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Old 01-22-2011, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by 209x50 View Post
Pffft! What was he taught? A little beat down = big money!!! Some lesson...
the cop should of known better sticks and stones may break bones but names ______ well you know .
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Old 01-22-2011, 06:30 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
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(if it was a case of disrespect)

Thats what some of those mouthy punks need. I bet he'll think twice before he hurls another insult at an RCMP officer.
Then again,if he launches a successful lawsuit,he may come away a big winner.

After the recent cases where the RCMP have been caught assaulting people on camera,it is them that needs to think twice before they act.
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Old 01-22-2011, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Ianhntr View Post
Yes, but who appoints the civilian board, and who determines their terms of reference?
Good question, maybe a vote like the school board, no that would just turn into electing people dependant on their political leanings. Hmm good point.
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:05 PM
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What ya'll complaining about. Probably the same guy who is out there breaking into your home and vehicles, stealing your hard earned belongings, maybe raping your daughters/wives and you wouldn't give em the smack down eh?

These guys are punks, habitual jailbirds, they have no respect for you or I and definitely no respect for cops. I'm saying if this punk was beeking, hurling insults at the officer (do you think he was being a goody two shoes) he got what he deserved and I'll say it again, too bad the officer got caught on camera. Its in the bible if that means anything to some of you guys, spare the rod and spoil the child, an eye for an eye, naahh, give em free board and lodging, a warm bed, maybe a computer and TV, after they serve their time they'll have learned there lesson.
Give your head a shake if thats your train of thought.
Yep spineless Canada and it's spinless people!
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:19 PM
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So individual cops should be judge, jury and punisher? Give your head a shake Tuc...So was kicking the guy in the face in Kamloops just a cop not sparing the rod. I'd like to think we live in a somewhat civilized society where we don't need to fear the cops but we look to them for protection.

I think you need to brush up on the Bible too...nowhere in there does it say spare the rod spoil the child...that saying is from a poem and I doubt an eye for an eye is from any bible you've read......lol Worst bible analogies ever Tuc.
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:31 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Default who's spineless???

Originally Posted by Tuc View Post
What ya'll complaining about. Probably the same guy who is out there breaking into your home and vehicles, stealing your hard earned belongings, maybe raping your daughters/wives and you wouldn't give em the smack down eh?

These guys are punks, habitual jailbirds, they have no respect for you or I and definitely no respect for cops. I'm saying if this punk was beeking, hurling insults at the officer (do you think he was being a goody two shoes) he got what he deserved and I'll say it again, too bad the officer got caught on camera. Its in the bible if that means anything to some of you guys, spare the rod and spoil the child, an eye for an eye, naahh, give em free board and lodging, a warm bed, maybe a computer and TV, after they serve their time they'll have learned there lesson.
Give your head a shake if thats your train of thought.
Yep spineless Canada and it's spinless people!
I have a feeling the cop wouldn't be so tough if the guy was the same size as he was and stone sober. It is no measure of a man when you have to wait for someone in such a weakened state to take advantage of him and lay a beating on him. COWARD!! Waiting for the right moment to surprise a half drunk guy and slam his head into a cement wall. What bravery! I have no problem with someone defending themselves or their property, but laying a beating on someone because they mouthed off to you is a lot extreme...especially when you're supposed to be the one in control. This cop lost all control and let this guy get the better of him...now hopefully, he will lose his career. This cop should be on the loading docks or something out of the public eye.

Incidentally...an eye for and eye scenario would have involved the officer replying with a smart alec remark...not beating the **** out of the guy.

All I can say is thank God for video...otherwise I wonder what kind of story would have been fabricated to justify beating this guy.
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:31 PM
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Really, it's not me that needs to brush up, then again bible principals have gone out the door in todays world, I guess the criminals have all the rights.

"He who spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes" (Proverbs 13:24) and "Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs 23:13-14)

Exodus 21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

So much for my fairytales Sheep, King James version incase your interested.

