple of weeks have proved that.

Allowing a proliferation of automatic weapons in our rural communities will make them less safe, not more safe. We mustn't let one incident define us and turn us into what the murderer wanted - a violent, hateful place full of fear.

Our community has experienced a truly devastating tragedy. Many of our friends and loved ones have been violently taken from us and we are still shocked and grieving.

i know many of us are still trying to make sense of what happened and it is only natural that when tramatised we try to think of alternative things we ourselves could have done to save our fellow community members. Some did try to help that awful weekend and they too were gunned down.

But putting more guns into the hands of more people will not make you, your family, or our communities, safer.

Statistics clearly show that countries with lower ownership of guns have less gun violence, less accidental shootings, less spousal murders, and less suicides.

If you or someone you love are experiencing extreme anxiety, hyper-vigilance, insomnia, nightmares, please call the Crisis line and speak to a Crisis Counselor. We need to get through this and our mental health is being put to the challenge especially on top of Covid-19 isolation.

You are also welcome to call my office at 902 895-2863 and I’m happy to set up a time to chat with you about this or any other concern.


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Old 05-04-2020, 09:07 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Counter argument from an LEO firearms verifier;

Mel Peter Woloshyn
8 hrs
Let me lay this out for you and anyone else who also likely isn’t as informed as they would like to be.

Firstly, let me say this. I’ve been a firearms instructor for 14 years, a police officer and supervisor for 8. A correctional officer for 6 and an RCMP firearms verification expert since 2012. Part of being a firearms verification expert means it’s my job to be able to testify to court what classification different firearms are, and their points of origin and import.

With that being said I will start with this. Nothing on that list, or in a Canada is an “assault weapon” or a “military grade firearm”. All military firearms have been outright banned in Canada since 1979. Automatic firearms are prohibited in Canada. The rifles on that list are hunting and sporting rifles.

Trudeau is blatantly lying and misleading Canadians by using their lack of knowledge on the subject. Firstly, he bypassed our democratic process with is outrageous and every Canadian should be appalled. Secondly he is dancing on the graves of all those victims in NS. The shooter used a rifle obtained in the US and a pistol stolen from a Cst killed in cold blood. The victims and their families deserve better. Nothing he did was legal, he wasn’t even a firearms license holder and had previously been banned from owning firearms after a common assault (disclaimer - those conditions had expired).

Canadians are ridiculously strict with gun laws. Nothing in this act will help public safety in the slightest. All centre fire rifles in Canada are limited to 5 rounds. They cannot be converted to be automatic.

This will cost Canadians a half billion dollars and have zero effect on public safety. It will hurt public safety as it distracts money and attention from real issues.

The borders are weak as hell. I would say I handled more American firearms then Canadian ones. Personally I have seized more firearms then most people have ever seen in real life. The border is the biggest problem.

Secondly, the liberals banned carding and severely limited police powers to be proactive against gangs. The result was a 48% increase in shootings and a 98% increase in the number of people shot in the GTA.

Thirdly, the liberal government passed bill C75 which lowered sentences on violent crime and terrorism. It reduced bail considerations. Increased bail and promoted early release of offenders.

The liberals have hurt community safety far worse then we can likely repair.

Chris Lewis OPP commissioner (Ret) does not support this.

The association of chiefs of police do not support this.

Every police officer is screaming at this waste of money that will not help anything.

My AR 15 holds 5 .223 rounds. My deer rifle holds 5 30-06 rounds. It’s the most commonly used deer rifle in North America. Use common sense and tell me what’s more dangerous.

I think it’s also important that people understand how licensing works.

When you first decide you want your Possession and acquisition license (PAL) you find a licensed firearm instructor and tester. You will learn about different types of firearms, ammunition, safe handling, storage and transportation. The hunter safety course required for hunting is another course and exam on top of this. For the firearms portion only you will spend about $400 and two 8 hr training days. Followed by a lengthy exam requiring a 80% pass mark.

You then submit your application with proof of your testing. A picture, and roughly the same information you submit on your passport. Two guarantors etc. But, if you have a former spouse or partner...hope you’re in good standing. You will need their consent and the Chief Firearms Office (CFO) will contact them. You will wait about 6-12 months while they do background checks and local police records checks as well as calling the two character references you provided.

Then eventually your card will come in the mail at a cost of $80. Now, you legally can purchase ammunition and a firearm. But, only Non-Restricted firearms such as shotguns and hunting rifles. They must be stored separate from ammunition, out of site and locked. Either with a disabling lock, or in a locked container that is hard to break into. They can only be loaded in a place where they can be legally discharged. Ie the woods far away from people and houses.

Now, if you want a pistol or sporting rifle you need a restricted possession and acquisition license (RPAL). Back to the classroom, another 8hrs and $400. Another exam another $80 and an application the same as the first. You will wait 6-12 months again. Now, you have your license? Great! You can’t purchase a restricted firearms yet though.

