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Old 06-28-2011, 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
See I told you Chubb you can't always blame the AZNS
i thought the Philippines were in asia...
Old 06-28-2011, 12:45 AM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
who cares what church they go to...................ha
GOD does
Old 06-28-2011, 12:48 AM
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
i thought the Philippines were in asia...
not when it comes to poaching it's everyone for them selves

that's why i'm glad i'm black we don't poach we just steal from the guys that do
Old 06-28-2011, 12:53 AM
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most AZNs shouldnt have drivers licences either.......so a fishing licence test wont help
Old 06-28-2011, 12:54 AM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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So, I looked up the regulation about 2 rods.

"It is unlawful to: Use more than one line when angling into open water."

Seems to me if I only "use one line when angling" I should be fine.

I can't see the problem with having a second rod on deck as long as it is not being used simultaneously with the first.

Anyone else have an interpretation?
Old 06-28-2011, 12:55 AM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
So, I looked up the regulation about 2 rods.

"It is unlawful to: Use more than one line when angling into open water."

Seems to me if I only "use one line when angling" I should be fine.

I can't see the problem with having a second rod on deck as long as it is not being used simultaneously with the first.

Anyone else have an interpretation?
i have 8 to 10 rods at all times on the boat
Old 06-28-2011, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
So, I looked up the regulation about 2 rods.

"It is unlawful to: Use more than one line when angling into open water."

Seems to me if I only "use one line when angling" I should be fine.

I can't see the problem with having a second rod on deck as long as it is not being used simultaneously with the first.

Anyone else have an interpretation?
I would have thought the original post implied they were "using" two rods at once...
Old 06-28-2011, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by horsetrader View Post
i have 8 to 10 rods at all times on the boat
you have just been reported...i knew you were AZN all along...
Old 06-28-2011, 12:59 AM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by TyreeUM View Post
you have just been reported...i knew you were AZN all along...
dang the shoe polish didn't work
Old 06-28-2011, 01:02 AM
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my boat looks like a porcupine running down the lake
Old 06-28-2011, 01:03 AM
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i change my choice......its a AZN Blowfish
Old 06-28-2011, 01:05 AM
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wrong thread
Old 06-28-2011, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
my boat looks like a porcupine running down the lake
Old 06-28-2011, 01:07 AM
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52 inches and weighed in at 34.7 pounds
Old 06-28-2011, 02:42 AM
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Originally Posted by The Fisherman Guy View Post

I bet ya didn't watch any of JTS1's other videos...

Are those the Aliens from the movie "Signs" speaking in the background??
LOL not one of my better moments. We will just move that one out of there
Google Fishing Map

Old 06-28-2011, 05:52 AM
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it happens. Call them in. Just wondering though, do you actually go there to fish or check people's hooks? It's a good thing they coulda been caught red handed, but do you have to be so nosey? If some guy was hanging around gocking at me while fishing I'd be pretty damn p****d. Do what you can to catch the bastards poaching but you're not a wildlife officer. Let them be punished instead of spending your time nit picking everyone around you.
Old 06-28-2011, 05:53 AM
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Originally Posted by best guide shawn homeniuk View Post
the odd white guys poach as well
hey Im odd and Im not a poacher!

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Old 06-28-2011, 07:34 AM
pattycr125 pattycr125 is offline
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i don't keep fish but i think people who do need to do it responsibly. just because you can have 10 per day doesn't mean you should keep ten (everyday). I think maybe keep 10-15 per season if they are nice and fat and will provide a nice meal for more than one person.
Old 06-28-2011, 07:40 AM
pattycr125 pattycr125 is offline
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Originally Posted by Christofficer View Post

it happens. Call them in. Just wondering though, do you actually go there to fish or check people's hooks? It's a good thing they coulda been caught red handed, but do you have to be so nosey? If some guy was hanging around gocking at me while fishing I'd be pretty damn p****d. Do what you can to catch the bastards poaching but you're not a wildlife officer. Let them be punished instead of spending your time nit picking everyone around you.
i agree, if someone is obviously poaching then have at er, but you are not the gaurdians of the fish. i also noticed it's usually fly fishermen that are like this they seem to be on a high horse and think that people who spin fish are a lesser species of fishermen, not all fly fishermen are like this but it sometimes seems that way, at the end of the day all sport fishermen whether it be fly of lure are abusing the fish for our own personal enjoyment.
Old 06-28-2011, 07:45 AM
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Now blame the rascist "fly fisherman" ? Like people blame the bowhunters? oh the humanity!!!! LOL. Poachers are poachers...some people knowingly poach and some have no clue they are breaking the rules.