So was kicking the guy in the face in Kamloops just a cop not sparing the rod.
Was the guy being an azz and beeking or was he cooperating with the office. That pretty well explains my answer.
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:38 PM
SonnyJ SonnyJ is offline
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Bible quotes??

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Old 01-22-2011, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Tuc View Post
Was the guy being an azz and beeking or was he cooperating with the office. That pretty well explains my answer.
Well the cop that kicked him in the face must have thought he was justified..I mean that could have been one of those guys raping your wives and daughter. Come on Tuc, the cop beat up a drunk and he waited till he had his sweatshirt over his head and couldn't fight back. I don't see how cops like that are good for society.
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:39 PM
Walleyes Walleyes is offline
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Originally Posted by Tuc View Post
What ya'll complaining about. Probably the same guy who is out there breaking into your home and vehicles, stealing your hard earned belongings, maybe raping your daughters/wives and you wouldn't give em the smack down eh?

These guys are punks, habitual jailbirds, they have no respect for you or I and definitely no respect for cops. I'm saying if this punk was beeking, hurling insults at the officer (do you think he was being a goody two shoes) he got what he deserved and I'll say it again, too bad the officer got caught on camera. Its in the bible if that means anything to some of you guys, spare the rod and spoil the child, an eye for an eye, naahh, give em free board and lodging, a warm bed, maybe a computer and TV, after they serve their time they'll have learned there lesson.
Give your head a shake if thats your train of thought.
Yep spineless Canada and it's spineless people!
Right on Tuc,, you hit this one on the head.. I have absolutely no sympathy for this punk,, nun what so ever..

What we need is more of this going on, then more of these useless punks might actually have some fear and or respect for law and authority instead of the mayham we have going on in this useless society we have today.. All any of you are doing is feeding these useless freaks and making them out to be the martyrs,, well done !!

Don't any of you ever come on here and complain about the punks, thieves or azzholes that we deal with every day.. Nun of you want any punishment for their actions.. Oh hey lets just give them a hug and send them on their way.. Bull Sh!t !!,, beat them into submission then they will learn respect...

Forget your bull psychology,, thats what has put our society in the situation we are in .. Are you going to tell me that 100 years ago some dumb little ? would have lipped off the local sheriff or Marshall and never got a fricken beating ?? They didn't lip off in the first place because they damn well knew if they did what was coming down the pike..

In closing word,,,

Put your fricken hat on straight, pull up your pants, quick dragging your feet when you walk and be a man and answer yes sir and yes mam when your done being told what to do !!!!

Last edited by lilsundance; 01-22-2011 at 09:09 PM. Reason: language
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:58 PM
SonnyJ SonnyJ is offline
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Judge Roy Bean would be proud of some of you guys.
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Walleyes View Post
Right on Tuc,, you hit this one on the head.. I have absolutely no sympathy for this punk,, nun what so ever..

What we need is more of this going on, then more of these useless punks might actually have some fear and or respect for law and authority instead of the mayham we have going on in this useless society we have today.. All any of you are doing is feeding these useless freaks and making them out to be the martyrs,, well done !!

Don't any of you ever come on here and complain about the punks, thieves or azzholes that we deal with every day.. Nun of you want any punishment for their actions.. Oh hey lets just give them a hug and send them on their way.. Bull Sh!t !!,, beat them into submission then they will learn respect...

Forget your bull psychology,, thats what has put our society in the situation we are in .. Are you going to tell me that 100 years ago some dumb little pr!ck would have lipped off the local sheriff or Marshall and never got a fricken beating ?? They didn't lip off in the first place because they damn well knew if they did what was coming down the pike..

In closing word,,,

Put your fricken hat on straight, pull up your pants, quick dragging your feet when you walk and be a man and answer yes sir and yes mam when your done being told what to do !!!!
So that means anytime you've done anything wrong you should of got a couple shots to the head from the way I understand your thread.There is nothing in the video that shows he deserved to be hit. Like I said in my earlier posts alchohol makes people do stupid things, I'm not makin excuses but we have all done stupid things when we are drunk. I'm all for punishing the bad guys but let the punishment fit the crime.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

Last edited by lilsundance; 01-22-2011 at 09:12 PM. Reason: language
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:04 PM
Walleyes Walleyes is offline
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Originally Posted by SonnyJ View Post
Judge Roy Bean would be proud of some of you guys.