Before you can do that you’ll need to be a member of a licensed range. Licensed ranges are over seen by the CFO to make sure they meet very stringent safety measures. So here in kingston we have one club, with a 2-3 year waiting list. So you apply and wait. Eventually luckily you get a spot. You pay your $300 annual fee, but you’re not shooting yet. First, another 8 hour safety course and then 4 probationary visits with a range officer.

Finally, you’re a member. Now you can purchase a pistol or sporting rifle. So you go to the store and chose one. You pay, now you wait. If you’re lucky 2-3 weeks maybe, sometimes 6-10 while the CFO approves it.

Oh, did I mention all firearms owners are checked on The Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) daily?.

So finally the day comes. You pick up your pistol or rifle. You’re ready to go! Nope, sorry. You’ll need two locks. A disabling lock and a hard container that locks. Restricted firearms are always locked twice. So we’re on our way right? No, not yet. Now you will need to contact the CFO wait on hold for 35-45 mins and request an Authorization to Transport (ATT). This is a piece of paper they will email you with your current address and your home address permitting you to transport your new firearm. You’re not allowed to stray. That would result in a ten year sentence and lifetime ban.

Once your home your pistol or rifle is stored separate from ammo and locked twice. It may only be transported to and from your licensed range with your ATT. It may only be discharged at your range.

At anytime the police on behalf of CFO or CFO may conduct a warrantless search of your home if there is a concern for safety or to verify proper compliance if you’re a collector.

At any time any person can phone the CFO or local police with a safety concern about you and you will lose your firearms. It is now up to you, to pay to defend yourself.

That is the just of the firearms licensing requirements in Canada.

Believe me, gun owners are afraid of sneezing as we can lose them so easily after going through so many hurdles to have them.
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Old 05-04-2020, 09:19 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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CCFR INTERVIEW MARATHON The CCFR’s Rod Giltaca & Tracey Wilson are on a media blitz to combat the misinformation. Here’s their CBC syndication schedule for Monday, May 4. *All times are EST – adjust accordingly for your area. Listen in on your local CBC station:

6:00am – Rod – CBC Moncton
6:00am – Tracey – CBC Halifax
6:10am – Rod – CBC Thunder Bay
6:10am – Tracey – CBC Ontario
6:20am – Tracey – CBC Ottawa
6:40am – Rod – CBC Windsor
6:40am – Tracey – CBC Toronto
6:50am – Rod – CBC Charlottetown
6:50am – Tracey – CBC Kitchener-Waterloo
7:40am – Tracey – CBC Saskatoon
7:40am – Rod – CBC Winnipeg
7:50am – Tracey – CBC Sudbury
8:00am – Rod – CBC Victoria
8:00am – Tracey – CBC Fredericton
8:10am – Rod – CBC Kelowna
8:10am – Tracey – CBC Calgary
8:20am – Rod – CBC Prince George
8:20am – Tracey – CBC Regina
8:30am – Rod – CBC Kamloops
8:30am – Tracey – CBC Whitehorse
8:50am – Rod – CBC Vancouver
8:50am – Tracey – CBC Saint John
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Old 05-04-2020, 09:41 PM
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A callout to LEO's on Twitter, off the CCFR page, by a cop;

I am putting out a metaphorical call to arms, asking that all willing Canadian Peace Officers, coast to coast, denounce the gun ban levied by @JustinTrudeau & @BillBlair....which targets the law abiding & does nothing to fight crime.

Attach your badge - no badge number #cdnpoli

Pretty good number of responses to it, one comment that certainly makes sense;

They must know that they won't be LEO, EMS or F&R forever. Some day they'll be civilians again, just like us, either by retirement, by choice, or by other unforeseen circumstances, and this ill conceived law may still be there to disarm them, too. I hope they will stand with us.
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Old 05-04-2020, 10:08 PM
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From Ian Runkle's page;

Apparently the rumour (which I consider fairly credible) is that the LPC is going to push for central storage next.

Gun owners know why this is terrible, so this is largely going to be aimed at friends, colleagues, and so forth who may not be aware of some of the issues.

The first is practicality. A farmer who has a pack of coyotes eyeing his/her cattle can't drive an hour each way (you think these storage locations are going to be convenient in rural Canada?) to get a rifle. A hunter who has to wake up in the early hours to get to his/her spot is pretty inconvenienced by having to do so hours early--and would the central storage even be open? How do we know the difference between a hunter who is spending a week bedded down in the wilderness versus one who just takes their gun home? We have communities that are fly-in, fly-out, and so a hunter or target shooter might need to get on a plane (or a ferry) to get to the nearest central storage location.