I fly fish and spin fish and I think all other fisherman are better than me....what does that make me?

Old 06-28-2011, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by pattycr125 View Post
i agree, if someone is obviously poaching then have at er, but you are not the gaurdians of the fish. i also noticed it's usually fly fishermen that are like this they seem to be on a high horse and think that people who spin fish are a lesser species of fishermen, not all fly fishermen are like this but it sometimes seems that way, at the end of the day all sport fishermen whether it be fly of lure are abusing the fish for our own personal enjoyment.
I beg to differ.

All Alberta tax paying sportsmen are custodians and guardians of the resource. There are processes and methods in place for us to exercise our duty such as the Report a Poacher hot line. Remember however that guardian does not mean judge, jury and executioner.

Once you have fished long enough and get a little older and wiser you will know that poaching is not defined by age, sex, skin color or fishing method but rather a total disrespect for the rules and regulations set out to protect the resource.

Joining a poor chorus of them against us does little to constructively address this ongoing problem.

We all need to be part of the solution. The more eyes on the water the better...but then let F&W do their job and address infractions they see.

Also discussing common areas where poaching occurs and even discussing regulations to ensure every understands and complies can only help. Communication is the key.

So keep at it guys...report the poachers...continue being a guardian of the resource. The more eyes and ears the better...and the more F&W get called the more they will patrol an area. Lack of action will mean a free for all.
Old 06-28-2011, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
yup I know what you guys are talking about....I give up on calling RAP....be surprised if they even showed up. The way they get around keeping all the fish is they bring all their kids to play at the park, 5 fish per person right?....then people wonder why that lake gets fished out in 2-3 months after stocking 3000 fish in it....they are there every night doing the same thing. Best part is I am a tax payer in this town and most of the people who fish that pond aren't....

rant over....cause no one is listening anyways

Really, the Filipinos bring their children out so they can increase their limit? Not so they can actually fish and have fun outside? It's funny when a white guy brings his kids out to fish/play, the entire forum says "aw, how cute... great to see the little ones outside having fun". When Filipinos comes out, heaven forbid they bring their children or multiple families for an outing. The only reason they do that is so they can increase their take home limit.

Anyhow, based on the original description, I doubt there was any poaching by the Filipinos. Biggamehunter's credibility is worth about as much as the toilet paper I just flushed down the toilet.

Also, if you have a problem with the regulations, take it up with F&W. They can fish there every night if they want to. They can take their limit if they choose to. They can keep the little fish and the big fish if they want. The children can fish and take their limit. The wives can fish and take their limit. They can eat it all there or take it home and eat, then come back the next day for more. They don't have to live there to fish there... some of the gripes are so assinine.
Old 06-28-2011, 08:19 AM
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really...are we going through this again....

I made no mention of race yet you choose my post to flame....I was just confirming what I have seen how do you know I was even talking about a visible minority??? cause guess what I WASN'T!!

I live in Beaumont I welcome you to come out any evening for a fish "boot" and you can see for yourself, give me a call I would be happy to take you down to the little pond I have fished at since it was built over 20 years ago.

If you haven't been to said pond then you are only speculating.....I have and do go to said pond and I have observed transgressions.

All the best to you.


PS. Mods you this is headed for a lock I can feel it....

Last edited by Lefty-Canuck; 06-28-2011 at 08:25 AM.
Old 06-28-2011, 08:22 AM
boot boot is offline
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Originally Posted by best guide shawn homeniuk View Post
the odd white guys poach as well
Lol, what is this supposed to mean?!?
Old 06-28-2011, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
Also, if you have a problem with the regulations, take it up with F&W. They can fish there every night if they want to. They can take their limit if they choose to. They can keep the little fish and the big fish if they want. The children can fish and take their limit. The wives can fish and take their limit. They can eat it all there or take it home and eat, then come back the next day for more. They don't have to live there to fish there... some of the gripes are so assinine.

When fishing the regulations apply regardless as to what other person's "conservation values" are. For many it is about the meat. The regulations allow for harvest...then enough said.

Over limit...multiple rods...these defineable infractions are what should be discussed. I can kill my 5 trout a day...every day...so long as I eat what I catch each day...with no stock piling in the freezer.


Limit – refers to the maximum number of fish you are allowed to keep or have in your possession (see Catch Limits).


Catch Limits

In this Guide the word “limit” refers to the number of fish you are allowed to keep or have in your possession. As outlined below, you may not exceed the limit at any water body fished, nor possess more fish than the provincewide maximum.