No doubt he would be..

Trudeau and a whole train load of Liberals would be damn proud of a crap load of you as well.. All their brain washing is finally paying off in this country... Pretty soon you will all be lining up to sign in your guns with smiles on your faces just to keep up with society...
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:08 PM
SonnyJ SonnyJ is offline
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Originally Posted by Walleyes View Post
No doubt he would be..

Trudeau and a whole train load of Liberals would be damn proud of a crap load of you as well.. All their brain washing is finally paying off in this country... Pretty soon you will all be lining up to sign in your guns with smiles on your faces just to keep up with society...
don't mention Trudeau to me mkay?

Last edited by SonnyJ; 01-22-2011 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:45 PM
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Walleyes, I see you are ole school, smart man!

Come on Tuc, the cop beat up a drunk and he waited till he had his sweatshirt over his head and couldn't fight back. I don't see how cops like that are good for society
Sheep, I guess some guys shouldn't get drunk and lose control eh!
You see, some drunks are allergic to alcohol, they get drunk, break out into a broken nose and t00 black eyes. I wonder who was responsible for him drinking that liquor and ending up in jail, it wasn't me. If you live by the sword, chances are you'll die by the sword.
Sorry Sheep, I don't agree with you bleeding hearts, some of them punks need a damn good azz kicking and apparently thats what that fellow received. Koodos to the cop for speaking the punks language!

Sheep have you ever been broken into, have your property vandilized or threatened by a punk. We the citizen are helpless to do anything about it other than call the cops. The punks go to jail, they board em, feed em and give em a computer to plan their next job with there outside buddies. See, punks don't fear jail but a darn good world of hurt they listen too. You and I both know it's going to be a long time before he beeks off to another cop unless he's completly stupid. Kids today have no fear, you can't touch em or they will have you charged. When I was growing up, I did what I was told or else. I loved and I also feared my Dad. Kids today don't have that fear that some of us ole timers grew up with. Most of them are out there with the notion, know matter what I do you can't touch me. Ok, now look at society. There have always been bad guys in our jails but now there are soo many of them they have to build more jails.

Sorry but I don't believe the present rehabilitation system is working. If the shoe fits wear it, if you disrespect a cop and wanna give him a hard time, you just might end up with that shoe up around your tonsils somewhere.
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Tuc View Post
What ya'll complaining about. Probably the same guy who is out there breaking into your home and vehicles, stealing your hard earned belongings, maybe raping your daughters/wives and you wouldn't give em the smack down eh?

These guys are punks, habitual jailbirds, they have no respect for you or I and definitely no respect for cops. I'm saying if this punk was beeking, hurling insults at the officer (do you think he was being a goody two shoes) he got what he deserved and I'll say it again, too bad the officer got caught on camera. Its in the bible if that means anything to some of you guys, spare the rod and spoil the child, an eye for an eye, naahh, give em free board and lodging, a warm bed, maybe a computer and TV, after they serve their time they'll have learned there lesson.
Give your head a shake if thats your train of thought.
Yep spineless Canada and it's spinless people!

You give your head a shake, the day cops become judge and jury is a sad day for all of us. There is a thing called due prosess. Spineless is someone that takes advanage of a situation just because they can. I'm all for procecuting to the full extent of the law, but that's up to the judge not some Joe having his menses.
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:50 PM
SonnyJ SonnyJ is offline
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Originally Posted by Tuc View Post

Sorry but I don't believe the present rehabilitation system is working. If the shoe fits wear it, if you disrespect a cop and wanna give him a hard time, you just might end up with that shoe up around your tonsils somewhere.
So are you saying that all cops are good and that there are no bad ones?
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Old 01-22-2011, 09:01 PM
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Spineless is someone that takes advanage of a situation just because they can.
OH comeeee onnnn, how do you know he took advantage just because he could. Do you think that fellow was cooperating or giving a hard time. I bet the latter. Do you think a cop is going to beat you up just for the hell of it.