The second is cost. If you're requiring central storage, that won't be free. What this means is that the notion of "We are sparing hunters and farmers" is anything but--it's going to put tremendous costs on hunters and farmers. These costs will disproportionately harm those who are most vulnerable. My mother, growing up, was in a family with many children and where hunted meat was necessary for them because they were far from wealthy. Living off the land should not be something partitioned off for the wealthy elite.

The third is safety--many ranges and the like are in remote areas, because that's where you can afford to buy a stretch of land a kilometer or two long. This makes them prime targets for theft.

The fourth is that a lot of practice and maintenance happen at home. There's no competition shooter who isn't spending a lot of time working with their firearm off-range as well as on.

For those of you who supported the latest OIC because "They're leaving hunters and farmers alone", well, they're coming for hunters, farmers, target shooters, and so forth next in a big way, it seems.
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Old 05-04-2020, 10:26 PM
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Unifor supports the Libs on Twitter, also calls for handgun bans, it's an HTML. won't upload.
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Old 05-05-2020, 08:53 AM
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CBSA has posted their policies on importing due to the OIC's implementation;

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Old 05-05-2020, 11:25 PM
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And holy sheepdip, did Ed Burlew cause a stir today with this.
And Bill Blair is in full denial and accusing the gun orgs of spreading false info on the wording in the OIC's and maybe some definitions in the Firearms Act.
It's witches brew. It's all about a lack of words in the law.


We shall see what happens on this little dustup, from Blair's and Trudeau's track records so far, it is much more likely that Blair is spreading disinformation than Burlew is.
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Old 05-07-2020, 12:00 AM
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This lady who lived through the Portapique tragedy wrote a letter to her municipal office representative MP Lenore Zann:

I want to ask a question and share a story on behalf of the scared, concerned and traumatized residents of Portapique.

I am addressing you with this post because you are our voice and the best hope this message has at reaching the federal government. Although our small community was torn apart and terrorized, I still feel that as a member of the community our voices are not being heard.

It is important to note that the demographic of people I am speaking for are not your typical voting constituents. This demographic of people come from a small, rural Nova Scotian community no larger than the equivalent of a few city blocks. The majority of us do not vote because no matter the outcome of the election our rural communities are still forgotten, our schools close down, our local businesses flounder and die out, our roads are in terrible shape and with no support from the provincial or federal government in the first place also paired with super high taxes many of us feel forgotten or uncared for trying to raise families in rural areas.

That being said, hopefully the story I am about to share will be insightful enough that parents across Canada will understand why I have the questions that I have. Trudeau is a father, other members of parliament are parents and have families.
Politicians sitting in Ottawa, heavily guarded by well trained security detail ( with assault weapons ) need to check their personal biases and put themselves in the middle of the woods in rural Nova Scotia at 1 in the morning to understand the fear of what I am about to describe next.

At around 1AM the night of the shooting, our community via word of mouth, had a good understanding that there was a man with an assault rifle killing our neighbors and starting fires. It is a small community so when volunteer first responders are being killed and locals cant get through to their houses because of police combing through the area with assault weapons, word travels fast.

By 2AM it was confirmed through the community via cellphones and messages that we had infact experienced a shooting and there were infact people who had been killed. It was confirmed the gunman was still on a rampage and we had no idea how many gunmen there actually were.

This is where I want everyone to put themselves in the shoes of a parent. Its 2AM and friends from my community are confirmed dead. The confirmation of deaths keep coming in through the night with no word of a shooter being apprehended. I look at my son while he is asleep in his bed and fear begins to course through my body as I realize, I don't have a gun.

I ask my friends frantically "does anyone have a gun I can come get?"

All my friends are also unprepared and un-armed, After we scrounged the community and asked all of our friends who were lucky enough to be awake at the time if they too had any guns we could compile, we realized we had a pile of old hunting rifles and a few useless handguns between us, nobody had a fire arm they could lend me to protect my family because they themselves had underpowered fire arms and not a lot of ammo.

I need everyone to imagine the fear knowing you have no way to protect your family and loved ones when a man with an assault rifle could come ripping through your house killing everyone at any second just like he did at your neighbors.

Every night since the shooting I have been guarding my door, I have been on edge and cannot relax. I cant watch action tv shows with shooting because my ears need to be alert, I cannot find myself playing games or indulging in activities that I like because that is what my neighbors were doing when they were killed, they were relaxed and unprepared.

Immediately the next day after the shooting I got myself on a waiting list for a restricted fire arms license. I was ready to start as soon as the quarantine lifted, they were looking at a May start date. I felt in my heart that if people from my community could of at least been on a level playing field with the shooter he may not have gotten so far. Attaining heavy fire arms to keep at my house to protect my family was going to allow me and the people in my community the ability to relax, breathe and maybe watch some TV like regular people again.