Possession: A fish is considered retained (kept) when it is not immediately returned to the waters from which it was taken.

If the fish you catch is of a legal species and legal size, immediately decide to release or keep it as part of your day’s limit. Fish kept on a stringer or a live well are considered retained and are part of your limit. (See releasing live or prohibited fish.)

Before fishing in any lake or stream you must locate, within this guide, the Fish Management Zone and Watershed Unit in which it is found. Determine whether or not the lake or stream is listed under the “Lake and Stream Listings” section (see instructions under “Site-Specific Regulations” for each Watershed Unit.)

The number of fish you are allowed to keep while fishing in one day is equal to the limit listed for each species or group of species at the lake or stream being fished, including any fish eaten or given away that day.

When you are fishing at any lake or stream you may not have in your possession more fish than the limit, or fish other than those of legal size, listed for the lake or stream being fished.

The number of fish of each species you may possess at the end of a fishing trip, regardless of the number of days fished, is equal to a 1 day limit for the water body fished, including fish stored at home.
Province-wide maximum possession – All fish kept from any lake or stream, from any Watershed Unit, count as part of the province-wide maximum possession that must not be exceeded. The maximum number of fish you may have, including fish at your home and fish caught under a special harvest licence, for each game fish species or group of species is listed below:

Trout and Arctic Grayling – 5 in total, combined of:
0 bull trout (native to Alberta);
2 Northern Dolly Varden (stocked in Chester Lake only);
1 golden trout;
2 Arctic grayling;
3 lake trout;
5 cutthroat trout;
5 rainbow trout;
5 brown trout;
5 brook trout.

Mountain Whitefish – 5 in total.
Walleye and Sauger – 3 in combined total.
Northern Pike – 3 in total.
Yellow Perch – 15 in total.
Lake Whitefish and Cisco (Tullibee) – 10 in combined total.
Goldeye and Mooneye – 10 in combined total.
Burbot (Ling) – 10 in total.
Lake Sturgeon – 0
Non-game fish – no restriction on the numbers kept.
NOTE: The limits and size restrictions that exist at specific lakes and streams are listed in the Watershed Unit sections of each Fish Management Zone.
Old 06-28-2011, 08:28 AM
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I am not talking about people who fish LEGALLY and stay within their limits....I am talking about POACHERS....

Old 06-28-2011, 08:29 AM
boot boot is offline
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
really...are we going through this again....

I made no mention of race yet you choose my post to flame....I was just confirming what I have seen how do you know I was even talking about a visible minority??? cause guess what I WASN'T!!

I live in Beaumont I welcome you to come out any evening for a fish "boot" and you can see for yourself.

If you haven't been to said pond then you are only speculating.....I have and do go to said pond and I have observed transgressions.

All the best to you.


PS. Mods you can lock this one down cause once "boot" chimes in thats where it is headed....check his history on things....
I guess we are going through this again. Please keep in mind that I'm not the one that starts these threads.

Although your post didn't mention Filipinos, the discussion of groups of people taking "too many" fish was directed at them (see previous posts). Your post went even further by suggesting they only bring the children out so they can increase their greedy limits. Even if you're not talking about Filipinos, how do you know what other people's intentions are?
Old 06-28-2011, 08:36 AM
pattycr125 pattycr125 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
Now blame the rascist "fly fisherman" ? Like people blame the bowhunters? oh the humanity!!!! LOL. Poachers are poachers...some people knowingly poach and some have no clue they are breaking the rules.

I fly fish and spin fish and I think all other fisherman are better than me....what does that make me?

I also attempt fly fishing from time to time but to be honest any encounters i have ever had with a fly fisherman have been negative as they always come off as snotty *****s and by no means do i provoke it, i keep to myself when fishing, i guess they just feel the need to come by and say a few snotty remarks and ruin peoples fun and then they are on their way.

I even have a friend who is strictly a fly fisherman, he cannot even cast a normal fishing rod and has the attitude that he is better than me and that normal fishing is stupid. i don't get it.

however i know all fly fishermen are not like this, i suppose those guys keep to themselves as well. but the people i speak of give fly fishermen a bad reputation.

but then again in fairness i have seen quite a few idiots who spin fish as well
Old 06-28-2011, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by boot View Post
I guess we are going through this again. Please keep in mind that I'm not the one that starts these threads.

Although your post didn't mention Filipinos, the discussion of groups of people taking "too many" fish was directed at them (see previous posts). Your post went even further by suggesting they only bring the children out so they can increase their greedy limits. Even if you're not talking about Filipinos, how do you know what other people's intentions are?