Yes there are bad cops. Or should I say corrupt cops, I don't think I would put the officer in that category just because he gave some punk what he deserved. If you misbehave in jail those guards are all over you like flies on sh*t. I guess the cops have to take the sh*t and abuse because they're cops.
No buddy, you give your head a shake!
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Old 01-22-2011, 09:42 PM
dumoulin dumoulin is offline
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I think the RCMPs are under a lot of pressure. One false move from anyone and one of them can snap. I don't want to make it sound like it was okay for him to behave this way, but you have to wonder why? Poeple don't lose it for nothing? Working in the public eye is a tough gig your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Public servant work for the public but aren't owned by the public. This said, they represent you and I and their behaviour relect on everyone...
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Old 01-22-2011, 10:08 PM
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So Tuc...who should decide which people in custody get beat up and which ones don't? You seem to have a bit of a double standard here. Why was the guy in Kelowna any less deserving? The police felt he had committed a crime....no different than the guy in Lac La Biche.
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Old 01-22-2011, 10:23 PM
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It's 2 issues.

1. The bureaucracy

2. The hiring practice

Case in point.

My neighbor is a very senior RCMP member, as in white shirt company car kind of senior. He has been discreet with me during some driveway chats about not being able to fire guys that he wants to fire because of the "system". He basically complained about how useless some of his guys are and his desire to get rid of them but being unable to because of the system.

The second issue is the hiring practice. Times are good, who wants to be a cop for 50k a year starting when they can work in the oilfield for double that. They are desperate for people, gone are the days of hiring visible minorities with degrees and french people from Quebec exclusively (reverse discrimination on tough white Ukrainian farm kids that can do the job properly). Essentially what they are stuck hiring is the general hardcore, small penis sociopaths whose only goal in life is be a policeman so they can have the power they didn't have in school as they got rejected by every girl they asked out because of their weirdness. There in itself rests the issue.

Yes, they should be disbanded. They should actually have a referendum on it. It's far too political and huge, needs to go local and accountable. My 2 cents.
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:33 AM
Ianhntr Ianhntr is offline
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Well, here I go again, yes the drunk needed an adjustment, not the cops job!! We've got a system that is supposed to deal with that. Taking the law into your own hands is BS even at the civilian level, but if you've had the training, you've had the experience, then you better be able to handle it, THAT IS PART OF WHAT YOU'RE PAID FOR! I'll say it again Tuc, if he's reacting like that to a short verbal, then what do you suppose this boy is going to do when it gets tough?
Yes the members have a tough job, always have.
Deerhuntercentral, I can tell you your neighbour is right dead on. That is one of the managers who are in too short a supply. The force needs to have that man in Regina training and boot out some of the ones who don't belong. Trouble is, they are the ones that are usually overlooked in these days.
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Old 01-23-2011, 08:19 PM
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Sheep, noone in custody should get a beat down but, if you are being an azzhole to the cop and he decides to give you one, chances are your deserving of it.

Lookit you apparently don't see my point out of all this, lets agree to disagree.
I will say no more on it.
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:49 PM
cleson cleson is offline
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"Well, judge, here's how it happened. I was in the corner reading my bible, trying to relax after a long day of handing sandwiches and soup to the poor and unfortunate, when this unruly cop burst in and beat me until I sharted."

That's always the way it happens. The RCMP are just blood thirsty psychos, and they "angels" that they beat are victims. I dunno. I do agree that some police are overly agressive, but they have a high stress job. I can sort of understand why they get out of hand. I don't condone it, but every story I have ever heard of someone getting beat, it always seems like all the truth is not coming out. Usually, if you are being questioned by a cop, it's because you are a bad guy, or are suspected of being a bad guy. I didn't bother watching it. As I said. I certainly don't condone this behaviour, but I also don't envy cops in today's world. There is No Respect. They have it tough/
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:59 PM
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You have to give respect to get respect.
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
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Old 01-24-2011, 12:31 AM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by cleson View Post
"Well, judge, here's how it happened. I was in the corner reading my bible, trying to relax after a long day of handing sandwiches and soup to the poor and unfortunate, when this unruly cop burst in and beat me until I sharted."