With this new assault rifle ban my question is this:

When this type of shooting happens again in another rural community with no resources, a community that is 45 minutes away from the nearest RCMP station, a community that doesn't even have street lights, what are the residents of that community meant to do during those crucial terrifying hours that I waited in my house un-armed for a man with a machine gun to come kill my family? He was lighting houses on fire so staying inside was not an option for some of those victims.

This is not meant to be an aggressive post or meant to cause controversy or debate, I just genuinely need an answer. How it is appearing to the people of rural Nova Scotia that were affected by this shooting and lived though this horror, is that..

Justin Trudeau and his family are safe and we are not.

I need to know what to do, how to proceed forward and how to get this question answered.

What can we do to defend ourselves without breaking the law? How can I still be a good law abiding citizen and still feel my family is protected at the same time?
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Old 05-07-2020, 12:04 AM
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Over the last five days, the CCFR has looked at what the Liberal Party of Canada has done to us with their massive, overreaching firearms ban, and in that short time to the best of our ability we have assessed all of the associated issues and the ways that we can respond to protect our members.

This issue gives rise to complicated arguments of constitutional law and the legislative process, however the arguments boiled down to this fundamental truth: the government, in an entirely arbitrary and irrational way, has created legislation that will deprive us of our property and our freedom to live as we wish, on pains of incarceration for failing to comply.

While we have assessed the legal technicalities of what they have done in great detail, the government is charged with passing legislation governing the nation and our options are not great. That said, when we took our analysis back to first principles, and the actual nature of our complaint, it became quite simple: we believe that this is a wrongful deprivation of liberty arising from an improper exercise of legislative power.

Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice”.

Although the application of this section of the Charter to our circumstances is not guaranteed, this much is clear: what’s gone wrong in this process is that we have been deprived, both as to our freedom to live as we choose, as well as being put at risk of incarceration by this law, in a manner that is fundamentally unjust. We will ask the Court to rule on whether or not the government has the right to deprive us of our liberty, or our property, on penalty of incarceration, on fundamentally irrational grounds.

In looking at the role of the CCFR and what our members want and need from us, it is clear that lobbying and running educational programs will not solve this problem. While we will keep doing that of course, to deal with this problem we must do more. We must fight for our liberty, and we must fight to oppose irrational legislation. In the present case, this requires litigation. We must try to use the powers of the court to stop the unrestrained and abusive exercise of legislative authority given to the government. Regrettably, nothing else will work.

As an additional argument beyond issues of liberty, while the government is clearly authorized by section 117.15 of the Criminal Code of Canada to make regulations classifying firearms, we say their use of that authority in this instance is irrational with no foundation in the factual circumstances of Canadian society. Such an arbitrary exercise of legislative process is abusive, contrary to the principles of fundamental justice, and must be struck down. We will ask the Court to do this as well.

We are not guaranteed success in this fight, although the arguments are far from frivolous. In the end, we can either choose to simply take this treatment, or we can oppose it in the only ways we can.

And so, here we are – we ARE doing this. There is no guarantee of a win – but our team believes we have a chance, and we promised our community we would leave no stone unturned, nor avenue unexplored. We meant it.

Stay tuned for details on how you can help, when the action is officially filed and where we go from here. Rod, Tracey, Michael and the entire team at the CCFR are grateful for your continued support. We are all in this together.

Our legal team: JSS Barristers are experts in the litigation of Constitutional Law, The Constitution Act, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They have a proven track record with substantial successes under their belt. Our team leader, Laura Warner has an impressive repertoire as a litigator and specialist in this area of law, along with her outside interests including being a volunteer for the Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association, proposing amendments to Human Rights legislation and serves on her firms Inclusion Committee. Laura is a former World & National Ringette champion and has been inducted into the Ringette Canada Hall of Fame.

Notable cases:
Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v. Alberta Teachers’ Association, 2011 SCC 61
Strickland v. Canada (Attorney General), 2015 SCC 37
Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v. University of Calgary, 2016 SCC 53
Ernst v. Alberta Energy Regulator, 2017 SCC 1
Calgary (Police Service) v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2018 ABCA 114
Fitter International Inc v British Columbia, 2019 ABQB 990

The CCFR’s General Counsel Michael Loberg of Loberg Law will liaison and quarterback the litigation on our behalf. Michael brings with him a wealth of litigation experience and a deep understanding of firearms legislation & regulation, both as a lawyer and a restricted firearms owner. Check out Michael on LinkedIn
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Old 05-07-2020, 12:39 AM
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Just a reminder that we do need to be a bit tactful with non gun owners;


Likely another good reason to be a bit careful on social media;

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Old 05-07-2020, 08:57 AM
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Solomon Friedman on CBC talking about the 20mm shotgun bore issue, he backs Ed Burlew and the CSSA;

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Old 05-07-2020, 09:00 AM
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MP Todd Doherty from BC has an official petition that is a bit different to Michelle's E2574, it needs support;

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