#1 whatever you have against me just come out and say it....
#2, I never started the post
#3, never in my posts did I make mention of race...only mention of poachers
#4, DO NOT I mean DO NOT put words in my mouth...
#5, when I see 2 guys have 15-20 fish between them (limit is 5) and no one else is around FISHING with them (limits are for "fishermen" or "fisherpeople" (heaven forbid a feminist chimed in against me), not people present), then when they are about to leave the rest of the family joins them....I have issue with that. As a responsible sportsman you should too.

Really does it matter?.... fish out the lake all you want they will winter kill anyways...when I take my Son down to fish some evening I would like for him to have a chance at catching some at some point. That lake usually gets fished out by fall.....

I am not sure where you live but I would love to take you fishing Boot, we can head down with the Wives and children (I have 2) not sure how many you have and we can have a fun time. Then I will let you make your own conclusions about what happens down there.....the invite is open.


Last edited by Lefty-Canuck; 06-28-2011 at 08:44 AM.
Old 06-28-2011, 08:42 AM
flyfishing only 902 flyfishing only 902 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post

When fishing the regulations apply regardless as to what other person's "conservation values" are. For many it is about the meat. The regulations allow for harvest...then enough said.

Over limit...multiple rods...these defineable infractions are what should be discussed. I can kill my 5 trout a day...every day...so long as I eat what I catch each day...with no stock piling in the freezer.


Limit – refers to the maximum number of fish you are allowed to keep or have in your possession (see Catch Limits).


Catch Limits

In this Guide the word “limit” refers to the number of fish you are allowed to keep or have in your possession. As outlined below, you may not exceed the limit at any water body fished, nor possess more fish than the provincewide maximum.

Possession: A fish is considered retained (kept) when it is not immediately returned to the waters from which it was taken.

If the fish you catch is of a legal species and legal size, immediately decide to release or keep it as part of your day’s limit. Fish kept on a stringer or a live well are considered retained and are part of your limit. (See releasing live or prohibited fish.)

Before fishing in any lake or stream you must locate, within this guide, the Fish Management Zone and Watershed Unit in which it is found. Determine whether or not the lake or stream is listed under the “Lake and Stream Listings” section (see instructions under “Site-Specific Regulations” for each Watershed Unit.)

The number of fish you are allowed to keep while fishing in one day is equal to the limit listed for each species or group of species at the lake or stream being fished, including any fish eaten or given away that day.

When you are fishing at any lake or stream you may not have in your possession more fish than the limit, or fish other than those of legal size, listed for the lake or stream being fished.

The number of fish of each species you may possess at the end of a fishing trip, regardless of the number of days fished, is equal to a 1 day limit for the water body fished, including fish stored at home.
Province-wide maximum possession – All fish kept from any lake or stream, from any Watershed Unit, count as part of the province-wide maximum possession that must not be exceeded. The maximum number of fish you may have, including fish at your home and fish caught under a special harvest licence, for each game fish species or group of species is listed below:

Trout and Arctic Grayling – 5 in total, combined of:
0 bull trout (native to Alberta);
2 Northern Dolly Varden (stocked in Chester Lake only);
1 golden trout;
2 Arctic grayling;
3 lake trout;
5 cutthroat trout;
5 rainbow trout;
5 brown trout;
5 brook trout.

Mountain Whitefish – 5 in total.
Walleye and Sauger – 3 in combined total.
Northern Pike – 3 in total.
Yellow Perch – 15 in total.
Lake Whitefish and Cisco (Tullibee) – 10 in combined total.
Goldeye and Mooneye – 10 in combined total.
Burbot (Ling) – 10 in total.
Lake Sturgeon – 0
Non-game fish – no restriction on the numbers kept.
NOTE: The limits and size restrictions that exist at specific lakes and streams are listed in the Watershed Unit sections of each Fish Management Zone.
thank you for pointing this out. it says to me just like everywhere else i have lived in Canada that this INCLUDES the fish you have at home in your fridge or freezer. so yes someone could go and catch (whatever the limit is) fish per person everyday go home and eat them then return the following day to do it all over again. that would be perfectly legal. what isnt legal is going catching the limit returning home and stock piling in the freezer. also if they are children they are under the adults license they are with which doesnt change the limit as far as i understand.

and i couldnt agree more that it is our resource not just as sportfishermen/people, but it is our duty as citizens to report what illegal activity we see,not confront but REPORT. fisheries officers like police can only do so much on their own. if we dont stand up for the resource its just a matter of time before its no longer there to enjoy.
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