That's always the way it happens. The RCMP are just blood thirsty psychos, and they "angels" that they beat are victims. I dunno. I do agree that some police are overly agressive, but they have a high stress job. I can sort of understand why they get out of hand. I don't condone it, but every story I have ever heard of someone getting beat, it always seems like all the truth is not coming out. Usually, if you are being questioned by a cop, it's because you are a bad guy, or are suspected of being a bad guy. I didn't bother watching it. As I said. I certainly don't condone this behaviour, but I also don't envy cops in today's world. There is No Respect. They have it tough/
so being suspected of being a bad guy is enough for a cop to beat you?

when did the cops become judge jury and executioner?
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Old 01-24-2011, 01:27 AM
cleson cleson is offline
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So if you are suspected, I guess you should be nice and lawyer up. If you yap off to the cops, you just give them a reason. I don't support cops beating on people unless force is the last resort, but I can see why it happens. They are immersed in the crap of this world for 8 hours a day. I am sure there are many cops that abuse their power, but as some of the old timers here have already said, there once was a time when you had to be a certain size to be a cop, and the uniform commanded a certain amount of respect. I do not support cops beating on inocent people, or even guilty people if it is not necessary. I also don't support criminals who feel that they can disrespect all that we have worked so hard to build in this society. I will normally side with the cops over the bad guys 99% of the time.
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Old 01-24-2011, 01:39 AM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by cleson View Post
So if you are suspected, I guess you should be nice and lawyer up. If you yap off to the cops, you just give them a reason. I don't support cops beating on people unless force is the last resort, but I can see why it happens. They are immersed in the crap of this world for 8 hours a day. I am sure there are many cops that abuse their power, but as some of the old timers here have already said, there once was a time when you had to be a certain size to be a cop, and the uniform commanded a certain amount of respect. I do not support cops beating on inocent people, or even guilty people if it is not necessary. I also don't support criminals who feel that they can disrespect all that we have worked so hard to build in this society. I will normally side with the cops over the bad guys 99% of the time.
cops like everybody else in this country have the right to leave their job if they don't like it, or to have not get involved at all if they didn't want to,lots of jobs are stressful that doesn't give people the right to beat other people cause there jobs are stressful,I have been in rigs in the past where everything is going wrong stuck in the hole,trucks are there charging $5000 an hour and calgary is ****ting all over the consultant, does that give him the right to go out and assault a roughneck cause his job is stressful?cops are not judges if they wanted to be they should have become lawyers,it's their job to enforce the laws not to enact punishment as they see fit.that's the justice systems job,sure they have a stressful job nobody doubts that but they knew what they were getting in for when they signed up,and most are afraid to lose there position or pension once they realize it's not for them, so they stay on the job and assault people like this.
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Old 01-24-2011, 02:06 AM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
...is very professional and their image is being soiled by a few bad apples. TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE RCMP!
maybe it is their way of cleaning house...
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Old 01-24-2011, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by cleson View Post
"Well, judge, here's how it happened. I was in the corner reading my bible, trying to relax after a long day of handing sandwiches and soup to the poor and unfortunate, when this unruly cop burst in and beat me until I sharted."

That's always the way it happens. The RCMP are just blood thirsty psychos, and they "angels" that they beat are victims. I dunno. I do agree that some police are overly agressive, but they have a high stress job. I can sort of understand why they get out of hand. I don't condone it, but every story I have ever heard of someone getting beat, it always seems like all the truth is not coming out. Usually, if you are being questioned by a cop, it's because you are a bad guy, or are suspected of being a bad guy. I didn't bother watching it. As I said. I certainly don't condone this behaviour, but I also don't envy cops in today's world. There is No Respect. They have it tough/
Thats pretty much the way they work these days "Guilty until proven Innocent"...Sad very Sad !!!!
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